blob: 60405d544fc9178aea7622005b94735e26ee45ad [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2014, Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* 3. Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of
* its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
* from this software without specific prior written permission.
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include "base/dcheck_is_on.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/permissions/permission.mojom-blink.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/permissions/permission_status.mojom-blink-forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/permissions/permission_status.mojom-blink.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/render_accessibility.mojom-blink.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/web/web_ax_enums.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/accessibility/ax_object_cache_base.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/accessibility/blink_ax_event_intent.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/aom/computed_accessible_node.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/editing/commands/selection_for_undo_step.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/execution_context/execution_context_lifecycle_observer.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/local_frame_view.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/accessibility/aria_notification.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/accessibility/ax_object.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/accessibility/blink_ax_tree_source.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/accessibility/inspector_accessibility_agent.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/modules_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/allow_discouraged_type.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/collection_support/heap_deque.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/collection_support/heap_hash_map.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/collection_support/heap_hash_set.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/garbage_collected.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/weak_cell.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/mojo/heap_mojo_receiver.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/mojo/heap_mojo_remote.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/hash_map.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/hash_set.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/vector.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_enums.mojom-blink-forward.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_error_types.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_mode.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_tree_serializer.h"
namespace blink {
class AXRelationCache;
class AbstractInlineTextBox;
class HTMLAreaElement;
class WebLocalFrameClient;
// Describes a decision on whether to create an AXNodeObject, an AXLayoutObject,
// or nothing (which will cause the AX subtree to be pruned at that point).
// Not that AXLayoutObjects may be backed by a node, if it has one, and most do.
// Only pseudo element descendants are missing DOM nodes.
enum AXObjectType { kPruneSubtree = 0, kAXNodeObject, kAXLayoutObject };
struct TextChangedOperation {
: start(0),
op(ax::mojom::blink::Command::kNone) {}
TextChangedOperation(int start_in,
int end_in,
AXID start_id_in,
AXID end_id_in,
ax::mojom::blink::Command op_in)
: start(start_in),
op(op_in) {}
int start;
int end;
AXID start_anchor_id;
AXID end_anchor_id;
ax::mojom::blink::Command op;
// This class should only be used from inside the accessibility directory.
class MODULES_EXPORT AXObjectCacheImpl
: public AXObjectCacheBase,
public mojom::blink::PermissionObserver {
static AXObjectCache* Create(Document&, const ui::AXMode&);
AXObjectCacheImpl(Document&, const ui::AXMode&);
AXObjectCacheImpl(const AXObjectCacheImpl&) = delete;
AXObjectCacheImpl& operator=(const AXObjectCacheImpl&) = delete;
~AXObjectCacheImpl() override;
void Trace(Visitor*) const override;
// The main document.
Document& GetDocument() const { return *document_; }
// The popup document, if showing, otherwise null.
Document* GetPopupDocumentIfShowing() const { return popup_document_.Get(); }
AXObject* FocusedObject();
const ui::AXMode& GetAXMode() override;
void SetAXMode(const ui::AXMode&) override;
// When the accessibility tree view is open in DevTools, we listen for changes
// to the tree by registering an InspectorAccessibilityAgent here and notify
// the agent when AXEvents are fired or nodes are marked dirty.
void AddInspectorAgent(InspectorAccessibilityAgent*);
void RemoveInspectorAgent(InspectorAccessibilityAgent*);
// Ensure that a full document lifecycle will occur, which in turn ensures
// that a call to ProcessDeferredAccessibilityEvents() will occur soon.
void ScheduleAXUpdate() const override;
void Dispose() override;
// Freeze that AXObject tree and do not allow changes until Thaw() is called.
// Prefer ScopedFreezeAXCache where possible.
void Freeze() override {
if (frozen_count_++) {
// Already frozen.
void Thaw() override {
CHECK_GE(frozen_count_, 1);
if (--frozen_count_ == 0) {
bool IsFrozen() const override { return frozen_count_; }
// Iterators.
void SelectionChanged(Node*) override;
// Uses the relation cache to check whether the current element is pointed to
// by aria-labelledby or aria-describedby.
bool IsLabelOrDescription(Element&);
// Effects a ChildrenChanged() on the passed-in object, if unignored,
// otherwise, uses the first unignored ancestor. Returns the object that the
// children changed occurs on.
AXObject* ChildrenChanged(AXObject*);
void ChildrenChangedWithCleanLayout(AXObject*);
void ChildrenChanged(Node*) override;
void ChildrenChanged(AccessibleNode*) override;
void ChildrenChanged(const LayoutObject*) override;
void SlotAssignmentWillChange(Node*) override;
void CheckedStateChanged(Node*) override;
void ListboxOptionStateChanged(HTMLOptionElement*) override;
void ListboxSelectedChildrenChanged(HTMLSelectElement*) override;
void ListboxActiveIndexChanged(HTMLSelectElement*) override;
void SetMenuListOptionsBounds(HTMLSelectElement*,
const WTF::Vector<gfx::Rect>&) override;
void LocationChanged(const LayoutObject*) override;
void ImageLoaded(const LayoutObject*) override;
// Removes AXObject backed by passed-in object, if there is one.
// It will also notify the parent that its children have changed, so that the
// parent will recompute its children and be reserialized.
void Remove(AccessibleNode*) override;
void Remove(Node*) override;
void RemovePopup(Document*) override;
void Remove(AbstractInlineTextBox*) override;
// Remove an AXObject or its subtree, and if |notify_parent| is true,
// recompute the parent's children and reserialize the parent.
void Remove(AXObject*, bool notify_parent);
void Remove(Node*, bool notify_parent);
// This will remove all AXObjects in the subtree, whether they or not they are
// marked as included for serialization. This can only be called while flat
// tree traversal is safe and there are no slot assignments pending.
// To remove only included nodes, use RemoveIncludedSubtree(), which can be
// called at any time.
// If |remove_root|, remove the root of the subtree, otherwise only
// descendants are removed.
// If |notify_parent|, call ChildrenChanged() on the parent.
// If |only_layout_objects|, will only remove nodes in the subtree that
// corresponded with an AXLayoutObject (useful for subtrees that lose layout).
void RemoveSubtreeWithFlatTraversal(const Node*,
bool remove_root = true,
bool notify_parent = true);
void RemoveSubtreeWhenSafe(Node*, bool remove_root = true) override;
// Remove the cached subtree of included AXObjects. If |remove_root| is false,
// then only descendants will be removed. To remove unincluded AXObjects as
// well, call RemoveSubtreeWithFlatTraversal() or RemoveSubtreeWhenSafe().
// If |remove_root|, remove the root of the subtree, otherwise only
// descendants are removed.
void RemoveIncludedSubtree(AXObject* object, bool remove_root);
// Remove all AXObjects in the layout subtree of node, and notify the parent.
void RemoveAXObjectsInLayoutSubtree(LayoutObject* layout_object) override;
void RemoveAXObjectsInLayoutSubtree(Node* node) override;
// For any ancestor that could contain the passed-in AXObject* in their cached
// children, clear their children and set needs to update children on them.
// In addition, ChildrenChanged() on an included ancestor that might contain
// this child, if one exists.
void ChildrenChangedOnAncestorOf(AXObject*);
const Element* RootAXEditableElement(const Node*) override;
// Called when aspects of the style (e.g. color, alignment) change.
void StyleChanged(const LayoutObject*,
bool visibility_or_inertness_changed) override;
// Called by a node when text or a text equivalent (e.g. alt) attribute is
// changed.
void TextChanged(const LayoutObject*) override;
void TextChangedWithCleanLayout(Node* optional_node, AXObject*);
void FocusableChangedWithCleanLayout(Node* node);
void DocumentTitleChanged() override;
// Returns true if we can immediately process tree updates for this node.
// The main reason we cannot is lacking enough context to determine the
// relevance of a whitespace node.
bool IsReadyToProcessTreeUpdatesForNode(const Node*);
// Called when a node is connected to the document.
void NodeIsConnected(Node*) override;
// Called when a node is attached to the layout tree.
void NodeIsAttached(Node*) override;
// Called when a subtree is attached to the layout tree because of
// content-visibility or previously display:none content gaining layout.
void SubtreeIsAttached(Node*) override;
void HandleAttributeChanged(const QualifiedName& attr_name,
Element*) override;
void HandleValidationMessageVisibilityChanged(Node* form_control) override;
void HandleEventListenerAdded(Node& node,
const AtomicString& event_type) override;
void HandleEventListenerRemoved(Node& node,
const AtomicString& event_type) override;
void HandleFocusedUIElementChanged(Element* old_focused_element,
Element* new_focused_element) override;
void HandleInitialFocus() override;
void HandleTextFormControlChanged(Node*) override;
void HandleEditableTextContentChanged(Node*) override;
void HandleDeletionOrInsertionInTextField(
const SelectionInDOMTree& changed_selection,
bool is_deletion) override;
void HandleTextMarkerDataAdded(Node* start, Node* end) override;
void HandleValueChanged(Node*) override;
void HandleUpdateActiveMenuOption(Node*) override;
void DidShowMenuListPopup(LayoutObject*) override;
void DidHideMenuListPopup(LayoutObject*) override;
void HandleLoadStart(Document*) override;
void HandleLoadComplete(Document*) override;
void HandleLayoutComplete(Document*) override;
void HandleClicked(Node*) override;
void HandleAttributeChanged(const QualifiedName& attr_name,
AccessibleNode*) override;
void HandleAriaNotification(const Node*,
const String&,
const AriaNotificationOptions*) override;
// Returns the ARIA notifications associated to a given `AXObject` and
// releases them from `aria_notifications_`. If there are no notifications
// stored for the given object, returns an empty `AriaNotifications`.
AriaNotifications RetrieveAriaNotifications(const AXObject*) override;
void SetCanvasObjectBounds(HTMLCanvasElement*,
const PhysicalRect&) override;
void InlineTextBoxesUpdated(LayoutObject*) override;
// Get the amount of time, in ms, that event processing should be deferred
// in order to more efficiently batch changes.
int GetDeferredEventsDelay() const;
// Called during the accessibility lifecycle to refresh the AX tree.
void ProcessDeferredAccessibilityEvents(Document&, bool force) override;
// Remove AXObject subtrees (once flat tree traversal is safe).
void ProcessSubtreeRemovals() override;
// Called when a HTMLFrameOwnerElement (such as an iframe element) changes the
// embedding token of its child frame.
void EmbeddingTokenChanged(HTMLFrameOwnerElement*) override;
// Called when the scroll offset changes.
void HandleScrollPositionChanged(LayoutObject*) override;
void HandleScrolledToAnchor(const Node* anchor_node) override;
// Called when the frame rect changes, which can sometimes happen
// without producing any layout or other notifications.
void HandleFrameRectsChanged(Document&) override;
// Invalidates the bounding box, which can be later retrieved by
// SerializeLocationChanges.
void InvalidateBoundingBox(const LayoutObject*) override;
void SetCachedBoundingBox(AXID id, const ui::AXRelativeBounds& bounds);
const AtomicString& ComputedRoleForNode(Node*) override;
String ComputedNameForNode(Node*) override;
void OnTouchAccessibilityHover(const gfx::Point&) override;
AXObject* ObjectFromAXID(AXID id) const override;
AXObject* Root() override;
// Create an AXObject, and do not check if a previous one exists.
// Also, initialize the object and add it to maps for later retrieval.
AXObject* CreateAndInit(Node*, LayoutObject*, AXObject* parent_if_known);
// Used for objects without backing DOM nodes, layout objects, etc.
AXObject* CreateAndInit(ax::mojom::blink::Role, AXObject* parent);
// Note that these functions do NOT guarantee that an AXObject will
// be created. For instance, not all HTMLElements can have an AXObject,
// such as <head> or <script> tags.
AXObject* GetOrCreate(AccessibleNode*, AXObject* parent);
AXObject* GetOrCreate(LayoutObject*, AXObject* parent_if_known);
AXObject* GetOrCreate(LayoutObject* layout_object);
AXObject* GetOrCreate(const Node*, AXObject* parent_if_known) override;
AXObject* GetOrCreate(Node*, AXObject* parent_if_known);
AXObject* GetOrCreate(Node*);
AXObject* GetOrCreate(const Node*);
AXObject* GetOrCreate(AbstractInlineTextBox*, AXObject* parent_if_known);
// Compute the included parent and its children, and then return
// the AXObject for |child|.
AXObject* RepairChildrenOfIncludedParent(Node* child);
// Return an AXObject for the AccessibleNode. If the AccessibleNode is
// attached to an element, will return the AXObject for that element instead.
AXObject* Get(AccessibleNode*);
AXObject* Get(AbstractInlineTextBox*);
// Get an AXObject* backed by the passed-in DOM node.
AXObject* Get(const Node*) override;
// Get an AXObject* backed by the passed-in LayoutObject, or the
// LayoutObject's DOM node, if that is available.
// If |parent_for_repair| is provided, and the object had been detached from
// its parent, it will be set as the new parent.
AXObject* Get(const LayoutObject*, AXObject* parent_for_repair = nullptr);
// Return true if the object is still part of the tree, meaning that ancestors
// exist or can be repaired all the way to the root.
bool IsStillInTree(AXObject*);
void ChildrenChangedWithCleanLayout(Node* optional_node_for_relation_update,
// Mark an object or subtree dirty, aka its properties have changed and it
// needs to be reserialized. Use the |*WithCleanLayout| versions when layout
// is already known to be clean.
void MarkAXObjectDirty(AXObject*);
void MarkAXObjectDirtyWithCleanLayout(AXObject*);
void MarkAXSubtreeDirtyWithCleanLayout(AXObject*);
void MarkSubtreeDirty(Node*);
void NotifySubtreeDirty(AXObject* obj);
// Set the parent of |child|. If no parent is possible, this means the child
// can no longer be in the AXTree, so remove the child.
AXObject* RestoreParentOrPrune(AXObject* child);
AXObject* RestoreParentOrPruneWithCleanLayout(AXObject* child);
// When an object is created or its id changes, this must be called so that
// the relation cache is updated.
void MaybeNewRelationTarget(Node& node, AXObject* obj);
void HandleActiveDescendantChangedWithCleanLayout(Node*);
void SectionOrRegionRoleMaybeChangedWithCleanLayout(Node*);
void TableCellRoleMaybeChanged(Node* node);
void HandleRoleMaybeChangedWithCleanLayout(Node*);
void HandleRoleChangeWithCleanLayout(Node*);
void HandleAriaExpandedChangeWithCleanLayout(Node*);
void HandleAriaSelectedChangedWithCleanLayout(Node*);
void HandleAriaPressedChangedWithCleanLayout(Node*);
void HandleNodeLostFocusWithCleanLayout(Node*);
void HandleNodeGainedFocusWithCleanLayout(Node*);
void NodeIsAttachedWithCleanLayout(Node*);
void DidShowMenuListPopupWithCleanLayout(Node*);
void DidHideMenuListPopupWithCleanLayout(Node*);
void HandleScrollPositionChangedWithCleanLayout(Node*);
void HandleValidationMessageVisibilityChangedWithCleanLayout(const Node*);
void HandleUpdateActiveMenuOptionWithCleanLayout(Node*);
void HandleEditableTextContentChangedWithCleanLayout(Node*);
void UpdateAriaOwnsWithCleanLayout(Node*);
void UpdateTableRoleWithCleanLayout(Node*);
AXID GenerateAXID() const override;
void PostNotification(const LayoutObject*, ax::mojom::blink::Event);
void PostNotification(Node*, ax::mojom::blink::Event);
void PostNotification(AXObject*, ax::mojom::blink::Event);
// Aria-owns support.
// Returns true if the given object's position in the tree was due to
// aria-owns.
bool IsAriaOwned(const AXObject*) const;
// Returns the parent of the given object due to aria-owns, if valid.
AXObject* ValidatedAriaOwner(const AXObject*) const;
// Given an object that has an aria-owns attribute, return the validated
// set of aria-owned children.
void ValidatedAriaOwnedChildren(const AXObject* owner,
HeapVector<Member<AXObject>>& owned_children);
// Given a <map> element, get the image currently associated with it, if any.
AXObject* GetAXImageForMap(HTMLMapElement& map);
// Adds |object| to |fixed_or_sticky_node_ids_| if it has a fixed or sticky
// position.
void AddToFixedOrStickyNodeList(const AXObject* object);
bool MayHaveHTMLLabel(const HTMLElement& elem);
// Synchronously returns whether or not we currently have permission to
// call AOM event listeners.
bool CanCallAOMEventListeners() const;
// This is called when an accessibility event is triggered and there are
// AOM event listeners registered that would have been called.
// Asynchronously requests permission from the user. If permission is
// granted, it only applies to the next event received.
void RequestAOMEventListenerPermission();
// For built-in HTML form validation messages.
AXObject* ValidationMessageObjectIfInvalid();
WebAXAutofillSuggestionAvailability GetAutofillSuggestionAvailability(
AXID id) const;
void SetAutofillSuggestionAvailability(
AXID id,
WebAXAutofillSuggestionAvailability suggestion_availability);
// Plugin support. These could in (along with the tree source/serializer
// fields) move to their own subclass of AXObject.
void AddPluginTreeToUpdate(ui::AXTreeUpdate* update);
ui::AXTreeSource<const ui::AXNode*>* GetPluginTreeSource();
void SetPluginTreeSource(ui::AXTreeSource<const ui::AXNode*>* source);
ui::AXTreeSerializer<const ui::AXNode*, std::vector<const ui::AXNode*>>*
void MarkPluginDescendantDirty(ui::AXNodeID node_id);
std::pair<ax::mojom::blink::EventFrom, ax::mojom::blink::Action>
active_event_from_data() const {
return std::make_pair(active_event_from_, active_event_from_action_);
void set_active_event_from_data(
const ax::mojom::blink::EventFrom event_from,
const ax::mojom::blink::Action event_from_action) {
active_event_from_ = event_from;
active_event_from_action_ = event_from_action;
Element* GetActiveAriaModalDialog() const;
static bool UseAXMenuList() { return use_ax_menu_list_; }
static bool ShouldCreateAXMenuListFor(LayoutObject* layout_object);
static bool ShouldCreateAXMenuListOptionFor(const Node*);
static bool IsRelevantPseudoElement(const Node& node);
static bool IsRelevantPseudoElementDescendant(
const LayoutObject& layout_object);
static bool IsRelevantSlotElement(const HTMLSlotElement& slot);
static Node* GetClosestNodeForLayoutObject(const LayoutObject* layout_object);
// Retrieves a vector of all AXObjects whose bounding boxes may have changed
// since the last query. Sends the resulting vector over mojo to the browser
// process. Clears the vector so that the next time it's
// called, it will only retrieve objects that have changed since now.
void SerializeLocationChanges(uint32_t reset_token) override;
bool SerializeEntireTree(
size_t max_node_count,
base::TimeDelta timeout,
std::set<ui::AXSerializationErrorFlag>* out_error = nullptr) override;
// Marks an object as dirty to be serialized in the next serialization.
void AddDirtyObjectToSerializationQueue(
AXObject* obj,
ax::mojom::blink::EventFrom event_from =
ax::mojom::blink::Action event_from_action =
const std::vector<ui::AXEventIntent>& event_intents = {}) override;
void SerializeDirtyObjectsAndEvents(
std::vector<ui::AXTreeUpdate>& updates,
std::vector<ui::AXEvent>& events,
bool& had_end_of_test_event,
bool& had_load_complete_messages,
bool& need_to_send_location_changes) override;
void GetImagesToAnnotate(ui::AXTreeUpdate& updates,
std::vector<ui::AXNodeData*>& nodes) override;
// The difference between this and IsDirty():
// - IsDirty() means there are updates to be processed when layout becomes
// clean, in order to have a complete representation in the tree structure.
// - HasDirtyOirtyObjects() means there are updates ready to be sent
// to the serializer.
// TODO(accessibility) Differentiate naming -- there are too many kinds of
// "dirty", which leads to confusion.
bool HasDirtyObjects() const override { return !dirty_objects_.empty(); }
bool IsDirty() override;
// Set the id of the node to fetch image data for. Normally the content
// of images is not part of the accessibility tree, but one node at a
// time can be designated as the image data node, which will send the
// contents of the image with each accessibility update until another
// node is designated.
void SetImageAsDataNodeId(AXID id, const gfx::Size& max_size) {
image_data_node_id_ = id;
max_image_data_size_ = max_size;
AXID image_data_node_id() { return image_data_node_id_; }
const gfx::Size& max_image_data_size() { return max_image_data_size_; }
static constexpr int kDataTableHeuristicMinRows = 20;
// Updates the AX tree by walking from the root, calling AXObject::
// UpdateChildrenIfNecessary on each AXObject for which NeedsUpdate is true.
// This method is part of a11y-during-render, and in particular transitioning
// to an eager (as opposed to lazy) AX tree update pattern. See
// for more
// details.
void UpdateTreeIfNeeded();
void UpdateAXForAllDocuments() override;
void MarkDocumentDirty() override;
void ResetSerializer() override;
void MarkElementDirty(const Node*) override;
void MarkElementDirtyWithCleanLayout(const Node*);
// TODO(accessibility) Create an a11y lifecycle that encompasses these.
// Layout is clean and the cache is processing callbacks.
bool IsProcessingDeferredEvents() const {
return processing_deferred_events_;
bool EntireDocumentIsDirty() const { return mark_all_dirty_; }
// Returns true if UpdateTreeIfNeeded has been called and has not finished.
bool UpdatingTree() { return updating_tree_; }
// The document/cache are in the tear-down phase.
bool HasBeenDisposed() const { return has_been_disposed_; }
// Assert that tree is completely up-to-date.
void CheckTreeIsUpdated();
void CheckStyleIsComplete(Document& document) const;
// Returns the `TextChangedOperation` associated with the `id` from the
// `text_operation_in_node_ids_` map, if `id` is in the map.
WTF::Vector<TextChangedOperation>* GetFromTextOperationInNodeIdMap(AXID id);
// Clears the map after each call, should be called after each serialization.
void ClearTextOperationInNodeIdMap();
// TODO(accessibility) Convert methods consuming this into members so that we
// can remove this accessor method.
HashMap<DOMNodeId, bool>& whitespace_ignored_map() {
return whitespace_ignored_map_;
// Adds an event to the list of pending_events_ and mark the object as dirty
// via AXObjectCache::AddDirtyObjectToSerializationQueue. If
// immediate_serialization is set, it schedules a serialization to be done at
// the next available time without delays.
void AddEventToSerializationQueue(const ui::AXEvent& event,
bool immediate_serialization) override;
// Called from browser to RAI and then to AXCache to notify that a
// serialization has arrived to Browser.
void OnSerializationReceived() override;
// Used by outside classes to determine if a serialization is in the process
// or not.
bool IsSerializationInFlight() const override;
// Used by outside classes, mainly RenderAccessibilityImpl, to inform
// AXObjectCacheImpl that a serialization was cancelled.
void OnSerializationCancelled() override;
// Used by outside classes, mainly RenderAccessibilityImpl, to inform
// AXObjectCacheImpl that a serialization was sent.
void OnSerializationStartSend() override;
ComputedAccessibleNode* GetOrCreateComputedAccessibleNode(AXID) override;
// This is called after a node's included status changes, to update the
// included_node_count_ which is used to debug tree mismatches between the the
// AXObjectCache and AXTreeSerializer.
void UpdateIncludedNodeCount(const AXObject* obj);
size_t GetIncludedNodeCount() const { return included_node_count_; }
HeapHashMap<AXID, Member<AXObject>>& GetObjects() { return objects_; }
void ScheduleImmediateSerialization() override;
void PostPlatformNotification(
AXObject* obj,
ax::mojom::blink::Event event_type,
ax::mojom::blink::EventFrom event_from =
ax::mojom::blink::Action event_from_action =
const BlinkAXEventIntentsSet& event_intents = BlinkAXEventIntentsSet());
void IdChangedWithCleanLayout(Node*);
void AriaOwnsChangedWithCleanLayout(Node*);
// Returns a reference to the set of currently active event intents.
BlinkAXEventIntentsSet& ActiveEventIntents() override {
return active_event_intents_;
struct AXDirtyObject : public GarbageCollected<AXDirtyObject> {
AXDirtyObject(AXObject* obj_arg,
ax::mojom::blink::EventFrom event_from_arg,
ax::mojom::blink::Action event_from_action_arg,
std::vector<ui::AXEventIntent> event_intents_arg)
: obj(obj_arg),
event_intents(event_intents_arg) {}
static AXDirtyObject* Create(AXObject* obj,
ax::mojom::blink::EventFrom event_from,
ax::mojom::blink::Action event_from_action,
std::vector<ui::AXEventIntent> event_intents) {
return MakeGarbageCollected<AXDirtyObject>(
obj, event_from, event_from_action, event_intents);
void Trace(Visitor* visitor) const { visitor->Trace(obj); }
Member<AXObject> obj;
ax::mojom::blink::EventFrom event_from;
ax::mojom::blink::Action event_from_action;
std::vector<ui::AXEventIntent> event_intents ALLOW_DISCOURAGED_TYPE(
"Avoids conversion when passed from/to ui::AXTreeUpdate or "
// Make sure a relation cache exists and is initialized. Must be called with
// clean layout.
void EnsureRelationCache();
// Make sure the AXTreeSerializer has been created.
void EnsureSerializer();
// Helpers for CreateAndInit().
AXObject* CreateFromRenderer(LayoutObject*);
AXObject* CreateFromNode(Node*);
AXObject* CreateFromInlineTextBox(AbstractInlineTextBox*);
// Removes AXObject backed by passed-in object, if there is one.
// It will also notify the parent that its children have changed, so that the
// parent will recompute its children and be reserialized, unless
// |notify_parent| is passed in as false.
void Remove(AccessibleNode*, bool notify_parent);
void Remove(LayoutObject*, bool notify_parent);
void Remove(AbstractInlineTextBox*, bool notify_parent);
// Helper to remove the object from the cache.
// Most callers should be using Remove(AXObject) instead.
void Remove(AXID, bool notify_parent);
// Helper to clean up any references to the AXObject's AXID.
void RemoveReferencesToAXID(AXID);
WebLocalFrameClient* GetWebLocalFrameClient() const;
void ProcessDeferredAccessibilityEventsImpl(Document&);
void UpdateLifecycleIfNeeded(Document& document);
// Is the main document currently parsing content, as opposed to being blocked
// by script execution or being load complete state.
bool IsParsingMainDocument() const;
bool IsMainDocumentDirty() const;
bool IsPopupDocumentDirty() const;
void ProcessSubtreeRemoval(Node*, bool remove_root);
// Returns true if the AXID is for a DOM node.
// All other AXIDs are generated.
bool IsDOMNodeID(AXID axid) { return axid > 0; }
HeapHashSet<WeakMember<InspectorAccessibilityAgent>> agents_;
struct AXEventParams final : public GarbageCollected<AXEventParams> {
AXEventParams(AXObject* target,
ax::mojom::blink::Event event_type,
ax::mojom::blink::EventFrom event_from,
ax::mojom::blink::Action event_from_action,
const BlinkAXEventIntentsSet& intents)
: target(target),
event_from_action(event_from_action) {
for (const auto& intent : intents) {
event_intents.insert(intent.key, intent.value);
Member<AXObject> target;
ax::mojom::blink::Event event_type;
ax::mojom::blink::EventFrom event_from;
ax::mojom::blink::Action event_from_action;
BlinkAXEventIntentsSet event_intents;
void Trace(Visitor* visitor) const { visitor->Trace(target); }
// The following represent functions that could be used as callbacks for
// DeferTreeUpdate. Every enum value represents a function that would be
// called after a tree update is complete.
// Please don't reuse these enums in multiple callers to DeferTreeUpdate().
// Instead, add an enum where the suffix describes where it's being called
// from (this helps when debugging an issue apparent in clean layout, by
// helping clarify the code paths).
enum class TreeUpdateReason : uint8_t {
// These updates are always associated with a DOM Node:
kActiveDescendantChanged = 1,
kAriaExpandedChanged = 2,
kAriaOwnsChanged = 3,
kAriaPressedChanged = 4,
kAriaSelectedChanged = 5,
kDidHideMenuListPopup = 6,
kDidShowMenuListPopup = 7,
kEditableTextContentChanged = 8,
kFocusableChanged = 9,
kIdChanged = 10,
kMarkDirtyFromHandleLayout = 11,
kMarkDirtyFromHandleScroll = 12,
kNodeGainedFocus = 13,
kNodeLostFocus = 14,
kPostNotificationFromHandleLoadComplete = 15,
kPostNotificationFromHandleLoadStart = 16,
kPostNotificationFromHandleScrolledToAnchor = 17,
kRemoveValidationMessageObjectFromFocusedUIElement = 18,
kRemoveValidationMessageObjectFromValidationMessageObject = 19,
kRoleChangeFromAriaHasPopup = 20,
kRoleChangeFromImageMapName = 21,
kRoleChangeFromRoleOrType = 22,
kRoleMaybeChangedFromEventListener = 23,
kRoleMaybeChangedFromHref = 24,
kSectionOrRegionRoleMaybeChangedFromLabel = 25,
kSectionOrRegionRoleMaybeChangedFromLabelledBy = 26,
kSectionOrRegionRoleMaybeChangedFromTitle = 27,
kTextChangedOnNode = 28,
kTextChangedOnClosestNodeForLayoutObject = 29,
kTextMarkerDataAdded = 30,
kUpdateActiveMenuOption = 31,
kNodeIsAttached = 32,
kUpdateAriaOwns = 33,
kUpdateTableRole = 34,
kUseMapAttributeChanged = 35,
kValidationMessageVisibilityChanged = 36,
// These updates are associated with an AXID:
kChildrenChanged = 100,
kMarkAXObjectDirty = 101,
kMarkAXSubtreeDirty = 102,
kTextChangedOnLayoutObject = 103
struct TreeUpdateParams final : public GarbageCollected<TreeUpdateParams> {
Node* node_arg,
AXID axid_arg,
ax::mojom::blink::EventFrom event_from_arg,
ax::mojom::blink::Action event_from_action_arg,
const BlinkAXEventIntentsSet& intents_arg,
TreeUpdateReason update_reason_arg,
ax::mojom::blink::Event event_arg = ax::mojom::blink::Event::kNone)
: node(node_arg),
event_from_action(event_from_action_arg) {
for (const auto& intent : intents_arg) {
DCHECK(node || axid) << "Either a DOM Node or AXID is required.";
DCHECK(!node || !axid) << "Provide a DOM Node *or* AXID, not both.";
event_intents.insert(intent.key, intent.value);
// Only either node or AXID will be filled at a time. Some events use Node
// while others use AXObject.
WeakMember<Node> node;
AXID axid;
ax::mojom::blink::Event event;
ax::mojom::blink::EventFrom event_from;
TreeUpdateReason update_reason;
ax::mojom::blink::Action event_from_action;
BlinkAXEventIntentsSet event_intents;
virtual ~TreeUpdateParams() = default;
void Trace(Visitor* visitor) const { visitor->Trace(node); }
typedef HeapVector<Member<TreeUpdateParams>> TreeUpdateCallbackQueue;
bool IsImmediateProcessingRequired(TreeUpdateParams* tree_update) const;
bool IsImmediateProcessingRequiredForEvent(AXEventParams* event) const;
ax::mojom::blink::EventFrom ComputeEventFrom();
void MarkAXObjectDirtyWithCleanLayoutHelper(
AXObject* obj,
ax::mojom::blink::EventFrom event_from,
ax::mojom::blink::Action event_from_action);
void MarkAXSubtreeDirty(AXObject*);
void MarkDocumentDirtyWithCleanLayout();
// Given an object to mark dirty or fire an event on, return an object
// included in the tree that can be used with the serializer, or null if there
// is no relevant object to use. Objects that are not included in the tree,
// and have no ancestor object included in the tree, are pruned from the tree,
// in which case there is nothing to be serialized.
AXObject* GetSerializationTarget(AXObject* obj);
// Helper that clears children up to the first included ancestor and returns
// the ancestor if a children changed notification should be fired on it.
AXObject* InvalidateChildren(AXObject* obj);
Member<Document> document_;
// Any popup document except for the popup for <select size=1>.
Member<Document> popup_document_;
ui::AXMode ax_mode_;
// AXIDs for AXNodeObjects reuse the int ids in dom_node_id, all other AXIDs
// are negative in order to avoid a conflict.
HeapHashMap<AXID, Member<AXObject>> objects_;
HeapHashMap<Member<AccessibleNode>, AXID> accessible_node_mapping_;
// When the AXObject is backed by layout, its AXID can be looked up in
// layout_object_mapping_. When the AXObject is backed by a node, its
// AXID can be looked up via node->GetDomNodeId().
HeapHashMap<Member<const LayoutObject>, AXID> layout_object_mapping_;
HeapHashMap<Member<AbstractInlineTextBox>, AXID>
size_t included_node_count_ = 0;
// Used for a mock AXObject representing the message displayed in the
// validation message bubble.
// There can be only one of these per document with invalid form controls,
// and it will always be related to the currently focused control.
AXID validation_message_axid_;
// The currently active aria-modal dialog element, if one has been computed,
// null if otherwise. This is only ever computed on platforms that have the
// AriaModalPrunesAXTree setting enabled, such as Mac.
WeakMember<Element> active_aria_modal_dialog_;
// If non-null, this is the node that the current aria-activedescendant caused
// to have the selected state.
WeakMember<Node> last_selected_from_active_descendant_;
std::unique_ptr<AXRelationCache> relation_cache_;
// Stages of cache/tree.
// If all of these are false, the cache can collect updates to-be-processed
// via callbacks from DOM/layout.
// TODO(accessibility) Replace these with something like a document lifecycle.
// Tree is being updated.
bool processing_deferred_events_ = false;
// If > 0, tree is frozen and beign serialized.
int frozen_count_ = 0; // Used with Freeze(), Thaw() and IsFrozen() above.
// Tree and cache are being destroyed.
bool has_been_disposed_ = false;
bool updating_layout_and_ax_ = false;
int tree_check_counter_ = 0;
base::Time last_tree_check_time_stamp_ = base::Time::Now();
// If non-zero, do not do work to process a11y or build the a11y tree in
// ProcessDeferredAccessibilityEvents(). Will be set to 0 when more content
// is loaded or the load is completed.
size_t allowed_tree_update_pauses_remaining_ = 0;
// If null, then any new connected node will unpause tree updates.
// Otherwise, tree updates will unpause once the node is fully parsed.
WeakMember<Node> node_to_parse_before_more_tree_updates_;
HeapVector<Member<AXEventParams>> notifications_to_post_main_;
HeapVector<Member<AXEventParams>> notifications_to_post_popup_;
// Call the queued callback methods that do processing which must occur when
// layout is clean. These callbacks are stored in tree_update_callback_queue_,
// and have names like FooBarredWithCleanLayout().
void ProcessCleanLayoutCallbacks(Document&);
// Send events to RenderAccessibilityImpl, which serializes them and then
// sends the serialized events and dirty objects to the browser process.
void PostNotifications(Document&);
// Get the currently focused Node (an element or a document).
Node* FocusedNode();
AXObject* FocusedImageMapUIElement(HTMLAreaElement*);
// Associate an AXObject with an AXID. Generate one if none is supplied.
AXID AssociateAXID(AXObject*, AXID use_axid = 0);
void TextChanged(Node*);
bool NodeIsTextControl(const Node*);
AXObject* NearestExistingAncestor(Node*);
Settings* GetSettings();
// Start listenening for updates to the AOM accessibility event permission.
void AddPermissionStatusListener();
// mojom::blink::PermissionObserver implementation.
// Called when we get an updated AOM event listener permission value from
// the browser.
void OnPermissionStatusChange(mojom::PermissionStatus) override;
// When a <tr> or <td> is inserted or removed, the containing table may have
// gained or lost rows or columns.
void ContainingTableRowsOrColsMaybeChanged(Node*);
// Object for HTML validation alerts. Created at most once per object cache.
AXObject* GetOrCreateValidationMessageObject();
void RemoveValidationMessageObjectWithCleanLayout(Node* document);
// To be called inside DeferTreeUpdate to check the queue status before
// adding.
bool CanDeferTreeUpdate(Document* tree_update_document);
// Checks the update queue, then pauses and rebuilds it if full. Returns true
// of the queue was paused.
bool PauseTreeUpdatesIfQueueFull();
// Enqueue a callback to the given method to be run after layout is
// complete.
void DeferTreeUpdate(
AXObjectCacheImpl::TreeUpdateReason update_reason,
Node* node,
ax::mojom::blink::Event event = ax::mojom::blink::Event::kNone);
// Provide either a DOM node or AXObject. If both are provided, then they must
// match, meaning that the AXObject's DOM node must equal the provided node.
void DeferTreeUpdate(
AXObjectCacheImpl::TreeUpdateReason update_reason,
AXObject* obj,
ax::mojom::blink::Event event = ax::mojom::blink::Event::kNone);
void TextChangedWithCleanLayout(Node* node);
void ChildrenChangedWithCleanLayout(Node* node);
// If the presence of document markers changed for the given text node, then
// call children changed.
void HandleTextMarkerDataAddedWithCleanLayout(Node*);
void HandleUseMapAttributeChangedWithCleanLayout(Node*);
void HandleNameAttributeChanged(Node*);
bool DoesEventListenerImpactIgnoredState(const AtomicString& event_type,
const Node& node) const;
void HandleEventSubscriptionChanged(Node& node,
const AtomicString& event_type);
// aria-modal support
// This function is only ever called on platforms where the
// AriaModalPrunesAXTree setting is enabled, and the accessibility tree must
// be manually pruned to remove background content.
void UpdateActiveAriaModalDialog(Node* element);
// This will return null on platforms without the AriaModalPrunesAXTree
// setting enabled, or where there is no active ancestral aria-modal dialog.
Element* AncestorAriaModalDialog(Node* node);
// Return the AXObject for the update if it is relevant (its backing data has
// not been destroyed and it is attached to the expected tree document).
AXObject* TreeUpdateObjectIfRelevant(Document& document,
TreeUpdateParams* tree_update);
void FireTreeUpdatedEventImmediately(TreeUpdateParams* tree_update,
AXObject* ax_object);
void FireAXEventImmediately(AXObject* obj,
ax::mojom::blink::Event event_type,
ax::mojom::blink::EventFrom event_from,
ax::mojom::blink::Action event_from_action,
const BlinkAXEventIntentsSet& event_intents);
void SetMaxPendingUpdatesForTesting(wtf_size_t max_pending_updates) {
max_pending_updates_ = max_pending_updates;
void UpdateNumTreeUpdatesQueuedBeforeLayoutHistogram();
// Invalidates the bounding boxes of fixed or sticky positioned objects which
// should be updated when the scroll offset is changed. Like
// InvalidateBoundingBox, it can be later retrieved by
// SerializeLocationChanges.
void InvalidateBoundingBoxForFixedOrStickyPosition();
// Return true if this is the popup document. There can only be one popup
// document at a time. If it is not the popup document, it's the main
// document stored in |document_|.
bool IsPopup(Document& document) const;
// Get the queued tree update callbacks for the passed-in document
TreeUpdateCallbackQueue& GetTreeUpdateCallbackQueue(Document& document);
// Get the event notifications to post for the passed-in document.
HeapVector<Member<AXEventParams>>& GetNotificationsToPost(Document& document);
// Whether the user has granted permission for the user to install event
// listeners for accessibility events using the AOM.
mojom::PermissionStatus accessibility_event_permission_;
// The permission service, enabling us to check for event listener
// permission.
HeapMojoRemote<mojom::blink::PermissionService> permission_service_;
HeapMojoReceiver<mojom::blink::PermissionObserver, AXObjectCacheImpl>
// Queued callbacks.
TreeUpdateCallbackQueue tree_update_callback_queue_main_;
TreeUpdateCallbackQueue tree_update_callback_queue_popup_;
// Help de-dupe processing of repetitive events.
HashSet<AXID> nodes_with_pending_children_changed_;
HashSet<AXID> nodes_with_pending_location_changed_;
// Nodes with document markers that have received accessibility updates.
HashSet<AXID> nodes_with_spelling_or_grammar_markers_;
// Nodes renoved from flat tree.
HeapVector<std::pair<Member<Node>, bool>> nodes_for_subtree_removal_;
// True when layout has changed, and changed locations must be serialized.
bool need_to_send_location_changes_ = false;
AXID last_value_change_node_ = ui::AXNodeData::kInvalidAXID;
// If tree_update_callback_queue_ gets improbably large, stop
// enqueueing updates and fire a single ChildrenChanged event on the
// document once layout occurs.
wtf_size_t max_pending_updates_ = 1UL << 16;
bool tree_updates_paused_ = false;
// This will flip to true when we initiate the process of sending AX data to
// the browser, and will flip back to false once we receive back an ACK.
bool serialization_in_flight_ = false;
// This stores the last time a serialization was ACK'ed after being sent to
// the browser, so that serializations can be skipped if the time since the
// last serialization is less than GetDeferredEventsDelay(). Setting to
// "beginning of time" causes the upcoming serialization to occur at the next
// available opportunity. Batching is used to reduce the number of
// serializations, in order to provide overall faster content updates while
// using less CPU, because nodes that change multiple times in a short time
// period only need to be serialized once, e.g. during page loads or
// animations.
base::Time last_serialization_timestamp_ = base::Time::UnixEpoch();
// If true, will not attempt to batch and will serialize at the next
// opportunity.
bool serialize_immediately_ = false;
// This flips to true if a request for an immediate update was not honored
// because serialization_in_flight_ was true. It flips back to false once
// serialization_in_flight_ has flipped to false and an immediate update has
// been requested.
bool serialize_immediately_after_current_serialization_ = false;
// Maps ids to their object's autofill suggestion availability.
HashMap<AXID, WebAXAutofillSuggestionAvailability>
// The set of node IDs whose bounds has changed since the last time
// SerializeLocationChanges was called.
HashSet<AXID> changed_bounds_ids_;
// Known locations and sizes of bounding boxes that are known to have been
// serialized.
HashMap<AXID, ui::AXRelativeBounds> cached_bounding_boxes_;
// The list of node IDs whose position is fixed or sticky.
HashSet<AXID> fixed_or_sticky_node_ids_;
// Map of node IDs where there was an operation done, could be deletion or
// insertion. The items in the vector are in the order that the operations
// were made in.
HashMap<AXID, WTF::Vector<TextChangedOperation>> text_operation_in_node_ids_;
// Used to keep track of which ComputedAccessibleNodes have already been
// instantiated in this document to avoid constructing duplicates.
HeapHashMap<AXID, Member<ComputedAccessibleNode>> computed_node_mapping_;
// A set of ARIA notifications that have yet to be added to `ax_tree_data`.
HashMap<AXID, AriaNotifications> aria_notifications_;
// The source of the event that is currently being handled.
ax::mojom::blink::EventFrom active_event_from_ =
// The accessibility action that caused the event. Will only be valid if
// active_event_from_ is set to kAction.
ax::mojom::blink::Action active_event_from_action_ =
// A set of currently active event intents.
BlinkAXEventIntentsSet active_event_intents_;
// If false, exposes the internal accessibility tree of a select pop-up
// instead.
static bool use_ax_menu_list_;
Member<BlinkAXTreeSource> ax_tree_source_;
std::unique_ptr<ui::AXTreeSerializer<AXObject*, HeapVector<Member<AXObject>>>>
HeapVector<Member<AXDirtyObject>> dirty_objects_;
Vector<ui::AXEvent> pending_events_;
HashMap<DOMNodeId, bool> whitespace_ignored_map_;
bool updating_tree_ = false;
// Make sure the next serialization sends everything.
bool mark_all_dirty_ = false;
mutable bool has_axid_generator_looped_ = false;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AccessibilityTest, PauseUpdatesAfterMaxNumberQueued);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AccessibilityTest, RemoveReferencesToAXID);
// The ID of the object to fetch image data for.
AXID image_data_node_id_ = ui::AXNodeData::kInvalidAXID;
gfx::Size max_image_data_size_;
using PluginAXTreeSerializer =
ui::AXTreeSerializer<const ui::AXNode*, std::vector<const ui::AXNode*>>;
// AXTreeSerializer's AXSourceNodeVectorType is not a vector<raw_ptr> due to
// performance regressions detected in blink_perf.accessibility tests.
RAW_PTR_EXCLUSION std::unique_ptr<PluginAXTreeSerializer> plugin_serializer_;
raw_ptr<ui::AXTreeSource<const ui::AXNode*>> plugin_tree_source_;
// So we can ensure the serialization pipeline never stalls with dirty objects
// remaining to be serialized.
// This is the only subclass of AXObjectCache.
template <>
struct DowncastTraits<AXObjectCacheImpl> {
static bool AllowFrom(const AXObjectCache& cache) { return true; }
// This will let you know if aria-hidden was explicitly set to false.
bool IsNodeAriaVisible(Node*);
} // namespace blink