blob: e0de25a953102e54cf8d9c7be76919f5a8f0f4be [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Brought to you by the letter D and the number 2.
#pragma once
#include <deque>
#include <map>
#include <queue>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "base/time.h"
#include "net/cookies/cookie_store.h"
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
class GURL;
namespace base {
class Histogram;
class TimeTicks;
} // namespace base
namespace net {
class CookieList;
// The cookie monster is the system for storing and retrieving cookies. It has
// an in-memory list of all cookies, and synchronizes non-session cookies to an
// optional permanent storage that implements the PersistentCookieStore
// interface.
// This class IS thread-safe. Normally, it is only used on the I/O thread, but
// is also accessed directly through Automation for UI testing.
// All cookie tasks are handled asynchronously. Tasks may be deferred if
// all affected cookies are not yet loaded from the backing store. Otherwise,
// the callback may be invoked immediately (prior to return of the asynchronous
// function).
// A cookie task is either pending loading of the entire cookie store, or
// loading of cookies for a specfic domain key(eTLD+1). In the former case, the
// cookie task will be queued in queue_ while PersistentCookieStore chain loads
// the cookie store on DB thread. In the latter case, the cookie task will be
// queued in tasks_queued_ while PermanentCookieStore loads cookies for the
// specified domain key(eTLD+1) on DB thread.
// Callbacks are guaranteed to be invoked on the calling thread.
// TODO(deanm) Implement CookieMonster, the cookie database.
// - Verify that our domain enforcement and non-dotted handling is correct
class NET_EXPORT CookieMonster : public CookieStore {
class CanonicalCookie;
class Delegate;
class ParsedCookie;
class PersistentCookieStore;
// Terminology:
// * The 'top level domain' (TLD) of an internet domain name is
// the terminal "." free substring (e.g. "com" for
// or
// * The 'effective top level domain' (eTLD) is the longest
// "." initiated terminal substring of an internet domain name
// that is controlled by a general domain registrar.
// (e.g. "" for
// * The 'effective top level domain plus one' (eTLD+1) is the
// shortest "." delimited terminal substring of an internet
// domain name that is not controlled by a general domain
// registrar (e.g. "" for, or
// "" for The general assumption
// is that all hosts and domains under an eTLD+1 share some
// administrative control.
// CookieMap is the central data structure of the CookieMonster. It
// is a map whose values are pointers to CanonicalCookie data
// structures (the data structures are owned by the CookieMonster
// and must be destroyed when removed from the map). The key is based on the
// effective domain of the cookies. If the domain of the cookie has an
// eTLD+1, that is the key for the map. If the domain of the cookie does not
// have an eTLD+1, the key of the map is the host the cookie applies to (it is
// not legal to have domain cookies without an eTLD+1). This rule
// excludes cookies for, e.g, ".com", "", or ".internalnetwork".
// This behavior is the same as the behavior in Firefox v 3.6.10.
// NOTE(deanm):
// I benchmarked hash_multimap vs multimap. We're going to be query-heavy
// so it would seem like hashing would help. However they were very
// close, with multimap being a tiny bit faster. I think this is because
// our map is at max around 1000 entries, and the additional complexity
// for the hashing might not overcome the O(log(1000)) for querying
// a multimap. Also, multimap is standard, another reason to use it.
// TODO(rdsmith): This benchmark should be re-done now that we're allowing
// subtantially more entries in the map.
typedef std::multimap<std::string, CanonicalCookie*> CookieMap;
typedef std::pair<CookieMap::iterator, CookieMap::iterator> CookieMapItPair;
// The store passed in should not have had Init() called on it yet. This
// class will take care of initializing it. The backing store is NOT owned by
// this class, but it must remain valid for the duration of the cookie
// monster's existence. If |store| is NULL, then no backing store will be
// updated. If |delegate| is non-NULL, it will be notified on
// creation/deletion of cookies.
CookieMonster(PersistentCookieStore* store, Delegate* delegate);
// Only used during unit testing.
CookieMonster(PersistentCookieStore* store,
Delegate* delegate,
int last_access_threshold_milliseconds);
// Parses the string with the cookie time (very forgivingly).
static base::Time ParseCookieTime(const std::string& time_string);
// Helper function that adds all cookies from |list| into this instance.
bool InitializeFrom(const CookieList& list);
typedef base::Callback<void(const CookieList& cookies)> GetCookieListCallback;
typedef base::Callback<void(bool success)> DeleteCookieCallback;
// Sets a cookie given explicit user-provided cookie attributes. The cookie
// name, value, domain, etc. are each provided as separate strings. This
// function expects each attribute to be well-formed. It will check for
// disallowed characters (e.g. the ';' character is disallowed within the
// cookie value attribute) and will return false without setting the cookie
// if such characters are found.
void SetCookieWithDetailsAsync(const GURL& url,
const std::string& name,
const std::string& value,
const std::string& domain,
const std::string& path,
const base::Time& expiration_time,
bool secure, bool http_only,
const SetCookiesCallback& callback);
// Returns all the cookies, for use in management UI, etc. This does not mark
// the cookies as having been accessed.
// The returned cookies are ordered by longest path, then by earliest
// creation date.
void GetAllCookiesAsync(const GetCookieListCallback& callback);
// Returns all the cookies, for use in management UI, etc. Filters results
// using given url scheme, host / domain and path and options. This does not
// mark the cookies as having been accessed.
// The returned cookies are ordered by longest path, then earliest
// creation date.
void GetAllCookiesForURLWithOptionsAsync(
const GURL& url,
const CookieOptions& options,
const GetCookieListCallback& callback);
// Invokes GetAllCookiesForURLWithOptions with options set to include HTTP
// only cookies.
void GetAllCookiesForURLAsync(const GURL& url,
const GetCookieListCallback& callback);
// Deletes all of the cookies.
void DeleteAllAsync(const DeleteCallback& callback);
// Deletes all cookies that match the host of the given URL
// regardless of path. This includes all http_only and secure cookies,
// but does not include any domain cookies that may apply to this host.
// Returns the number of cookies deleted.
void DeleteAllForHostAsync(const GURL& url,
const DeleteCallback& callback);
// Deletes one specific cookie.
void DeleteCanonicalCookieAsync(const CanonicalCookie& cookie,
const DeleteCookieCallback& callback);
// Resets the list of cookieable schemes to the supplied schemes.
// If this this method is called, it must be called before first use of
// the instance (i.e. as part of the instance initialization process).
void SetCookieableSchemes(const char* schemes[], size_t num_schemes);
// Resets the list of cookieable schemes to kDefaultCookieableSchemes with or
// without 'file' being included.
void SetEnableFileScheme(bool accept);
// Instructs the cookie monster to not delete expired cookies. This is used
// in cases where the cookie monster is used as a data structure to keep
// arbitrary cookies.
void SetKeepExpiredCookies();
// Protects session cookies from deletion on shutdown.
void SetForceKeepSessionState();
// There are some unknowns about how to correctly handle file:// cookies,
// and our implementation for this is not robust enough. This allows you
// to enable support, but it should only be used for testing. Bug 1157243.
// Must be called before creating a CookieMonster instance.
static void EnableFileScheme();
// Flush the backing store (if any) to disk and post the given callback when
// done.
// It may be posted to the current thread, or it may run on the thread that
// actually does the flushing. Your Task should generally post a notification
// to the thread you actually want to be notified on.
void FlushStore(const base::Closure& callback);
// CookieStore implementation.
// Sets the cookies specified by |cookie_list| returned from |url|
// with options |options| in effect.
virtual void SetCookieWithOptionsAsync(
const GURL& url,
const std::string& cookie_line,
const CookieOptions& options,
const SetCookiesCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;
// Gets all cookies that apply to |url| given |options|.
// The returned cookies are ordered by longest path, then earliest
// creation date.
virtual void GetCookiesWithOptionsAsync(
const GURL& url,
const CookieOptions& options,
const GetCookiesCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;
virtual void GetCookiesWithInfoAsync(
const GURL& url,
const CookieOptions& options,
const GetCookieInfoCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;
// Deletes all cookies with that might apply to |url| that has |cookie_name|.
virtual void DeleteCookieAsync(
const GURL& url, const std::string& cookie_name,
const base::Closure& callback) OVERRIDE;
// Deletes all of the cookies that have a creation_date greater than or equal
// to |delete_begin| and less than |delete_end|
// Returns the number of cookies that have been deleted.
virtual void DeleteAllCreatedBetweenAsync(
const base::Time& delete_begin,
const base::Time& delete_end,
const DeleteCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;
virtual void DeleteSessionCookiesAsync(const DeleteCallback&) OVERRIDE;
virtual CookieMonster* GetCookieMonster() OVERRIDE;
// Enables writing session cookies into the cookie database. If this this
// method is called, it must be called before first use of the instance
// (i.e. as part of the instance initialization process).
void SetPersistSessionCookies(bool persist_session_cookies);
// Debugging method to perform various validation checks on the map.
// Currently just checking that there are no null CanonicalCookie pointers
// in the map.
// Argument |arg| is to allow retaining of arbitrary data if the CHECKs
// in the function trip. TODO(rdsmith):Remove hack.
void ValidateMap(int arg);
// Determines if the scheme of the URL is a scheme that cookies will be
// stored for.
bool IsCookieableScheme(const std::string& scheme);
// The default list of schemes the cookie monster can handle.
static const char* kDefaultCookieableSchemes[];
static const int kDefaultCookieableSchemesCount;
// For queueing the cookie monster calls.
class CookieMonsterTask;
class DeleteAllCreatedBetweenTask;
class DeleteAllForHostTask;
class DeleteAllTask;
class DeleteCookieTask;
class DeleteCanonicalCookieTask;
class GetAllCookiesForURLWithOptionsTask;
class GetAllCookiesTask;
class GetCookiesWithOptionsTask;
class GetCookiesWithInfoTask;
class SetCookieWithDetailsTask;
class SetCookieWithOptionsTask;
class DeleteSessionCookiesTask;
// Testing support.
// For SetCookieWithCreationTime.
// For gargage collection constants.
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(CookieMonsterTest, TestHostGarbageCollection);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(CookieMonsterTest, TestTotalGarbageCollection);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(CookieMonsterTest, GarbageCollectionTriggers);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(CookieMonsterTest, TestGCTimes);
// For validation of key values.
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(CookieMonsterTest, TestDomainTree);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(CookieMonsterTest, TestImport);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(CookieMonsterTest, GetKey);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(CookieMonsterTest, TestGetKey);
// For FindCookiesForKey.
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(CookieMonsterTest, ShortLivedSessionCookies);
// Internal reasons for deletion, used to populate informative histograms
// and to provide a public cause for onCookieChange notifications.
// If you add or remove causes from this list, please be sure to also update
// the Delegate::ChangeCause mapping inside ChangeCauseMapping. Moreover,
// these are used as array indexes, so avoid reordering to keep the
// histogram buckets consistent. New items (if necessary) should be added
// at the end of the list, just before DELETE_COOKIE_LAST_ENTRY.
enum DeletionCause {
DELETE_COOKIE_DONT_RECORD, // e.g. For final cleanup after flush to store.
// Cookies evicted during domain level garbage collection that
// were accessed longer ago than kSafeFromGlobalPurgeDays
// Cookies evicted during domain level garbage collection that
// were accessed more recently than kSafeFromGlobalPurgeDays
// (and thus would have been preserved by global garbage collection).
// A common idiom is to remove a cookie by overwriting it with an
// already-expired expiration date. This captures that case.
// Cookie garbage collection thresholds. Based off of the Mozilla defaults.
// When the number of cookies gets to k{Domain,}MaxCookies
// purge down to k{Domain,}MaxCookies - k{Domain,}PurgeCookies.
// It might seem scary to have a high purge value, but really it's not.
// You just make sure that you increase the max to cover the increase
// in purge, and we would have been purging the same amount of cookies.
// We're just going through the garbage collection process less often.
// Note that the DOMAIN values are per eTLD+1; see comment for the
// CookieMap typedef. So, e.g., the maximum number of cookies allowed for
// and all of its subdomains will be 150-180.
// Any cookies accessed more recently than kSafeFromGlobalPurgeDays will not
// be evicted by global garbage collection, even if we have more than
// kMaxCookies. This does not affect domain garbage collection.
// Present in .h file to make accessible to tests through FRIEND_TEST.
// Actual definitions are in
static const size_t kDomainMaxCookies;
static const size_t kDomainPurgeCookies;
static const size_t kMaxCookies;
static const size_t kPurgeCookies;
// The number of days since last access that cookies will not be subject
// to global garbage collection.
static const int kSafeFromGlobalPurgeDays;
// Record statistics every kRecordStatisticsIntervalSeconds of uptime.
static const int kRecordStatisticsIntervalSeconds = 10 * 60;
virtual ~CookieMonster();
// The following are synchronous calls to which the asynchronous methods
// delegate either immediately (if the store is loaded) or through a deferred
// task (if the store is not yet loaded).
bool SetCookieWithDetails(const GURL& url,
const std::string& name,
const std::string& value,
const std::string& domain,
const std::string& path,
const base::Time& expiration_time,
bool secure, bool http_only);
CookieList GetAllCookies();
CookieList GetAllCookiesForURLWithOptions(const GURL& url,
const CookieOptions& options);
CookieList GetAllCookiesForURL(const GURL& url);
int DeleteAll(bool sync_to_store);
int DeleteAllCreatedBetween(const base::Time& delete_begin,
const base::Time& delete_end);
int DeleteAllForHost(const GURL& url);
bool DeleteCanonicalCookie(const CanonicalCookie& cookie);
bool SetCookieWithOptions(const GURL& url,
const std::string& cookie_line,
const CookieOptions& options);
std::string GetCookiesWithOptions(const GURL& url,
const CookieOptions& options);
void GetCookiesWithInfo(const GURL& url,
const CookieOptions& options,
std::string* cookie_line,
std::vector<CookieInfo>* cookie_infos);
void DeleteCookie(const GURL& url, const std::string& cookie_name);
bool SetCookieWithCreationTime(const GURL& url,
const std::string& cookie_line,
const base::Time& creation_time);
int DeleteSessionCookies();
// Called by all non-static functions to ensure that the cookies store has
// been initialized. This is not done during creating so it doesn't block
// the window showing.
// Note: this method should always be called with lock_ held.
void InitIfNecessary() {
if (!initialized_) {
if (store_) {
} else {
loaded_ = true;
initialized_ = true;
// Initializes the backing store and reads existing cookies from it.
// Should only be called by InitIfNecessary().
void InitStore();
// Stores cookies loaded from the backing store and invokes any deferred
// calls. |beginning_time| should be the moment PersistentCookieStore::Load
// was invoked and is used for reporting histogram_time_blocked_on_load_.
// See PersistentCookieStore::Load for details on the contents of cookies.
void OnLoaded(base::TimeTicks beginning_time,
const std::vector<CanonicalCookie*>& cookies);
// Stores cookies loaded from the backing store and invokes the deferred
// task(s) pending loading of cookies associated with the domain key
// (eTLD+1). Called when all cookies for the domain key(eTLD+1) have been
// loaded from DB. See PersistentCookieStore::Load for details on the contents
// of cookies.
void OnKeyLoaded(
const std::string& key,
const std::vector<CanonicalCookie*>& cookies);
// Stores the loaded cookies.
void StoreLoadedCookies(const std::vector<CanonicalCookie*>& cookies);
// Invokes deferred calls.
void InvokeQueue();
// Checks that |cookies_| matches our invariants, and tries to repair any
// inconsistencies. (In other words, it does not have duplicate cookies).
void EnsureCookiesMapIsValid();
// Checks for any duplicate cookies for CookieMap key |key| which lie between
// |begin| and |end|. If any are found, all but the most recent are deleted.
// Returns the number of duplicate cookies that were deleted.
int TrimDuplicateCookiesForKey(const std::string& key,
CookieMap::iterator begin,
CookieMap::iterator end);
void SetDefaultCookieableSchemes();
void FindCookiesForHostAndDomain(const GURL& url,
const CookieOptions& options,
bool update_access_time,
std::vector<CanonicalCookie*>* cookies);
void FindCookiesForKey(const std::string& key,
const GURL& url,
const CookieOptions& options,
const base::Time& current,
bool update_access_time,
std::vector<CanonicalCookie*>* cookies);
// Delete any cookies that are equivalent to |ecc| (same path, domain, etc).
// If |skip_httponly| is true, httponly cookies will not be deleted. The
// return value with be true if |skip_httponly| skipped an httponly cookie.
// |key| is the key to find the cookie in cookies_; see the comment before
// the CookieMap typedef for details.
// NOTE: There should never be more than a single matching equivalent cookie.
bool DeleteAnyEquivalentCookie(const std::string& key,
const CanonicalCookie& ecc,
bool skip_httponly,
bool already_expired);
// Takes ownership of *cc.
void InternalInsertCookie(const std::string& key,
CanonicalCookie* cc,
bool sync_to_store);
// Helper function that sets cookies with more control.
// Not exposed as we don't want callers to have the ability
// to specify (potentially duplicate) creation times.
bool SetCookieWithCreationTimeAndOptions(const GURL& url,
const std::string& cookie_line,
const base::Time& creation_time,
const CookieOptions& options);
// Helper function that sets a canonical cookie, deleting equivalents and
// performing garbage collection.
bool SetCanonicalCookie(scoped_ptr<CanonicalCookie>* cc,
const base::Time& creation_time,
const CookieOptions& options);
void InternalUpdateCookieAccessTime(CanonicalCookie* cc,
const base::Time& current_time);
// |deletion_cause| argument is used for collecting statistics and choosing
// the correct Delegate::ChangeCause for OnCookieChanged notifications.
void InternalDeleteCookie(CookieMap::iterator it, bool sync_to_store,
DeletionCause deletion_cause);
// If the number of cookies for CookieMap key |key|, or globally, are
// over the preset maximums above, garbage collect, first for the host and
// then globally. See comments above garbage collection threshold
// constants for details.
// Returns the number of cookies deleted (useful for debugging).
int GarbageCollect(const base::Time& current, const std::string& key);
// Helper for GarbageCollect(); can be called directly as well. Deletes
// all expired cookies in |itpair|. If |cookie_its| is non-NULL, it is
// populated with all the non-expired cookies from |itpair|.
// Returns the number of cookies deleted.
int GarbageCollectExpired(const base::Time& current,
const CookieMapItPair& itpair,
std::vector<CookieMap::iterator>* cookie_its);
// Helper for GarbageCollect(). Deletes all cookies in the list
// that were accessed before |keep_accessed_after|, using DeletionCause
// |cause|. If |keep_accessed_after| is null, deletes all cookies in the
// list. Returns the number of cookies deleted.
int GarbageCollectDeleteList(const base::Time& current,
const base::Time& keep_accessed_after,
DeletionCause cause,
std::vector<CookieMap::iterator>& cookie_its);
// Find the key (for lookup in cookies_) based on the given domain.
// See comment on keys before the CookieMap typedef.
std::string GetKey(const std::string& domain) const;
bool HasCookieableScheme(const GURL& url);
// Statistics support
// This function should be called repeatedly, and will record
// statistics if a sufficient time period has passed.
void RecordPeriodicStats(const base::Time& current_time);
// Initialize the above variables; should only be called from
// the constructor.
void InitializeHistograms();
// The resolution of our time isn't enough, so we do something
// ugly and increment when we've seen the same time twice.
base::Time CurrentTime();
// Runs the task if, or defers the task until, the full cookie database is
// loaded.
void DoCookieTask(const scoped_refptr<CookieMonsterTask>& task_item);
// Runs the task if, or defers the task until, the cookies for the given URL
// are loaded.
void DoCookieTaskForURL(const scoped_refptr<CookieMonsterTask>& task_item,
const GURL& url);
// Histogram variables; see CookieMonster::InitializeHistograms() in
// for details.
base::Histogram* histogram_expiration_duration_minutes_;
base::Histogram* histogram_between_access_interval_minutes_;
base::Histogram* histogram_evicted_last_access_minutes_;
base::Histogram* histogram_count_;
base::Histogram* histogram_domain_count_;
base::Histogram* histogram_etldp1_count_;
base::Histogram* histogram_domain_per_etldp1_count_;
base::Histogram* histogram_number_duplicate_db_cookies_;
base::Histogram* histogram_cookie_deletion_cause_;
base::Histogram* histogram_time_get_;
base::Histogram* histogram_time_mac_;
base::Histogram* histogram_time_blocked_on_load_;
CookieMap cookies_;
// Indicates whether the cookie store has been initialized. This happens
// lazily in InitStoreIfNecessary().
bool initialized_;
// Indicates whether loading from the backend store is completed and
// calls may be immediately processed.
bool loaded_;
// List of domain keys that have been loaded from the DB.
std::set<std::string> keys_loaded_;
// Map of domain keys to their associated task queues. These tasks are blocked
// until all cookies for the associated domain key eTLD+1 are loaded from the
// backend store.
std::map<std::string, std::deque<scoped_refptr<CookieMonsterTask> > >
// Queues tasks that are blocked until all cookies are loaded from the backend
// store.
std::queue<scoped_refptr<CookieMonsterTask> > queue_;
scoped_refptr<PersistentCookieStore> store_;
base::Time last_time_seen_;
// Minimum delay after updating a cookie's LastAccessDate before we will
// update it again.
const base::TimeDelta last_access_threshold_;
// Approximate date of access time of least recently accessed cookie
// in |cookies_|. Note that this is not guaranteed to be accurate, only a)
// to be before or equal to the actual time, and b) to be accurate
// immediately after a garbage collection that scans through all the cookies.
// This value is used to determine whether global garbage collection might
// find cookies to purge.
// Note: The default Time() constructor will create a value that compares
// earlier than any other time value, which is wanted. Thus this
// value is not initialized.
base::Time earliest_access_time_;
// During loading, holds the set of all loaded cookie creation times. Used to
// avoid ever letting cookies with duplicate creation times into the store;
// that way we don't have to worry about what sections of code are safe
// to call while it's in that state.
std::set<int64> creation_times_;
std::vector<std::string> cookieable_schemes_;
scoped_refptr<Delegate> delegate_;
// Lock for thread-safety
base::Lock lock_;
base::Time last_statistic_record_time_;
bool keep_expired_cookies_;
bool persist_session_cookies_;
// Static setting for whether or not file scheme cookies are allows when
// a new CookieMonster is created, or the accepted schemes on a CookieMonster
// instance are reset back to defaults.
static bool default_enable_file_scheme_;
class NET_EXPORT CookieMonster::CanonicalCookie {
// These constructors do no validation or canonicalization of their inputs;
// the resulting CanonicalCookies should not be relied on to be canonical
// unless the caller has done appropriate validation and canonicalization
// themselves.
CanonicalCookie(const GURL& url,
const std::string& name,
const std::string& value,
const std::string& domain,
const std::string& path,
const std::string& mac_key,
const std::string& mac_algorithm,
const base::Time& creation,
const base::Time& expiration,
const base::Time& last_access,
bool secure,
bool httponly,
bool has_expires,
bool is_persistent);
// This constructor does canonicalization but not validation.
// The result of this constructor should not be relied on in contexts
// in which pre-validation of the ParsedCookie has not been done.
CanonicalCookie(const GURL& url, const ParsedCookie& pc);
// Supports the default copy constructor.
// Creates a canonical cookie from parsed cookie.
// Canonicalizes and validates inputs. May return NULL if an attribute
// value is invalid.
static CanonicalCookie* Create(const GURL& url,
const ParsedCookie& pc);
// Creates a canonical cookie from unparsed attribute values.
// Canonicalizes and validates inputs. May return NULL if an attribute
// value is invalid.
static CanonicalCookie* Create(const GURL& url,
const std::string& name,
const std::string& value,
const std::string& domain,
const std::string& path,
const std::string& mac_key,
const std::string& mac_algorithm,
const base::Time& creation,
const base::Time& expiration,
bool secure,
bool http_only,
bool is_persistent);
const std::string& Source() const { return source_; }
const std::string& Name() const { return name_; }
const std::string& Value() const { return value_; }
const std::string& Domain() const { return domain_; }
const std::string& Path() const { return path_; }
const std::string& MACKey() const { return mac_key_; }
const std::string& MACAlgorithm() const { return mac_algorithm_; }
const base::Time& CreationDate() const { return creation_date_; }
const base::Time& LastAccessDate() const { return last_access_date_; }
bool DoesExpire() const { return has_expires_; }
bool IsPersistent() const { return is_persistent_; }
const base::Time& ExpiryDate() const { return expiry_date_; }
bool IsSecure() const { return secure_; }
bool IsHttpOnly() const { return httponly_; }
bool IsDomainCookie() const {
return !domain_.empty() && domain_[0] == '.'; }
bool IsHostCookie() const { return !IsDomainCookie(); }
bool IsExpired(const base::Time& current) {
return has_expires_ && current >= expiry_date_;
// Are the cookies considered equivalent in the eyes of RFC 2965.
// The RFC says that name must match (case-sensitive), domain must
// match (case insensitive), and path must match (case sensitive).
// For the case insensitive domain compare, we rely on the domain
// having been canonicalized (in
// GetCookieDomainWithString->CanonicalizeHost).
bool IsEquivalent(const CanonicalCookie& ecc) const {
// It seems like it would make sense to take secure and httponly into
// account, but the RFC doesn't specify this.
// NOTE: Keep this logic in-sync with TrimDuplicateCookiesForHost().
return (name_ == ecc.Name() && domain_ == ecc.Domain()
&& path_ == ecc.Path());
void SetLastAccessDate(const base::Time& date) {
last_access_date_ = date;
bool IsOnPath(const std::string& url_path) const;
bool IsDomainMatch(const std::string& scheme, const std::string& host) const;
std::string DebugString() const;
// Returns the cookie source when cookies are set for |url|. This function
// is public for unit test purposes only.
static std::string GetCookieSourceFromURL(const GURL& url);
// Gives the session cookie an expiration time if needed
void SetSessionCookieExpiryTime();
// The source member of a canonical cookie is the origin of the URL that tried
// to set this cookie, minus the port number if any. This field is not
// persistent though; its only used in the in-tab cookies dialog to show the
// user the source URL. This is used for both allowed and blocked cookies.
// When a CanonicalCookie is constructed from the backing store (common case)
// this field will be null. CanonicalCookie consumers should not rely on
// this field unless they guarantee that the creator of those
// CanonicalCookies properly initialized the field.
// TODO(abarth): We might need to make this field persistent for MAC cookies.
std::string source_;
std::string name_;
std::string value_;
std::string domain_;
std::string path_;
std::string mac_key_; // TODO(abarth): Persist to disk.
std::string mac_algorithm_; // TODO(abarth): Persist to disk.
base::Time creation_date_;
base::Time expiry_date_;
base::Time last_access_date_;
bool secure_;
bool httponly_;
bool has_expires_;
bool is_persistent_;
class CookieMonster::Delegate
: public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<CookieMonster::Delegate> {
// The publicly relevant reasons a cookie might be changed.
enum ChangeCause {
// The cookie was changed directly by a consumer's action.
// The cookie was automatically removed due to an insert operation that
// overwrote it.
// The cookie was automatically removed as it expired.
// The cookie was automatically evicted during garbage collection.
// The cookie was overwritten with an already-expired expiration date.
// Will be called when a cookie is added or removed. The function is passed
// the respective |cookie| which was added to or removed from the cookies.
// If |removed| is true, the cookie was deleted, and |cause| will be set
// to the reason for its removal. If |removed| is false, the cookie was
// added, and |cause| will be set to CHANGE_COOKIE_EXPLICIT.
// As a special case, note that updating a cookie's properties is implemented
// as a two step process: the cookie to be updated is first removed entirely,
// generating a notification with cause CHANGE_COOKIE_OVERWRITE. Afterwards,
// a new cookie is written with the updated values, generating a notification
virtual void OnCookieChanged(const CookieMonster::CanonicalCookie& cookie,
bool removed,
ChangeCause cause) = 0;
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<CookieMonster::Delegate>;
virtual ~Delegate() {}
class NET_EXPORT CookieMonster::ParsedCookie {
typedef std::pair<std::string, std::string> TokenValuePair;
typedef std::vector<TokenValuePair> PairList;
// The maximum length of a cookie string we will try to parse
static const size_t kMaxCookieSize = 4096;
// The maximum number of Token/Value pairs. Shouldn't have more than 8.
static const int kMaxPairs = 16;
// Construct from a cookie string like "BLAH=1; path=/;"
ParsedCookie(const std::string& cookie_line);
// You should not call any other methods on the class if !IsValid
bool IsValid() const { return is_valid_; }
const std::string& Name() const { return pairs_[0].first; }
const std::string& Token() const { return Name(); }
const std::string& Value() const { return pairs_[0].second; }
bool HasPath() const { return path_index_ != 0; }
const std::string& Path() const { return pairs_[path_index_].second; }
bool HasDomain() const { return domain_index_ != 0; }
const std::string& Domain() const { return pairs_[domain_index_].second; }
bool HasMACKey() const { return mac_key_index_ != 0; }
const std::string& MACKey() const { return pairs_[mac_key_index_].second; }
bool HasMACAlgorithm() const { return mac_algorithm_index_ != 0; }
const std::string& MACAlgorithm() const {
return pairs_[mac_algorithm_index_].second;
bool HasExpires() const { return expires_index_ != 0; }
const std::string& Expires() const { return pairs_[expires_index_].second; }
bool HasMaxAge() const { return maxage_index_ != 0; }
const std::string& MaxAge() const { return pairs_[maxage_index_].second; }
bool IsSecure() const { return secure_index_ != 0; }
bool IsHttpOnly() const { return httponly_index_ != 0; }
// Returns the number of attributes, for example, returning 2 for:
// "BLAH=hah; path=/;"
size_t NumberOfAttributes() const { return pairs_.size() - 1; }
// For debugging only!
std::string DebugString() const;
// Returns an iterator pointing to the first terminator character found in
// the given string.
static std::string::const_iterator FindFirstTerminator(const std::string& s);
// Given iterators pointing to the beginning and end of a string segment,
// returns as output arguments token_start and token_end to the start and end
// positions of a cookie attribute token name parsed from the segment, and
// updates the segment iterator to point to the next segment to be parsed.
// If no token is found, the function returns false.
static bool ParseToken(std::string::const_iterator* it,
const std::string::const_iterator& end,
std::string::const_iterator* token_start,
std::string::const_iterator* token_end);
// Given iterators pointing to the beginning and end of a string segment,
// returns as output arguments value_start and value_end to the start and end
// positions of a cookie attribute value parsed from the segment, and updates
// the segment iterator to point to the next segment to be parsed.
static void ParseValue(std::string::const_iterator* it,
const std::string::const_iterator& end,
std::string::const_iterator* value_start,
std::string::const_iterator* value_end);
// Same as the above functions, except the input is assumed to contain the
// desired token/value and nothing else.
static std::string ParseTokenString(const std::string& token);
static std::string ParseValueString(const std::string& value);
static const char kTerminator[];
static const int kTerminatorLen;
static const char kWhitespace[];
static const char kValueSeparator[];
static const char kTokenSeparator[];
void ParseTokenValuePairs(const std::string& cookie_line);
void SetupAttributes();
PairList pairs_;
bool is_valid_;
// These will default to 0, but that should never be valid since the
// 0th index is the user supplied token/value, not an attribute.
// We're really never going to have more than like 8 attributes, so we
// could fit these into 3 bits each if we're worried about size...
size_t path_index_;
size_t domain_index_;
size_t mac_key_index_;
size_t mac_algorithm_index_;
size_t expires_index_;
size_t maxage_index_;
size_t secure_index_;
size_t httponly_index_;
typedef base::RefCountedThreadSafe<CookieMonster::PersistentCookieStore>
class CookieMonster::PersistentCookieStore
: public RefcountedPersistentCookieStore {
typedef base::Callback<void(const std::vector<
CookieMonster::CanonicalCookie*>&)> LoadedCallback;
// Initializes the store and retrieves the existing cookies. This will be
// called only once at startup. The callback will return all the cookies
// that are not yet returned to CookieMonster by previous priority loads.
virtual void Load(const LoadedCallback& loaded_callback) = 0;
// Does a priority load of all cookies for the domain key (eTLD+1). The
// callback will return all the cookies that are not yet returned by previous
// loads, which includes cookies for the requested domain key if they are not
// already returned, plus all cookies that are chain-loaded and not yet
// returned to CookieMonster.
virtual void LoadCookiesForKey(const std::string& key,
const LoadedCallback& loaded_callback) = 0;
virtual void AddCookie(const CanonicalCookie& cc) = 0;
virtual void UpdateCookieAccessTime(const CanonicalCookie& cc) = 0;
virtual void DeleteCookie(const CanonicalCookie& cc) = 0;
// Instructs the store to not discard session only cookies on shutdown.
virtual void SetForceKeepSessionState() = 0;
// Flushes the store and posts |callback| when complete.
virtual void Flush(const base::Closure& callback) = 0;
PersistentCookieStore() {}
virtual ~PersistentCookieStore() {}
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<PersistentCookieStore>;
class CookieList : public std::vector<CookieMonster::CanonicalCookie> {
} // namespace net