blob: 76bfbe66171a4a9700ae35babd19b741145fdf5d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/accessibility/testing/accessibility_test.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/allocator/allocator.h"
namespace blink {
class AXObject;
class AXSelection;
class LocalFrameClient;
// Makes writing and debugging selection tests easier.
class AccessibilitySelectionTest : public AccessibilityTest {
AccessibilitySelectionTest(LocalFrameClient* local_frame_client = nullptr);
void SetUp() override;
// Gets a text representation of the accessibility tree that is currently
// selected and annotates it with markers indicating the anchor and focus of
// |selection|.
std::string GetCurrentSelectionText() const;
// Gets a text representation of the accessibility tree encompassing
// |selection| and annotates it with markers indicating the anchor and focus
// of |selection|.
std::string GetSelectionText(const AXSelection& selection) const;
// Gets a text representation of the accessibility subtree rooted at |subtree|
// and encompassing |selection|, and annotates it with markers indicating the
// anchor and focus of |selection|.
std::string GetSelectionText(const AXSelection& selection,
const AXObject& subtree) const;
// Sets |selection_text| as inner HTML of the document body and returns the
// resulting |AXSelection|. If there are multiple selection markers, returns
// only the first selection.
AXSelection SetSelectionText(const std::string& selection_text) const;
// Sets |selection_text| as inner HTML of |element| and returns the resulting
// |AXSelection|. If there are multiple selection markers, returns only the
// first selection.
AXSelection SetSelectionText(const std::string& selection_text,
HTMLElement& element) const;
// Compares two HTML files containing a DOM selection and the equivalent
// accessibility selection.
void RunSelectionTest(const std::string& test_name,
const std::string& suffix = std::string()) const;
} // namespace blink