blob: 17d58bc20b862d7fdc444c3fc962246fb447f399 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/string16.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/Source/Platform/chromium/public/WebReferrerPolicy.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebDevToolsAgentClient.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/platform/WebFileSystem.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/platform/WebGraphicsContext3D.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/platform/WebURLRequest.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/platform/WebVector.h"
#include "ui/base/keycodes/keyboard_codes.h"
namespace WebKit {
class WebApplicationCacheHost;
class WebApplicationCacheHostClient;
class WebFileSystemCallbacks;
class WebFrame;
class WebGamepads;
class WebKitPlatformSupport;
class WebMediaPlayer;
class WebMediaPlayerClient;
class WebPlugin;
class WebStorageNamespace;
class WebString;
class WebThemeEngine;
class WebURL;
class WebURLResponse;
class WebView;
struct WebPluginParams;
struct WebURLError;
namespace webkit_media {
class MediaStreamClient;
// This package provides functions used by DumpRenderTree/chromium.
// DumpRenderTree/chromium uses some code in webkit/ of Chromium. In
// order to minimize the dependency from WebKit to Chromium, the
// following functions uses WebKit API classes as possible and hide
// implementation classes.
namespace webkit_support {
// Initializes or terminates a test environment.
// |unit_test_mode| should be set to true when running in a TestSuite, in which
// case no AtExitManager is created and ICU is not initialized (as it is already
// done by the TestSuite).
// SetUpTestEnvironment() and SetUpTestEnvironmentForUnitTests() calls
// WebKit::initialize().
// TearDownTestEnvironment() calls WebKit::shutdown().
// SetUpTestEnvironmentForUnitTests() should be used when running in a
// TestSuite, in which case no AtExitManager is created and ICU is not
// initialized (as it is already done by the TestSuite).
void SetUpTestEnvironment();
void SetUpTestEnvironmentForUnitTests();
void TearDownTestEnvironment();
// Returns a pointer to a WebKitPlatformSupport implementation for
// DumpRenderTree. Needs to call SetUpTestEnvironment() before this.
// This returns a pointer to a static instance. Don't delete it.
WebKit::WebKitPlatformSupport* GetWebKitPlatformSupport();
// This is used by WebFrameClient::createPlugin().
WebKit::WebPlugin* CreateWebPlugin(WebKit::WebFrame* frame,
const WebKit::WebPluginParams& params);
// This is used by WebFrameClient::createMediaPlayer().
WebKit::WebMediaPlayer* CreateMediaPlayer(
WebKit::WebFrame* frame,
WebKit::WebMediaPlayerClient* client,
webkit_media::MediaStreamClient* media_stream_client);
// This is used by WebFrameClient::createMediaPlayer().
WebKit::WebMediaPlayer* CreateMediaPlayer(
WebKit::WebFrame* frame,
WebKit::WebMediaPlayerClient* client);
// This is used by WebFrameClient::createApplicationCacheHost().
WebKit::WebApplicationCacheHost* CreateApplicationCacheHost(
WebKit::WebFrame* frame, WebKit::WebApplicationCacheHostClient* client);
// This is used by WebViewHost::createSessionStorageNamespace().
WebKit::WebStorageNamespace* CreateSessionStorageNamespace(unsigned quota);
// Returns the root directory of the WebKit code.
WebKit::WebString GetWebKitRootDir();
enum GLBindingPreferences {
void SetUpGLBindings(GLBindingPreferences);
enum GraphicsContext3DImplementation {
// Registers which GraphicsContext3D Implementation to use.
void SetGraphicsContext3DImplementation(GraphicsContext3DImplementation);
GraphicsContext3DImplementation GetGraphicsContext3DImplementation();
WebKit::WebGraphicsContext3D* CreateGraphicsContext3D(
const WebKit::WebGraphicsContext3D::Attributes& attributes,
WebKit::WebView* web_view,
bool direct);
// ------- URL load mocking.
// Registers the file at |file_path| to be served when |url| is requested.
// |response| is the response provided with the contents.
void RegisterMockedURL(const WebKit::WebURL& url,
const WebKit::WebURLResponse& response,
const WebKit::WebString& file_path);
// Unregisters URLs so they are no longer mocked.
void UnregisterMockedURL(const WebKit::WebURL& url);
void UnregisterAllMockedURLs();
// Causes all pending asynchronous requests to be served. When this method
// returns all the pending requests have been processed.
void ServeAsynchronousMockedRequests();
// Wrappers to minimize dependecy.
// -------- Debugging
bool BeingDebugged();
// -------- Message loop and task
// A wrapper for Chromium's Task class.
// The lifecycle is managed by webkit_support thus
// You shouldn't delete the object.
// Note that canceled object is just removed.
class TaskAdaptor {
virtual ~TaskAdaptor() {}
virtual void Run() = 0;
void RunMessageLoop();
void QuitMessageLoop();
void QuitMessageLoopNow();
void RunAllPendingMessages();
void DispatchMessageLoop();
bool MessageLoopNestableTasksAllowed();
void MessageLoopSetNestableTasksAllowed(bool allowed);
void PostDelayedTask(void (*func)(void*), void* context, int64 delay_ms);
void PostDelayedTask(TaskAdaptor* task, int64 delay_ms);
// -------- File path and PathService
// Converts the specified path string to an absolute path in WebString.
// |utf8_path| is in UTF-8 encoding, not native multibyte string.
WebKit::WebString GetAbsoluteWebStringFromUTF8Path(
const std::string& utf8_path);
// Create a WebURL from the specified string.
// If |path_or_url_in_nativemb| is a URL starting with scheme, this simply
// returns a WebURL for it. Otherwise, this returns a file:// URL.
WebKit::WebURL CreateURLForPathOrURL(
const std::string& path_or_url_in_nativemb);
// Converts file:///tmp/LayoutTests URLs to the actual location on disk.
WebKit::WebURL RewriteLayoutTestsURL(const std::string& utf8_url);
// Set the directory of specified file: URL as the current working directory.
bool SetCurrentDirectoryForFileURL(const WebKit::WebURL& fileUrl);
// Convert a file:/// URL to a base64 encoded data: URL.
WebKit::WebURL LocalFileToDataURL(const WebKit::WebURL& fileUrl);
// Scoped temporary directories for use by webkit layout tests.
class ScopedTempDirectory {
virtual ~ScopedTempDirectory() {}
virtual bool CreateUniqueTempDir() = 0;
virtual std::string path() const = 0;
ScopedTempDirectory* CreateScopedTempDirectory();
// -------- Time
int64 GetCurrentTimeInMillisecond();
// -------- Net
// A wrapper of net::EscapePath().
std::string EscapePath(const std::string& path);
// Make an error description for layout tests.
std::string MakeURLErrorDescription(const WebKit::WebURLError& error);
// Creates WebURLError for an aborted request.
WebKit::WebURLError CreateCancelledError(const WebKit::WebURLRequest& request);
// Create "extra data" for a ResourceRequest required by Chrome's network stack.
WebKit::WebURLRequest::ExtraData* CreateWebURLRequestExtraData(
WebKit::WebReferrerPolicy referrer_policy);
// - Database
void SetDatabaseQuota(int quota);
void ClearAllDatabases();
// - Resource loader
void SetAcceptAllCookies(bool accept);
// - Theme engine
#if defined(OS_WIN) || defined(OS_MACOSX)
void SetThemeEngine(WebKit::WebThemeEngine* engine);
WebKit::WebThemeEngine* GetThemeEngine();
// - DevTools
WebKit::WebURL GetDevToolsPathAsURL();
// - FileSystem
void OpenFileSystem(WebKit::WebFrame* frame, WebKit::WebFileSystem::Type type,
long long size, bool create, WebKit::WebFileSystemCallbacks* callbacks);
// Returns a filesystem ID for the newly created isolated filesystem.
WebKit::WebString RegisterIsolatedFileSystem(
const WebKit::WebVector<WebKit::WebString>& filenames);
// -------- Keyboard code
enum {
VKEY_F1 = ui::VKEY_F1,
#if defined(TOOLKIT_GTK)
int NativeKeyCodeForWindowsKeyCode(int keycode, bool shift);
// - Timers
double GetForegroundTabTimerInterval();
// - Logging
void EnableWebCoreLogChannels(const std::string& channels);
// - Gamepad
void SetGamepadData(const WebKit::WebGamepads& pads);
} // namespace webkit_support