blob: 4381f4ba92b410b64c5fb6c437592c0c988de32a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chromecast/base/chromecast_switches.h"
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
namespace switches {
// Value indicating whether flag from command line switch is true.
const char kSwitchValueTrue[] = "true";
// Value indicating whether flag from command line switch is false.
const char kSwitchValueFalse[] = "false";
// Server url to upload crash data to.
// Default is "" for prod devices.
// Default is "" for non prod.
const char kCrashServerUrl[] = "crash-server-url";
// Switch to disable Crash reporting
const char kDisableCrashReporter[] = "disable-crash-reporter";
// Enable file accesses. It should not be enabled for most Cast devices.
const char kEnableLocalFileAccesses[] = "enable-local-file-accesses";
// Override the URL to which metrics logs are sent for debugging.
const char kOverrideMetricsUploadUrl[] = "override-metrics-upload-url";
// Disable features that require WiFi management.
const char kNoWifi[] = "no-wifi";
// Pass the app id information to the renderer process, to be used for logging.
// last-launched-app should be the app that just launched and is spawning the
// renderer.
const char kLastLaunchedApp[] = "last-launched-app";
// previous-app should be the app that was running when last-launched-app
// started.
const char kPreviousApp[] = "previous-app";
// Flag indicating that a resource provider must be set up to provide cast
// receiver with resources. Apps cannot start until provided resources.
// This flag implies --alsa-check-close-timeout=0.
const char kAcceptResourceProvider[] = "accept-resource-provider";
// Size of the ALSA output buffer in frames. This directly sets the latency of
// the output device. Latency can be calculated by multiplying the sample rate
// by the output buffer size.
const char kAlsaOutputBufferSize[] = "alsa-output-buffer-size";
// Size of the ALSA output period in frames. The period of an ALSA output device
// determines how many frames elapse between hardware interrupts.
const char kAlsaOutputPeriodSize[] = "alsa-output-period-size";
// How many frames need to be in the output buffer before output starts.
const char kAlsaOutputStartThreshold[] = "alsa-output-start-threshold";
// Minimum number of available frames for scheduling a transfer.
const char kAlsaOutputAvailMin[] = "alsa-output-avail-min";
// Time in ms to wait before closing the PCM handle when no more mixer inputs
// remain. Assumed to be 0 if --accept-resource-provider is present.
const char kAlsaCheckCloseTimeout[] = "alsa-check-close-timeout";
// Flag that enables resampling audio with sample rate below 32kHz up to 48kHz.
// Should be set to true for internal audio products.
const char kAlsaEnableUpsampling[] = "alsa-enable-upsampling";
// Optional flag to set a fixed sample rate for the alsa device.
// Deprecated: Use --audio-output-sample-rate instead.
const char kAlsaFixedOutputSampleRate[] = "alsa-fixed-output-sample-rate";
// Name of the simple mixer control element that the ALSA-based media library
// should use to control the volume.
const char kAlsaVolumeElementName[] = "alsa-volume-element-name";
// Name of the device the volume control mixer should be opened on. Will use the
// same device as kAlsaOutputDevice and fall back to "default" if
// kAlsaOutputDevice is not supplied.
const char kAlsaVolumeDeviceName[] = "alsa-volume-device-name";
// Name of the simple mixer control element that the ALSA-based media library
// should use to mute the system.
const char kAlsaMuteElementName[] = "alsa-mute-element-name";
// Name of the device the mute mixer should be opened on. If this flag is not
// specified it will default to the same device as kAlsaVolumeDeviceName.
const char kAlsaMuteDeviceName[] = "alsa-mute-device-name";
// Name of the simple mixer control element that the ALSA-based media library
// should use to toggle powersave mode on the system.
const char kAlsaAmpElementName[] = "alsa-amp-element-name";
// Name of the device the amp mixer should be opened on. If this flag is not
// specified it will default to the same device as kAlsaVolumeDeviceName.
const char kAlsaAmpDeviceName[] = "alsa-amp-device-name";
// Calibrated max output volume dBa for voice content at 1 meter, if known.
const char kMaxOutputVolumeDba1m[] = "max-output-volume-dba1m";
// Number of audio output channels. This will be used to send audio buffer with
// specific number of channels to ALSA and generate loopback audio. Default
// value is 2.
const char kAudioOutputChannels[] = "audio-output-channels";
// Specify fixed sample rate for audio output stream. If this flag is not
// specified the StreamMixer will choose sample rate based on the sample rate of
// the media stream.
const char kAudioOutputSampleRate[] = "audio-output-sample-rate";
// Some platforms typically have very little 'free' memory, but plenty is
// available in buffers+cached. For such platforms, configure this amount
// as the portion of buffers+cached memory that should be treated as
// unavailable. If this switch is not used, a simple pressure heuristic based
// purely on free memory will be used.
const char kMemPressureSystemReservedKb[] = "mem-pressure-system-reserved-kb";
// Used to pass initial screen resolution to GPU process. This allows us to set
// screen size correctly (so no need to resize when first window is created).
const char kCastInitialScreenWidth[] = "cast-initial-screen-width";
const char kCastInitialScreenHeight[] = "cast-initial-screen-height";
const char kGraphicsBufferCount[] = "graphics-buffer-count";
// Overrides the vsync interval used by the GPU process to refresh the display.
const char kVSyncInterval[] = "vsync-interval";
// When present, desktop cast_shell will create 1080p window (provided display
// resolution is high enough). Otherwise, cast_shell defaults to 720p.
const char kDesktopWindow1080p[] = "desktop-window-1080p";
// When present overrides the screen resolution used by CanDisplayType API,
// instead of using the values obtained from avsettings.
const char kForceMediaResolutionHeight[] = "force-media-resolution-height";
const char kForceMediaResolutionWidth[] = "force-media-resolution-width";
// Enables input event handling by the window manager.
const char kEnableInput[] = "enable-input";
// Background color used when Chromium hasn't rendered anything yet.
const char kCastAppBackgroundColor[] = "cast-app-background-color";
// The number of pixels from the very left or right of the screen to consider as
// a valid origin for the left or right swipe gesture. Overrides the default
// value in
const char kSystemGestureStartWidth[] = "system-gesture-start-width";
// The number of pixels from the very top or bottom of the screen to consider as
// a valid origin for the top or bottom swipe gesture. Overrides the default
// value in
const char kSystemGestureStartHeight[] = "system-gesture-start-height";
// The number of pixels up from the bottom of the screen to consider as a valid
// origin for a bottom swipe gesture. If set, overrides the value of both the
// above system-gesture-start-height flag and the default value in
const char kBottomSystemGestureStartHeight[] = "bottom-gesture-start-height";
// The number of pixels from the start of a left swipe gesture to consider as a
// 'back' gesture.
const char kBackGestureHorizontalThreshold[] =
// Whether to enable detection and dispatch of a 'drag from the top' gesture.
const char kEnableTopDragGesture[] = "enable-top-drag-gesture";
// Endpoint that the mixer service listens on. On Linux/Android, this is a
// path for a UNIX domain socket (default is /tmp/mixer-service). On other
// platforms, this is a TCP port to listen on (on localhost) (default 12854).
const char kMixerServiceEndpoint[] = "mixer-service-endpoint";
extern const char kCastMemoryPressureCriticalFraction[] =
extern const char kCastMemoryPressureModerateFraction[] =
} // namespace switches
namespace chromecast {
bool GetSwitchValueBoolean(const std::string& switch_string,
const bool default_value) {
const base::CommandLine* command_line =
if (command_line->HasSwitch(switch_string)) {
if (command_line->GetSwitchValueASCII(switch_string) !=
switches::kSwitchValueTrue &&
command_line->GetSwitchValueASCII(switch_string) !=
switches::kSwitchValueFalse &&
command_line->GetSwitchValueASCII(switch_string) != "") {
LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid switch value " << switch_string << "="
<< command_line->GetSwitchValueASCII(switch_string)
<< "; assuming default value of " << default_value;
return default_value;
return command_line->GetSwitchValueASCII(switch_string) !=
return default_value;
int GetSwitchValueInt(const std::string& switch_name, const int default_value) {
const base::CommandLine* command_line =
if (!command_line->HasSwitch(switch_name)) {
return default_value;
int arg_value;
if (!base::StringToInt(command_line->GetSwitchValueASCII(switch_name),
&arg_value)) {
LOG(DFATAL) << "--" << switch_name << " only accepts integers as arguments";
return default_value;
return arg_value;
int GetSwitchValueNonNegativeInt(const std::string& switch_name,
const int default_value) {
DCHECK_GE(default_value, 0)
<< "--" << switch_name << " must have a non-negative default value";
int value = GetSwitchValueInt(switch_name, default_value);
if (value < 0) {
LOG(DFATAL) << "--" << switch_name << " must have a non-negative value";
return default_value;
return value;
double GetSwitchValueDouble(const std::string& switch_name,
const double default_value) {
const base::CommandLine* command_line =
if (!command_line->HasSwitch(switch_name)) {
return default_value;
double arg_value;
if (!base::StringToDouble(command_line->GetSwitchValueASCII(switch_name),
&arg_value)) {
LOG(DFATAL) << "--" << switch_name << " only accepts numbers as arguments";
return default_value;
return arg_value;
uint32_t GetSwitchValueColor(const std::string& switch_name,
const uint32_t default_value) {
const base::CommandLine* command_line =
if (!command_line->HasSwitch(switch_name)) {
return default_value;
uint32_t arg_value = 0;
if (!base::HexStringToUInt(
&arg_value)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid value for " << switch_name << " ("
<< command_line->GetSwitchValueASCII(switch_name)
<< "), using default.";
return default_value;
return arg_value;
} // namespace chromecast