blob: 662b926b953984de463e5bf8b3f59242d9327717 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""code generator for raster command buffers."""
import os
import os.path
import sys
from optparse import OptionParser
import build_cmd_buffer_lib
# Named type info object represents a named type that is used in OpenGL call
# arguments. Each named type defines a set of valid OpenGL call arguments. The
# named types are used in 'raster_cmd_buffer_functions.txt'.
# type: The actual GL type of the named type.
# valid: The list of values that are valid for both the client and the service.
# invalid: Examples of invalid values for the type. At least these values
# should be tested to be invalid.
# is_complete: The list of valid values of type are final and will not be
# modified during runtime.
# validator: If set to False will prevent creation of a ValueValidator. Values
# are still expected to be checked for validity and will be tested.
'GLState': {
'type': 'GLenum',
'valid': [
'invalid': [
'QueryObjectParameter': {
'type': 'GLenum',
'is_complete': True,
'valid': [
'QueryTarget': {
'type': 'GLenum',
'is_complete': True,
'valid': [
'invalid': [
'TextureParameter': {
'type': 'GLenum',
'valid': [
'invalid': [
'TextureWrapMode': {
'type': 'GLenum',
'valid': [
'invalid': [
'TextureMinFilterMode': {
'type': 'GLenum',
'valid': [
'invalid': [
'TextureMagFilterMode': {
'type': 'GLenum',
'valid': [
'invalid': [
'ResetStatus': {
'type': 'GLenum',
'is_complete': True,
'valid': [
'gfx::BufferUsage': {
'type': 'gfx::BufferUsage',
'valid': [
'invalid': [
'viz::ResourceFormat': {
'type': 'viz::ResourceFormat',
'valid': [
'invalid': [
# A function info object specifies the type and other special data for the
# command that will be generated. A base function info object is generated by
# parsing the "raster_cmd_buffer_functions.txt", one for each function in the
# file. These function info objects can be augmented and their values can be
# overridden by adding an object to the table below.
# Must match function names specified in "raster_cmd_buffer_functions.txt".
# type: defines which handler will be used to generate code.
# decoder_func: defines which function to call in the decoder to execute the
# corresponding GL command. If not specified the GL command will
# be called directly.
# cmd_args: The arguments to use for the command. This overrides generating
# them based on the GL function arguments.
# data_transfer_methods: Array of methods that are used for transfering the
# pointer data. Possible values: 'immediate', 'shm', 'bucket'.
# The default is 'immediate' if the command has one pointer
# argument, otherwise 'shm'. One command is generated for each
# transfer method. Affects only commands which are not of type
# 'GETn' or 'GLcharN'.
# Note: the command arguments that affect this are the final args,
# taking cmd_args override into consideration.
# impl_func: Whether or not to generate the GLES2Implementation part of this
# command.
# internal: If true, this is an internal command only, not exposed to the
# client.
# count: The number of units per element. For PUTn or PUT types.
# use_count_func: If True the actual data count needs to be computed; the count
# argument specifies the maximum count.
# unit_test: If False no service side unit test will be generated.
# client_test: If False no client side unit test will be generated.
# expectation: If False the unit test will have no expected calls.
# valid_args: A dictionary of argument indices to args to use in unit tests
# when they can not be automatically determined.
# invalid_test: False if no invalid test needed.
# not_shared: For GENn types, True if objects can't be shared between contexts
'CopySubTextureINTERNAL': {
'decoder_func': 'DoCopySubTextureINTERNAL',
'internal': True,
'type': 'PUT',
'count': 32, # GL_MAILBOX_SIZE_CHROMIUM x2
'unit_test': False,
'trace_level': 2,
'Finish': {
'impl_func': False,
'client_test': False,
'decoder_func': 'DoFinish',
'trace_level': 1,
'Flush': {
'impl_func': False,
'decoder_func': 'DoFlush',
'trace_level': 1,
'GetError': {
'type': 'Is',
'decoder_func': 'GetErrorState()->GetGLError',
'impl_func': False,
'result': ['GLenum'],
'client_test': False,
'GetGraphicsResetStatusKHR': {
'type': 'NoCommand',
'trace_level': 1,
'GenQueriesEXT': {
'type': 'GENn',
'gl_test_func': 'glGenQueriesARB',
'resource_type': 'Query',
'resource_types': 'Queries',
'unit_test': False,
'not_shared': 'True',
'DeleteQueriesEXT': {
'type': 'DELn',
'gl_test_func': 'glDeleteQueriesARB',
'resource_type': 'Query',
'resource_types': 'Queries',
'unit_test': False,
'BeginQueryEXT': {
'type': 'Custom',
'impl_func': False,
'cmd_args': 'GLenumQueryTarget target, GLidQuery id, void* sync_data',
'data_transfer_methods': ['shm'],
'gl_test_func': 'glBeginQuery',
'EndQueryEXT': {
'type': 'Custom',
'impl_func': False,
'cmd_args': 'GLenumQueryTarget target, GLuint submit_count',
'gl_test_func': 'glEndnQuery',
'client_test': False,
'GetQueryObjectuivEXT': {
'type': 'NoCommand',
'gl_test_func': 'glGetQueryObjectuiv',
'ShallowFlushCHROMIUM': {
'type': 'NoCommand',
'OrderingBarrierCHROMIUM': {
'type': 'NoCommand',
'TraceBeginCHROMIUM': {
'type': 'Custom',
'impl_func': False,
'client_test': False,
'cmd_args': 'GLuint category_bucket_id, GLuint name_bucket_id',
'extension': 'CHROMIUM_trace_marker',
'TraceEndCHROMIUM': {
'impl_func': False,
'client_test': False,
'decoder_func': 'DoTraceEndCHROMIUM',
'unit_test': False,
'extension': 'CHROMIUM_trace_marker',
'type': 'Custom',
'impl_func': False,
'client_test': False,
'cmd_args': 'GLuint url_bucket_id',
'InsertFenceSyncCHROMIUM': {
'type': 'Custom',
'internal': True,
'impl_func': False,
'cmd_args': 'GLuint64 release_count',
'trace_level': 1,
'LoseContextCHROMIUM': {
'decoder_func': 'DoLoseContextCHROMIUM',
'unit_test': False,
'trace_level': 1,
'GenUnverifiedSyncTokenCHROMIUM': {
'type': 'NoCommand',
'VerifySyncTokensCHROMIUM' : {
'type': 'NoCommand',
'WaitSyncTokenCHROMIUM': {
'type': 'NoCommand',
'BeginRasterCHROMIUM': {
'decoder_func': 'DoBeginRasterCHROMIUM',
'type': 'PUT',
'internal': True,
'impl_func': False,
'unit_test': False,
'RasterCHROMIUM': {
'decoder_func': 'DoRasterCHROMIUM',
'internal': True,
'impl_func': True,
'cmd_args': 'GLuint raster_shm_id, GLuint raster_shm_offset,'
'GLsizeiptr raster_shm_size, GLuint font_shm_id,'
'GLuint font_shm_offset, GLsizeiptr font_shm_size',
'extension': 'CHROMIUM_raster_transport',
'extension_flag': 'chromium_raster_transport',
'EndRasterCHROMIUM': {
'decoder_func': 'DoEndRasterCHROMIUM',
'impl_func': False,
'unit_test': False,
'client_test': False,
'CreateTransferCacheEntryINTERNAL': {
'decoder_func': 'DoCreateTransferCacheEntryINTERNAL',
'cmd_args': 'GLuint entry_type, GLuint entry_id, GLuint handle_shm_id, '
'GLuint handle_shm_offset, GLuint data_shm_id, '
'GLuint data_shm_offset, GLuint data_size',
'internal': True,
'impl_func': True,
'client_test': False,
'unit_test': False,
'DeleteTransferCacheEntryINTERNAL': {
'decoder_func': 'DoDeleteTransferCacheEntryINTERNAL',
'cmd_args': 'GLuint entry_type, GLuint entry_id',
'internal': True,
'impl_func': True,
'client_test': False,
'unit_test': False,
'DeletePaintCacheTextBlobsINTERNAL': {
'type': 'DELn',
'internal': True,
'unit_test': False,
'DeletePaintCachePathsINTERNAL': {
'type': 'DELn',
'internal': True,
'unit_test': False,
'ClearPaintCacheINTERNAL': {
'decoder_func': 'DoClearPaintCacheINTERNAL',
'internal': True,
'unit_test': False,
'UnlockTransferCacheEntryINTERNAL': {
'decoder_func': 'DoUnlockTransferCacheEntryINTERNAL',
'cmd_args': 'GLuint entry_type, GLuint entry_id',
'internal': True,
'impl_func': True,
'client_test': False,
'unit_test': False,
def main(argv):
"""This is the main function."""
parser = OptionParser()
help="base directory for resulting files, under chrome/src. default is "
"empty. Use this if you want the result stored under gen.")
"-v", "--verbose", action="store_true",
help="prints more output.")
(options, _) = parser.parse_args(args=argv)
# This script lives under gpu/command_buffer, cd to base directory.
os.chdir(os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/../..")
base_dir = os.getcwd()
gen = build_cmd_buffer_lib.GLGenerator(options.verbose, "2018",
# Support generating files under gen/
if options.output_dir != None:
if gen.errors > 0:
print "%d errors" % gen.errors
return 1
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':