blob: 8872d5a453c2475815deeb0947d83a5cf26c09bc [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
blink_extensions_output_dir =
# Defines a part of blink extensions_chromeos. This is either a source set or a
# static library with defaults for commonly-used values.
# deps
# Default deps are automatically appended to any specified on the caller.
# visibility
# Normal meaning if defined. If undefined, defaults to everything in
# extensions.
template("blink_extensions_chromeos_sources") {
if (is_component_build) {
target_type = "source_set"
} else {
target_type = "static_library"
target(target_type, target_name) {
# The visibility will get overridden by forward_variables_from below if the
# invoker defined it.
visibility = [ "//third_party/blink/renderer/extensions/*" ]
deps = [
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
deps += invoker.deps
# Take everything else not handled above from the invoker.
forward_variables_from(invoker, "*", [ "deps" ])
set_defaults("blink_extensions_chromeos_sources") {
# This sets the default list of configs when the blink_extensions_chromeos_sources
# target is defined. The default_compiler_configs comes from
# and is the list normally applied to static libraries and source sets.
configs = default_compiler_configs
configs -= [ "//build/config/compiler:default_symbols" ]
configs += blink_symbols_config
configs += [
configs += [ "//third_party/blink/renderer/extensions/chromeos:extensions_chromeos_implementation" ]
# Defines a part of blink extensions_webview. This is either a source set or a
# static library with defaults for commonly-used values.
# deps
# Default deps are automatically appended to any specified on the caller.
# visibility
# Normal meaning if defined. If undefined, defaults to everything in
# extensions.
template("blink_extensions_webview_sources") {
if (is_component_build) {
target_type = "source_set"
} else {
target_type = "static_library"
target(target_type, target_name) {
# The visibility will get overridden by forward_variables_from below if the
# invoker defined it.
visibility = [ "//third_party/blink/renderer/extensions/*" ]
deps = [
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
deps += invoker.deps
# Take everything else not handled above from the invoker.
forward_variables_from(invoker, "*", [ "deps" ])
set_defaults("blink_extensions_webview_sources") {
# This sets the default list of configs when the blink_extensions_webview_sources
# target is defined. The default_compiler_configs comes from
# and is the list normally applied to static libraries and source sets.
configs = default_compiler_configs
configs -= [ "//build/config/compiler:default_symbols" ]
configs += blink_symbols_config
configs += [
configs += [ "//third_party/blink/renderer/extensions/webview:extensions_webview_implementation" ]