blob: 522c338f2bd223b396b0f198de7b89b1d6306ef6 [file] [log] [blame]
Basic tests for ChannelMerger.
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
PASS context.createChannelMerger() did not throw an exception.
PASS context.createChannelMerger(0) threw IndexSizeError: Failed to execute 'createChannelMerger' on 'AudioContext': The number of inputs provided (0) is outside the range [1, 32]..
PASS context.createChannelMerger(32) did not throw an exception.
PASS context.createChannelMerger(33) threw IndexSizeError: Failed to execute 'createChannelMerger' on 'AudioContext': The number of inputs provided (33) is outside the range [1, 32]..
PASS merger.channelCount is equal to 1.
PASS merger.channelCount = 3 threw InvalidStateError: Failed to set the 'channelCount' property on 'AudioNode': ChannelMerger: channelCount cannot be changed from 1.
PASS merger.channelCountMode is equal to "explicit".
PASS merger.channelCountMode = "max" threw InvalidStateError: Failed to set the 'channelCountMode' property on 'AudioNode': ChannelMerger: channelCountMode cannot be changed from 'explicit'.
PASS successfullyParsed is true