blob: 41ad2ef5a7f8a9af2ec627cf64c3cecfdda27b9c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
option retain_unknown_fields = true;
package sync_pb;
message GetUpdatesCallerInfo {
enum GetUpdatesSource {
UNKNOWN = 0; // The source was not set by the caller.
FIRST_UPDATE = 1; // First request after browser restart. Not to
// be confused with "NEW_CLIENT".
LOCAL = 2; // The source of the update was a local change.
NOTIFICATION = 3; // The source of the update was a p2p notification.
PERIODIC = 4; // The source of the update was periodic polling.
SYNC_CYCLE_CONTINUATION = 5; // The source of the update was a
// continuation of a previous update.
CLEAR_PRIVATE_DATA = 6; // Source is a call to remove all private data
NEWLY_SUPPORTED_DATATYPE = 7; // The client is in configuration mode
// because it's syncing all datatypes, and
// support for a new datatype was recently
// released via a software auto-update.
MIGRATION = 8; // The client is in configuration mode because a
// MIGRATION_DONE error previously returned by the
// server necessitated resynchronization.
NEW_CLIENT = 9; // The client is in configuration mode because the
// user enabled sync for the first time. Not to be
// confused with FIRST_UPDATE.
RECONFIGURATION = 10; // The client is in configuration mode because the
// user opted to sync a different set of datatypes.
DATATYPE_REFRESH = 11; // A datatype has requested a refresh. This is
// typically used when datatype's have custom
// sync UI, e.g. sessions.
required GetUpdatesSource source = 1;
// True only if notifications were enabled for this GetUpdateMessage.
optional bool notifications_enabled = 2;