blob: 4625e3d396508835025f64352af684a74808830d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO(ananta/scottmg)
// Add test coverage for Crashpad.
#include "chrome/app/chrome_crash_reporter_client_win.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <shellapi.h>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/debug/leak_annotations.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/format_macros.h"
#include "base/rand_util.h"
#include "chrome/common/chrome_result_codes.h"
#include "chrome/install_static/install_util.h"
#include "chrome/install_static/user_data_dir.h"
#include "components/crash/content/app/crashpad.h"
#include "components/version_info/channel.h"
ChromeCrashReporterClient::ChromeCrashReporterClient() {}
ChromeCrashReporterClient::~ChromeCrashReporterClient() {}
#if !defined(NACL_WIN64)
// static
void ChromeCrashReporterClient::InitializeCrashReportingForProcess() {
static ChromeCrashReporterClient* instance = nullptr;
if (instance)
instance = new ChromeCrashReporterClient();
std::wstring process_type = install_static::GetSwitchValueFromCommandLine(
::GetCommandLine(), install_static::kProcessType);
// Don't set up Crashpad crash reporting in the Crashpad handler itself, nor
// in the fallback crash handler for the Crashpad handler process.
if (process_type != install_static::kCrashpadHandler &&
process_type != install_static::kFallbackHandler) {
std::wstring user_data_dir;
if (process_type.empty())
install_static::GetUserDataDirectory(&user_data_dir, nullptr);
process_type.empty(), install_static::UTF16ToUTF8(process_type),
install_static::UTF16ToUTF8(user_data_dir), base::FilePath());
#endif // !defined(NACL_WIN64)
bool ChromeCrashReporterClient::GetAlternativeCrashDumpLocation(
base::string16* crash_dir) {
// By setting the BREAKPAD_DUMP_LOCATION environment variable, an alternate
// location to write breakpad crash dumps can be set.
*crash_dir =
return !crash_dir->empty();
void ChromeCrashReporterClient::GetProductNameAndVersion(
const base::string16& exe_path,
base::string16* product_name,
base::string16* version,
base::string16* special_build,
base::string16* channel_name) {
exe_path, product_name, version, special_build, channel_name);
bool ChromeCrashReporterClient::ShouldShowRestartDialog(base::string16* title,
base::string16* message,
bool* is_rtl_locale) {
if (!install_static::HasEnvironmentVariable16(
install_static::kShowRestart) ||
install_static::kRestartInfo)) {
return false;
base::string16 restart_info =
// The CHROME_RESTART var contains the dialog strings separated by '|'.
// See ChromeBrowserMainPartsWin::PrepareRestartOnCrashEnviroment()
// for details.
std::vector<base::string16> dlg_strings = install_static::TokenizeString16(
restart_info, L'|', true); // true = Trim whitespace.
if (dlg_strings.size() < 3)
return false;
*title = dlg_strings[0];
*message = dlg_strings[1];
*is_rtl_locale = dlg_strings[2] == install_static::kRtlLocale;
return true;
bool ChromeCrashReporterClient::AboutToRestart() {
if (!install_static::HasEnvironmentVariable16(install_static::kRestartInfo))
return false;
install_static::SetEnvironmentString16(install_static::kShowRestart, L"1");
return true;
bool ChromeCrashReporterClient::GetDeferredUploadsSupported(
bool is_per_user_install) {
return false;
bool ChromeCrashReporterClient::GetIsPerUserInstall() {
return !install_static::IsSystemInstall();
bool ChromeCrashReporterClient::GetShouldDumpLargerDumps() {
// Capture larger dumps for Google Chrome beta, dev, and canary channels, and
// Chromium builds. The Google Chrome stable channel uses smaller dumps.
return install_static::GetChromeChannel() != version_info::Channel::STABLE;
int ChromeCrashReporterClient::GetResultCodeRespawnFailed() {
bool ChromeCrashReporterClient::ReportingIsEnforcedByPolicy(
bool* crashpad_enabled) {
// Determine whether configuration management allows loading the crash
// reporter.
// Since the configuration management infrastructure is not initialized at
// this point, we read the corresponding registry key directly. The return
// status indicates whether policy data was successfully read. If it is true,
// |breakpad_enabled| contains the value set by policy.
return install_static::ReportingIsEnforcedByPolicy(crashpad_enabled);
bool ChromeCrashReporterClient::GetCrashDumpLocation(
base::string16* crash_dir) {
// By setting the BREAKPAD_DUMP_LOCATION environment variable, an alternate
// location to write breakpad crash dumps can be set.
// If this environment variable exists, then for the time being,
// short-circuit how it's handled on Windows. Honoring this
// variable is required in order to symbolize stack traces in
// Telemetry based tests:
if (GetAlternativeCrashDumpLocation(crash_dir))
return true;
*crash_dir = install_static::GetCrashDumpLocation();
return !crash_dir->empty();
bool ChromeCrashReporterClient::GetCrashMetricsLocation(
base::string16* metrics_dir) {
install_static::GetUserDataDirectory(metrics_dir, nullptr);
return !metrics_dir->empty();
bool ChromeCrashReporterClient::IsRunningUnattended() {
return install_static::HasEnvironmentVariable16(install_static::kHeadless);
bool ChromeCrashReporterClient::GetCollectStatsConsent() {
return install_static::GetCollectStatsConsent();
bool ChromeCrashReporterClient::GetCollectStatsInSample() {
return install_static::GetCollectStatsInSample();
bool ChromeCrashReporterClient::ShouldMonitorCrashHandlerExpensively() {
// The expensive mechanism dedicates a process to be crashpad_handler's own
// crashpad_handler. In Google Chrome, scale back on this in the more stable
// channels. There's a fallback crash handler that can catch crashes when this
// expensive mechanism isn't used, although the fallback crash handler has
// different characteristics so it's desirable to use the expensive mechanism
// at least some of the time.
double probability;
switch (install_static::GetChromeChannel()) {
case version_info::Channel::STABLE:
return false;
case version_info::Channel::BETA:
probability = 0.1;
case version_info::Channel::DEV:
probability = 0.25;
probability = 0.5;
return base::RandDouble() < probability;
bool ChromeCrashReporterClient::EnableBreakpadForProcess(
const std::string& process_type) {
// This is not used by Crashpad (at least on Windows).
return true;