blob: f5bdeb7f889bde5e46d19e585e8d42338b105422 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
include: [
// CML shards intended for tests are used here because this component is
// launched as a test. While it doesn't fit the typical use-case for a test
// component, it's a useful way to be able to launch the component from a
// host tool and have it run somewhere it can get the capabilities it needs
// to function correctly.
// TODO( Run as a non-test component.
program: {
binary: "web_engine_shell_exec",
use: [
// Required in `--use-context-provider` mode.
protocol: [
// Required to display the View in Scene Manager unless running in
// `--headless` mode.
availability: "optional",
protocol: [
// The system ContextProvider is required to create the Context.
availability: "optional",
// The remaining are provided from this Component to the ``
// via `CreateContextParams.service_directory`.
// Used to hold the cdm_data directory passed to the WebInstance.
storage: "data",
path: "/data",
// The `--use-context-provider` mode does not support
// `--enable-web-instance-tmp` so there is no need to `use` "tmp" like
// the `offer` when not in `--use-context-provider` mode.
protocol: [
// Required capabilities for all WebInstance configurations.
// "fuchsia.logger/LogSink", is included by the shard above.
// TODO( Make required when `--use-context-provider`.
availability: "optional",
protocol: [
// Allows CPU scheduling profiles to be applied to threads to
// tune their performance, especially for media rendering.
// TODO( Migrate to `fuchsia.scheduler`.
// Optionally used by the tracing service.
// TODO( Offer only when enabled.
availability: "optional",
protocol: [
// Required by `fuchsia.web/ContextFeatureFlags.NETWORK`.
// Required by `fuchsia.web/ContextFeatureFlags.AUDIO`.
// Required by `fuchsia.web/ContextFeatureFlags.VULKAN`.
// "fuchsia.tracing.provider.Registry" is optionally used by the
// tracing service.
// Required by `fuchsia.web/ContextFeatureFlags.HARDWARE_VIDEO_DECODER`.
// TODO( Make required when `--use-context-provider`.
availability: "optional",
// Required by `fuchsia.web/ContextFeatureFlags.WIDEVINE_CDM` if the value
// of the GN arg `enable_widevine` at is true.
// TODO( Use a shard to conditionally `use` based on
// the build-time config.
protocol: "",
availability: "optional",
protocol: [
// Required by the absence of `fuchsia.web/ContextFeatureFlags.HEADLESS`
// unless running in `--headless` mode.
availability: "optional",
protocol: [
// Required by `fuchsia.web/ContextFeatureFlags.KEYBOARD`.
// Required by `fuchsia.web/ContextFeatureFlags.VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD`.
// Required by the absence of
// `fuchsia.web/ContextFeatureFlags.DISABLE_DYNAMIC_CODE_GENERATION`.
offer: [
// Required capabilities for WebInstanceHost in a child Component.
protocol: [
from: "parent",
to: "#realm_builder",
// Offered for use by the relaunched
// `fuchsia_web/shell/web_engine_shell_for_web_instance_host.cml`
// TODO( Remove when running as a non-test component and
// thus the relaunch is no longer needed.
protocol: [
// Required to display the View in Scene Manager unless running in
// `--headless` mode.
from: "parent",
to: "#realm_builder",
availability: "optional",
// The remaining are offered from the parent to `` via
// `RealmBuilder` when not in `--use-context-provider` mode.
// Used to hold the cdm_data directory passed to web_instance.
storage: "data",
from: "parent",
to: "#realm_builder",
// Used when launched with --enable-web-instance-tmp.
storage: [ "tmp" ],
from: "parent",
to: "#realm_builder",
availability: "optional",
// The chromium test realm offers the system-wide config-data dir to test
// components. Route the web_engine sub-directory of this as required by
// WebInstanceHost.
directory: "config-data",
from: "parent",
as: "config-data-for-web-instance",
to: "#realm_builder",
subdir: "web_engine",
availability: "optional",
// Holds ICU time zone data files.
// See:
directory: "tzdata-icu",
from: "parent",
to: "#realm_builder",
// Required by `fuchsia.web/ContextFeatureFlags.NETWORK`.
directory: "root-ssl-certificates",
from: "parent",
to: "#realm_builder",
// Required capabilities for all WebInstance configurations.
protocol: [
// "fuchsia.logger/LogSink", is included by the shard above.
from: "parent",
to: "#realm_builder",
protocol: [
// Allows CPU scheduling profiles to be applied to threads to
// tune their performance, especially for media rendering.
// TODO( Migrate to `fuchsia.scheduler`.
// Optionally used by the tracing service.
// TODO( Offer only when enabled.
from: "parent",
to: "#realm_builder",
availability: "optional",
protocol: [
// Required by `fuchsia.web/ContextFeatureFlags.NETWORK`.
// Required by `fuchsia.web/ContextFeatureFlags.AUDIO`.
// Required by `fuchsia.web/ContextFeatureFlags.VULKAN`.
// "fuchsia.tracing.provider.Registry" is optionally used by the
// tracing service.
// Required by `fuchsia.web/ContextFeatureFlags.HARDWARE_VIDEO_DECODER`.
from: "parent",
to: "#realm_builder",
// Required by `fuchsia.web/ContextFeatureFlags.WIDEVINE_CDM` if the value
// of the GN arg `enable_widevine` at is true.
// TODO( Use a shard to conditionally `offer` based on
// the build-time config.
protocol: "",
from: "parent",
to: "#realm_builder",
availability: "optional",
protocol: [
// Required by the absence of `fuchsia.web/ContextFeatureFlags.HEADLESS`
// unless running in `--headless` mode.
from: "parent",
to: "#realm_builder",
availability: "optional",
protocol: [
// Required by `fuchsia.web/ContextFeatureFlags.KEYBOARD`.
// Required by `fuchsia.web/ContextFeatureFlags.VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD`.
// Required by the absence of
// `fuchsia.web/ContextFeatureFlags.DISABLE_DYNAMIC_CODE_GENERATION`.
from: "parent",
to: "#realm_builder",
facets: {
// TODO( Remove when converting to a non-test component.
"fuchsia.test": {
"deprecated-allowed-packages": [