| // Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| #include <fuchsia/web/cpp/fidl.h> |
| |
| #include "base/run_loop.h" |
| #include "base/task/single_thread_task_runner.h" |
| #include "content/public/test/browser_test.h" |
| #include "fuchsia_web/common/test/frame_for_test.h" |
| #include "fuchsia_web/common/test/frame_test_util.h" |
| #include "fuchsia_web/common/test/test_navigation_listener.h" |
| #include "fuchsia_web/webengine/browser/context_impl.h" |
| #include "fuchsia_web/webengine/browser/fake_navigation_policy_provider.h" |
| #include "fuchsia_web/webengine/browser/frame_impl.h" |
| #include "fuchsia_web/webengine/browser/navigation_policy_handler.h" |
| #include "fuchsia_web/webengine/test/test_data.h" |
| #include "fuchsia_web/webengine/test/web_engine_browser_test.h" |
| #include "net/test/embedded_test_server/embedded_test_server.h" |
| #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" |
| |
| namespace { |
| |
| const char kPagePath[] = "/title1.html"; |
| const char kPageTitle[] = "title 1"; |
| |
| } // namespace |
| |
| class NavigationPolicyTest : public WebEngineBrowserTest { |
| public: |
| NavigationPolicyTest() : policy_provider_binding_(&policy_provider_) { |
| WebEngineBrowserTest::set_test_server_root(base::FilePath(kTestServerRoot)); |
| } |
| ~NavigationPolicyTest() override = default; |
| |
| NavigationPolicyTest(const NavigationPolicyTest&) = delete; |
| NavigationPolicyTest& operator=(const NavigationPolicyTest&) = delete; |
| |
| void SetUp() override { WebEngineBrowserTest::SetUp(); } |
| |
| void SetUpOnMainThread() override { |
| frame_ = FrameForTest::Create(context(), fuchsia::web::CreateFrameParams()); |
| |
| // Spin the loop to allow the Create() request to be handled. |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| frame_impl_ = context_impl()->GetFrameImplForTest(&frame_.ptr()); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(embedded_test_server()->Start()); |
| |
| // Register a NavigationPolicyProvider to the frame. |
| fuchsia::web::NavigationPolicyProviderParams params; |
| *params.mutable_main_frame_phases() = fuchsia::web::NavigationPhase::START; |
| *params.mutable_subframe_phases() = fuchsia::web::NavigationPhase::REDIRECT; |
| frame_->SetNavigationPolicyProvider(std::move(params), |
| policy_provider_binding_.NewBinding()); |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| frame_impl_->navigation_policy_handler()->is_provider_connected()); |
| } |
| |
| void TearDownOnMainThread() override { |
| frame_ = {}; |
| WebEngineBrowserTest::TearDownOnMainThread(); |
| } |
| |
| protected: |
| FrameForTest frame_; |
| FrameImpl* frame_impl_ = nullptr; |
| fidl::Binding<fuchsia::web::NavigationPolicyProvider> |
| policy_provider_binding_; |
| FakeNavigationPolicyProvider policy_provider_; |
| }; |
| |
| IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(NavigationPolicyTest, Proceed) { |
| policy_provider_.set_should_abort_navigation(false); |
| |
| GURL page_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL(std::string(kPagePath))); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(LoadUrlAndExpectResponse(frame_.GetNavigationController(), |
| fuchsia::web::LoadUrlParams(), |
| page_url.spec())); |
| frame_.navigation_listener().RunUntilUrlAndTitleEquals(page_url, kPageTitle); |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(page_url.spec(), policy_provider_.requested_navigation()->url()); |
| } |
| |
| IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(NavigationPolicyTest, Deferred) { |
| policy_provider_.set_should_abort_navigation(true); |
| |
| GURL page_url(embedded_test_server()->GetURL(std::string(kPagePath))); |
| |
| // Make sure the page has had time to load, but has not actually loaded, since |
| // we cannot check for the absence of page data. |
| ASSERT_TRUE(LoadUrlAndExpectResponse(frame_.GetNavigationController(), |
| fuchsia::web::LoadUrlParams(), |
| page_url.spec())); |
| base::RunLoop run_loop; |
| base::SingleThreadTaskRunner::GetCurrentDefault()->PostDelayedTask( |
| FROM_HERE, run_loop.QuitClosure(), base::Milliseconds(200)); |
| run_loop.Run(); |
| |
| // Make sure an up to date NavigationState is used. |
| fuchsia::web::NavigationState state; |
| state.set_url(page_url.spec()); |
| frame_.navigation_listener().RunUntilNavigationStateMatches(state); |
| auto* current_state = frame_.navigation_listener().current_state(); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(current_state->has_is_main_document_loaded()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(current_state->is_main_document_loaded()); |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(page_url.spec(), policy_provider_.requested_navigation()->url()); |
| } |