blob: e07e22a7ec9d6fdd6ed7fc17bf0809747f9918af [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <memory>
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "sql/database.h"
#include "sql/internal_api_token.h"
#include "sql/sqlite_result_code_values.h"
namespace base {
class FilePath;
namespace sql {
// Recovery module for sql/. Please see the `RecoverIfPossible()` method for how
// to use this class.
// This module is capable of recovering databases which the legacy recovery
// module could not recover. These include:
// - tables with the WITHOUT ROWID optimization
// - databases which use Write-Ahead Log (i.e. WAL mode)
// - NOTE: as WAL mode is still experimental (see
// recovery should not be attempted on WAL databases for now.
// Uses SQLite's recovery extension:
class COMPONENT_EXPORT(SQL) Recovery {
enum class Strategy {
// Razes the database if it could not be recovered.
// Razes the database if it could not be recovered, or if a valid meta table
// with a version value could not be determined from the recovered database.
// Use this strategy if your client makes assertions about the version of
// the database schema.
// TODO( Consider exposing a way to keep around a
// successfully-recovered, but unsuccessfully-restored database if needed.
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered
// and numeric values should never be reused.
enum class Result {
// Outcome not yet known. This value should never be logged.
kUnknown = 0,
// Successfully completed the full database recovery process.
kSuccess = 1,
// Failed to initialize and configure the sqlite3_recover object.
kFailedRecoveryInit = 2,
// Failed to run recovery with the sqlite3_recover object.
kFailedRecoveryRun = 3,
// The database was successfully recovered to a backup, but we could not
// open the newly-recovered database in order to copy it to the original
// database.
kFailedToOpenRecoveredDatabase = 4,
// The database was successfully recovered to a backup, but a meta table
// could not be found in the recovered database.
// Only valid when using Strategy::kRecoverWithMetaVersionOrRaze.
kFailedMetaTableDoesNotExist = 5,
// The database was successfully recovered to a backup, but the meta table
// could not be initialized.
// Only valid when using Strategy::kRecoverWithMetaVersionOrRaze.
kFailedMetaTableInit = 6,
// The database was successfully recovered to a backup, but a valid
// (meaning, positive) version number could not be read from the meta table.
// Only valid when using Strategy::kRecoverWithMetaVersionOrRaze.
kFailedMetaTableVersionWasInvalid = 7,
// Failed to initialize and configure the sqlite3_backup object.
kFailedBackupInit = 8,
// Failed to run backup with the sqlite3_backup object.
kFailedBackupRun = 9,
kMaxValue = kFailedBackupRun,
// Returns true if `RecoverDatabase()` can plausibly fix `database` given this
// `extended_error`. This does not guarantee that `RecoverDatabase()` will
// successfully recover the database.
// Note that even if this method returns true, the database's error callback
// must be reset before recovery can be attempted.
[[nodiscard]] static bool ShouldAttemptRecovery(Database* database,
int extended_error);
// Use `RecoverIfPossible()` below rather than using this method directly.
// Attempts to recover `database`, and razes the database if it could not be
// recovered according to `strategy`. After attempting recovery, the database
// can be re-opened and assumed to be free of corruption.
// Use Database::set_histogram_tag() to log UMA for recovery results specific
// to the given feature database.
// It is not considered an error if some or all of the data cannot be
// recovered due to database corruption, so it is possible that some records
// could not be salvaged from the corrupted database.
// TODO( Support the lost-and-found table if the
// need arises to try to restore all these records.
// It is illegal to attempt recovery if:
// - `database` is null,
// - `database` is not open,
// - `database` is an in-memory or temporary database, or
// - `database` has an error callback set
// During the recovery process, `database` is poisoned so that operations on
// the stack do not accidentally disrupt the restored data.
// Returns a SQLite error code specifying whether the database was
// successfully recovered.
[[nodiscard]] static SqliteResultCode RecoverDatabase(Database* database,
Strategy strategy);
// Similar to `RecoverDatabase()` above, but with a couple key differences:
// - Can be called without first checking `ShouldAttemptRecovery()`.
// - `database`'s error callback will be reset if recovery is attempted.
// - Must only be called from within a database error callback.
// Recommended usage from within a database error callback:
// // Attempt to recover the database, if recovery is possible.
// if (sql::Recovery::RecoverIfPossible(
// &db, extended_error,
// sql::Recovery::Strategy::kRecoverWithMetaVersionOrRaze)) {
// // Recovery was attempted. The database handle has been poisoned and the
// // error callback has been reset.
// // ...
// }
[[nodiscard]] static bool RecoverIfPossible(Database* database,
int extended_error,
Strategy strategy);
Recovery(const Recovery&) = delete;
Recovery& operator=(const Recovery&) = delete;
Recovery(Database* database, Strategy strategy);
// Entry point.
SqliteResultCode RecoverAndReplaceDatabase();
// Use SQLite's corruption recovery module to store the recovered content in
// `recover_db_`. See
SqliteResultCode AttemptToRecoverDatabaseToBackup();
bool RecoveredDbHasValidMetaTable();
// Use SQLite's Online Backup API to replace the original database with
// `recover_db_`. See
SqliteResultCode ReplaceOriginalWithRecoveredDb();
void SetRecoverySucceeded();
void SetRecoveryFailed(Result failure_result, SqliteResultCode result_code);
const Strategy strategy_;
// If non-empty, UMA will be logged with the result of the recovery for this
// specific database.
std::string database_uma_name_;
// Result of the recovery. This value must be set to something other than
// `kUnknown` before this object is destroyed.
Result result_ = Result::kUnknown;
SqliteResultCode sqlite_result_code_ = SqliteResultCode::kOk;
raw_ptr<Database> db_; // Original Database connection.
Database recover_db_; // Recovery Database connection.
base::FilePath recovery_database_path_;
} // namespace sql
#endif // SQL_RECOVERY_H_