blob: 427ec8731476fa3d3e42a3393a3b2e059c0584c9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "webkit/appcache/web_application_cache_host_impl.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/id_map.h"
#include "base/string_util.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebURL.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebURLRequest.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebURLResponse.h"
using WebKit::WebApplicationCacheHost;
using WebKit::WebApplicationCacheHostClient;
using WebKit::WebURLRequest;
using WebKit::WebURL;
using WebKit::WebURLResponse;
namespace appcache {
static IDMap<WebApplicationCacheHostImpl> all_hosts;
WebApplicationCacheHostImpl* WebApplicationCacheHostImpl::FromId(int id) {
return all_hosts.Lookup(id);
WebApplicationCacheHostClient* client,
AppCacheBackend* backend)
: client_(client),
is_new_master_entry_(MAYBE) {
DCHECK(client && backend && (host_id_ != kNoHostId));
WebApplicationCacheHostImpl::~WebApplicationCacheHostImpl() {
void WebApplicationCacheHostImpl::OnCacheSelected(int64 selected_cache_id,
appcache::Status status) {
status_ = status;
has_status_ = true;
void WebApplicationCacheHostImpl::OnStatusChanged(appcache::Status status) {
if (has_status_)
status_ = status;
void WebApplicationCacheHostImpl::OnEventRaised(appcache::EventID event_id) {
// Most events change the status. Clear out what we know so that the latest
// status will be obtained from the backend.
if (PROGRESS_EVENT != event_id) {
has_status_ = false;
has_cached_status_ = false;
void WebApplicationCacheHostImpl::willStartMainResourceRequest(
WebURLRequest& request) {
std::string method = request.httpMethod().utf8();
is_get_method_ = (method == kHttpGETMethod);
DCHECK(method == StringToUpperASCII(method));
void WebApplicationCacheHostImpl::willStartSubResourceRequest(
WebURLRequest& request) {
void WebApplicationCacheHostImpl::selectCacheWithoutManifest() {
// Reset any previous status values we've received from the backend
// since we're now selecting a new cache.
has_status_ = false;
has_cached_status_ = false;
is_new_master_entry_ = NO;
backend_->SelectCache(host_id_, document_url_,
bool WebApplicationCacheHostImpl::selectCacheWithManifest(
const WebURL& manifest_url) {
// Reset any previous status values we've received from the backend
// since we're now selecting a new cache.
has_status_ = false;
has_cached_status_ = false;
GURL manifest_gurl(manifest_url);
if (manifest_gurl.has_ref()) {
GURL::Replacements replacements;
manifest_gurl = manifest_gurl.ReplaceComponents(replacements);
// 6.9.6 The application cache selection algorithm
// Check for new 'master' entries.
if (document_response_.appCacheID() == kNoCacheId) {
if (is_scheme_supported_ && is_get_method_ &&
(manifest_gurl.GetOrigin() == document_url_.GetOrigin())) {
is_new_master_entry_ = YES;
} else {
is_new_master_entry_ = NO;
manifest_gurl = GURL::EmptyGURL();
backend_->SelectCache(host_id_, document_url_,
kNoCacheId, manifest_gurl);
return true;
DCHECK(is_new_master_entry_ = NO);
// 6.9.6 The application cache selection algorithm
// Check for 'foreign' entries.
GURL document_manifest_gurl(document_response_.appCacheManifestURL());
if (document_manifest_gurl != manifest_gurl) {
backend_->MarkAsForeignEntry(host_id_, document_url_,
has_cached_status_ = true;
cached_status_ = UNCACHED;
return false; // the navigation will be restarted
// Its a 'master' entry thats already in the cache.
backend_->SelectCache(host_id_, document_url_,
return true;
void WebApplicationCacheHostImpl::didReceiveResponseForMainResource(
const WebURLResponse& response) {
document_response_ = response;
document_url_ = document_response_.url();
if (document_url_.has_ref()) {
GURL::Replacements replacements;
document_url_ = document_url_.ReplaceComponents(replacements);
is_scheme_supported_ = IsSchemeSupported(document_url_);
if ((document_response_.appCacheID() != kNoCacheId) ||
!is_scheme_supported_ || !is_get_method_)
is_new_master_entry_ = NO;
void WebApplicationCacheHostImpl::didReceiveDataForMainResource(
const char* data, int len) {
if (is_new_master_entry_ == NO)
// TODO(michaeln): write me
void WebApplicationCacheHostImpl::didFinishLoadingMainResource(bool success) {
if (is_new_master_entry_ == NO)
// TODO(michaeln): write me
WebApplicationCacheHost::Status WebApplicationCacheHostImpl::status() {
// We're careful about the status value to avoid race conditions.
// Generally the webappcachehost sends an async stream of messages to the
// backend, and receives an asyncronous stream of events from the backend.
// In the backend, all operations are serialized and as state changes
// 'events' are streamed out to relevant parties. In particular the
// 'SelectCache' message is async. Regular page loading and navigation
// involves two non-blocking ipc calls: RegisterHost + SelectCache.
// However, the page can call the scriptable API in advance of a cache
// selection being complete (and/or in advance of the webappcachehost having
// received the event about completion). In that case, we force an end-to-end
// fetch of the 'status' value, and cache that value seperately from the
// value we receive via the async event stream. We'll use that cached value
// until cache selection is complete.
if (has_status_)
return static_cast<WebApplicationCacheHost::Status>(status_);
if (!has_cached_status_) {
cached_status_ = backend_->GetStatus(host_id_);
has_cached_status_ = true;
return static_cast<WebApplicationCacheHost::Status>(cached_status_);
bool WebApplicationCacheHostImpl::startUpdate() {
return backend_->StartUpdate(host_id_);
bool WebApplicationCacheHostImpl::swapCache() {
// Cache status will change when cache is swapped. Clear out any saved idea
// of status so that backend will be queried for actual status.
has_status_ = false;
has_cached_status_ = false;
return backend_->SwapCache(host_id_);
} // appcache namespace