blob: c79b6c341239b1abacdfa46021c160742b4e6886 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// **
// ** NOTICE
// **
// ** The notification system is deprecated, obsolete, and is slowly being
// ** removed. See and
// **
// ** Please don't add any new notification types, and please help migrate
// ** existing uses of the notification types below to use the Observer and
// ** Callback patterns.
// **
namespace content {
enum NotificationType {
// General -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Special signal value to represent an interest in all notifications.
// Not valid when posting a notification.
// NavigationController ----------------------------------------------------
// A new pending navigation has been created. Pending entries are created
// when the user requests the navigation. We don't know if it will actually
// happen until it does (at this point, it will be "committed." Note that
// renderer- initiated navigations such as link clicks will never be
// pending.
// This notification is called after the pending entry is created, but
// before we actually try to navigate. The source will be the
// NavigationController that owns the pending entry, and the details
// will be a NavigationEntry.
// A new non-pending navigation entry has been created. This will
// correspond to one NavigationController entry being created (in the case
// of new navigations) or renavigated to (for back/forward navigations).
// The source will be the navigation controller doing the commit. The
// details will be NavigationController::LoadCommittedDetails.
// DEPRECATED: Use WebContentsObserver::NavigationEntryCommitted()
// Other load-related (not from NavigationController) ----------------------
// Corresponds to ViewHostMsg_DocumentOnLoadCompletedInMainFrame. The source
// is the WebContents.
// DEPRECATED: Use WebContentsObserver::DocumentOnLoadCompletedInMainFrame()
// A content load is starting. The source will be a
// Source<NavigationController> corresponding to the tab in which the load
// is occurring. No details are expected for this notification.
// DEPRECATED: Use WebContentsObserver::DidStartLoading()
// A content load has stopped. The source will be a
// Source<NavigationController> corresponding to the tab in which the load
// is occurring. Details in the form of a LoadNotificationDetails object
// are optional.
// DEPRECATED: Use WebContentsObserver::DidStopLoading()
// WebContents ---------------------------------------------------------------
// This message is sent after a WebContents is disconnected from the
// renderer process. The source is a Source<WebContents> with a pointer to
// the WebContents (the pointer is usable). No details are expected.
// DEPRECATED: This is fired in two situations: when the render process
// crashes, in which case use WebContentsObserver::RenderProcessGone, and when
// the WebContents is being torn down, in which case use
// WebContentsObserver::WebContentsDestroyed()
// This notification is sent when a WebContents is being destroyed. Any
// object holding a reference to a WebContents can listen to that
// notification to properly reset the reference. The source is a
// Source<WebContents>.
// DEPRECATED: Use WebContentsObserver::WebContentsDestroyed()
// A RenderViewHost was created for a WebContents. The source is the
// associated WebContents, and the details is the RenderViewHost
// pointer.
// DEPRECATED: Use WebContentsObserver::RenderViewCreated()
// Indicates that a RenderProcessHost was created and its handle is now
// available. The source will be the RenderProcessHost that corresponds to
// the process.
// DEPRECATED: Use RenderProcessHostObserver::RenderProcessReady()
// Indicates that a RenderProcessHost is destructing. The source will be the
// RenderProcessHost that corresponds to the process.
// DEPRECATED: Use RenderProcessHostObserver::RenderProcessHostDestroyed()
// Indicates that a render process was closed (meaning it exited, but the
// RenderProcessHost might be reused). The source will be the corresponding
// RenderProcessHost. The details will be a ChildProcessTerminationInfo
// struct. This may get sent along with RENDERER_PROCESS_TERMINATED.
// DEPRECATED: Use RenderProcessHostObserver::RenderProcessExited()
// Indicates that a RenderWidgetHost has become unresponsive for a period of
// time. The source will be the RenderWidgetHost that corresponds to the
// hung view, and no details are expected.
// This is sent when a RenderWidgetHost is being destroyed. The source is
// the RenderWidgetHost, the details are not used.
// DEPRECATED: Use RenderWidgetHostObserver::RenderWidgetHostDestroyed()
// Sent after the renderer has updated visual properties on the main thread
// and committed the change on the compositor thread. The source is the
// RenderWidgetHost, the details are not used.
// Indicates a RenderWidgetHost has been hidden or restored. The source is
// the RWH whose visibility changed, the details is a bool set to true if
// the new state is "visible."
// Use RenderWidgetHostObserver::RenderWidgetHostVisibilityChanged()
// The focused element inside a page has changed. The source is the
// RenderViewHost. The details is a Details<const bool> that indicates whether
// or not an editable node was focused.
// Notification from WebContents that we have received a response from the
// renderer in response to a dom automation controller action. The source is
// the RenderViewHost, and the details is a string with the response.
// Custom notifications used by the embedder should start from here.
} // namespace content
// **
// ** NOTICE
// **
// ** The notification system is deprecated, obsolete, and is slowly being
// ** removed. See and
// **
// ** Please don't add any new notification types, and please help migrate
// ** existing uses of the notification types below to use the Observer and
// ** Callback patterns.
// **