blob: d0d5ee9a7950c965300e95a3d8381f000d0e6376 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
// This file describes various types used to describe and filter notifications
// that pass through the NotificationService.
namespace content {
enum {
// General -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Special signal value to represent an interest in all notifications.
// Not valid when posting a notification.
// The app is done processing user actions, now is a good time to do
// some background work.
// Means that the app has just started doing something in response to a
// user action, and that background processes shouldn't run if avoidable.
// This is sent when the user does a gesture resulting in a noteworthy
// action taking place. This is typically used for logging. The source is
// the browser context, and the details is a string identifying the action.
// NavigationController ----------------------------------------------------
// A new pending navigation has been created. Pending entries are created
// when the user requests the navigation. We don't know if it will actually
// happen until it does (at this point, it will be "committed." Note that
// renderer- initiated navigations such as link clicks will never be
// pending.
// This notification is called after the pending entry is created, but
// before we actually try to navigate. The source will be the
// NavigationController that owns the pending entry, and there are no
// details.
// A new non-pending navigation entry has been created. This will
// correspond to one NavigationController entry being created (in the case
// of new navigations) or renavigated to (for back/forward navigations).
// The source will be the navigation controller doing the commit. The
// details will be NavigationController::LoadCommittedDetails.
// Indicates that the NavigationController given in the Source has
// decreased its back/forward list count by removing entries from either
// the front or back of its list. This is usually the result of going back
// and then doing a new navigation, meaning all the "forward" items are
// deleted.
// This normally happens as a result of a new navigation. It will be
// followed by a NAV_ENTRY_COMMITTED message for the new page that
// caused the pruning. It could also be a result of removing an item from
// the list to fix up after interstitials.
// The details are NavigationController::PrunedDetails.
// Indicates that a NavigationEntry has changed. The source will be the
// NavigationController that owns the NavigationEntry. The details will be
// a NavigationController::EntryChangedDetails struct.
// This will NOT be sent on navigation, interested parties should also
// listen for NAV_ENTRY_COMMITTED to handle that case. This will be
// sent when the entry is updated outside of navigation (like when a new
// title comes).
// Other load-related (not from NavigationController) ----------------------
// Corresponds to ViewHostMsg_DocumentOnLoadCompletedInMainFrame. The source
// is the TabContents and the details the page_id.
// A content load is starting. The source will be a
// Source<NavigationController> corresponding to the tab in which the load
// is occurring. No details are expected for this notification.
// A content load has stopped. The source will be a
// Source<NavigationController> corresponding to the tab in which the load
// is occurring. Details in the form of a LoadNotificationDetails object
// are optional.
// Content was loaded from an in-memory cache. The source will be a
// Source<NavigationController> corresponding to the tab in which the load
// occurred. Details in the form of a LoadFromMemoryCacheDetails object
// are provided.
// A provisional content load has failed with an error. The source will be
// a Source<NavigationController> corresponding to the tab in which the
// load occurred. Details in the form of a ProvisionalLoadDetails object
// are provided.
// A response has been received for a resource request. The source will be
// a Source<RenderViewHostDelegate> corresponding to the tab in which the
// request was issued. Details in the form of a ResourceRequestDetails
// object are provided.
// A redirect was received while requesting a resource. The source will be
// a Source<RenderViewHostDelegate> corresponding to the tab in which the
// request was issued. Details in the form of a ResourceRedirectDetails
// are provided.
// A new tab is created from an existing tab to serve as a target of a
// navigation that is about to happen. The source will be a
// Source<BrowserContext> corresponding to the browser context in which the
// new tab will live. Details in the form of a RetargetingDetails object are
// provided.
// A new window was requested but was not created. The source will be a
// Source<TabContents> corresponding to the tab the request originated from.
// Details are the ViewHostMsg_CreateWindow_Params object that were used in
// the request.
// SSL ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Updating the SSL security indicators (the lock icon and such) proceeds
// in two phases:
// 1) The internal SSL state for a host or tab changes. When this happens,
// the SSLManager broadcasts an SSL_INTERNAL_STATE_CHANGED notification.
// 2) The SSLManager for each tab receives this notification and might or
// might not update the navigation entry for its tab, depending on
// whether the change in state affects that tab. If the SSLManager does
// change the navigation entry, then the SSLManager broadcasts an
// SSL_VISIBLE_STATE_CHANGED notification to the user interface can
// redraw properly.
// The SSL state of a page has changed in some visible way. For example,
// if an insecure resource is loaded on a secure page. Note that a
// toplevel load commit will also update the SSL state (since the
// NavigationEntry is new) and this message won't always be sent in that
// case. Listen to this notification if you need to refresh SSL-related UI
// elements.
// There is no source or details.
// The SSL state of the browser has changed in some internal way. For
// example, the user might have explicitly allowed some broken certificate
// or a secure origin might have included some insecure content. Listen to
// this notifiation if you need to keep track of our internal SSL state.
// The source will be the browser context. The details will be the navigation
// controller associated with the state change.
// The user accepted or dismissed a SSL client authentication request.
// The source is a Source<SSLClientAuthHandler>. Details is a
// SSLClientAuthNotificationDetails which records specifies which
// SSLCertRequestInfo the request was for and which X509Certificate was
// selected (if any).
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
// This message is sent when the application is made active (Mac OS X only
// at present). No source or details are passed.
// This message is sent when the application is terminating (the last
// browser window has shutdown as part of an explicit user-initiated exit,
// or the user closed the last browser window on Windows/Linux and there are
// no BackgroundContents keeping the browser running). No source or details
// are passed.
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
// This notification is sent when the app has no key window, such as when
// all windows are closed but the app is still active. No source or details
// are provided.
// This is sent when the user has chosen to exit the app, but before any
// browsers have closed. This is sent if the user chooses to exit
// (via exit menu item or keyboard shortcut) or to restart the process
// (such as in flags page), not if Chrome exists by some other means
// (such as the user closing the last window). Note that receiving this
// notification does not necessarily mean the process will exit
// because the shutdown process can be cancelled by unload handler.
// Use APP_TERMINATING for such needs.
// The source and details are unspecified.
// Indicates that a devtools window is closing. The source is the
// content::BrowserContext* and the details is the inspected RenderViewHost*.
// Tabs --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sent when a tab is added to a TabContentsDelegate. The source is the
// TabContentsDelegate and the details is the added TabContents.
// This notification is sent after a tab has been appended to the tab_strip.
// The source is a Source<TabContentsWrapper> of the tab being added. There
// are no details.
// This message is sent before a tab has been closed. The source is a
// Source<NavigationController> with a pointer to the controller for the
// closed tab. No details are expected.
// See also TAB_CLOSED.
// Notification that a tab has been closed. The source is the
// NavigationController with no details.
// This notification is sent when a render view host has connected to a
// renderer process. The source is a Source<TabContents> with a pointer to
// the TabContents. A TAB_CONTENTS_DISCONNECTED notification is
// guaranteed before the source pointer becomes junk. No details are
// expected.
// This notification is sent when a TabContents swaps its render view host
// with another one, possibly changing processes. The source is a
// Source<TabContents> with a pointer to the TabContents. A
// TAB_CONTENTS_DISCONNECTED notification is guaranteed before the
// source pointer becomes junk. No details are expected.
// This message is sent after a TabContents is disconnected from the
// renderer process. The source is a Source<TabContents> with a pointer to
// the TabContents (the pointer is usable). No details are expected.
// This notification is sent after TabContents' title is updated. The source
// is a Source<TabContents> with a pointer to the TabContents. The details
// is a Details<TitleUpdatedDetails> that contains more information.
// This notification is sent when a TabContents is being hidden, e.g. due
// to switching away from this tab. The source is a Source<TabContents>.
// This notification is sent when a TabContents is being destroyed. Any
// object holding a reference to a TabContents can listen to that
// notification to properly reset the reference. The source is a
// Source<TabContents>.
// A RenderViewHost was created for a TabContents. The source is the
// associated TabContents, and the details is the RenderViewHost
// pointer.
// Notification than an interstitial has become associated with a tab. The
// source is the TabContents, the details not used.
// Indicates that a RenderProcessHost was created and its handle is now
// available. The source will be the RenderProcessHost that corresponds to
// the process.
// Indicates that a RenderProcessHost is destructing. The source will be the
// RenderProcessHost that corresponds to the process.
// Indicates that a render process is starting to exit, such that it should
// not be used for future navigations. The source will be the
// RenderProcessHost that corresponds to the process.
// Indicates that a render process was closed (meaning it exited, but the
// RenderProcessHost might be reused). The source will be the corresponding
// RenderProcessHost. The details will be a RendererClosedDetails struct.
// This may get sent along with RENDERER_PROCESS_TERMINATED.
// Indicates that a render process has become unresponsive for a period of
// time. The source will be the RenderWidgetHost that corresponds to the
// hung view, and no details are expected.
// This is sent to notify that the RenderViewHost displayed in a
// TabContents has changed. Source is the TabContents for which the change
// happened, details is the previous RenderViewHost (can be NULL when the
// first RenderViewHost is set).
// Indicates that the render view host has received an accessibility tree
// update, either partial or full, from the render view. The source is the
// RenderViewHost, the details are not used.
// This is sent when a RenderWidgetHost is being destroyed. The source is
// the RenderWidgetHost, the details are not used.
// Sent after the widget has painted. The source is the RenderWidgetHost,
// the details are not used.
// This notifies the observer that a PaintAtSizeACK was received. The source
// is the RenderWidgetHost, the details are an instance of
// RenderWidgetHost::PaintAtSizeAckDetails.
// This notifies the observer that a HandleInputEventACK was received. The
// source is the RenderWidgetHost, the details are the type of event
// received.
// Note: The RenderWidgetHost may be deallocated at this point.
// Used only in testing.
// Sent from RenderViewHost constructor. The source is the RenderViewHost,
// the details unused.
// Sent from ~RenderViewHost. The source is the RenderViewHost, the details
// unused.
// Sent from RenderViewHost::ClosePage. The hosted RenderView has
// processed the onbeforeunload handler and is about to be sent a
// ViewMsg_ClosePage message to complete the tear-down process. The source
// is the RenderViewHost sending the message, and no details are provided.
// Note: This message is not sent in response to RenderView closure
// initiated by window.close().
// This notifies the observer that the drag operation ack in a drag and
// drop operation was received. The source is the RenderViewHost.
// Note: Used only in testing.
// Indicates a RenderWidgetHost has been hidden or restored. The source is
// the RWH whose visibility changed, the details is a bool set to true if
// the new state is "visible."
// Sent from ~SiteInstance. The source is the SiteInstance, and the details
// are unused.
// The focused element inside a page has changed. The source is the
// TabContents containing the render view host for the page. The details is
// a Details<const bool> that indicates whether or not an editable node was
// focused.
// Notification posted from ExecuteJavascriptInWebFrameNotifyResult. The
// source is the RenderViewHost ExecuteJavascriptInWebFrameNotifyResult was
// invoked on. The details are a std::pair<int, Value*> with the int giving
// the id returned from ExecuteJavascriptInWebFrameNotifyResult and the
// Value the results of the javascript expression. The Value is owned by
// RenderViewHost and may be a Null Value.
// Child Processes ---------------------------------------------------------
// This notification is sent when a child process host has connected to a
// child process. There is no usable source, since it is sent from an
// ephemeral task; register for AllSources() to receive this notification.
// The details are in a Details<ChildProcessInfo>.
// This message is sent after a ChildProcessHost is disconnected from the
// child process. There is no usable source, since it is sent from an
// ephemeral task; register for AllSources() to receive this notification.
// The details are in a Details<ChildProcessInfo>.
// This message is sent when a child process disappears
// unexpectedly as a result of a crash. There is no usable
// source, since it is sent from an ephemeral task; register for
// AllSources() to receive this notification. The details are in
// a Details<ChildProcessInfo>.
// This message is sent when a child process disappears
// unexpectedly as a result of a termination signal. There is no
// usable source, since it is sent from an ephemeral task;
// register for AllSources() to receive this notification. The
// details are in a Details<ChildProcessInfo>.
// This message indicates that an instance of a particular child was
// created in a page. (If one page contains several regions rendered by
// the same child, this notification will occur once for each region
// during the page load.)
// There is no usable source, since it is sent from an ephemeral task;
// register for AllSources() to receive this notification. The details are
// in a Details<ChildProcessInfo>.
// Sent by the PluginUpdater when there is a change of plugin
// enable/disable status.
// Download Notifications --------------------------------------------------
// Sent when a page generation to MHTML has finished.
// The source is the corresponding RenderViewHost. The details is a
// MHTMLGenerationManager::NotificationDetails.
// Saved Pages -------------------------------------------------------------
// Sent when a SavePackage finishes successfully. The source is the
// SavePackage, and Details are a GURL containing address of downloaded
// page.
// Purge Memory ------------------------------------------------------------
// Sent on the IO thread when the system should try to reduce the amount of
// memory in use, no source or details are passed. See memory_purger.h .cc.
// Sent before the repost form warning is brought up.
// The source is a NavigationController.
// Sent when the zoom level changes. The source is the HostZoomMap. The
// details is a string of the hostname for which the zoom changed. In case
// of a temporary zoom level change, the details is an empty string.
// Custom notifications used by the embedder should start from here.
} // namespace content