blob: 6add1baa127eea59337031c792e96fe7871d36fd [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
'includes': [
'variables': {
# TODO: remove this helper when we have loops in GYP
'apply_locales_cmd': ['python', '../chrome/tools/build/',],
# We can't turn on warnings on Windows and Linux until we upstream the
# WebKit API.
'conditions': [
['OS=="mac"', {
'chromium_code': 1,
# List of DevTools source files, ordered by dependencies. It is used both
# for copying them to resource dir, and for generating 'devtools.html' file.
'devtools_files': [
'debug_devtools%': 0,
'targets': [
# Currently, builders assume webkit.sln builds test_shell on windows.
# We should change this, but for now allows trybot runs.
# for now.
'target_name': 'pull_in_test_shell',
'type': 'none',
'conditions': [
['OS=="win"', {
'dependencies': [
'target_name': 'webkit_resources',
'type': 'none',
'msvs_guid': '0B469837-3D46-484A-AFB3-C5A6C68730B9',
'variables': {
'grit_path': '../tools/grit/',
'grit_out_dir': '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/webkit',
'actions': [
'action_name': 'webkit_resources',
'variables': {
'input_path': 'glue/webkit_resources.grd',
'inputs': [
'outputs': [
'action': ['python', '<(grit_path)', '-i', '<(input_path)', 'build', '-o', '<(grit_out_dir)'],
'message': 'Generating resources from <(input_path)',
'direct_dependent_settings': {
'include_dirs': [
'conditions': [
['OS=="win"', {
'dependencies': ['../build/win/system.gyp:cygwin'],
'target_name': 'webkit_strings',
'type': 'none',
'msvs_guid': '60B43839-95E6-4526-A661-209F16335E0E',
'variables': {
'grit_path': '../tools/grit/',
'grit_out_dir': '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/webkit',
'actions': [
'action_name': 'webkit_strings',
'variables': {
'input_path': 'glue/webkit_strings.grd',
'inputs': [
'outputs': [
# TODO: remove this helper when we have loops in GYP
'>!@(<(apply_locales_cmd) \'<(grit_out_dir)/webkit_strings_ZZLOCALE.pak\' <(locales))',
'action': ['python', '<(grit_path)', '-i', '<(input_path)', 'build', '-o', '<(grit_out_dir)'],
'message': 'Generating resources from <(input_path)',
'direct_dependent_settings': {
'include_dirs': [
'conditions': [
['OS=="win"', {
'dependencies': ['../build/win/system.gyp:cygwin'],
'target_name': 'appcache',
'type': '<(library)',
'msvs_guid': '0B945915-31A7-4A07-A5B5-568D737A39B1',
'dependencies': [
'sources': [
# This list contains all .h and .cc in appcache except for test code.
'target_name': 'database',
'type': '<(library)',
'msvs_guid': '1DA00DDD-44E5-4C56-B2CC-414FB0164492',
'dependencies': [
'sources': [
'target_name': 'glue',
'type': '<(library)',
'msvs_guid': 'C66B126D-0ECE-4CA2-B6DC-FA780AFBBF09',
'dependencies': [
'actions': [
'action_name': 'webkit_version',
'inputs': [
'outputs': [
'action': ['python', '<@(_inputs)', '<(INTERMEDIATE_DIR)'],
'include_dirs': [
'sources': [
# This list contains all .h, .cc, and .mm files in glue except for
# those in the test subdirectory and those with unittest in in their
# names.
# These files used to be built in the webcore target, but moved here
# since part of glue.
# When glue is a dependency, it needs to be a hard dependency.
# Dependents may rely on files generated by this target or one of its
# own hard dependencies.
'hard_dependency': 1,
'conditions': [
['OS=="linux" or OS=="freebsd"', {
'dependencies': [
'export_dependent_settings': [
# Users of webcursor.h need the GTK include path.
'sources!': [
}, { # else: OS!="linux" and OS!="freebsd"
'sources/': [['exclude', '_(linux|gtk)(_data)?\\.cc$'],
['exclude', r'/gtk_']],
['OS!="mac"', {
'sources/': [['exclude', '_mac\\.(cc|mm)$']]
['OS!="win"', {
'sources/': [['exclude', '_win\\.cc$']],
'sources!': [
# These files are Windows-only now but may be ported to other
# platforms.
}, { # else: OS=="win"
'sources/': [['exclude', '_posix\\.cc$']],
'include_dirs': [
'dependencies': [
'sources!': [
'target_name': 'inspector_resources',
'type': 'none',
'msvs_guid': '5330F8EE-00F5-D65C-166E-E3150171055D',
'dependencies': [
'conditions': [
['debug_devtools==0', {
'dependencies+': [
'copies': [
'destination': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/resources/inspector',
'files': [
'conditions': [
['debug_devtools==0', {
'files/': [['exclude', '\\.js$']],
'destination': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/resources/inspector/Images',
'files': [
'target_name': 'devtools_html',
'type': 'none',
'msvs_guid': '9BE5D4D5-E800-44F9-B6C0-27DF15A9D817',
'sources': [
'actions': [
'action_name': 'devtools_html',
'inputs': [
# See issue 29695: webkit.gyp is a source file for devtools.html.
'outputs': [
'action': ['python', '<@(_inputs)', '<@(_outputs)', '<@(devtools_files)'],
'target_name': 'concatenated_devtools_js',
'type': 'none',
'msvs_guid': '8CCFDF4A-B702-4988-9207-623D1477D3E7',
'dependencies': [
'sources': [
'actions': [
'action_name': 'concatenate_devtools_js',
'inputs': [
'outputs': [
'action': ['python', '<@(_inputs)', '<@(_outputs)'],
], # targets
# Local Variables:
# tab-width:2
# indent-tabs-mode:nil
# End:
# vim: set expandtab tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2: