| // Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| // Must also be kept in sync with chrome/common/extensions/api/automation.idl. |
| module ax.mojom; |
| |
| // For new entries to the following four enums, also add to |
| // chrome/common/extensions/api/automation.idl. This is enforced |
| // by a PRESUBMIT check. |
| // |
| // Explanation of in-lined comments next to some enum values/attributes: |
| // |
| // Web: this attribute is only used in web content. |
| // |
| // Native: this attribute is only used in native UI. |
| // |
| // Implicit: for events, it would be cleaner if we just updated the AX node and |
| // each platform fired the appropriate events to indicate which |
| // platform-specific attributes changed. |
| // |
| // if Native / [Platform1, ...] is specified, the attribute is only used |
| // on those platforms. |
| // |
| // If unspecified, the atribute is used across web and native on multiple |
| // platforms. |
| |
| enum Event { |
| kNone, |
| kActiveDescendantChanged, // Web |
| kAlert, |
| kAriaAttributeChanged, // Implicit |
| kAutocorrectionOccured, // Unknown: http://crbug.com/392498 |
| kBlur, // Remove: http://crbug.com/392502 |
| kCheckedStateChanged, // Implicit |
| kChildrenChanged, |
| kClicked, |
| kDocumentSelectionChanged, |
| kDocumentTitleChanged, |
| kExpandedChanged, // Web |
| kFocus, |
| kFocusContext, // Contextual focus event that must delay the next focus event |
| kHide, // Remove: http://crbug.com/392502 |
| kHitTestResult, |
| kHover, |
| kImageFrameUpdated, // Web |
| kInvalidStatusChanged, // Implicit |
| kLayoutComplete, // Web |
| kLiveRegionCreated, // Implicit |
| kLiveRegionChanged, // Web |
| kLoadComplete, // Web |
| kLoadStart, // Web / AuraLinux |
| kLocationChanged, // Web |
| kMediaStartedPlaying, // Native / Automation |
| kMediaStoppedPlaying, // Native / Automation |
| kMenuEnd, // Native / Win |
| kMenuListItemSelected, // Web |
| kMenuListValueChanged, // Web |
| kMenuPopupEnd, // Native |
| kMenuPopupHide, // Native / AuraLinux |
| kMenuPopupStart, // Native |
| kMenuStart, // Native / Win |
| kMouseCanceled, |
| kMouseDragged, |
| kMouseMoved, |
| kMousePressed, |
| kMouseReleased, |
| kRowCollapsed, // Web / Mac |
| kRowCountChanged, // Web / Mac |
| kRowExpanded, // Web / Mac |
| kScrollPositionChanged, // Web |
| kScrolledToAnchor, // Web |
| kSelectedChildrenChanged, // Web |
| kSelection, // Native |
| kSelectionAdd, // Native |
| kSelectionRemove, // Native |
| kShow, // Remove: http://crbug.com/392502 |
| kStateChanged, // Native / Automation |
| kTextChanged, |
| kWindowActivated, // Native |
| kWindowDeactivated, // Native |
| kTextSelectionChanged, |
| kTreeChanged, // Accessibility tree changed. Don't |
| // explicitly fire an accessibility event, |
| // only implicitly due to the change. |
| kValueChanged, |
| }; |
| |
| // Accessibility object roles. |
| // The majority of these roles come from the ARIA specification. Reference |
| // the latest draft for proper usage. |
| // |
| // Roles not included by the ARIA specification should be avoided, especially |
| // internal roles used by the accessibility infrastructure. |
| // |
| // Explanation of in-lined comments next to some enum values. |
| // |
| // Web: this attribute is only used in web content. |
| // |
| // Native: this attribute is only used in native UI. |
| enum Role { |
| kNone, |
| kAbbr, |
| kAlert, |
| kAlertDialog, |
| kAnchor, |
| kAnnotation, |
| kApplication, |
| kArticle, |
| kAudio, |
| kBanner, |
| kBlockquote, |
| kButton, |
| kCanvas, |
| kCaption, |
| kCaret, |
| kCell, |
| kCheckBox, |
| kClient, |
| kColorWell, |
| kColumn, |
| kColumnHeader, |
| kComboBoxGrouping, |
| kComboBoxMenuButton, |
| kComplementary, |
| kContentDeletion, |
| kContentInsertion, |
| kContentInfo, |
| kDate, |
| kDateTime, |
| kDefinition, |
| kDescriptionList, |
| kDescriptionListDetail, |
| kDescriptionListTerm, |
| kDesktop, // internal |
| kDetails, |
| kDialog, |
| kDirectory, |
| kDisclosureTriangle, |
| // -------------------------------------------------------------- |
| // DPub Roles: |
| // https://www.w3.org/TR/dpub-aam-1.0/#mapping_role_table |
| kDocAbstract, |
| kDocAcknowledgments, |
| kDocAfterword, |
| kDocAppendix, |
| kDocBackLink, |
| kDocBiblioEntry, |
| kDocBibliography, |
| kDocBiblioRef, |
| kDocChapter, |
| kDocColophon, |
| kDocConclusion, |
| kDocCover, |
| kDocCredit, |
| kDocCredits, |
| kDocDedication, |
| kDocEndnote, |
| kDocEndnotes, |
| kDocEpigraph, |
| kDocEpilogue, |
| kDocErrata, |
| kDocExample, |
| kDocFootnote, |
| kDocForeword, |
| kDocGlossary, |
| kDocGlossRef, |
| kDocIndex, |
| kDocIntroduction, |
| kDocNoteRef, |
| kDocNotice, |
| kDocPageBreak, |
| kDocPageList, |
| kDocPart, |
| kDocPreface, |
| kDocPrologue, |
| kDocPullquote, |
| kDocQna, |
| kDocSubtitle, |
| kDocTip, |
| kDocToc, |
| // End DPub roles. |
| // -------------------------------------------------------------- |
| kDocument, |
| kEmbeddedObject, |
| kFeed, |
| kFigcaption, |
| kFigure, |
| kFooter, |
| kForm, |
| kGenericContainer, |
| // -------------------------------------------------------------- |
| // ARIA Graphics module roles: |
| // https://rawgit.com/w3c/graphics-aam/master/#mapping_role_table |
| kGraphicsDocument, |
| kGraphicsObject, |
| kGraphicsSymbol, |
| // End ARIA Graphics module roles. |
| // -------------------------------------------------------------- |
| kGrid, |
| kGroup, |
| kHeading, |
| kIframe, |
| kIframePresentational, |
| kIgnored, |
| kImage, |
| kImageMap, |
| kInlineTextBox, |
| kInputTime, |
| kKeyboard, |
| kLabelText, |
| kLayoutTable, |
| kLayoutTableCell, |
| kLayoutTableColumn, |
| kLayoutTableRow, |
| kLegend, |
| kLineBreak, |
| kLink, |
| kList, |
| kListBox, |
| kListBoxOption, |
| // kListGrid behaves similar to an ARIA grid but is primarily used by |
| // TableView and its subclasses, so that they could be exposed correctly on |
| // certain platforms. |
| kListGrid, // Native |
| kListItem, |
| kListMarker, |
| kLog, |
| kMain, |
| kMark, |
| kMarquee, |
| kMath, |
| kMenu, |
| kMenuBar, |
| kMenuButton, |
| kMenuItem, |
| kMenuItemCheckBox, |
| kMenuItemRadio, |
| kMenuListOption, |
| kMenuListPopup, |
| kMeter, |
| kNavigation, |
| kNote, |
| kPane, |
| kParagraph, |
| kPopUpButton, |
| kPre, |
| kPresentational, |
| kProgressIndicator, |
| kRadioButton, |
| kRadioGroup, |
| kRegion, |
| kRootWebArea, |
| kRow, |
| kRowHeader, |
| kRuby, |
| kScrollBar, |
| kScrollView, |
| kSearch, |
| kSearchBox, |
| kSlider, |
| kSliderThumb, |
| kSpinButton, |
| kSplitter, |
| kStaticText, |
| kStatus, |
| kSvgRoot, |
| kSwitch, |
| kTab, |
| kTabList, |
| kTabPanel, |
| kTable, |
| kTableHeaderContainer, |
| kTerm, |
| kTextField, |
| kTextFieldWithComboBox, |
| kTime, |
| kTimer, |
| kTitleBar, |
| kToggleButton, |
| kToolbar, |
| kTooltip, |
| kTree, |
| kTreeGrid, |
| kTreeItem, |
| kUnknown, |
| kVideo, |
| kWebArea, |
| kWebView, |
| kWindow, |
| }; |
| |
| enum State { |
| kNone, |
| kAutofillAvailable, |
| kCollapsed, |
| kDefault, |
| kEditable, |
| kExpanded, |
| kFocusable, |
| // Grows horizontally, e.g. most toolbars and separators. |
| kHorizontal, |
| kHovered, |
| // Skip over this node in the accessibility tree, but keep its subtree. |
| kIgnored, |
| kInvisible, |
| kLinked, |
| kMultiline, |
| kMultiselectable, |
| kProtected, |
| kRequired, |
| kRichlyEditable, |
| // Grows vertically, e.g. menu or combo box. |
| kVertical, |
| kVisited, |
| }; |
| |
| // An action to be taken on an accessibility node. |
| // In contrast to |AXDefaultActionVerb|, these describe what happens to the |
| // object, e.g. "FOCUS". |
| enum Action { |
| kNone, |
| kBlur, |
| |
| // Notifies a node that it no longer has accessibility focus. |
| // Currently used only on Android and only internally, it's not |
| // exposed to the open web. See kSetAccessibilityFocus, below. |
| kClearAccessibilityFocus, |
| |
| kCustomAction, |
| |
| // Decrement a slider or range control by one step value. |
| kDecrement, |
| |
| // Do the default action for an object, typically this means "click". |
| kDoDefault, |
| |
| kFocus, |
| |
| // Return the content of this image object in the image_data attribute. |
| kGetImageData, |
| |
| // Given a point, find the object it corresponds to and fire a |
| // |AXActionData.hit_test_event_to_fire| event on it in response. |
| kHitTest, |
| |
| // Increment a slider or range control by one step value. |
| kIncrement, |
| |
| // Load inline text boxes for this subtree, providing information |
| // about word boundaries, line layout, and individual character |
| // bounding boxes. |
| kLoadInlineTextBoxes, |
| |
| // Delete any selected text in the control's text value and |
| // insert |AXActionData::value| in its place, like when typing or pasting. |
| kReplaceSelectedText, |
| |
| // Scrolls by approximately one screen in a specific direction. Should be |
| // called on a node that has scrollable boolean set to true. |
| kScrollBackward, |
| kScrollDown, |
| kScrollForward, |
| kScrollLeft, |
| kScrollRight, |
| kScrollUp, |
| |
| // Scroll any scrollable containers to make the target object visible |
| // on the screen. Optionally pass a subfocus rect in |
| // AXActionData.target_rect, in node-local coordinates. |
| kScrollToMakeVisible, |
| |
| // Scroll the given object to a specified point on the screen in |
| // global screen coordinates. Pass a point in AXActionData.target_point. |
| kScrollToPoint, |
| |
| // Notifies a node that it has accessibility focus. |
| // Currently used only on Android and only internally, it's not |
| // exposed to the open web. See kClearAccessibilityFocus, above. |
| kSetAccessibilityFocus, |
| |
| kSetScrollOffset, |
| kSetSelection, |
| |
| // Don't focus this node, but set it as the sequential focus navigation |
| // starting point, so that pressing Tab moves to the next element |
| // following this one, for example. |
| kSetSequentialFocusNavigationStartingPoint, |
| |
| // Replace the value of the control with AXActionData::value and |
| // reset the selection, if applicable. |
| kSetValue, |
| |
| kShowContextMenu, |
| kGetTextLocation, |
| }; |
| |
| enum ActionFlags { |
| kNone, |
| kRequestImages, |
| kRequestInlineTextBoxes, |
| }; |
| |
| // A list of valid values for the |AXIntAttribute| |default_action_verb|. |
| // These will describe the action that will be performed on a given node when |
| // executing the default action, which is a click. |
| // In contrast to |AXAction|, these describe what the user can do on the |
| // object, e.g. "PRESS", not what happens to the object as a result. |
| // Only one verb can be used at a time to describe the default action. |
| enum DefaultActionVerb { |
| kNone, |
| kActivate, |
| kCheck, |
| kClick, |
| |
| // A click will be performed on one of the node's ancestors. |
| // This happens when the node itself is not clickable, but one of its |
| // ancestors has click handlers attached which are able to capture the click |
| // as it bubbles up. |
| kClickAncestor, |
| |
| kJump, |
| kOpen, |
| kPress, |
| kSelect, |
| kUncheck, |
| }; |
| |
| // A change to the accessibility tree. |
| enum Mutation { |
| kNone, |
| kNodeCreated, |
| kSubtreeCreated, |
| kNodeChanged, |
| kNodeRemoved, |
| }; |
| |
| enum StringAttribute { |
| kNone, |
| kAccessKey, |
| // Only used when invalid_state == invalid_state_other. |
| kAriaInvalidValue, |
| kAutoComplete, |
| kChildTreeId, |
| kClassName, // Native / Android |
| kContainerLiveRelevant, |
| kContainerLiveStatus, |
| kDescription, |
| kDisplay, |
| // Only present when different from parent. |
| kFontFamily, |
| kHtmlTag, |
| kImageDataUrl, |
| kInnerHtml, |
| kKeyShortcuts, |
| // Only present when different from parent. |
| kLanguage, |
| kName, |
| kLiveRelevant, |
| kLiveStatus, |
| kPlaceholder, |
| kRole, |
| kRoleDescription, |
| kUrl, |
| kValue, |
| }; |
| |
| enum IntAttribute { |
| kNone, |
| kDefaultActionVerb, |
| // Scrollable container attributes. |
| kScrollX, |
| kScrollXMin, |
| kScrollXMax, |
| kScrollY, |
| kScrollYMin, |
| kScrollYMax, |
| |
| // Attributes for retrieving the endpoints of a selection. |
| kTextSelStart, |
| kTextSelEnd, |
| |
| // aria_col* and aria_row* attributes |
| kAriaColumnCount, |
| kAriaCellColumnIndex, |
| kAriaRowCount, |
| kAriaCellRowIndex, |
| |
| // Table attributes. |
| kTableRowCount, |
| kTableColumnCount, |
| kTableHeaderId, |
| |
| // Table row attributes. |
| kTableRowIndex, |
| kTableRowHeaderId, |
| |
| // Table column attributes. |
| kTableColumnIndex, |
| kTableColumnHeaderId, |
| |
| // Table cell attributes. |
| kTableCellColumnIndex, |
| kTableCellColumnSpan, |
| kTableCellRowIndex, |
| kTableCellRowSpan, |
| kSortDirection, |
| |
| // Tree control attributes. |
| kHierarchicalLevel, |
| |
| // What information was used to compute the object's name |
| // (of type AXNameFrom). |
| kNameFrom, |
| |
| // What information was used to compute the object's description |
| // (of type AXDescriptionFrom). |
| kDescriptionFrom, |
| |
| // Relationships between this element and other elements. |
| kActivedescendantId, |
| kDetailsId, |
| kErrormessageId, |
| kInPageLinkTargetId, |
| kMemberOfId, |
| kNextOnLineId, |
| kPreviousOnLineId, |
| |
| // Input restriction, if any, such as readonly or disabled. |
| // Of type AXRestriction, see below. |
| // No value or enabled control or other object that is not disabled. |
| kRestriction, |
| |
| // Position or Number of items in current set of listitems or treeitems |
| kSetSize, |
| kPosInSet, |
| |
| // In the case of Role::kColorWell, specifies the selected color. |
| kColorValue, |
| |
| // Indicates the element that represents the current item within a container |
| // or set of related elements. |
| kAriaCurrentState, |
| |
| // Text attributes. |
| |
| // Foreground and background color in RGBA. |
| kBackgroundColor, |
| kColor, |
| |
| kHasPopup, |
| |
| // Indicates if a form control has invalid input or |
| // if an element has an aria-invalid attribute. |
| kInvalidState, |
| |
| // Of type AXCheckedState |
| kCheckedState, |
| |
| // Specifies the direction of the text, e.g., right-to-left. |
| kTextDirection, |
| |
| // Specifies the position of the text, e.g., subscript. |
| kTextPosition, |
| |
| // Bold, italic, underline, etc. |
| kTextStyle, |
| |
| // Focus traversal in views and Android. |
| kPreviousFocusId, |
| kNextFocusId, |
| }; |
| |
| enum FloatAttribute { |
| kNone, |
| // Range attributes. |
| kValueForRange, |
| kMinValueForRange, |
| kMaxValueForRange, |
| kStepValueForRange, |
| |
| // Text attributes. |
| // Font size is in pixels. |
| kFontSize, |
| }; |
| |
| // These attributes can take three states: |
| // true, false, or undefined/unset. |
| // |
| // Some attributes are only ever true or unset. In these cases, undefined is |
| // equivalent to false. In other attributes, all three states have meaning. |
| // |
| // Finally, note that different tree sources can use all three states for a |
| // given attribute, while another tree source only uses two. |
| enum BoolAttribute { |
| kNone, |
| // Generic busy state, does not have to be on a live region. |
| kBusy, |
| // The object is at the root of an editable field, such as a content |
| // editable. |
| kEditableRoot, |
| |
| // Live region attributes. |
| kContainerLiveAtomic, |
| kContainerLiveBusy, |
| kLiveAtomic, |
| |
| // If a dialog box is marked as explicitly modal |
| kModal, |
| |
| // If this is set, all of the other fields in this struct should |
| // be ignored and only the locations should change. |
| kUpdateLocationOnly, |
| |
| // Set on a canvas element if it has fallback content. |
| kCanvasHasFallback, |
| |
| // Indicates this node is scrollable (Android only). |
| kScrollable, |
| |
| // A hint to clients that the node is clickable. |
| kClickable, |
| |
| // Indicates that this node clips its children, i.e. may have |
| // overflow: hidden or clip children by default. |
| kClipsChildren, |
| |
| // Indicates whether this node is selected or unselected. |
| kSelected, |
| |
| // Indicates whether this node supports text location. |
| kSupportsTextLocation, |
| }; |
| |
| enum IntListAttribute { |
| kNone, |
| // Ids of nodes that are children of this node logically, but are |
| // not children of this node in the tree structure. As an example, |
| // a table cell is a child of a row, and an 'indirect' child of a |
| // column. |
| kIndirectChildIds, |
| |
| // Relationships between this element and other elements. |
| kControlsIds, |
| kDescribedbyIds, |
| kFlowtoIds, |
| kLabelledbyIds, |
| kRadioGroupIds, |
| |
| // For static text. These int lists must be the same size; they represent |
| // the start and end character offset of each marker. Examples of markers |
| // include spelling and grammar errors, and find-in-page matches. |
| kMarkerTypes, |
| kMarkerStarts, |
| kMarkerEnds, |
| |
| // For inline text. This is the pixel position of the end of this |
| // character within the bounding rectangle of this object, in the |
| // direction given by StringAttribute::kTextDirection. For example, |
| // for left-to-right text, the first offset is the right coordinate of |
| // the first character within the object's bounds, the second offset |
| // is the right coordinate of the second character, and so on. |
| kCharacterOffsets, |
| |
| // Used for caching. Do not read directly. Use |
| // |AXNode::GetOrComputeLineStartOffsets| |
| // For all text fields and content editable roots: A list of the start |
| // offsets of each line inside this object. |
| kCachedLineStarts, |
| |
| // For inline text. These int lists must be the same size; they represent |
| // the start and end character offset of each word within this text. |
| kWordStarts, |
| kWordEnds, |
| |
| // Used for an UI element to define custom actions for it. For example, a |
| // list UI will allow a user to reorder items in the list by dragging the |
| // items. Developer can expose those actions as custom actions. Currently |
| // custom actions are used only in Android window. |
| kCustomActionIds, |
| }; |
| |
| enum StringListAttribute { |
| kNone, |
| // Descriptions for custom actions. This must be aligned with |
| // custom_action_ids. |
| kCustomActionDescriptions, |
| }; |
| |
| // TODO(dmazzoni, nektar): make this list not grow exponentially as new |
| // MarkerTypes are added |
| enum MarkerType { |
| kNone, |
| // Assignments are ignored by the parser, but are kept here for clarity. |
| kSpelling = 1, |
| kGrammar = 2, |
| kSpellingGrammar = 3, |
| kTextMatch = 4, |
| kSpellingTextMatch = 5, |
| kGrammarTextMatch = 6, |
| kSpellingGrammarTextMatch = 7, |
| // DocumentMarker::MarkerType::Composition = 8 is ignored for accessibility |
| // purposes |
| kActiveSuggestion = 16, |
| kSpellingActiveSuggestion = 17, |
| kGrammarActiveSuggestion = 18, |
| kSpellingGrammarActiveSuggestion = 19, |
| kTextMatchActiveSuggestion = 20, |
| kSpellingTextMatchActiveSuggestion = 21, |
| kGrammarTextMatchActiveSuggestion = 22, |
| kSpellingGrammarTextMatchActiveSuggestion = 23, |
| kSuggestion = 32, |
| kSpellingSuggestion = 33, |
| kGrammarSuggestion = 34, |
| kSpellingGrammarSuggestion = 35, |
| kTextMatchSuggestion = 36, |
| kSpellingTextMatchSuggestion = 37, |
| kGrammarTextMatchSuggestion = 38, |
| kSpellingGrammarTextMatchSuggestion = 39, |
| // We again skip over DocumentMarker::MarkerType::Composition = 8 here |
| kActiveSuggestionSuggestion = 48, |
| kSpellingActiveSuggestionSuggestion = 49, |
| kGrammarActiveSuggestionSuggestion = 50, |
| kSpellingGrammarActiveSuggestionSuggestion = 51, |
| kTextMatchActiveSuggestionSuggestion = 52, |
| kSpellingTextMatchActiveSuggestionSuggestion = 53, |
| kGrammarTextMatchActiveSuggestionSuggestion = 54, |
| kSpellingGrammarTextMatchActiveSuggestionSuggestion = 55, |
| }; |
| |
| enum TextDirection { |
| kNone, |
| kLtr, |
| kRtl, |
| kTtb, |
| kBtt, |
| }; |
| |
| enum TextPosition { |
| kNone, |
| kSubscript, |
| kSuperscript, |
| }; |
| |
| // A Java counterpart will be generated for this enum. |
| // GENERATED_JAVA_ENUM_PACKAGE: org.chromium.ui.accessibility |
| enum TextStyle { |
| kBold, |
| kItalic, |
| kUnderline, |
| kLineThrough, |
| }; |
| |
| enum AriaCurrentState { |
| kNone, |
| kFalse, |
| kTrue, |
| kPage, |
| kStep, |
| kLocation, |
| kUnclippedLocation, |
| kDate, |
| kTime, |
| }; |
| |
| enum HasPopup { |
| kFalse = 0, |
| kTrue, |
| kMenu, |
| kListbox, |
| kTree, |
| kGrid, |
| kDialog, |
| kLast = kDialog, |
| }; |
| |
| enum InvalidState { |
| kNone, |
| kFalse, |
| kTrue, |
| kSpelling, |
| kGrammar, |
| kOther, |
| }; |
| |
| // Input restriction associated with an object. |
| // No value for a control means it is enabled. |
| // Use read_only for a textbox that allows focus/selection but not input. |
| // Use disabled for a control or group of controls that disallows input. |
| enum Restriction { |
| kNone, |
| kReadOnly, |
| kDisabled, |
| }; |
| |
| enum CheckedState { |
| kNone, |
| kFalse, |
| kTrue, |
| kMixed, |
| }; |
| |
| enum SortDirection { |
| kNone, |
| kUnsorted, |
| kAscending, |
| kDescending, |
| kOther, |
| }; |
| |
| enum NameFrom { |
| kNone, |
| kUninitialized, |
| kAttribute, |
| kAttributeExplicitlyEmpty, |
| kCaption, |
| kContents, |
| kPlaceholder, |
| kRelatedElement, |
| kTitle, |
| kValue, |
| }; |
| |
| enum DescriptionFrom { |
| kNone, |
| kUninitialized, |
| kAttribute, |
| kContents, |
| kPlaceholder, |
| kRelatedElement, |
| }; |
| |
| enum EventFrom { |
| kNone, |
| kUser, |
| kPage, |
| kAction, |
| }; |
| |
| // Touch gestures on Chrome OS. |
| enum Gesture { |
| kNone, |
| kClick, |
| kSwipeLeft1, |
| kSwipeUp1, |
| kSwipeRight1, |
| kSwipeDown1, |
| kSwipeLeft2, |
| kSwipeUp2, |
| kSwipeRight2, |
| kSwipeDown2, |
| kSwipeLeft3, |
| kSwipeUp3, |
| kSwipeRight3, |
| kSwipeDown3, |
| kSwipeLeft4, |
| kSwipeUp4, |
| kSwipeRight4, |
| kSwipeDown4, |
| kTap2, |
| kTap3, |
| kTap4, |
| }; |
| |
| enum TextAffinity { |
| kNone, |
| kDownstream, |
| kUpstream, |
| }; |
| |
| // Compares two nodes in an accessibility tree in pre-order traversal. |
| enum TreeOrder { |
| kNone, |
| // Not in the same tree, or other error. |
| kUndefined, |
| |
| // First node is before the second one. |
| kBefore, |
| |
| // Nodes are the same. |
| kEqual, |
| |
| // First node is after the second one. |
| kAfter, |
| }; |
| |
| // For internal use by ui::AXTreeID / ax::mojom::AXTreeID. |
| enum AXTreeIDType { |
| kUnknown, // The Tree ID is unknown. |
| kToken, // Every other tree ID must have a valid unguessable token. |
| }; |
| |