blob: 71ad2e721c72a086feb7fe196b2eb0f299bcac22 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "ui/events/devices/input_device.h"
#include "ui/events/event.h"
#include "ui/events/event_rewriter.h"
#include "ui/events/keycodes/dom/dom_key.h"
namespace chromeos {
namespace input_method {
class ImeKeyboard;
} // namespace input_method
} // namespace chromeos
namespace ui {
enum class DomCode;
// EventRewriterChromeOS makes various changes to keyboard-related events,
// including KeyEvents and some other events with keyboard modifier flags:
// - maps certain non-character keys according to user preferences
// (Control, Alt, Search, Caps Lock, Escape, Backspace, Diamond);
// - maps Command to Control on Apple keyboards;
// - converts numeric pad editing keys to their numeric forms;
// - converts top-row function keys to special keys where necessary;
// - handles various key combinations like Search+Backspace -> Delete
// and Search+number to Fnumber;
// - handles key/pointer combinations like Alt+Button1 -> Button3.
class EventRewriterChromeOS : public ui::EventRewriter {
enum DeviceType {
kDeviceUnknown = 0,
kDeviceVirtualCoreKeyboard, // X-server generated events.
enum KeyboardTopRowLayout {
// The original Chrome OS Layout:
// Browser Back, Browser Forward, Refresh, Full Screen, Overview,
// Brightness Down, Brightness Up, Mute, Volume Down, Volume Up.
kKbdTopRowLayout1 = 1,
// 2017 keyboard layout: Browser Forward is gone and Play/Pause
// key is added between Brightness Up and Mute.
kKbdTopRowLayout2 = 2,
kKbdTopRowLayoutDefault = kKbdTopRowLayout1,
kKbdTopRowLayoutMin = kKbdTopRowLayout1,
kKbdTopRowLayoutMax = kKbdTopRowLayout2
// Things that keyboard-related rewriter phases can change about an Event.
struct MutableKeyState {
int flags;
ui::DomCode code;
ui::DomKey::Base key;
ui::KeyboardCode key_code;
class Delegate {
Delegate() {}
virtual ~Delegate() {}
// Retruns true if we want to rewrite modifier keys.
virtual bool RewriteModifierKeys() = 0;
// Returns true if get keyboard remapped preference value successfully and
// the value will be stored in |value|.
virtual bool GetKeyboardRemappedPrefValue(const std::string& pref_name,
int* value) const = 0;
// Returns true if the target would prefer to receive raw
// function keys instead of having them rewritten into back, forward,
// brightness, volume, etc. or if the user has specified that they desire
// top-row keys to be treated as function keys globally.
virtual bool TopRowKeysAreFunctionKeys() const = 0;
// Returns true if the |key_code| and |flags| have been resgistered for
// extensions and EventRewriterChromeOS will not rewrite the event.
virtual bool IsExtensionCommandRegistered(ui::KeyboardCode key_code,
int flags) const = 0;
// Returns true if search key accelerator is reserved for current active
// window and EventRewriterChromeOS will not rewrite the event.
virtual bool IsSearchKeyAcceleratorReserved() const = 0;
// Does not take ownership of the |sticky_keys_controller|, which may also be
// nullptr (for testing without ash), in which case sticky key operations
// don't happen.
EventRewriterChromeOS(Delegate* delegate,
ui::EventRewriter* sticky_keys_controller);
~EventRewriterChromeOS() override;
static DeviceType GetDeviceType(const ui::InputDevice& keyboard_device);
// Calls KeyboardDeviceAddedInternal.
void KeyboardDeviceAddedForTesting(
int device_id,
const std::string& device_name,
KeyboardTopRowLayout layout = kKbdTopRowLayoutDefault,
InputDeviceType device_type = INPUT_DEVICE_UNKNOWN);
// Calls RewriteMouseEvent().
void RewriteMouseButtonEventForTesting(
const ui::MouseEvent& event,
std::unique_ptr<ui::Event>* rewritten_event);
void set_last_keyboard_device_id_for_testing(int device_id) {
last_keyboard_device_id_ = device_id;
void set_ime_keyboard_for_testing(
::chromeos::input_method::ImeKeyboard* ime_keyboard) {
ime_keyboard_for_testing_ = ime_keyboard;
// EventRewriter overrides:
ui::EventRewriteStatus RewriteEvent(
const ui::Event& event,
std::unique_ptr<ui::Event>* rewritten_event) override;
ui::EventRewriteStatus NextDispatchEvent(
const ui::Event& last_event,
std::unique_ptr<ui::Event>* new_event) override;
// Generate a new key event from an original key event and the replacement
// state determined by a key rewriter.
static void BuildRewrittenKeyEvent(
const ui::KeyEvent& key_event,
const MutableKeyState& state,
std::unique_ptr<ui::Event>* rewritten_event);
// Given the file path of a keyboard device, returns the layout type of the
// top row keys.
static bool GetKeyboardTopRowLayout(const base::FilePath& device_path,
KeyboardTopRowLayout* out_layout)
struct DeviceInfo {
DeviceType type;
KeyboardTopRowLayout top_row_layout;
void DeviceKeyPressedOrReleased(int device_id);
// Adds a device to |device_id_to_info_| only if no failure occurs in
// retrieving the top row layout from udev, and returns the device type of
// this keyboard even if it wasn't stored in |device_id_to_info_|.
DeviceType KeyboardDeviceAdded(int device_id);
// Inserts a new entry to |device_id_to_info_|.
void KeyboardDeviceAddedInternal(int device_id,
DeviceType type,
KeyboardTopRowLayout layout);
// Returns true if |last_keyboard_device_id_| is Hotrod remote.
bool IsHotrodRemote() const;
// Returns true if |last_keyboard_device_id_| is of given |device_type|.
bool IsLastKeyboardOfType(DeviceType device_type) const;
// Returns the device type of |last_keyboard_device_id_|.
DeviceType GetLastKeyboardType() const;
// Given modifier flags |original_flags|, returns the remapped modifiers
// according to user preferences and/or event properties.
int GetRemappedModifierMasks(const ui::Event& event,
int original_flags) const;
// Rewrite a particular kind of event.
ui::EventRewriteStatus RewriteKeyEvent(
const ui::KeyEvent& key_event,
std::unique_ptr<ui::Event>* rewritten_event);
ui::EventRewriteStatus RewriteMouseButtonEvent(
const ui::MouseEvent& mouse_event,
std::unique_ptr<ui::Event>* rewritten_event);
ui::EventRewriteStatus RewriteMouseWheelEvent(
const ui::MouseWheelEvent& mouse_event,
std::unique_ptr<ui::Event>* rewritten_event);
ui::EventRewriteStatus RewriteTouchEvent(
const ui::TouchEvent& touch_event,
std::unique_ptr<ui::Event>* rewritten_event);
ui::EventRewriteStatus RewriteScrollEvent(
const ui::ScrollEvent& scroll_event,
std::unique_ptr<ui::Event>* rewritten_event);
// Rewriter phases. These can inspect the original |event|, but operate using
// the current |state|, which may have been modified by previous phases.
bool RewriteModifierKeys(const ui::KeyEvent& event, MutableKeyState* state);
void RewriteNumPadKeys(const ui::KeyEvent& event, MutableKeyState* state);
void RewriteExtendedKeys(const ui::KeyEvent& event, MutableKeyState* state);
void RewriteFunctionKeys(const ui::KeyEvent& event, MutableKeyState* state);
void RewriteLocatedEvent(const ui::Event& event, int* flags);
int RewriteModifierClick(const ui::MouseEvent& event, int* flags);
// A set of device IDs whose press event has been rewritten.
// This is to ensure that press and release events are rewritten consistently.
std::set<int> pressed_device_ids_;
std::map<int, DeviceInfo> device_id_to_info_;
// The |source_device_id()| of the most recent keyboard event,
// used to interpret modifiers on pointer events.
int last_keyboard_device_id_;
::chromeos::input_method::ImeKeyboard* ime_keyboard_for_testing_;
Delegate* const delegate_;
// The sticky keys controller is not owned here;
// at time of writing it is a singleton in ash::Shell.
ui::EventRewriter* const sticky_keys_controller_;
// Some keyboard layouts have 'latching' keys, which either apply
// a modifier while held down (like normal modifiers), or, if no
// non-modifier is pressed while the latching key is down, apply the
// modifier to the next non-modifier keypress. Under Ozone the stateless
// layout model requires this to be handled explicitly. See
// Pragmatically this, like the Diamond key, is handled here in
// EventRewriterChromeOS, but modifier state management is scattered between
// here, sticky keys, and the system layer (Ozone), and could do with
// refactoring.
// - |pressed_modifier_latches_| records the latching keys currently pressed.
// It also records the active modifier flags for non-modifier keys that are
// remapped to modifiers, e.g. Diamond/F15.
// - |latched_modifier_latches_| records the latching keys just released,
// to be applied to the next non-modifier key.
// - |used_modifier_latches_| records the latching keys applied to a non-
// modifier while pressed, so that they do not get applied after release.
int pressed_modifier_latches_;
int latched_modifier_latches_;
int used_modifier_latches_;
} // namespace ui