blob: b950ac4596b52e9d5ac8f6ba10c6dd731b4f28d8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, 2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2008 Nuanti Ltd.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* 3. Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of
* its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
* from this software without specific prior written permission.
#include <optional>
#include <ostream>
#include <utility>
#include "base/dcheck_is_on.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ref.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/input/web_input_event.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/web/web_ax_enums.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/accessibility/axid.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/editing/markers/document_marker.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/inspector/protocol/accessibility.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/geometry/physical_rect.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/scroll/scroll_alignment.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/accessibility/ax_enums.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/modules_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/color.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/collection_support/heap_hash_set.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/garbage_collected.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/persistent.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/weborigin/kurl.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/wtf_string.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/vector.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_common.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_enums.mojom-blink.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_mode.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_node_id_forward.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_tree_id.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_tree_serializer.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/quad_f.h"
namespace gfx {
class Transform;
namespace ui {
struct AXActionData;
struct AXNodeData;
struct AXRelativeBounds;
namespace blink {
class AbstractInlineTextBox;
class AccessibleNodeList;
class AXObject;
class AXObjectCacheImpl;
class LayoutObject;
class LocalFrameView;
class Node;
class ScrollableArea;
enum class AOMBooleanProperty;
enum class AOMStringProperty;
enum class AOMUIntProperty;
enum class AOMIntProperty;
enum class AOMFloatProperty;
enum class AOMRelationProperty;
enum class AOMRelationListProperty;
class IgnoredReason {
AXIgnoredReason reason;
Member<const AXObject> related_object;
explicit IgnoredReason(AXIgnoredReason reason)
: reason(reason), related_object(nullptr) {}
IgnoredReason(AXIgnoredReason r, const AXObject* obj)
: reason(r), related_object(obj) {}
void Trace(Visitor* visitor) const { visitor->Trace(related_object); }
class NameSourceRelatedObject final
: public GarbageCollected<NameSourceRelatedObject> {
WeakMember<AXObject> object;
String text;
NameSourceRelatedObject(AXObject* object, String text)
: object(object), text(text) {}
NameSourceRelatedObject(const NameSourceRelatedObject&) = delete;
NameSourceRelatedObject& operator=(const NameSourceRelatedObject&) = delete;
void Trace(Visitor* visitor) const { visitor->Trace(object); }
typedef HeapVector<Member<NameSourceRelatedObject>> AXRelatedObjectVector;
class NameSource {
String text;
bool superseded = false;
bool invalid = false;
ax::mojom::blink::NameFrom type = ax::mojom::blink::NameFrom::kNone;
const raw_ref<const QualifiedName> attribute;
AtomicString attribute_value;
AXTextSource native_source = kAXTextFromNativeSourceUninitialized;
AXRelatedObjectVector related_objects;
NameSource(bool superseded, const QualifiedName& attr)
: superseded(superseded), attribute(attr) {}
explicit NameSource(bool superseded)
: superseded(superseded), attribute(QualifiedName::Null()) {}
void Trace(Visitor* visitor) const { visitor->Trace(related_objects); }
class DescriptionSource {
String text;
bool superseded = false;
bool invalid = false;
ax::mojom::blink::DescriptionFrom type =
const raw_ref<const QualifiedName> attribute;
AtomicString attribute_value;
AXTextSource native_source = kAXTextFromNativeSourceUninitialized;
AXRelatedObjectVector related_objects;
DescriptionSource(bool superseded, const QualifiedName& attr)
: superseded(superseded), attribute(attr) {}
explicit DescriptionSource(bool superseded)
: superseded(superseded), attribute(QualifiedName::Null()) {}
void Trace(Visitor* visitor) const { visitor->Trace(related_objects); }
// Returns a ax::mojom::blink::MarkerType cast to an int, suitable
// for serializing into AXNodeData.
int32_t ToAXMarkerType(DocumentMarker::MarkerType marker_type);
// Returns a ax::mojom::blink::HighlightType cast to an int, suitable
// for serializing into AXNodeData.
int32_t ToAXHighlightType(const AtomicString& highlight_type);
} // namespace blink
namespace blink {
class MODULES_EXPORT AXObject : public GarbageCollected<AXObject> {
typedef HeapVector<Member<AXObject>> AXObjectVector;
// Iterator for the ancestors of an |AXObject|.
// Walks through all the unignored parents of the object up to the root.
// Does not include the object itself in the list of ancestors.
class MODULES_EXPORT AncestorsIterator final
: public GarbageCollected<AncestorsIterator> {
using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
using value_type = AXObject;
using difference_type = ptrdiff_t;
using pointer = value_type*;
using reference = value_type&;
~AncestorsIterator() = default;
AncestorsIterator(const AncestorsIterator& other)
: current_(other.current_) {}
AncestorsIterator& operator=(const AncestorsIterator& other) {
current_ = other.current_;
return *this;
AncestorsIterator& operator++() {
current_ = (current_ && !current_->IsDetached())
? current_->ParentObjectUnignored()
: nullptr;
return *this;
AncestorsIterator operator++(int) {
AncestorsIterator ret = *this;
return ret;
AXObject& operator*() const {
return *current_;
AXObject* operator->() const {
return static_cast<AXObject*>(current_);
void Trace(Visitor* visitor) const { visitor->Trace(current_); }
MODULES_EXPORT friend void swap(AncestorsIterator& left,
AncestorsIterator& right) {
std::swap(left.current_, right.current_);
MODULES_EXPORT friend bool operator==(const AncestorsIterator& left,
const AncestorsIterator& right) {
return left.current_ == right.current_;
MODULES_EXPORT friend bool operator!=(const AncestorsIterator& left,
const AncestorsIterator& right) {
return !(left == right);
AncestorsIterator() = default;
explicit AncestorsIterator(AXObject& current) : current_(&current) {}
friend class AXObject;
friend class AXObjectCacheImpl;
Member<AXObject> current_;
explicit AXObject(AXObjectCacheImpl&);
bool is_initializing_ = false;
bool is_computing_role_ = false;
mutable bool is_updating_cached_values_ = false;
#if !defined(NDEBUG)
// Keep track of what the object used to be, to make it easier to debug
// situations involving detached objects.
String detached_object_debug_info_;
#if defined(AX_FAIL_FAST_BUILD)
bool is_adding_children_ = false;
mutable bool is_computing_text_from_descendants_ = false;
AXObject(const AXObject&) = delete;
AXObject& operator=(const AXObject&) = delete;
virtual ~AXObject();
virtual void Trace(Visitor*) const;
static unsigned NumberOfLiveAXObjects() { return number_of_live_ax_objects_; }
// After constructing an AXObject, it must be given a
// unique ID, then added to AXObjectCacheImpl, and finally Init() must
// be called last.
void SetAXObjectID(AXID ax_object_id) { id_ = ax_object_id; }
// Initialize the object and set the |parent|, which can only be null for the
// root of the tree.
virtual void Init(AXObject* parent);
// TODO(chrishtr): these methods are not really const, but there are various
// other related methods that need const. Review/fix.
// Sets, clears or queries the has_dirty_descendants_ bit. This dirty
// bit controls whether the object, or a descendant, needs to be visited
// a tree walk to update the AX tree via
// AXObjectCacheImpl::UpdateTreeIfNeeded. It does not directly indicate
// whether children, parent or other pointers are actually out of date; there
// are other dirty bits such as children_dirty_ for that.
void SetAncestorsHaveDirtyDescendants() const;
void SetHasDirtyDescendants(bool dirty) const;
bool HasDirtyDescendants() const { return has_dirty_descendants_; }
// When the corresponding WebCore object that this AXObject
// wraps is deleted, it must be detached.
virtual void Detach();
bool IsDetached() const;
// Updates the cached attribute values. This may be recursive, so to prevent
// deadlocks, functions called here may only search up the tree (ancestors),
// not down.
// Fires children change on the parent if the node's ignored or included in
// tree status changes. Use |notify_parent_of_ignored_changes = false| to
// prevent this.
void UpdateCachedAttributeValuesIfNeeded(
bool notify_parent_of_ignored_changes = true) const;
// Invalidates cached_* members on this object only by resetting the
// modification count.
// To instead invalidate on all objects in a subtree, call
// AXObjectCacheImpl::InvalidateCachedValuesOnSubtree().
void InvalidateCachedValues();
bool NeedsToUpdateCachedValues() const { return cached_values_need_update_; }
bool ChildrenNeedToUpdateCachedValues() const {
return child_cached_values_need_update_;
void CheckCanAccessCachedValues() const;
// The AXObjectCacheImpl that owns this object, and its unique ID within this
// cache.
AXObjectCacheImpl& AXObjectCache() const {
return *ax_object_cache_;
AXID AXObjectID() const { return id_; }
// Wrappers that retrieve either an Accessibility Object Model property,
// or the equivalent ARIA attribute, in that order.
virtual const AtomicString& GetAOMPropertyOrARIAAttribute(
AOMStringProperty) const;
Element* GetAOMPropertyOrARIAAttribute(AOMRelationProperty) const;
bool HasAOMProperty(AOMRelationListProperty,
HeapVector<Member<Element>>& result) const;
bool HasAOMPropertyOrARIAAttribute(AOMRelationListProperty,
HeapVector<Member<Element>>& result) const;
virtual bool HasAOMPropertyOrARIAAttribute(AOMBooleanProperty,
bool& result) const;
bool AOMPropertyOrARIAAttributeIsTrue(AOMBooleanProperty) const;
bool AOMPropertyOrARIAAttributeIsFalse(AOMBooleanProperty) const;
bool HasAOMPropertyOrARIAAttribute(AOMUIntProperty, uint32_t& result) const;
bool HasAOMPropertyOrARIAAttribute(AOMIntProperty, int32_t& result) const;
bool HasAOMPropertyOrARIAAttribute(AOMFloatProperty, float& result) const;
bool HasAOMPropertyOrARIAAttribute(AOMStringProperty,
AtomicString& result) const;
virtual AccessibleNode* GetAccessibleNode() const;
virtual AbstractInlineTextBox* GetInlineTextBox() const { return nullptr; }
static void TokenVectorFromAttribute(Element* element,
const QualifiedName&);
// Serialize the properties of this node into |node_data|.
// TODO( AX onion soup - finish migrating
// BlinkAXTreeSource::SerializeNode into AXObject::Serialize.
void Serialize(ui::AXNodeData* node_data, ui::AXMode accessibility_mode);
// Determine subclass type.
virtual bool IsImageMapLink() const;
virtual bool IsAXNodeObject() const;
virtual bool IsAXLayoutObject() const;
virtual bool IsAXInlineTextBox() const;
virtual bool IsList() const;
virtual bool IsAXListBox() const;
virtual bool IsAXListBoxOption() const;
virtual bool IsMenuList() const;
virtual bool IsMenuListOption() const;
virtual bool IsMenuListPopup() const;
virtual bool IsMockObject() const;
virtual bool IsProgressIndicator() const;
virtual bool IsAXRadioInput() const;
virtual bool IsSlider() const;
virtual bool IsValidationMessage() const;
virtual bool IsVirtualObject() const;
// Check object role or purpose.
ax::mojom::blink::Role RoleValue() const;
// This method is useful in cases where the final role exposed to ATs needs
// to change based on contextual information. For instance, an svgRoot should
// be exposed as an image if it lacks accessible children. Whether or not it
// has accessible children is not known at the time the role is assigned and
// may depend on whether or not a given platform includes children that other
// platforms ignore.
ax::mojom::blink::Role ComputeFinalRoleForSerialization() const;
// Returns true if this object is an ARIA text field, i.e. it is neither an
// <input> nor a <textarea>, but it has an ARIA role of textbox, searchbox or
// (on certain platforms) combobox.
bool IsARIATextField() const;
bool IsButton() const;
bool IsCanvas() const;
bool IsColorWell() const;
virtual bool IsControl() const;
virtual bool IsDefault() const;
virtual bool IsFieldset() const;
bool IsHeading() const;
bool IsImage() const;
virtual bool IsInputImage() const;
bool IsLink() const;
bool IsMenu() const;
bool IsMenuRelated() const;
bool IsMeter() const;
virtual bool IsNativeImage() const;
virtual bool IsNativeSpinButton() const;
// Returns true if this object is an input element of a text field type, such
// as type="text" or type="tel", or a textarea.
bool IsAtomicTextField() const;
// Returns true if this object is not an <input> or a <textarea>, and is
// either a contenteditable, or has the CSS user-modify style set to something
// editable.
bool IsNonAtomicTextField() const;
// Returns the lowest text field ancestor, including itself.
AXObject* GetTextFieldAncestor();
// Returns true if this object is a text field that is used for entering
// passwords, i.e. <input type=password>.
bool IsPasswordField() const;
// Returns true if this object is a text field that is used for entering
// passwords, but its input should be masked from the user.
bool IsPasswordFieldAndShouldHideValue() const;
bool IsPresentational() const;
bool IsRangeValueSupported() const;
bool IsScrollbar() const;
virtual bool IsNativeSlider() const;
virtual bool IsSpinButton() const;
bool IsTabItem() const;
// This object is a text field. This is any widget in which the user should be
// able to enter and edit text.
// Examples include <input type="text">, <input type="password">, <textarea>,
// <div contenteditable="true">, <div role="textbox">, <div role="searchbox">
// and <div role="combobox">. Note that when an ARIA role that indicates that
// the widget is editable is used, such as "role=textbox", the element doesn't
// need to be contenteditable for this method to return true, as in theory
// JavaScript could be used to implement editing functionality. In practice,
// this situation should be rare.
bool IsTextField() const;
bool IsTextObject() const;
bool IsTree() const { return RoleValue() == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kTree; }
bool IsWebArea() const {
return RoleValue() == ax::mojom::blink::Role::kRootWebArea;
// Check object state.
virtual bool IsAutofillAvailable() const;
virtual bool IsClickable() const;
// Is |this| disabled for any of the follow reasons:
// * aria-disabled
// * disabled form control
// * a focusable descendant of a disabled container
// * a descendant of a disabled complex control such as a date picker
bool IsDisabled() const;
virtual AccessibilityExpanded IsExpanded() const;
virtual bool IsFocused() const;
virtual bool IsHovered() const;
// Returns true if this object starts a new paragraph in the accessibility
// tree's text representation.
virtual bool IsLineBreakingObject() const;
virtual bool IsLinked() const;
virtual bool IsLoaded() const;
virtual bool IsModal() const;
virtual bool IsMultiSelectable() const;
virtual bool IsOffScreen() const;
virtual bool IsRequired() const;
virtual AccessibilitySelectedState IsSelected() const;
virtual bool IsSelectedFromFocusSupported() const;
// Is the object selected because selection is following focus?
virtual bool IsSelectedFromFocus() const;
virtual bool IsSelectedOptionActive() const;
virtual bool IsNotUserSelectable() const;
virtual bool IsVisible() const;
virtual bool IsVisited() const;
// Returns true if the current element is text or an image, and all
// the children are also plain content by this definition.
// TODO( return false if there are "interesting"
// elements in the subtree, even within a deep descendant, possibly reusing
// CSS :has() in order to make a performant and flexible implementation.
bool IsPlainContent() const;
// Check whether value can be modified.
bool CanSetValueAttribute() const;
// Is the element focusable?
bool CanSetFocusAttribute() const;
// Is the element in the tab order?
bool IsKeyboardFocusable() const;
// Whether objects are ignored, i.e. hidden from the AT.
bool AccessibilityIsIgnored() const;
// Whether objects are ignored but included in the tree.
bool AccessibilityIsIgnoredButIncludedInTree() const;
// Is visibility:hidden or display:none being used to hide this element.
bool IsHiddenViaStyle() const;
// Whether this is part of the label or description for another element.
// This is used to ensure hidden objects are included in the tree, and the
// implementation currently only ensures that an element's ancestor was part
// of a label or description at some point during the lifetime of the page, as
// the relation cache does not bother clear old aria-labelledby/describedby
// ids. However, for purposes of preventing too many hidden objects from being
// serialized, it works well.
bool IsUsedForLabelOrDescription() const;
bool CachedIsUsedForLabelOrDescription() const {
return cached_is_used_for_label_or_description_;
// Whether objects are included in the tree. Nodes that are included in the
// tree are serialized, even if they are ignored. This allows browser-side
// accessibility code to have a more accurate representation of the tree. e.g.
// inspect hidden nodes referenced by labeled-by, know where line breaking
// elements are, etc.
bool AccessibilityIsIncludedInTree() const;
typedef HeapVector<IgnoredReason> IgnoredReasons;
virtual bool ComputeAccessibilityIsIgnored(IgnoredReasons* = nullptr) const;
bool ShouldIgnoreForHiddenOrInert(IgnoredReasons* = nullptr) const;
bool IsInert() const;
bool IsAriaHidden() const;
bool IsHiddenByChildTree() const;
bool CachedIsAriaHidden() { return cached_is_aria_hidden_; }
const AXObject* AriaHiddenRoot() const;
bool ComputeIsInert(IgnoredReasons* = nullptr) const;
bool ComputeIsAriaHidden(IgnoredReasons* = nullptr) const;
// Determines if the object is hidden because a child tree has been stitched
// into one of its ancestor objects.
bool ComputeIsHiddenByChildTree(IgnoredReasons* = nullptr) const;
bool IsBlockedByAriaModalDialog(IgnoredReasons* = nullptr) const;
bool IsDescendantOfDisabledNode() const;
bool ComputeAccessibilityIsIgnoredButIncludedInTree() const;
const AXObject* GetAtomicTextFieldAncestor(int max_levels_to_check = 3) const;
const AXObject* DatetimeAncestor() const;
bool ComputeIsDescendantOfDisabledNode() const;
bool LastKnownIsIgnoredValue() const;
bool LastKnownIsIgnoredButIncludedInTreeValue() const;
bool LastKnownIsIncludedInTreeValue() const;
// Some objects, such as table header containers, could be the children of
// more than one object but have only one primary parent.
bool HasIndirectChildren() const;
bool IsExcludedByFormControlsFilter() const;
// Accessible name calculation
// Retrieves the accessible name of the object, an enum indicating where the
// name was derived from, and a list of objects that were used to derive the
// name, if any.
virtual String GetName(ax::mojom::blink::NameFrom&,
AXObjectVector* name_objects) const;
typedef HeapVector<NameSource> NameSources;
// Retrieves the accessible name of the object and a list of all potential
// sources for the name, indicating which were used.
String GetName(NameSources*) const;
typedef HeapVector<DescriptionSource> DescriptionSources;
// Takes the result of nameFrom from calling |name|, above, and retrieves the
// accessible description of the object, which is secondary to |name|, an enum
// indicating where the description was derived from, and a list of objects
// that were used to derive the description, if any.
virtual String Description(ax::mojom::blink::NameFrom,
AXObjectVector* description_objects) const {
return String();
// Same as above, but returns a list of all potential sources for the
// description, indicating which were used.
virtual String Description(ax::mojom::blink::NameFrom,
AXRelatedObjectVector*) const {
return String();
// Takes the result of nameFrom and descriptionFrom from calling |name| and
// |description|, above, and retrieves the placeholder of the object, if
// present and if it wasn't already exposed by one of the two functions above.
virtual String Placeholder(ax::mojom::blink::NameFrom) const {
return String();
// Takes the result of nameFrom and retrieves the HTML Title of the object,
// if present and if it wasn't already exposed by |GetName| above.
// HTML Title is typically used as a tooltip.
virtual String Title(ax::mojom::blink::NameFrom) const { return String(); }
// Internal functions used by name and description, above.
typedef HeapHashSet<Member<const AXObject>> AXObjectSet;
virtual String TextAlternative(bool recursive,
const AXObject* aria_label_or_description_root,
AXObjectSet& visited,
ax::mojom::blink::NameFrom& name_from,
AXRelatedObjectVector* related_objects,
NameSources* name_sources) const {
return String();
virtual String TextFromDescendants(
AXObjectSet& visited,
const AXObject* aria_label_or_description_root,
bool recursive) const {
return String();
// Returns result of Accessible Name Calculation algorithm.
// This is a simpler high-level interface to |name| used by Inspector.
String ComputedName() const;
// Internal function used to determine whether the element supports deriving
// its accessible name from its descendants. The result of calling |GetName|
// may be derived by other means even when this returns true.
// This is intended to be faster than calling |GetName| or
// |TextAlternative|, and without side effects (it won't call
// AXObjectCache->GetOrCreate).
bool SupportsNameFromContents(bool recursive) const;
// Properties of static elements.
virtual const AtomicString& AccessKey() const { return g_null_atom; }
virtual RGBA32 BackgroundColor() const { return Color::kTransparent.Rgb(); }
virtual RGBA32 GetColor() const { return Color::kBlack.Rgb(); }
// Used by objects of role ColorWellRole.
virtual RGBA32 ColorValue() const { return Color::kTransparent.Rgb(); }
virtual bool CanvasHasFallbackContent() const { return false; }
// Returns the font family that was cascaded onto ComputedStyle. This may
// contain non-user-friendly internal names.
virtual const AtomicString& ComputedFontFamily() const { return g_null_atom; }
// Returns the font family used on this platform. This is a user friendly name
// that is appropriate for serialization.
virtual String FontFamilyForSerialization() const { return String(); }
// Font size is in pixels.
virtual float FontSize() const { return 0.0f; }
virtual float FontWeight() const { return 0.0f; }
// Value should be 1-based. 0 means not supported.
virtual int HeadingLevel() const { return 0; }
// Value should be 1-based. 0 means not supported.
virtual unsigned HierarchicalLevel() const { return 0; }
// Return the content of an image or canvas as an image data url in
// PNG format. If |maxSize| is not empty and if the image is larger than
// those dimensions, the image will be resized proportionally first to fit.
virtual String ImageDataUrl(const gfx::Size& max_size) const {
return g_null_atom;
// If this element points to another element in the same page, e.g.
// <a href="#foo">, this will return the AXObject for the target.
// The object returned should be unignored. If necessary, it will return
// a descendant of the actual target.
virtual AXObject* InPageLinkTarget() const;
// Returns the value of the "target" attribute, e.g. <a href=""
// target="blank">.
virtual const AtomicString& EffectiveTarget() const;
virtual AccessibilityOrientation Orientation() const;
virtual ax::mojom::blink::ListStyle GetListStyle() const {
return ax::mojom::blink::ListStyle::kNone;
virtual ax::mojom::blink::TextAlign GetTextAlign() const {
return ax::mojom::blink::TextAlign::kNone;
virtual ax::mojom::blink::WritingDirection GetTextDirection() const {
return ax::mojom::blink::WritingDirection::kLtr;
virtual float GetTextIndent() const { return 0.0f; }
virtual ax::mojom::blink::TextPosition GetTextPosition() const {
return ax::mojom::blink::TextPosition::kNone;
virtual void GetTextStyleAndTextDecorationStyle(
int32_t* text_style,
ax::mojom::blink::TextDecorationStyle* text_overline_style,
ax::mojom::blink::TextDecorationStyle* text_strikethrough_style,
ax::mojom::blink::TextDecorationStyle* text_underline_style) const {
*text_style = 0;
*text_overline_style = ax::mojom::blink::TextDecorationStyle::kNone;
*text_strikethrough_style = ax::mojom::blink::TextDecorationStyle::kNone;
*text_underline_style = ax::mojom::blink::TextDecorationStyle::kNone;
virtual AXObject* GetChildFigcaption() const;
virtual bool IsDescendantOfLandmarkDisallowedElement() const;
virtual AXObjectVector RadioButtonsInGroup() const {
return AXObjectVector();
virtual KURL Url() const { return KURL(); }
virtual AXObject* ChooserPopup() const { return nullptr; }
// Load inline text boxes for just this node, even if
// AXObjectCache().GetAXMode().has_mode(ui::AXMode::kInlineTextBoxes) is
// false. Must be called with clean layout.
virtual void LoadInlineTextBoxes();
virtual void LoadInlineTextBoxesHelper();
// When adding children to this node, consider inline textboxes.
virtual bool ShouldLoadInlineTextBoxes() const { return false; }
// Walk the AXObjects on the same line.
virtual AXObject* NextOnLine() const;
virtual AXObject* PreviousOnLine() const;
// Searches the object's ancestors for an aria-invalid attribute of type
// spelling or grammar, and returns a document marker representing the value
// of this attribute. As an optimization, goes up until the deepest line
// breaking object which, in most cases, is the paragraph containing this
// object.
std::optional<const DocumentMarker::MarkerType>
GetAriaSpellingOrGrammarMarker() const;
// For all inline text objects: Returns the horizontal pixel offset of each
// character in the object's text, rounded to the nearest integer. Negative
// values are returned for RTL text.
virtual void TextCharacterOffsets(Vector<int>&) const;
// For all inline text boxes: Returns the start and end character offset of
// each word in the object's text.
virtual void GetWordBoundaries(Vector<int>& word_starts,
Vector<int>& word_ends) const;
// For all inline text boxes and atomic text fields: Returns the length of the
// inline's text or the field's value respectively.
virtual int TextLength() const;
// Supported on layout inline, layout text, layout replaced, and layout block
// flow, provided that they are at inline-level, i.e. "display=inline" or
// "display=inline-block". Also supported on atomic text fields. For all other
// object types, returns |offset|.
// For layout inline, text, replaced, and block flow: Translates the given
// character offset to the equivalent offset in the object's formatting
// context. The formatting context is the deepest block flow ancestor,
// (excluding the current object), e.g. the containing paragraph. If this
// object is somehow not a descendant of a block flow in the layout tree,
// returns |offset|.
// For example, if this object is a span, and |offset| is 0, this method would
// return the number of characters, excluding any collapsed white space found
// in the DOM, from the start of the layout inline's deepest block flow
// ancestor, e.g. the beginning of the paragraph in which the span is found.
// For atomic text fields: Simply returns |offset|, because atomic text fields
// have no collapsed white space and so no translation from a DOM to an
// accessible text offset is necessary. An atomic text field does not expose
// its internal implementation to assistive software, appearing as a single
// leaf node in the accessibility tree. It includes <input> and <textarea>.
virtual int TextOffsetInFormattingContext(int offset) const;
// For all inline text boxes and atomic text fields. For all other object
// types, returns |offset|.
// For inline text boxes: Translates the given character offset to the
// equivalent offset in the object's static text or line break parent. If this
// object is somehow not a descendant of a block flow in the layout tree,
// returns the given offset.
// For example, if the given offset is 0, this would return the number of
// characters, excluding any collapsed white space found in the DOM, from the
// start of the inline text box's static text parent.
// For atomic text fields: Simply returns |offset|, because atomic text fields
// have no collapsed white space and so no translation from a DOM to an
// accessible text offset is necessary.
virtual int TextOffsetInContainer(int offset) const;
// Properties of interactive elements.
ax::mojom::blink::DefaultActionVerb Action() const;
ax::mojom::blink::CheckedState CheckedState() const;
virtual ax::mojom::blink::AriaCurrentState GetAriaCurrentState() const {
return ax::mojom::blink::AriaCurrentState::kNone;
virtual ax::mojom::blink::InvalidState GetInvalidState() const {
return ax::mojom::blink::InvalidState::kNone;
virtual bool ValueForRange(float* out_value) const { return false; }
virtual bool MaxValueForRange(float* out_value) const { return false; }
virtual bool MinValueForRange(float* out_value) const { return false; }
virtual bool StepValueForRange(float* out_value) const { return false; }
// Returns the value of a control such as a plain text field, a content
// editable, a submit button, a slider, a progress bar, a scroll bar, a meter,
// a spinner, a <select> element, a date picker or an ARIA combo box. In order
// to improve performance during our cross-process communication with the
// browser, we avoid computing the value of a content editable from its inner
// text. (See `AXObject::SlowGetValueForControlIncludingContentEditable()`.)
// For range controls, such as sliders and scroll bars, the value of
// aria-valuetext takes priority over the value of aria-valuenow.
virtual String GetValueForControl() const;
// Similar to `AXObject::GetValueForControl()` above, but also computes the
// value of a content editable from its inner text. Sending this value to the
// browser process might be slow if the content editable has a lot of content.
// So, we should prefer computing the value of a content editable on the
// browser side.
virtual String SlowGetValueForControlIncludingContentEditable() const;
virtual AXRestriction Restriction() const;
// ARIA attributes.
virtual ax::mojom::blink::Role DetermineAccessibilityRole();
// Determine the ARIA role purely based on the role attribute, when no
// additional rules or limitations on role usage are applied.
ax::mojom::blink::Role RawAriaRole() const;
// Determine the ARIA role after post-processing on the raw ARIA role.
ax::mojom::blink::Role DetermineAriaRoleAttribute() const;
virtual ax::mojom::blink::Role AriaRoleAttribute() const;
bool HasAriaAttribute(bool does_undo_role_presentation = false) const;
virtual AXObject* ActiveDescendant() { return nullptr; }
virtual String AutoComplete() const { return String(); }
virtual void AriaOwnsElements(AXObjectVector& owns) const {}
virtual void AriaDescribedbyElements(AXObjectVector&) const {}
virtual AXObjectVector ErrorMessage() const { return AXObjectVector(); }
virtual AXObjectVector ErrorMessageFromAria() const {
return AXObjectVector();
virtual AXObjectVector ErrorMessageFromHTML() const {
return AXObjectVector();
// Determines whether this object has an associated popup menu, list, or grid,
// such as in the case of an ARIA combobox or when the browser offers an
// autocomplete suggestion.
virtual ax::mojom::blink::HasPopup HasPopup() const;
// Determines whether this object is a popup, and what type.
virtual ax::mojom::blink::IsPopup IsPopup() const;
// Heuristic to get the target popover for an invoking element.
AXObject* GetTargetPopoverForInvoker() const;
// Heuristic to get the listbox for an <input role="combobox">.
AXObject* GetControlsListboxForTextfieldCombobox();
// Returns true if this object is within or at the root of an editable region,
// such as a contenteditable. Also, returns true if this object is an atomic
// text field, i.e. an input or a textarea. Note that individual subtrees
// within an editable region could be made non-editable via e.g.
// contenteditable="false".
bool IsEditable() const;
// Returns true if this object is at the root of an editable region, such as a
// contenteditable. Does not return true if this object is an atomic text
// field, i.e. an input or a textarea.
virtual bool IsEditableRoot() const;
// Returns true if this object has contenteditable="true" or
// contenteditable="plaintext-only".
virtual bool HasContentEditableAttributeSet() const;
// Returns true if the user can enter multiple lines of text inside this
// editable region. By default, textareas and content editables can accept
// multiple lines of text.
bool IsMultiline() const;
// Same as `IsEditable()` but returns whether the region accepts rich text
// as well.
bool IsRichlyEditable() const;
bool AriaCheckedIsPresent() const;
bool AriaPressedIsPresent() const;
bool SupportsARIAExpanded() const;
virtual void Dropeffects(
Vector<ax::mojom::blink::Dropeffect>& dropeffects) const {}
bool SupportsARIAReadOnly() const;
// Returns 0-based index.
int IndexInParent() const;
// Value should be 1-based. 0 means not supported.
virtual int PosInSet() const { return 0; }
virtual int SetSize() const { return 0; }
bool SupportsARIASetSizeAndPosInSet() const;
// Returns true if the attribute is prohibited (e.g. by ARIA), and we plan
// to enforce that prohibition. An example of something prohibited that we
// do not enforce is aria-label/aria-labelledby on certain text containers.
bool IsProhibited(ax::mojom::blink::StringAttribute attribute) const;
bool IsProhibited(ax::mojom::blink::IntListAttribute attribute) const;
// ARIA live-region features.
bool IsLiveRegionRoot() const; // Any live region, including polite="off".
bool IsActiveLiveRegionRoot() const; // Live region that is not polite="off".
AXObject* LiveRegionRoot() const; // Container that controls live politeness.
virtual const AtomicString& LiveRegionStatus() const;
virtual const AtomicString& LiveRegionRelevant() const;
bool LiveRegionAtomic() const;
const AtomicString& ContainerLiveRegionStatus() const;
const AtomicString& ContainerLiveRegionRelevant() const;
bool ContainerLiveRegionAtomic() const;
bool ContainerLiveRegionBusy() const;
// Every object's bounding box is returned relative to a
// container object (which is guaranteed to be an ancestor) and
// optionally a transformation matrix that needs to be applied too.
// To compute the absolute bounding box of an element, start with its
// boundsInContainer and apply the transform. Then as long as its container is
// not null, walk up to its container and offset by the container's offset
// from origin, the container's scroll position if any, and apply the
// container's transform. Do this until you reach the root of the tree.
// If the object clips its children, for example by having overflow:hidden,
// set |clips_children| to true.
virtual void GetRelativeBounds(AXObject** out_container,
gfx::RectF& out_bounds_in_container,
gfx::Transform& out_container_transform,
bool* clips_children = nullptr) const;
gfx::RectF LocalBoundingBoxRectForAccessibility();
// Get the bounds in frame-relative coordinates as a PhysicalRect.
PhysicalRect GetBoundsInFrameCoordinates() const;
// Explicitly set an object's bounding rect and offset container.
void SetElementRect(const PhysicalRect& r, AXObject* container) {
explicit_element_rect_ = r;
explicit_container_id_ = container->AXObjectID();
// Hit testing.
// Called on the root AX object to return the deepest available element.
virtual AXObject* AccessibilityHitTest(const gfx::Point&) const {
return nullptr;
// Called on the AX object after the layout tree determines which is the right
// AXLayoutObject.
AXObject* ElementAccessibilityHitTest(const gfx::Point&) const;
// High-level accessibility tree access. Other modules should only use these
// methods.
// The following methods may support one or more kinds of objects. There are
// three kinds: Objects that are excluded from the accessibility tree by
// default, such as white space found in HTML, objects that are included in
// the tree but that are ignored, such as an empty div, and unignored objects.
// Iterates through the node's unignored ancestors up to the root, starting
// from the node's unignored parent, i.e. does not include the node itself in
// the list of ancestors.
// Initially, it can be called on all nodes, including those that are
// accessibility ignored, but only traverses through the list of ancestors
// that are unignored and included in the accessibility tree.
AncestorsIterator UnignoredAncestorsBegin() const;
AncestorsIterator UnignoredAncestorsEnd() const;
// Returns the number of children, including children that are included in the
// accessibility tree but are accessibility ignored.
// Can be called on all nodes, even on nodes that are excluded from the
// accessibility tree.
int ChildCountIncludingIgnored() const;
// Returns the child with the given index in the list of all children,
// including those that are accessibility ignored.
// Can be called on all nodes, even on nodes that are excluded from the
// accessibility tree.
AXObject* ChildAtIncludingIgnored(int index) const;
// Returns the node's children, including any children that are included in
// the accessibility tree but are accessibility ignored.
// Can be called on all nodes, including nodes that are excluded from the
// accessibility tree.
const AXObjectVector& ChildrenIncludingIgnored() const;
const AXObjectVector& ChildrenIncludingIgnored();
// Returns the node's unignored descendants that are one level deeper than
// this node, after removing all accessibility ignored nodes from the tree.
// Flattens accessibility ignored nodes, so each unignored child will have the
// same unignored parent, but may have a different parent in tree.
// Can be called on all nodes that are included in the accessibility tree,
// including those that are accessibility ignored.
// TODO(accessibility) This actually returns ignored children when they are
// included in the tree. A better name would be ChildrenIncludedInTree().
const AXObjectVector UnignoredChildren() const;
const AXObjectVector UnignoredChildren();
// Returns the first child for this object.
// Works for all nodes that are included in the accessibility tree, and may
// return nodes that are accessibility ignored.
AXObject* FirstChildIncludingIgnored() const;
// Returns the last child for this object.
// Works for all nodes that are included in the accessibility tree, and may
// return nodes that are accessibility ignored.
AXObject* LastChildIncludingIgnored() const;
// Returns the deepest first child for this object.
// Works for all nodes that are included in the accessibility tree, and may
// return nodes that are accessibility ignored.
AXObject* DeepestFirstChildIncludingIgnored() const;
// Returns the deepest last child for this object.
// Works for all nodes that are included in the accessibility tree, and may
// return nodes that are accessibility ignored.
AXObject* DeepestLastChildIncludingIgnored() const;
// Next sibling for this object, where the sibling may be
// an accessibility ignored object.
// Works for all nodes that are included in the accessibility tree,
// and may return nodes that are accessibility ignored.
AXObject* NextSiblingIncludingIgnored() const;
// Previous sibling for this object, where the sibling may be
// an accessibility ignored object.
// Works for all nodes that are included in the accessibility tree,
// and may return nodes that are accessibility ignored.
AXObject* PreviousSiblingIncludingIgnored() const;
// This version is safe to call in methods used to build the parents children.
AXObject* CachedPreviousSiblingIncludingIgnored() const;
// Returns the next object in tree using depth-first pre-order traversal,
// optionally staying within a specified AXObject.
// Works for all nodes that are included in the accessibility tree,
// and may return nodes that are accessibility ignored.
AXObject* NextInPreOrderIncludingIgnored(
const AXObject* within = nullptr) const;
// Returns the previous object in tree using depth-first pre-order traversal,
// optionally staying within a specified AXObject.
// Works for all nodes that are included in the accessibility tree,
// and may return nodes that are accessibility ignored.
AXObject* PreviousInPreOrderIncludingIgnored(
const AXObject* within = nullptr) const;
// Returns the previous object in tree using depth-first post-order traversal,
// optionally staying within a specified AXObject.
// Works for all nodes that are included in the accessibility tree,
// and may return nodes that are accessibility ignored.
AXObject* PreviousInPostOrderIncludingIgnored(
const AXObject* within = nullptr) const;
// Returns the number of children that are not accessibility ignored.
// Unignored children are the objects that are one level deeper than the
// current object after all accessibility ignored descendants are removed.
// Can be called on all nodes that are included in the accessibility tree,
// including those that are accessibility ignored.
int UnignoredChildCount() const;
// Returns the unignored child with the given index.
// Unignored children are the objects that are one level deeper than the
// current object after all accessibility ignored descendants are removed.
// Can be called on all nodes that are included in the accessibility tree,
// including those that are accessibility ignored.
AXObject* UnignoredChildAt(int index) const;
// Next sibling for this object that's not accessibility ignored.
// Flattens accessibility ignored nodes, so the sibling will have the
// same unignored parent, but may have a different parent in tree.
// Doesn't work with nodes that are accessibility ignored.
AXObject* UnignoredNextSibling() const;
// Previous sibling for this object that's not accessibility ignored.
// Flattens accessibility ignored nodes, so the sibling will have the
// same unignored parent, but may have a different parent in tree.
// Doesn't work with nodes that are accessibility ignored.
AXObject* UnignoredPreviousSibling() const;
// Next object in tree using depth-first pre-order traversal that's
// not accessibility ignored.
// Doesn't work with nodes that are accessibility ignored.
AXObject* UnignoredNextInPreOrder() const;
// Previous object in tree using depth-first pre-order traversal that's
// not accessibility ignored.
// Doesn't work with nodes that are accessibility ignored.
AXObject* UnignoredPreviousInPreOrder() const;
// Get or create the parent of this object.
// Works for all nodes, and may return nodes that are accessibility ignored,
// including nodes that might not be in the tree.
AXObject* ParentObject() const;
// Get the parent of this object if it has already been created.
// Works for all nodes, and may return nodes that are accessibility ignored,
// including nodes that might not be in the tree.
AXObject* CachedParentObject() const { return parent_.Get(); }
// Get the current unignored children without refreshing them, even if
// children_dirty_ aka NeedsToUpdateChildren() is true.
const AXObjectVector& CachedChildrenIncludingIgnored() const {
return children_;
// Sets the parent AXObject directly. If the parent of this object is known,
// this can be faster than using ComputeParent().
void SetParent(AXObject* new_parent) const;
// If parent was not initialized during AddChildren() it can be computed by
// walking the DOM (or layout for nodeless aka anonymous layout object).
// ComputeParent() adds DCHECKs to ensure that it is not being called when
// an attached parent_ is already cached, and that it is possible to compute
// the parent. It calls ComputeParentImpl() for the actual work.
AXObject* ComputeParent() const;
// Same as ComputeParent, but does not assert if there is no parent to compute
// (i.e. because the parent does not belong to the tree anymore).
AXObject* ComputeParentOrNull() const;
// Can this node be used to compute the natural parent of an object?
// A natural parent is one where the LayoutTreeBuilderTraversal::Parent()
// matches the DOM node for the AXObject parent.
// Counter examples:
// * Objects that can have some children, but the children are only of a
// certain type or from another part of the tree. For example, a <select> may
// be an innapropriate natural parent for all of its child nodes as determined
// by LayoutTreeBuilderTraversal, such as an <optgroup> or <div> in the shadow
// DOM, because an AXMenuList, if used, only allows <option>/AXMenuListOption
// children.
// * An image cannot be a natural parent, because while it can be the parent
// of <area> elements, there isn't a matching DOM parent-child relationship,
// as the areas are associated via a <map> element.
static bool CanComputeAsNaturalParent(Node*);
// For a given image, return a <map> that's actually used for it.
static HTMLMapElement* GetMapForImage(Node* image);
// Can AXObjects backed by this element have AXObject children?
static bool CanHaveChildren(Element& element);
// Given the candidate parent node, return a node that can be used for the
// parent, or null if no parent is possible. For example, passing in a <map>
// will return the associated <img>, because the image would parent any of the
// map's descendants.
static Node* GetParentNodeForComputeParent(AXObjectCacheImpl&, Node*);
// Compute the AXObject parent for the given node.
// Does not take aria-owns into account.
static AXObject* ComputeNonARIAParent(AXObjectCacheImpl& cache, Node* node);
// Compute parent for an AccessibleNode, which is not backed up a DOM node
// or layout object.
static AXObject* ComputeAccessibleNodeParent(AXObjectCacheImpl& cache,
AccessibleNode& accessible_node);
// Returns true if |parent_| is null and not at the root.
bool IsMissingParent() const;
// Compute a missing parent, and ask it to update children.
// Must only be called if IsMissingParent() is true.
void RepairMissingParent() const;
// Is this the root of this object hierarchy.
bool IsRoot() const;
// Get/Prints the entire AX subtree to the screen for debugging, with |this|
// highlighted via a "*" notation.
std::string GetAXTreeForThis() const;
void ShowAXTreeForThis() const;
// Starting from |this|, make sure there is an included parent path
// to the root, and that it's also possible to reach the included object
// by traversing downwards through included children.
void CheckIncludedObjectConnectedToRoot() const;
// Check that all objects in the subtree, even unincluded ones, are flagged as
// being part of a name or description, so that the algorithm for determining
// whether ignored objects should be included can return true for hidden nodes
// needed for label or description computations.
void CheckSubtreeIsForLabelOrDescription(const AXObject*) const;
// Get or create the first ancestor that's not accessibility ignored.
// Works for all nodes.
AXObject* ParentObjectUnignored() const;
// Get or create the first ancestor that's included in the accessibility tree.
// Works for all nodes, and may return nodes that are accessibility ignored.
AXObject* ParentObjectIncludedInTree() const;
// Looks for the first ancestor AXObject (inclusive) that has an element, and
// returns that element.
Element* GetClosestElement() const;
AXObject* ContainerWidget() const;
bool IsContainerWidget() const;
AXObject* ContainerListMarkerIncludingIgnored() const;
// There are two types of traversal for obtaining children:
// 1. LayoutTreeBuilderTraversal. Despite the name, this traverses a flattened
// DOM tree that includes pseudo element children such as ::before, and where
// shadow DOM slotting has been run.
// 2. LayoutObject traversal. This is necessary if there is no parent node,
// or in a pseudo element subtree.
bool ShouldUseLayoutObjectTraversalForChildren() const;
// Is this a safe time to use FlatTreeTraversal in this document? Also covers
// use of LayoutTreeBuilderTraversal, which is used often in the accessibility
// module, and built on top of FlatTreeTraversal.
static bool CanSafelyUseFlatTreeTraversalNow(Document& document);
virtual bool CanHaveChildren() const { return true; }
void UpdateChildrenIfNecessary();
bool NeedsToUpdateChildren() const;
virtual void SetNeedsToUpdateChildren(bool update = true) const;
virtual void ClearChildren() const;
void DetachFromParent();
virtual void SelectedOptions(AXObjectVector&) const {}
// Properties of the object's owning document or page.
virtual double EstimatedLoadingProgress() const { return 0; }
virtual AXObject* RootScroller() const;
// DOM and layout tree access.
// Returns the associated DOM node or, if an associated layout object is
// present, the node of the associated layout object.
// If this object is associated with generated content, or a list marker,
// returns a pseudoelement. It does not return the node that generated the
// content or the list marker.
virtual Node* GetNode() const;
// Returns the associated layout object if any.
virtual LayoutObject* GetLayoutObject() const;
// Returns the same as `AXObject::GetNode()` if the node is an Element,
// otherwise returns nullptr.
Element* GetElement() const;
virtual Document* GetDocument() const = 0;
LocalFrameView* DocumentFrameView() const;
virtual Element* AnchorElement() const { return nullptr; }
virtual Element* ActionElement() const { return nullptr; }
virtual AtomicString Language() const;
virtual bool HasAttribute(const QualifiedName&) const { return false; }
virtual const AtomicString& GetAttribute(const QualifiedName&) const {
return g_null_atom;
// Scrollable containers.
bool IsScrollableContainer() const;
bool IsUserScrollable() const; // Only true if actual scrollbars are present.
gfx::Point GetScrollOffset() const;
gfx::Point MinimumScrollOffset() const;
gfx::Point MaximumScrollOffset() const;
void Scroll(ax::mojom::blink::Action scroll_action) const;
void SetScrollOffset(const gfx::Point&) const;
// Tables and grids.
bool IsTableLikeRole() const;
bool IsTableRowLikeRole() const;
bool IsTableCellLikeRole() const;
virtual bool IsDataTable() const { return false; }
// For a table.
virtual unsigned ColumnCount() const;
virtual unsigned RowCount() const;
virtual void ColumnHeaders(AXObjectVector&) const;
virtual void RowHeaders(AXObjectVector&) const;
virtual AXObject* CellForColumnAndRow(unsigned column, unsigned row) const;
// For a cell.
virtual unsigned ColumnIndex() const;
virtual unsigned RowIndex() const;
virtual unsigned ColumnSpan() const;
virtual unsigned RowSpan() const;
unsigned AriaColumnIndex() const;
unsigned AriaRowIndex() const;
int AriaColumnCount() const;
int AriaRowCount() const;
virtual ax::mojom::blink::SortDirection GetSortDirection() const {
return ax::mojom::blink::SortDirection::kNone;
// For a row or column.
virtual AXObject* HeaderObject() const { return nullptr; }
// If this object itself scrolls, return its ScrollableArea.
virtual ScrollableArea* GetScrollableAreaIfScrollable() const {
return nullptr;
// Modify or take an action on an object. Returns true if handled.
bool PerformAction(const ui::AXActionData&);
// TODO(accessibility) Do this through PerformAction() and move to private.
bool RequestScrollToMakeVisibleWithSubFocusAction(
const gfx::Rect&,
blink::mojom::blink::ScrollAlignment horizontal_scroll_alignment,
blink::mojom::blink::ScrollAlignment vertical_scroll_alignment);
// These are actions, just like the actions above, and they allow us
// to keep track of nodes that gain or lose accessibility focus, but
// this isn't exposed to the open web so they're explicitly marked as
// internal so it's clear that these should not dispatch DOM events.
virtual bool InternalSetAccessibilityFocusAction();
virtual bool InternalClearAccessibilityFocusAction();
// Native implementations of actions that aren't handled by AOM
// event listeners. These all return true if handled.
virtual bool OnNativeDecrementAction();
virtual bool OnNativeClickAction();
virtual bool OnNativeBlurAction();
virtual bool OnNativeFocusAction();
virtual bool OnNativeIncrementAction();
bool OnNativeScrollToGlobalPointAction(const gfx::Point&) const;
bool OnNativeScrollToMakeVisibleAction() const;
bool OnNativeScrollToMakeVisibleWithSubFocusAction(
const gfx::Rect&,
blink::mojom::blink::ScrollAlignment horizontal_scroll_alignment,
blink::mojom::blink::ScrollAlignment vertical_scroll_alignment) const;
virtual bool OnNativeSetSelectedAction(bool);
virtual bool OnNativeSetSequentialFocusNavigationStartingPointAction();
virtual bool OnNativeSetValueAction(const String&);
bool OnNativeShowContextMenuAction();
bool OnNativeKeyboardAction(const ax::mojom::Action action);
// Notifications that this object may have changed.
// TODO(accessibility): Remove virtual -- the only override is in a unit test.
virtual void ChildrenChangedWithCleanLayout();
virtual void HandleActiveDescendantChanged() {}
virtual void HandleAutofillSuggestionAvailabilityChanged(
WebAXAutofillSuggestionAvailability) {}
virtual void HandleAriaExpandedChanged() {}
// Static helper functions.
// TODO(accessibility) Move these to a static helper util class.
static bool IsARIAControl(ax::mojom::blink::Role);
static bool IsARIAInput(ax::mojom::blink::Role);
static bool IsFrame(const Node*);
static bool HasARIAOwns(Element* element);
// Should this own a child tree (e.g. an iframe).
virtual bool IsEmbeddingElement() const { return false; }
// Is this a widget that requires container widget.
bool IsSubWidget() const;
static ax::mojom::blink::Role AriaRoleStringToRoleEnum(const String&);
// Return the equivalent ARIA name for an enumerated role, or g_null_atom.
static const AtomicString& ARIARoleName(ax::mojom::blink::Role);
// Return the equivalent internal role name as a string.
static const String InternalRoleName(ax::mojom::blink::Role);
// Return a role name, preferring the ARIA over the internal name.
// Optional boolean out param |*is_internal| will be false if the role matches
// an ARIA role, and true if an internal role name is used (no ARIA mapping).
static const String RoleName(ax::mojom::blink::Role,
bool* is_internal = nullptr);
static void AccessibleNodeListToElementVector(const AccessibleNodeList&,
// Given two AX objects, returns the lowest common ancestor and the child
// indices in that ancestor corresponding to the branch under which each
// object is to be found. If the lowest common ancestor is the same as either
// of the objects, the corresponding index is set to -1 to indicate this.
static const AXObject* LowestCommonAncestor(const AXObject& first,
const AXObject& second,
int* index_in_ancestor1,
int* index_in_ancestor2);
// Blink-internal DOM Node ID. Currently used for PDF exporting.
int GetDOMNodeId() const;
bool IsHiddenForTextAlternativeCalculation(
const AXObject* aria_label_or_description_root) const;
// What should the role be assuming an ARIA role is not present?
virtual ax::mojom::blink::Role NativeRoleIgnoringAria() const = 0;
// Get the role to be used in StringAttribute::kRole, which is used in the
// xml-roles object attribute.
const AtomicString& GetRoleAttributeStringForObjectAttribute(
ui::AXNodeData* node_data);
// Extra checks that occur right before a node is evaluated for serialization.
void PreSerializationConsistencyCheck();
// Returns a string representation of this object.
// |cached_values_only| avoids recomputing cached values, and thus can be
// used during UpdateCachedValuesIfNecessary() without causing recursion.
String ToString(bool verbose = false, bool cached_values_only = false) const;
void PopulateAXRelativeBounds(ui::AXRelativeBounds& bounds,
bool* clips_children) const;
AXID id_;
// Any parent, regardless of whether it's ignored or not included in the tree.
mutable Member<AXObject> parent_;
// Only children that are included in tree, maybe rename to children_in_tree_.
mutable AXObjectVector children_;
mutable bool has_dirty_descendants_ = false;
// The final role, taking into account the ARIA role and native role.
ax::mojom::blink::Role role_;
PhysicalRect explicit_element_rect_;
AXID explicit_container_id_;
virtual void AddChildren() = 0;
// Collapses multiple whitespace characters into one. Used by GetName().
String SimplifyName(const String&) const;
static String RecursiveTextAlternative(
const AXObject&,
const AXObject* aria_label_or_description_root,
AXObjectSet& visited);
static String RecursiveTextAlternative(
const AXObject&,
const AXObject* aria_label_or_description_root,
AXObjectSet& visited,
ax::mojom::blink::NameFrom& name_from);
String AriaTextAlternative(bool recursive,
const AXObject* aria_label_or_description_root,
AXObjectSet& visited,
bool* found_text_alternative) const;
String TextFromElements(bool in_aria_labelledby_traversal,
AXObjectSet& visited,
HeapVector<Member<Element>>& elements,
AXRelatedObjectVector* related_objects) const;
// Returns true if |attribute| was present on |from|.
static bool ElementsFromAttribute(Element* from,
HeapVector<Member<Element>>& elements,
const QualifiedName& attribute);
static bool AriaLabelledbyElementVector(
Element* from,
HeapVector<Member<Element>>& elements);
// Return true if the ame is from @aria-label / @aria-labelledby.
static bool IsNameFromAriaAttribute(Element* element);
// Return true if the name is from @aria-label / @aria-labelledby / @title.
bool IsNameFromAuthorAttribute() const;
ax::mojom::blink::Role ButtonRoleType() const;
bool CanSetSelectedAttribute() const;
const AXObject* InertRoot() const;
// Returns true if the event was handled.
bool DispatchEventToAOMEventListeners(Event&);
// Finds table, table row, and table cell parents and children
// skipping over generic containers.
AXObjectVector TableRowChildren() const;
AXObjectVector TableCellChildren() const;
// Helpers for serialization.
void SerializeBoundingBoxAttributes(ui::AXNodeData& dst) const;
void SerializeActionAttributes(ui::AXNodeData* node_data);
void SerializeChildTreeID(ui::AXNodeData* node_data);
void SerializeChooserPopupAttributes(ui::AXNodeData* node_data);
void SerializeColorAttributes(ui::AXNodeData* node_data);
void SerializeElementAttributes(ui::AXNodeData* node_data);
void SerializeHTMLTagAndClass(ui::AXNodeData* node_data);
void SerializeHTMLAttributes(ui::AXNodeData* node_data);
void SerializeInlineTextBoxAttributes(ui::AXNodeData* node_data) const;
void SerializeLangAttribute(ui::AXNodeData* node_data);
void SerializeListAttributes(ui::AXNodeData* node_data);
void SerializeListMarkerAttributes(ui::AXNodeData* dst) const;
void SerializeLiveRegionAttributes(ui::AXNodeData* node_data) const;
void SerializeNameAndDescriptionAttributes(ui::AXMode accessibility_mode,
ui::AXNodeData* node_data) const;
void SerializeOtherScreenReaderAttributes(ui::AXNodeData* node_data) const;
void SerializeScreenReaderAttributes(ui::AXNodeData* node_data);
void SerializeScrollAttributes(ui::AXNodeData* node_data);
void SerializeSparseAttributes(ui::AXNodeData* node_data);
void SerializeStyleAttributes(ui::AXNodeData* node_data);
void SerializeTableAttributes(ui::AXNodeData* node_data);
void SerializeUnignoredAttributes(ui::AXNodeData* node_data,
ui::AXMode accessibility_mode);
void SerializeComputedDetailsRelation(ui::AXNodeData* node_data) const;
// Serialization implemented in specific subclasses.
virtual void SerializeMarkerAttributes(ui::AXNodeData* node_data) const;
void SerializeImageDataAttributes(ui::AXNodeData* node_data) const;
void SerializeTextInsertionDeletionOffsetAttributes(
ui::AXNodeData* node_data) const;
bool ComputeCanSetFocusAttribute() const;
String KeyboardShortcut() const;
void UpdateStyleAndLayoutTreeForNode(Node& node);
void OnInheritedCachedValuesChanged() const;
mutable bool children_dirty_ : 1 = false;
// Do the rest of the cached_* member variables need to be recomputed?
mutable bool cached_values_need_update_ : 1 = true;
// Do children need to recompute their cached values?
mutable bool child_cached_values_need_update_ : 1 = false;
// The following cached attribute values (the ones starting with cached_**)
// are only valid if cached_values_need_update_ is false.
// Objects are marked ignored at construction time (and thus by default they
// not included in the tree), so that if object becomes included in Init()
// or in a future page update, the included node count will be incremented via
// AXObjectCacheImpl::UpdateIncludedNodeCount().
mutable bool cached_is_ignored_ : 1 = true;
mutable bool cached_is_ignored_but_included_in_tree_ : 1 = false;
mutable bool cached_is_inert_ : 1 = false;
mutable bool cached_is_aria_hidden_ : 1 = false;
mutable bool cached_is_hidden_by_child_tree_ : 1 = false;
mutable bool cached_is_hidden_via_style_ : 1 = false;
mutable bool cached_is_used_for_label_or_description_ : 1;
mutable bool cached_is_descendant_of_disabled_node_ : 1 = false;
mutable bool cached_can_set_focus_attribute_ : 1 = false;
mutable Member<AXObject> cached_live_region_root_;
mutable gfx::RectF cached_local_bounding_box_rect_for_accessibility_;
Member<AXObjectCacheImpl> ax_object_cache_;
bool IsCheckable() const;
static bool IsNativeCheckboxInMixedState(const Node*);
static bool IncludesARIAWidgetRole(const String&);
static bool HasInteractiveARIAAttribute(const Element&);
ax::mojom::blink::Role RemapAriaRoleDueToParent(ax::mojom::blink::Role) const;
unsigned ComputeAriaColumnIndex() const;
unsigned ComputeAriaRowIndex() const;
const ComputedStyle* GetComputedStyle() const;
bool ComputeIsHiddenViaStyle(const ComputedStyle*) const;
bool ComputeIsUsedForLabelOrDescription() const;
bool ComputeIsInertViaStyle(const ComputedStyle*,
IgnoredReasons* = nullptr) const;
// Private action interfaces. Return bool if action is performed.
bool RequestDecrementAction();
bool RequestClickAction();
bool RequestFocusAction();
bool RequestIncrementAction();
bool RequestScrollToGlobalPointAction(const gfx::Point&);
bool RequestScrollToMakeVisibleAction();
bool RequestSetSelectedAction(bool);
bool RequestSetSequentialFocusNavigationStartingPointAction();
bool RequestSetValueAction(const String&);
bool RequestShowContextMenuAction();
bool RequestExpandAction();
bool RequestCollapseAction();
// Returns an updated layout object to be used in a native scroll action. Note
// that this updates style for `GetNode()` as well as layout for any layout
// objects generated. Returns nullptr if a native scroll action to the node is
// not possible.
LayoutObject* GetLayoutObjectForNativeScrollAction() const;
void DispatchKeyboardEvent(LocalDOMWindow* local_dom_window,
WebInputEvent::Type type,
ax::mojom::blink::Action action) const;
// Return true if it's necessary to destroy a subtrees when detaching
// from the parent.
bool ShouldDestroyWhenDetachingFromParent() const;
const std::optional<ui::AXTreeID>& child_tree_id() const {
return child_tree_id_;
// Attaches the tree with the given ID to this object as a child tree and
// updates the cache.
void SetChildTree(const ui::AXTreeID& child_tree_id);
static unsigned number_of_live_ax_objects_;
// The ID of another tree that should be attached to this object as a child
// tree. This should not be used for iframes since the child tree for an
// iframe can be retrieved from the child frame's embedding token. It should
// only be used whenever the `ax::mojom::Action::kStitchChildTree` is sent to
// the renderer requesting that another tree is joined with the existing tree.
// This might be needed when another tree with some generated content should
// be stitched into the current tree.
// TODO(nektar): Use sparse data to store this value since it is not needed by
// most objects taking up valuable space.
std::optional<ui::AXTreeID> child_tree_id_;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AccessibilityTest, GetParentNodeForComputeParent);
MODULES_EXPORT bool operator==(const AXObject& first, const AXObject& second);
MODULES_EXPORT bool operator!=(const AXObject& first, const AXObject& second);
MODULES_EXPORT bool operator<(const AXObject& first, const AXObject& second);
MODULES_EXPORT bool operator<=(const AXObject& first, const AXObject& second);
MODULES_EXPORT bool operator>(const AXObject& first, const AXObject& second);
MODULES_EXPORT bool operator>=(const AXObject& first, const AXObject& second);
MODULES_EXPORT std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const AXObject&);
MODULES_EXPORT std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const AXObject*);
} // namespace blink