blob: ffa572948e48fcc0120b2f2ce9a303428db66099 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- file manager strings (included from generated_resources.grd). -->
<!-- File Manager -->
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ANDROID_FILES_ROOT_LABEL" desc="A label for the 'Play files' root which shows Android files. 'Play' in this label is an abbreviation of 'Google Play', so it should not be translated. Use sentence case.">
Play files
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SHOW_ALL_ANDROID_FOLDERS_OPTION" desc="A label for an option menu item to show all Android folders. By default, only several folders are visible to users, and users will click this option menu item to show all folders. 'Play' in this label is an abbreviation of 'Google Play', so it should not be translated.">
Show all Play folders
<message name="IDS_FILE_SYSTEM_PROVIDER_UNRESPONSIVE_WARNING" desc="A warning shown in a notification that an operation is taking longer than expected.">
An operation is taking longer than expected. Do you want to abort it?
<message name="IDS_FILE_SYSTEM_PROVIDER_MANY_UNRESPONSIVE_WARNING" desc="A warning shown in a notification that more than one operations are taking longer than expected.">
Some operations are taking longer than expected. Do you want to abort them?
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_CONFIRM_COPY_TO_SHARED_DRIVE" desc="Confirmation dialog message when copying a file to a shared location.">
Copying this item will share it with everyone who can see the shared folder '<ph name="DESTINATION_NAME">$1</ph>'.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_CONFIRM_MOVE_TO_SHARED_DRIVE" desc="Confirmation dialog message when moving a file to a shared location.">
Moving this item will share it with everyone who can see the shared folder '<ph name="DESTINATION_NAME">$1</ph>'.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_CONFIRM_TD_MEMBERS_LOSE_ACCESS" desc="Part of message in the confirmation dialog box when moving a file out of a Team Drive.">
Members of '<ph name="SOURCE_NAME">$1</ph>' will lose access unless these items are shared with them.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_CONFIRM_CANNOT_MOVE_BACK_TO_TEAM_DRIVE" desc="Part of message in the confirmation dialog box when moving a file from Team Drives to My Drive to tell that the operation is not undoable.">
The items cannot be moved back into '<ph name="DESTINATION_NAME">$1</ph>', so you won't be able to undo this action.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_CONFIRM_TD_MEMBERS_GAIN_ACCESS" desc="Part of message in the confirmation dialog box when moving or copying files into a Team Drive.">
Members of '<ph name="DESTINATION_NAME">$1</ph>' will gain access to these items.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_CONFIRM_TD_MEMBERS_GAIN_ACCESS_TO_COPY" desc="Part of message in the confirmation dialog box when copying files into a Team Drive.">
Members of '<ph name="DESTINATION_NAME">$1</ph>' will gain access to the copy of these items.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_CONFIRM_OWNERSHIP_TRANSFER" desc="Part of message in the confirmation dialog box when moving files between two Team Drives that belong to different domains.">
Ownership will be transferred to <ph name="DESTINATION_DOMAIN">$1</ph>.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CONFIRM_COPY_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Button label for approving file copy operation in the confirmation dialog box. This is placed next to CANCEL button.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CONFIRM_MOVE_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Button label for approving file move operation in the confirmation dialog box. This is placed next to CANCEL button.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_SYSTEM_PROVIDER_UNRESPONSIVE_ABORT_BUTTON" desc="Label of the button on the notification about an operation(s) taking to long.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_DIRECTORY_LABEL" desc="/drive directory label.">
Google Drive
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_MY_DRIVE_LABEL" desc="A label for the 'My Drive' collection of Google Drive.">
My Drive
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_SHARED_DRIVES_LABEL" desc="A label for the 'Team Drives' collection of Google Drive.">
Shared drives
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_COMPUTERS_LABEL" desc="A label for the 'Computers' collection of Google Drive.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_SHARED_WITH_ME_COLLECTION_LABEL" desc="A label for the 'shared with me' collection of Google Drive.">
Shared with me
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_RECENT_COLLECTION_LABEL" desc="A label for the 'Recent' collection of Google Drive.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_OFFLINE_COLLECTION_LABEL" desc="A label for the 'Offline' collection of Google Drive.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DOWNLOADS_DIRECTORY_LABEL" desc="Downloads local directory label.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_LINUX_FILES_ROOT_LABEL" desc="A label for the 'Linux files' root which shows crostini files. Use sentence case.">
Linux files
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_MY_FILES_ROOT_LABEL" desc="A label for the 'My files' root which is parent of Downloads, Linux and Android files. Use sentence case.">
My files
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_MEDIA_VIEW_ALL_ROOT_LABEL" desc="A label for the 'All' root of media views.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_MEDIA_VIEW_IMAGES_ROOT_LABEL" desc="A label for the 'Images' root of media views.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_MEDIA_VIEW_VIDEOS_ROOT_LABEL" desc="A label for the 'Videos' root of media views.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_MEDIA_VIEW_AUDIO_ROOT_LABEL" desc="A label for the 'Audio' root of media views.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_MEDIA_VIEW_DOCUMENTS_ROOT_LABEL" desc="A label for the 'Documents' root of media views.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_RECENT_VIEW_FILTER_ON" desc="Message read by Chromevox/screenreader when curtain filter in Recent become active.">
<ph name="FILTER_NAME">$1<ex>Audio</ex></ph> filter is on.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_RECENT_VIEW_FILTER_OFF" desc="Message read by Chromevox/screenreader when curtain filter in Recent become inactive.">
<ph name="FILTER_NAME">$1<ex>Vidoes</ex></ph> filter is off.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_RECENT_VIEW_FILTER_RESET" desc="Message read by Chromevox/screenreader when the filter in Recent is reset to All.">
Filter is reset.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_RECENT_TIME_HEADING_TODAY" desc="Time period heading label for Today in Recent view.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_RECENT_TIME_HEADING_YESTERDAY" desc="Time period heading label for Yesterday in Recent view.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_RECENT_TIME_HEADING_THIS_WEEK" desc="Time period heading label for This Week in Recent view.">
Earlier this week
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_RECENT_TIME_HEADING_THIS_MONTH" desc="Time period heading label for This Month in Recent view.">
Earlier this month
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_RECENT_TIME_HEADING_THIS_YEAR" desc="Time period heading label for This Year in Recent view.">
Earlier this year
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_RECENT_TIME_HEADING_OLDER" desc="Time period heading label for Older in Recent view.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_RECENT_EMPTY_FOLDER" desc="Empty state message for all filter in Recent view.">
No recent files
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_RECENT_EMPTY_IMAGES_FOLDER" desc="Empty state message for image filter in Recent view.">
No recent images
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_RECENT_EMPTY_AUDIO_FOLDER" desc="Empty state message for audio filter in Recent view.">
No recent audio files
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_RECENT_EMPTY_VIDEOS_FOLDER" desc="Empty state message for video filter in Recent view.">
No recent videos
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_RECENT_EMPTY_DOCUMENTS_FOLDER" desc="Empty state message for document filter in Recent view.">
No recent documents
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_PLUGIN_VM_DIRECTORY_LABEL" desc="Parallels local directory label.">
Windows files
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_RECENT_ROOT_LABEL" desc="A label for the 'Recent' root which shows files recently modified by the user.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_TRASH_ROOT_LABEL" desc="A label for the 'Trash' root which shows files in the trash / recycle bin.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DOCPROVIDER_ROOT_LABEL_WITH_SUMMARY" desc="A label for a documents provider root, which has both title and summary.">
<ph name="ROOT_TITLE">$1<ex>MyCloudProvider</ex></ph> (<ph name="ROOT_SUMMARY">$2<ex></ex></ph>)
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DOWNLOADS_DIRECTORY_WARNING" desc="Warning displayed to user when viewing downloads folder.">
Caution: These files are temporary and may be automatically deleted to free up disk space.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_LEARN_MORE_LABEL" desc="A label for the 'Learn more' button to get more information about a banner.">
Learn more
<!-- TODO ( Remove IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DOWNLOADS_DIRECTORY_WARNING_FILESNG once migrated to new banner framework. -->
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DOWNLOADS_DIRECTORY_WARNING_FILESNG" desc="Warning displayed to user when viewing downloads folder.">
Caution: These files are temporary and may be automatically deleted to free up disk space. <ph name="BEGIN_LINK">&lt;a href="javascript://"&gt;</ph>Learn More<ph name="END_LINK">&lt;/a&gt;<ex>&lt;/a&gt;</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_NAME_COLUMN_LABEL" desc="Name column label." meaning="Name of an inanimate object">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SIZE_COLUMN_LABEL" desc="Size column label.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_COLUMN_ASC_SORT_MESSAGE" desc="Message read by Chromevox/screenreader when focusing file list table column, when clicking will sort in ascending order.">
Click to sort the column in ascending order.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_COLUMN_DESC_SORT_MESSAGE" desc="Message read by Chromevox/screenreader when focusing file list table column, when clicking will sort in descending order.">
Click to sort the column in descending order.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_COLUMN_SORTED_ASC_MESSAGE" desc="Message read by Chromevox/screenreader after sorting a column in the File list in ascending order.">
File list sorted by <ph name="COLUMN_NAME">$1<ex>date modified</ex></ph> in ascending order.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_COLUMN_SORTED_DESC_MESSAGE" desc="Message read by Chromevox/screenreader after sorting a column in the File list in descending order.">
File list sorted by <ph name="COLUMN_NAME">$1<ex>date modified</ex></ph> in descending order.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_EXTERNAL_LINK_MESSAGE" desc="Message read by Chromevox/screenreader when focusing a link that launches an external application.">
External link
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CAMERA_DIRECTORY_LABEL" desc="Camera local directory label.">
<!-- File selection a11y -->
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SELECTION_ADD_SINGLE_ENTRY" desc="Message spoken by Chromevox/screenreader when adding a single entry (file or folder) to the existing selection.">
Added <ph name="ENTRY_NAME">$1<ex>file.txt</ex></ph> to selection.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SELECTION_REMOVE_SINGLE_ENTRY" desc="Message spoken by Chromevox/screenreader when remove a single entry (file or folder) from the existing selection.">
Removed <ph name="ENTRY_NAME">$1<ex>file.txt</ex></ph> from selection.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SELECTION_SINGLE_ENTRY" desc="Message spoken by Chromevox/screenreader when selection only one entry (without multiple selection).">
Selected <ph name="ENTRY_NAME">$1<ex>file.txt</ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SELECTION_ADD_RANGE" desc="Message spoken by Chromevox/screenreader when user selects a range of entries.">
Selected a range of <ph name="ENTRY_COUNT">$1<ex>10</ex></ph> entries from <ph name="FROM_ENTRY_NAME">$2<ex>file.txt</ex></ph> to <ph name="TO_ENTRY_NAME">$3<ex>another_file.txt</ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SELECTION_CANCELLATION" desc="Message spoken by Chromevox/screenreader user cancels a selection via 'Cancel selection' button or hitting Esc key.">
Removed all entries from selection.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SELECTION_ALL_ENTRIES" desc="Message spoken by Chromevox/screenreader user selects all entries e.g.: using Ctlr+A.">
Selected all entries.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CURRENT_DIRECTORY_LABEL" desc="Message spoken by Chromevox/screenreader when the selected directory in the directory tree is the current directory.">
Current directory
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SIZE_BYTES" desc="Size in bytes.">
<ph name="NUMBER_OF_BYTES">$1<ex>42</ex></ph> bytes
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SIZE_KB" desc="Size in kilo bytes.">
<ph name="NUMBER_OF_KB">$1<ex>42</ex></ph> KB
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SIZE_MB" desc="Size in mega bytes.">
<ph name="NUMBER_OF_MB">$1<ex>42</ex></ph> MB
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SIZE_GB" desc="Size in giga bytes.">
<ph name="NUMBER_OF_GB">$1<ex>42</ex></ph> GB
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SIZE_TB" desc="Size in tera bytes.">
<ph name="NUMBER_OF_TB">$1<ex>42</ex></ph> TB
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SIZE_PB" desc="Size in peta bytes.">
<ph name="NUMBER_OF_PB">$1<ex>42</ex></ph> PB
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SHORTCUT_CTRL" desc="[Ctrl] key name to use in shortcuts descriptions. Shouldn't be translated in many languages actually.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SHORTCUT_ALT" desc="[Alt] key name to use in shortcuts descriptions. Shouldn't be translated in many languages actually.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SHORTCUT_SHIFT" desc="[Shift] key name to use in shortcuts descriptions. Shouldn't be translated in many languages actually.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SHORTCUT_META" desc="[Meta] key name to use in shortcuts descriptions. Shouldn't be translated in many languages actually.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SHORTCUT_SPACE" desc="[Space] key name to use in shortcuts descriptions. Shouldn't be translated in many languages actually.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SHORTCUT_ENTER" desc="[Enter] key name to use in shortcuts descriptions. Shouldn't be translated in many languages actually.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SHORTCUT_BACKSPACE" desc="[Backspace] key name to use in shortcuts descriptions. Shouldn't be translated in many languages actually.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_STATUS_COLUMN_LABEL" desc="Status column label. This column reflects the cloud import status of files. The status is an icon depicting whether a file has been imported, and if so, where to - for example, a Drive icon if a file has been imported to Google Drive. For unimported files, this column is blank. ">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_TOTAL_FILE_COUNT_LABEL" desc="Total count of files that user selects in the Files app">
Total file count
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_TOTAL_FILE_SIZE_LABEL" desc="Total size of files that user selects in the Files app">
Total file size
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_IMAGE_RESOLUTION_COLUMN_LABEL" desc="Image resolution of a file that user selects in the Files app">
Image resolution
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_MEDIA_TITLE_COLUMN_LABEL" desc="Artist of a music file that user selects in the Files app">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_MEDIA_ARTIST_COLUMN_LABEL" desc="Title of a music file that user selects in the Files app">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_TYPE_COLUMN_LABEL" desc="Type column label.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DATE_COLUMN_LABEL" desc="Date column label.">
Date modified
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_OFFLINE_COLUMN_LABEL" desc="Available offline column label.">
Available offline
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ERROR_CREATING_FOLDER" desc="Message displayed when we can't create a folder.">
Unable to create folder "<ph name="FOLDER_NAME">$1<ex>Documents</ex></ph>". <ph name="ERROR_MESSAGE">$2<ex>An error occurred (code: ABORT)</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ERROR_INVALID_CHARACTER" desc="Error message displayed when the user enters an invalid character in a file or directory name.">
Invalid character: <ph name="CHARACTER_NAME">$1<ex>/ (forward slash)</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ERROR_EXTERNAL_DRIVE_INVALID_CHARACTER" desc="Error message displayed when the user enters an invalid character in an external drive's name.">
Invalid character: <ph name="CHARACTER_NAME">$1<ex>/ (forward slash)</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ERROR_RESERVED_NAME" desc="Error message displayed when the user enters a file name which is reserved.">
This name may not be used as a file of folder name
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ERROR_HIDDEN_NAME" desc="Error message displayed when the user tries to rename to or create a file started with dot.">
Names starting with dot are reserved for the system. Please choose another name.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ERROR_WHITESPACE_NAME" desc="Error message displayed when the user enters a file name consisting of only whitespace characters.">
Invalid name
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ERROR_LONG_NAME" desc="Error message displayed when user tries to enter too long name for a file or a folder.">
Use a shorter name
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ERROR_EXTERNAL_DRIVE_LONG_NAME" desc="Error message displayed when user tries to enter too long name for an external drive.">
Use a name that's <ph name="MAX_LENGTH">$1<ex>11</ex></ph> characters or less
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ERROR_LINUX_FILES_CONNECTION" desc="Text to show user when there is an error starting or mounting crostini container to show Linux files.">
Unable to view Linux files
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_NEW_FOLDER_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label on the 'New folder' button.">
New folder
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_NEW_WINDOW_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label on the 'New window' button.">
New window
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FILENAME_LABEL" desc="Filename text area label.">
File name
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_PREPARING_LABEL" desc="Label informing about preparing the file.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_QUICK_VIEW_CLOSE_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label for button to close QuickView.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_QUICK_VIEW_OPEN_IN_NEW_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label for button to open a file with external app.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_QUICK_VIEW_DELETE_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label for button to delete a file in QuickView.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_QUICK_VIEW_TOGGLE_METADATA_BOX_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label for button to toggle show/hide status of metadata box.">
File info
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRAGGING_MULTIPLE_ITEMS" desc="Tooltip message for dragging multiple files.">
<ph name="NUMBER_OF_FILES">$1<ex>3</ex></ph> items
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ARCHIVE_MOUNT_MESSAGE" desc="Message shown when opening an archive takes a long time.">
Opening "<ph name="PATH">$1<ex></ex></ph>"
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ARCHIVE_MOUNT_FAILED" desc="Error message when an archive mount operation failed.">
Could not open "<ph name="PATH">$1<ex></ex></ph>"
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ARCHIVE_MOUNT_INVALID_PATH" desc="Error message when trying to mount an archive from an unsupported path.">
Could not open "<ph name="PATH">$1<ex></ex></ph>" from this location. Please copy to "My files" to open.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_UNMOUNT_FAILED" desc="Title of the error dialog when device unmount operation failed.">
<ph name="BEGIN_BOLD">&lt;b&gt;</ph>Don't remove your device just yet!<ph name="END_BOLD">&lt;/b&gt;</ph>
<ph name="LINE_BREAKS">&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;</ph>
Removing your device while it is in use may cause data loss. Please wait until the operation is over, then eject the device using the Files app.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_UNMOUNT_PROVIDED_FAILED" desc="Title of the error dialog when unmount operation for a volume provided by an extension failed. One of the most typical use case is an archive (i.e. ZIP) file mounted as a virtual disk. However, arbitrary Chrome apps can mount volumes. So we should not assume this is an archive file.">
<ph name="BEGIN_BOLD">&lt;b&gt;</ph>Can't disconnect from an archive or virtual disk<ph name="END_BOLD">&lt;/b&gt;</ph>
<ph name="LINE_BREAKS">&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;</ph>
Close all files on the archive or virtual disk, then try again.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_MOUNT_ARCHIVE" desc="Title of the action for mounting an archive file to work with its contents.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FORMAT_DEVICE_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Title of the action for formatting removable device.">
Format device
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_REPARTITION_DEVICE_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Title of the action for repartitioning removable device.">
Format device
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CONFIGURE_VOLUME_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Title of the action for configuring the selected volume.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_UNMOUNT_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Title of the action for unmounting a given filesystem.">
Eject <ph name="TARGET_NAME">$1<ex></ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_UNMOUNT_DEVICE_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Title of the action for unmounting removable device.">
Eject device
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CLOSE_VOLUME_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Title of the action for closing either an archive volume or a volume provided by an extension.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FILES_SETTINGS_LABEL" desc="Label for menu that will take users to the Files section of the Settings page.">
Files settings
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SEND_FEEDBACK_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Title for the action of sending user feedback.">
Send feedback
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SHOW_PROVIDERS_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Title of the button in the left nav to display services (file systems) of the Files app.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_TASK_VIEW" desc="Title of the action to view (no edit) a file.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_TASK_OPEN" desc="Title of the action to open (and possibly edit) a file.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_TASK_OPEN_GDRIVE" desc="Title of the action to open a file in Google Drive.">
Google Drive
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_TASK_OPEN_GDOC" desc="Title of the action to open a Google Docs document.">
Google Docs
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_TASK_OPEN_GSHEET" desc="Title of the action to open a Google Spreadsheets document.">
Google Sheets
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_TASK_OPEN_GSLIDES" desc="Title of the action to open a Google Slides document.">
Google Slides
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_TASK_OPEN_MICROSOFT_365" desc="Title of the action to open an office document in the Microsoft 365 app">
Microsoft 365
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_TASK_LISTEN" desc="Title of the action to play an audio file.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_TASK_INSTALL_ISOLATED_WEB_APP" desc="Title of the action to install an Isolated Web App from a swbn file">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_TASK_INSTALL_LINUX_PACKAGE" desc="Title of the action to install a Linux package.">
Install with Linux
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_INSTALL_LINUX_PACKAGE_TITLE" desc="In the File Manager, the title shown in the dialog for installing a Linux application.">
Install app with Linux
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_INSTALL_LINUX_PACKAGE_DETAILS_LABEL" desc="In the File Manager, the label shown above the app information (name, version, etc.) in the dialog for installing a Linux application.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_INSTALL_LINUX_PACKAGE_DETAILS_APPLICATION_LABEL" desc="In the File Manager, the label shown next to the application name in the dialog for installing a Linux application.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_INSTALL_LINUX_PACKAGE_DETAILS_VERSION_LABEL" desc="In the File Manager, the label shown next to the version string in the dialog for installing a Linux application.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_INSTALL_LINUX_PACKAGE_DETAILS_DESCRIPTION_LABEL" desc="In the File Manager, the label shown next to a block of text describing the application in the dialog for installing a Linux application.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_INSTALL_LINUX_PACKAGE_DETAILS_LOADING" desc="In the File Manager, the message shown to indicate we are loading information about the application (name, version, etc.) in the dialog for installing a Linux application.">
Loading information...
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_INSTALL_LINUX_PACKAGE_DETAILS_NOT_AVAILABLE" desc="In the File Manager, the message shown to indicate we failed to load information about the application in the dialog for installing a Linux application.">
Failed to retrieve app info.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_INSTALL_LINUX_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the File Manager, the message shown in the dialog for installing a Linux application.">
The Linux application will be available within your Terminal and may also show an icon in your Launcher.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_INSTALL_LINUX_PACKAGE_INSTALL_BUTTON" desc="In the File Manager, the label on the button to begin installing a Linux application. ">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_INSTALL_LINUX_PACKAGE_INSTALLATION_STARTED" desc="In the File Manager, the dialog message when a Linux application installation successfully starts.">
Installation successfully started.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_INSTALL_LINUX_PACKAGE_ERROR_TITLE" desc="In the File Manager, the title shown in the dialog for installing a Linux application when an error occurs.">
Error installing Linux application
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_INSTALL_LINUX_PACKAGE_ERROR_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the File Manager, the dialog message when a Linux application installation fails.">
An error occured during installation of your Linux application.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_RECOVERED_FILES_FROM_GOOGLE_DRIVE_DIRECTORY_NAME" desc="The name of the directory which stores files recovered from Google Drive directory when the locally stored Google Drive data is found to be broken.">
Recovered files from Google Drive
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CONFLICT_DIALOG_MESSAGE" desc="Message shown in the conflict dialog when a file transfer operation is conflicted.">
A file named "<ph name="FILENAME">$1<ex>photo.jpg</ex></ph>" already exists. Do you want to replace it with the one you're moving?
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CONFLICT_DIALOG_FOLDER_MESSAGE" desc="Message shown in the conflict dialog when a folder transfer operation is conflicted.">
A folder named "<ph name="FILENAME">$1<ex>Downloads</ex></ph>" already exists. Do you want to replace it with the one you're moving?
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CONFLICT_DIALOG_KEEP_BOTH" desc="Label of a button to keep both entries after the file transfer operation.">
Keep both
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CONFLICT_DIALOG_REPLACE" desc="Label of a button to replace an entry with the source entry.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CONFLICT_DIALOG_APPLY_TO_ALL" desc="Label of checkbox in the conflict dialog box to apply the user selection to all entries.">
Apply to all
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CONFLICT_DIALOG_KEEP_ALL" desc="Label of a button to keep all entries after the file transfer operation. The 'Apply to all' checkbox is selected.">
Keep all
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CONFLICT_DIALOG_REPLACE_ALL" desc="Label of a button to replace all entries with the source entries. The 'Apply to all' checkbox is selected.">
Replace all
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CONFIRM_OVERWRITE_FILE" desc="Asks the user if they are sure they want to overwrite an existing file with another one.">
A file named "<ph name="FILE_NAME">$1<ex>existing.txt</ex></ph>" already exists. Do you want to replace it?
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS" desc="Error message displayed when user tries to create a file with an existing name.">
The file named "<ph name="FILE_NAME">$1<ex>existing.txt</ex></ph>" already exists. Please choose a different name.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DIRECTORY_ALREADY_EXISTS" desc="Error message displayed when user tries to create a directory with an existing name.">
The folder named "<ph name="FOLDER_NAME">$1<ex>existing/dir</ex></ph>" already exists. Please choose a different name.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ERROR_RENAMING" desc="Error message.">
Unable to rename "<ph name="FILE_NAME">$1<ex>document.pdf</ex></ph>". <ph name="ERROR_MESSAGE">$2<ex>An error occurred (code: ABORT)</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GET_INFO_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Context menu item that shows the currently-selected file's metadata.">
Get info
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_RENAME_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Context menu item that renames the currently-selected file.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DELETE_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Context menu item that deletes the currently-selected file(s).">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_MOVE_TO_TRASH_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Context menu item that moves the currently-selected file(s) to the trash / recycle bin.">
Move to trash
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_RESTORE_FROM_TRASH_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Context menu item that restores the currently-selected file(s) from the trash / recycle bin.">
Restore from trash
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_EMPTY_TRASH_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Context menu item that empties (permanently deletes all items in) the trash / recycle bin.">
Empty trash now
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_TRASH_NUDGE_LABEL" desc="Shown when a user trashes a file for the the first time">
Deleted files are now moved to trash
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_PASTE_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Context menu item that pastes the file(s) in the clipboard.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_REFRESH_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label for a button for refreshing the current directory.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_PASTE_INTO_FOLDER_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Menu item label, pasting files into the selected folder.">
Paste into folder
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_COPY_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Context menu item that copies the currently-selected file(s) to the clipboard.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CUT_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Context menu item that cuts the currently-selected file(s) to the clipboard.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_EXTRACT_ALL_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Menu item label, showing dialog to extract content from a zip file.">
Extract all
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_OPEN_WITH_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Menu item label, showing dialog to choose extension to open selected files or directories.">
Open with...
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GO_TO_FILE_LOCATION_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Menu item label, navigating the user to the file's containing folder.">
Go to file location
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ZIP_SELECTION_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Menu item label, showing dialog to create zip file for selected files.">
Zip selection
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SET_WALLPAPER_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="The context menu item to set wallpaper.">
Set as wallpaper
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_PIN_FOLDER_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Menu item label, add the selected folder to the left nav.">
Add to sidebar
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_UNPIN_FOLDER_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Menu item label, remove the selected folder from the left nav.">
Remove from sidebar
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SELECT_ALL_COMMAND_LABEL" desc="Menu item label, select all files and folders in the right view">
Select all
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SHARE_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Menu item's label, showing dialog to share the selected Google Drive files. This message is also used as a tooltip label and a spoken feedback label of a button which also shows the dialog to share the files. The translation should be consistent with the sharing dialog's title in Google Drive Web UI.">
Share with others
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_MANAGE_TOAST_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Toast button label, manage file and folder sharing">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_MANAGE_IN_DRIVE_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Menu item's label, showing dialog to open the selected Google Drive files in the Drive webpage for managing sharing permissions, etc.">
Manage in Drive
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_MANAGE_MIRRORSYNC_LABEL" desc="Menu item's label, shows dialog to manage MirrorSync settings and currently syncing folders.">
Manage synced folders
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SHARE_WITH_LINUX_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label for menu that will share a folder with the crostini Linux container.">
Share with Linux
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_MANAGE_LINUX_SHARING_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label for menu that will take users to the settings page where they can manage which files and folders are shared with the crostini Linux container.">
Manage Linux sharing
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SHARE_WITH_PLUGIN_VM_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label for menu that will share a folder with Parallels.">
Share with Parallels Desktop
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_MANAGE_PLUGIN_VM_SHARING_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label for menu that will take users to the settings page where they can manage which files and folders are shared with Parallels.">
Manage Parallels Desktop sharing
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SHARE_WITH_BRUSCHETTA_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label for menu that will share a folder with the VM type codenamed Bruschetta.">
Share with <ph name="VM_NAME">$1<ex>MyVm</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_MANAGE_BRUSCHETTA_SHARING_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label for menu that will take users to the settings page where they can manage which files and folders are shared with the VM type codenamed Bruschetta.">
Manage <ph name="VM_NAME">$1<ex>MyVm</ex></ph> sharing
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_WITH_PLUGIN_VM_DIRECTORY_NOT_SHARED_MESSAGE" desc="Body of the dialog shown to users when they try to open a file with an application in a virtual machine, but the file is not in a directory shared into the VM.">
To open files with <ph name="APP_NAME">$1<ex>Paint (Windows)</ex></ph>, first move them to the Windows files folder.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_WITH_PLUGIN_VM_EXTERNAL_DRIVE_MESSAGE" desc="Body of the dialog shown to users when they try to open a file with an application in a virtual machine, but the file is on an external drive so isn't accessible from within the VM.">
To open files with <ph name="APP_NAME">$1<ex>Paint (Windows)</ex></ph>, first copy them to the Windows files folder.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_UNABLE_TO_DROP_IN_PLUGIN_VM_DIRECTORY_NOT_SHARED_MESSAGE" desc="Body of the dialog shown to users when they try to drag and drop a file to Parallels, but the file is not in a directory shared into the VM. Do not translate 'Parallels Desktop'">
To drop files in Parallels Desktop, the file must be moved to Windows files.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_UNABLE_TO_DROP_IN_PLUGIN_VM_EXTERNAL_DRIVE_MESSAGE" desc="Body of the dialog shown to users when they try to drag and drop a file to Parallels, but the file is on an external drive so isn't accessible from within the VM. Do not translate 'Parallels Desktop'">
To drop files in Parallels Desktop, the file must be copied to Windows files.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_TOGGLE_HIDDEN_FILES_COMMAND_LABEL" desc="Label for menu or button with checkmark that toggles visibility of hidden files.">
Show hidden files
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_TASKS_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label for button that selects a task to open the current file.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CANCEL_SELECTION_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label for button that unselects all selected items.">
Cancel selection
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_READ_ONLY_LABEL" desc="Label for an indicator which means that the current folder is read-only.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CHANGE_TO_LISTVIEW_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label for button that changes the view mode to 'list view' mode.">
Switch to list view
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CHANGE_TO_THUMBNAILVIEW_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label for button that changes the view mode to 'thumbnail view' mode.">
Switch to thumbnail view
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FILE_LIST_CHANGED_TO_LIST_VIEW" desc="Message spoken by ChromeVox/screen reader after clicking on button to switch to list view mode.">
File list has changed to list view.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FILE_LIST_CHANGED_TO_THUMBNAIL_VIEW" desc="Message spoken by ChromeVox/screen reader after clicking on button to switch to thumbnail view mode.">
File list has changed to thumbnail view.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_COPY_FILE_NAME" desc="File Manager status message.">
Copying <ph name="FILE_NAME">$1<ex>movie.avi</ex></ph>...
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_COPY_ITEMS_REMAINING" desc="File Manager status message. 'Item' is used here as a generic term for file or directory.">
Copying <ph name="NUMBER_OF_ITEMS">$1<ex>3</ex></ph> items...
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_COPY_FILE_NAME_LONG" desc="File Manager status message including destination folder when copying one file.">
Copying <ph name="FILE_NAME">$1<ex>movie.avi</ex></ph> to <ph name="FOLDER_NAME">$2<ex>images</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_COPY_ITEMS_REMAINING_LONG" desc="File Manager status message including destination folder when copying multiple files or folders. 'Item' is used here as a generic term for file or directory.">
Copying <ph name="NUMBER_OF_ITEMS">$1<ex>3</ex></ph> items to <ph name="FOLDER_NAME">$2<ex>images</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_PREPARING_FILE_NAME_MY_DRIVE" desc="Files app message displayed to users while they are copying files into My Drive to help them understand that files pasted into My Drive are not immediately synced.">
Preparing to sync <ph name="FILE_NAME">$1<ex>movie.avi</ex></ph>...
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_PREPARING_ITEMS_MY_DRIVE" desc="Files app message displayed to users while they are copying files into My Drive to help them understand that files pasted into My Drive are not immediately synced.">
Preparing to sync <ph name="NUMBER_OF_ITEMS">$1<ex>3</ex></ph> items...
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_READY_TO_SYNC_MY_DRIVE" desc="Files app message displayed to users after they copy files into My Drive to help them understand that files pasted into My Drive are not immediately synced.">
Ready to sync
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_EXTRACT_FILESYSTEM_ERROR" desc="File Manager error message.">
Extract operation failed. <ph name="ERROR_MESSAGE">$1<ex>An error occurred (code: ABORT)</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_EXTRACT_FILE_NAME" desc="File Manager status message.">
Extracting <ph name="FILE_NAME">$1<ex>movie.avi</ex></ph>...
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_EXTRACT_ITEMS_REMAINING" desc="File Manager status message. 'Item' is used here as a generic term for file or directory.">
Extracting <ph name="NUMBER_OF_ITEMS">$1<ex>3</ex></ph> items...
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_EXTRACT_FILE_NAME_LONG" desc="File Manager status message including destination folder when extracting one file.">
Extracting <ph name="FILE_NAME">$1<ex>movie.avi</ex></ph> to <ph name="FOLDER_NAME">$2<ex>images</ex></ph>
desc="The progress panel message indicating estimate of remaining time of a file operation. The time will be in 1 part (hour or minute) like '2 hours' or '3 min'.">
About <ph name="REMAINING_TIME">$1<ex>1 min</ex></ph> remaining
desc="The progress panel message indicating estimate of remaining time of a file operation. The time will be in 2 parts and has both hour and minute like '2 hours 1 min'.">
About <ph name="REMAINING_TIME_HOUR">$1<ex>2 hours</ex></ph> <ph name="REMAINING_TIME_MINUTE">$2<ex>3 min</ex></ph> remaining
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_COPY_TARGET_EXISTS_ERROR" desc="File Manager error message. 'Item' is used here as a generic term for file or directory.">
Whoops, <ph name="FILE_NAME">$1<ex>movie.avi</ex></ph> already exists. Rename it and try again.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_COPY_SOURCE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR" desc="File Manager error message. 'Item' is used here as a generic term for file or directory.">
Whoops, <ph name="FILE_NAME">$1<ex>movie.avi</ex></ph> no longer exists.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_COPY_FILESYSTEM_ERROR" desc="File Manager error message.">
Copy operation failed. <ph name="ERROR_MESSAGE">$1<ex>An error occurred (code: ABORT)</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_COPY_SKIPPED_ENCRYPTED_SINGLE_FILE" desc="File Manager error message. An encrypted (Google Drive CSE) file wasn't copied.">
<ph name="FILE_NAME">$1<ex>encrypted.pdf</ex></ph> could not be copied because it is encrypted.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_MOVE_SKIPPED_ENCRYPTED_SINGLE_FILE" desc="File Manager error message. An encrypted (Google Drive CSE) file wasn't moved..">
<ph name="FILE_NAME">$1<ex>encrypted.pdf</ex></ph> could not be moved because it is encrypted.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_COPY_SKIPPED_ENCRYPTED_FILES" desc="File Manager error message. Several encrypted (Google Drive CSE) files weren't moved.">
<ph name="NUMBER_OF_FILES">$1<ex>3</ex></ph> files could not be copied because they are encrypted.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_MOVE_SKIPPED_ENCRYPTED_FILES" desc="File Manager error message. Several encrypted (Google Drive CSE) files weren't moved.">
<ph name="NUMBER_OF_FILES">$1<ex>3</ex></ph> files could not be moved because they are encrypted.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ENCRYPTED_DETAILS" desc="File manager secondary error message when encrypted (Google Drive CSE) files caused an error.">
Contact your administrator for details.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_EMPTY_TRASH_UNEXPECTED_ERROR" desc="File manager error whilst emptying trash">
Failed to empty the trash.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FILE_COPIED" desc="File Manager status message. 'Item' is used here as a generic term for file or directory.">
<ph name="FILE_NAME">$1<ex>big.xz</ex></ph> copied.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FILE_EXTRACTED" desc="File Manager status message. 'Item' is used here as a generic term for file or directory.">
<ph name="FILE_NAME">$1<ex>big.xz</ex></ph> extracted.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FILE_ITEMS" desc="File Manager status message. 'Item' is used here as a generic term for file or directory.">
<ph name="NUMBER_OF_ITEMS">$1<ex>3</ex></ph> items
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FILE_ITEMS_COPIED" desc="File Manager status message. 'Item' is used here as a generic term for file or directory.">
<ph name="NUMBER_OF_ITEMS">$1<ex>3</ex></ph> items copied.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FILE_ITEMS_EXTRACTED" desc="File Manager status message. 'Item' is used here as a generic term for file or directory.">
<ph name="NUMBER_OF_ITEMS">$1<ex>3</ex></ph> items extracted.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FILE_ITEMS_MOVED" desc="File Manager status message. 'Item' is used here as a generic term for file or directory.">
<ph name="NUMBER_OF_ITEMS">$1<ex>3</ex></ph> items moved.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FILE_MOVED" desc="File Manager status message. 'Item' is used here as a generic term for file or directory.">
<ph name="FILE_NAME">$1<ex>big.xz</ex></ph> moved.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_MOVE_FILE_NAME" desc="File Manager status message.">
Moving <ph name="FILE_NAME">$1<ex>movie.avi</ex></ph>...
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_MOVE_ITEMS_REMAINING" desc="File Manager status message. 'Item' is used here as a generic term for file or directory.">
Moving <ph name="NUMBER_OF_ITEMS">$1<ex>3</ex></ph> items...
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_MOVE_FILE_NAME_LONG" desc="File Manager status message including destination folder when moving one file.">
Moving <ph name="FILE_NAME">$1<ex>movie.avi</ex></ph> to <ph name="FOLDER_NAME">$2<ex>images</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_MOVE_ITEMS_REMAINING_LONG" desc="File Manager status message inlcuding destination folder when moving multipel files. 'Item' is used here as a generic term for file or directory.">
Moving <ph name="NUMBER_OF_ITEMS">$1<ex>3</ex></ph> items to <ph name="FOLDER_NAME">$2<ex>images</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_MOVE_TARGET_EXISTS_ERROR" desc="File Manager error message. 'Item' is used here as a generic term for file or directory.">
Whoops, <ph name="FILE_NAME">$1<ex>movie.avi</ex></ph> already exists. Rename it and try again.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_MOVE_SOURCE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR" desc="File Manager error message. 'Item' is used here as a generic term for file or directory.">
Whoops, <ph name="FILE_NAME">$1<ex>movie.avi</ex></ph> no longer exists.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_MOVE_FILESYSTEM_ERROR" desc="File Manager error message.">
Can't move file. <ph name="ERROR_MESSAGE">$1<ex>An error occurred (code: ABORT)</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_MOVE_IN_USE_ERROR" desc="File Manager error message shown when a move operation of a file failed because the file is in use.">
Can't move file. File is in use.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ZIP_FILE_NAME" desc="File Manager status message.">
Zipping <ph name="FILE_NAME">$1<ex>movie.avi</ex></ph>...
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ZIP_ITEMS_REMAINING" desc="File Manager status message. 'Item' is used here as a generic term for file or directory.">
Zipping <ph name="NUMBER_OF_ITEMS">$1<ex>3</ex></ph> items...
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ZIP_TARGET_EXISTS_ERROR" desc="File Manager error message. 'Item' is used here as a generic term for file or directory.">
Zipping failed, item exists: "<ph name="FILE_NAME">$1<ex>existing.txt</ex></ph>"
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ZIP_FILESYSTEM_ERROR" desc="File Manager error message.">
Zipping failed. <ph name="ERROR_MESSAGE">$1<ex>An error occurred (code: ABORT)</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SYNC_DELETE_WITHOUT_PERMISSION_ERROR" desc="File Manager status message shown when the drive sync is failed because a user try to remove shared files that the user does not own.">
"<ph name="FILENAME">$1<ex>photo.jpg</ex></ph>" has been shared with you. You cannot delete it because you do not own it.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SYNC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE_ERROR" desc="File Manager status message shown when the drive sync is failed because Google Drive is temporary unavailable.">
Google Drive is not available right now. Uploading will automatically restart once Google Drive is back.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SYNC_MISC_ERROR" desc="File Manager status message shown when the drive sync is failed because of miscellaneous errors.">
Google Drive was unable to sync "<ph name="FILENAME">$1<ex>photo.jpg</ex></ph>" right now. Google Drive will try again later.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SYNC_NO_SERVER_SPACE" desc="File Manager status message shown when the drive sync is failed because it runs out the space in Google Drive server.">
There is not enough free space in your Google Drive to complete the upload.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SYNC_NO_SERVER_SPACE_ORGANIZATION" desc="File Manager status message shown when the drive sync is failed because the user's organization runs out the space in Google Drive server.">
Your organization requires more storage to complete the upload.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_ORGANIZATION_STORAGE_FULL" desc="File Manager menu storage meter message indicating the user's organization has run out of quota.">
Org storage full
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SHARE_ERROR" desc="File Manager error message when sharing a file or a directory on Drive fails because of internet connection problems.">
Sharing failed. Check your connection and try again later.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DELETE_FILE_NAME" desc="File Manager status message.">
Deleting "<ph name="FILENAME">$1<ex>photo.jpg</ex></ph>"...
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DELETE_ITEMS_REMAINING" desc="File Manager status message. 'Item' is used here as a generic term for file or directory.">
Deleting <ph name="COUNT">$1<ex>10</ex></ph> items...
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DELETE_ERROR" desc="Message informing about error while deleting an item or items.">
An error occurred. Some items may not have been deleted.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DELETE_IN_USE_ERROR" desc="File Manager error message shown when a delete operation of an item failed because the item is in use.">
Can't delete. Item is in use.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_RESTORING_FROM_TRASH_FILE_NAME" desc="File Manager status message shown when restoring items from trash / recycle bin.">
Restoring "<ph name="FILENAME">$1<ex>photo.jpg</ex></ph>"
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_RESTORING_FROM_TRASH_ITEMS_REMAINING" desc="File Manager status message shown when restoring items from trash / recycle bin. 'Item' is used here as a generic term for file or directory.">
Restoring <ph name="COUNT">$1<ex>10</ex></ph> items
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_RESTORE_TRASH_FILE_NAME" desc="When a file has been successfully restored.">
<ph name="FILE_NAME">$1<ex>file.txt</ex></ph> restored
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_RESTORE_TRASH_MANY_ITEMS" desc="Shown when a number of files have been successfully restored.">
<ph name="NUMBER_OF_ITEMS">$1<ex>3</ex></ph> items restored
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_TRASH_DELETED_FOREVER" desc="Message informing that items in the trash / recycle bin are deleted forever after 30 days.">
Files in the trash for more than 30 days will be automatically deleted.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_RESTORE_FROM_TRASH_ERROR" desc="Message informing about error while restoring an item or items from the trash / recycle bin.">
An error occurred. Some items may not have been restored.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_TRASH_UNEXPECTED_ERROR" desc="Message informing about error while sending an item to the trash / recycle bin.">
An error occurred. Some items may not have been trashed.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_OPEN_TRASHED_FILE_ERROR_TITLE" desc="Title of message informing users they can't open files from the Trash folder">
This item is in your trash
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_OPEN_TRASHED_FILE_ERROR_DESC" desc="Description of message informing users they can't open files from the Trash folder">
Restore the item or drag it to a new folder outside of trash
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_OPEN_TRASHED_FILES_ERROR_TITLE" desc="Title of message informing users they can't open files from the Trash folder">
These items are in your trash
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_OPEN_TRASHED_FILES_ERROR_DESC" desc="Description of message informing users they can't open files from the Trash folder">
Restore the items or drag them to a new folder outside of trash
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ERROR_PROGRESS_SUMMARY" desc="Summary message for one or more errors above the progress bar. This message may be placed at the next to other *_PROGRESS_SUMMARY messages.">
{NUM_ERROR, plural,
=1 {1 error.}
other {# errors.}}
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_WARNING_PROGRESS_SUMMARY" desc="Summary message for one or more warnings above the progress bar. This message may be placed next to other *_PROGRESS_SUMMARY messages.">
{NUM_WARNING, plural,
=1 {1 warning.}
other {# warnings.}}
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_PERCENT_COMPLETE" desc="Percentage of file operation that is complete in a progress message.">
<ph name="PERCENT">$1<ex>10</ex></ph>% complete.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CANCEL_ACTIVITY_LABEL" desc="Text spoken by ChromeVox/screen reader describing what will be cancelled.">
Cancel <ph name="ACTIVITY_DESCRIPTION">$1<ex>Copying file.txt</ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CANCEL_LABEL" desc="Cancel label.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CLOSE_LABEL" desc="Close label.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_OPEN_LABEL" desc="Open label.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_PAUSE_LABEL" desc="Pause label.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SAVE_LABEL" desc="Save label.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_OK_LABEL" desc="OK label.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_UPLOAD_LABEL" desc="Upload label.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_COMPLETE_LABEL" desc="Complete label.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_QUEUED_LABEL" desc="Queued label.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_IN_PROGRESS_LABEL" desc="Syncing in progress label.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_IN_PROGRESS_PERCENTAGE_LABEL" desc="Syncing in progress accessibility label, also indicating the syncing progress percentage.">
Syncing - <ph name="PERCENT">$1<ex>10</ex></ph>%
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DISMISS_LABEL" desc="Dismiss label.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_PENDING_LABEL" desc="Pending label.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SCANNING_LABEL" desc="Scanning label for single file.">
Checking file against your organization's security policies...
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SCANNING_LABEL_PLURAL" desc="Scanning label for multiple files.">
Checking files against your organization's security policies...
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SEARCH_TEXT_LABEL" desc="Search text field label.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SETTINGS_LABEL" desc="Settings label">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SEARCH_CLEAR_LABEL" desc="Label to clear search text field">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FEEDBACK_COLLAPSE_LABEL" desc="Text spoken by Chromevox when collapsing displayed feedback panels.">
Collapse files feedback panels
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FEEDBACK_EXPAND_LABEL" desc="Text spoken by Chromevox when expanding multiple feedback panels.">
Expand files feedback panels
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FILES_FEEDBACK_WINDOW" desc="text spoken by Chromevox when tabbing to the feedback panel window.">
Files feedback window
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SEARCH_A11Y_NO_RESULT" desc="Text spoken by ChromeVox/screen reader when a search has no result">
There are no results for <ph name="SEARCH_TERM">$1<ex>ABC</ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SEARCH_A11Y_RESULT" desc="Text spoken by ChromeVox/screen reader when a search has some result">
Showing results for <ph name="SEARCH_TERM">$1<ex>ABC</ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SEARCH_NO_MATCHING_RESULTS_TITLE" desc="Text displayed in the files app when a search has no results">
No matching results
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SEARCH_NO_MATCHING_RESULTS_DESC" desc="Text displayed in the files under the title when a search has no results">
Try another search
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SEARCH_V2_EDUCATION_NUDGE" desc="Educational text that appears next to the search query to inform the user about existence of new search features.">
New search features available
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SEARCH_RESULTS_MULTIPLE_SELECTION" desc="Text shown when multiple search results are displayed and we cannot show their paths">
Multiple file locations
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SEARCH_A11Y_CLEAR_SEARCH" desc="Text spoken by ChromeVox/screen reader when a search term has been cleared">
Search text cleared, showing all files and folders.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SEARCH_OPTIONS_LOCATION_EVERYWHERE" desc="Text shown in search options if search is run in all locations">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SEARCH_OPTIONS_LOCATION_THIS_VOLUME" desc="Text shown in search options if search is run at the root of unlabeled volume">
This volume
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SEARCH_OPTIONS_LOCATION_THIS_FOLDER" desc="Text shown in search options if search is run in the current folder only">
This folder
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SEARCH_OPTIONS_RECENCY_ALL_TIME" desc="Text shown in search options if search results are not limited by time">
Any time
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SEARCH_OPTIONS_RECENCY_TODAY" desc="Text shown in search options if search results are limited to files modified today">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SEARCH_OPTIONS_RECENCY_YESTERDAY" desc="Text shown in search options if search results are limited to files modified the previous day">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SEARCH_OPTIONS_RECENCY_LAST_WEEK" desc="Text shown in search options if search results are limited to files modified in the last 7 days">
Last week
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SEARCH_OPTIONS_RECENCY_LAST_MONTH" desc="Text shown in search options if search results are limited to files modified in the last 30 days">
Last month
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SEARCH_OPTIONS_RECENCY_LAST_YEAR" desc="Text shown in search options if search results are limited to files modified in the last 365 days">
Last year
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SEARCH_OPTIONS_TYPES_ALL_TYPES" desc="Text shown in search options if search results are not limited by file type">
All types
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SEARCH_OPTIONS_TYPES_AUDIO" desc="Text shown in search options if search results are limited to audio files">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SEARCH_OPTIONS_TYPES_DOCUMENTS" desc="Text shown in search options if search results are limited to document files">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SEARCH_OPTIONS_TYPES_IMAGES" desc="Text shown in search options if search results are limited to images">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SEARCH_OPTIONS_TYPES_VIDEOS" desc="Text shown in search options if search results are limited to videos">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SEARCH_RESULTS_LABEL" desc="Text shown as a breadcrumb to inform the user that they are viewing search results">
Search results
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DEFAULT_NEW_FOLDER_NAME" desc="The default name for a newly created folder.">
New folder
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_EMPTY_TRASH_FOLDER_TITLE" desc="Text used for the title when navigating to the Trash folder and it has no contents">
Nothing in trash
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_EMPTY_TRASH_FOLDER_DESC" desc="Text used for the description when navigating to the Trash folder and it has no contents">
Move items you don't need to trash
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CONFIRM_PERMANENTLY_DELETE_ONE_TITLE" desc="Asks the user if they are sure they want to permanently delete a single file.">
Permanently delete this file?
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CONFIRM_PERMANENTLY_DELETE_SOME_TITLE" desc="Asks the user if they are sure they want to permanently delete multiple files/directories.">
Permanently delete these files?
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CONFIRM_PERMANENTLY_DELETE_ONE_DESC" desc="Asks the user if they are sure they want to permanently delete a single file.">
"<ph name="FILE_NAME">$1<ex>file.txt</ex></ph>" will be deleted and you won't be able to restore it.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CONFIRM_PERMANENTLY_DELETE_SOME_DESC" desc="Asks the user if they are sure they want to permanently delete multiple files/directories.">
<ph name="NUMBER_OF_ITEMS">$1<ex>3</ex></ph> items will be deleted and you won't be able to restore them.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_PERMANENTLY_DELETE_FOREVER" desc="Button label the users confirms permanently deleting files forever">
Delete forever
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CONFIRM_DELETE_ONE" desc="Asks the user if they are sure they want to delete a single file.">
Are you sure you want to delete "<ph name="FILE_NAME">$1<ex>file.txt</ex></ph>"?
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CONFIRM_DELETE_SOME" desc="Asks the user if they are sure they want to delete multiple files/directories.">
Are you sure you want to delete <ph name="NUMBER_OF_ITEMS">$1<ex>3</ex></ph> items?
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_UNDO_DELETE_ONE" desc="Confirm to a user that they have deleted a single file and offer to undo">
<ph name="FILE_NAME">$1<ex>file.txt</ex></ph> moved to trash
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_UNDO_DELETE_SOME" desc="Confirm to a user that they have deleted multiple files and offer to undo">
<ph name="NUMBER_OF_ITEMS">$1<ex>3</ex></ph> items moved to trash
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_MOVE_TO_TRASH_FILE_NAME" desc="Showing progress that a single item is being moved to trash.">
Moving <ph name="FILE_NAME">$1<ex>file.txt</ex></ph> to the trash
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_MOVE_TO_TRASH_ITEMS_REMAINING" desc="Showing progress that multiple items are being moved to trash.">
Moving <ph name="NUMBER_OF_ITEMS">$1<ex>3</ex></ph> items to the trash
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_UNDO_DELETE_ACTION_LABEL" desc="Undo label shown on toast to undo delete operation">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_RESTORE_ACTION_LABEL" desc="Restore label shown on dialog when trying to open files that are in Trash">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CONFIRM_EMPTY_TRASH_TITLE" desc="Asks the user if they are sure they want to empty the trash / recylce bin.">
Permanently delete these files?
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CONFIRM_EMPTY_TRASH_DESC" desc="Asks the user if they are sure they want to empty the trash / recylce bin.">
All items in trash will be deleted and you won't be able to restore them.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_EMPTY_TRASH_DELETE_FOREVER" desc="Button label the users confirms empty trash">
Delete forever
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CANT_RESTORE_TRASHED_SINGLE_ITEM" desc="Dialog title to show to a user when the item they're trying to restore is missing its parent">
To restore this item, drag it to a new folder outside of trash. The original folder "<ph name="PARENT_FOLDER_NAME">$1<ex>Parent folder name</ex></ph>" for this item has been deleted.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CANT_RESTORE_TRASHED_MULTIPLE_ITEMS_SAME_PARENTS" desc="Dialog title to show a user that all the files they've selected to restore can't be as the parent folder has been removed.">
To restore these items, drag them to a new folder outside of trash. The original folder "<ph name="PARENT_FOLDER_NAME">$1<ex>Parent folder name</ex></ph>" for these item has been deleted.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CANT_RESTORE_TRASHED_MULTIPLE_ITEMS_DIFFERENT_PARENTS" desc="Dialog description to show a user that all the files they've selected to restore can't be as the parent folder has been removed.">
To restore these items, drag them to a new folder outside of trash. The original folders for these items have been deleted.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CANT_RESTORE_TRASHED_SOME_ITEMS" desc="Dialog title to show a user that all the files they've selected to restore can't be as the parent folder has been removed.">
To restore these items, drag them to a new folder. The original folders for some of these items have been deleted.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_UNKNOWN_FILESYSTEM_WARNING" desc="Displayed when device contents cannot be read because filesystem is unknown.">
This device cannot be opened because its filesystem was not recognized.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_UNSUPPORTED_FILESYSTEM_WARNING" desc="Displayed when device contents cannot be read because filesystem is unsupported.">
This device cannot be opened because its filesystem is not supported.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FORMATTING_WARNING" desc="Displayed when you attempt to format device.">
Formatting the removable media is going to erase all data. Do you wish to continue?
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FORMAT_DIALOG_TITLE" desc="Title of the format USB drive dialog.">
Format <ph name="DRIVE_NAME">$1<ex>Untitled USB</ex></ph>
<!-- TODO (crbug/1129692): Clean up after SinglePartitionFormat launch. -->
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FORMAT_DIALOG_MESSAGE" desc="Advisory message shown before formatting a USB drive.">
Formatting a drive will delete all data stored on it. This action cannot be undone.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FORMAT_PARTITION_DIALOG_MESSAGE" desc="Advisory message shown before formatting a USB partition.">
Formatting a partition will erase all data stored on it. This action cannot be undone.
<!-- TODO END -->
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_REPARTITION_DIALOG_MESSAGE" desc="Advisory message shown before formatting a USB drive.">
Formatting a drive will erase all data stored on it and remove all existing partitions, including partitions that may not be visible. This action cannot be undone.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FORMAT_DIALOG_DELETE_WARNING" desc="Advisory message shown before formatting a USB drive that contains files.">
<ph name="TOTAL_FILE_SIZE">$1<ex>38.3 MB</ex></ph> of files will be deleted
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FORMAT_DIALOG_DRIVE_NAME_LABEL" desc="Label for the USB drive name input field">
Drive name
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FORMAT_DIALOG_FORMAT_LABEL" desc="Label for the format filesystem selector">
<!-- TODO (crbug/1129692): Clean up after SinglePartitionFormat launch. -->
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FORMAT_DIALOG_CONFIRM_LABEL" desc="Label for the confirm button">
Erase and Format
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FORMAT_DIALOG_CONFIRM_SHORT_LABEL" desc="Label for the confirm button">
<!-- TODO END -->
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_REPARTITION_DIALOG_CONFIRM_LABEL" desc="Label for the confirm button">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FORMAT_PROGRESS_MESSAGE" desc="Notification message displayed while formatting an external drive">
Formatting <ph name="DRIVE_NAME">$1<ex>My USB</ex></ph>...
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FORMAT_SUCCESS_MESSAGE" desc="Notification message displayed when formatting of an external drive has succeeded">
Formatted <ph name="DRIVE_NAME">$1<ex>My USB</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FORMAT_FAILURE_MESSAGE" desc="Notification message displayed if formatting of an external drive has failed">
Could not format <ph name="DRIVE_NAME">$1<ex>My USB</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_PASSWORD_DIALOG_TITLE" desc="Title of the password prompt dialog.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_PASSWORD_DIALOG_CONFIRM_LABEL" desc="Label for the confirm button">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_PASSWORD_DIALOG_INVALID" desc="Error message displayed when the user enters an invalid password.">
Invalid password
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SUGGEST_DIALOG_TITLE" desc="Title of the suggest app dialog, which shows the list of the apps which supports the selected file.">
Select an app to open this file
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SUGGEST_DIALOG_FOR_PROVIDERS_TITLE" desc="Title of the suggest app dialog, which shows the list of the apps that can be added to the left nav of the Files app.">
Available services
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SUGGEST_DIALOG_LINK_TO_WEBSTORE" desc="Text of the link to the app list on Chrome Webstore, which shows the more apps than in the suggest app dialog.">
See more...
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SUGGEST_DIALOG_INSTALLATION_FAILED" desc="Error message when the installation of the app from WebStore is failed.">
Installation failed.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SELECT_FOLDER_TITLE" desc="Select folder title.">
Select a folder to open
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SELECT_UPLOAD_FOLDER_TITLE" desc="Select folder title for upload.">
Select a folder to upload
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SELECT_OPEN_FILE_TITLE" desc="Select open file title.">
Select a file to open
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SELECT_OPEN_MULTI_FILE_TITLE" desc="Select open multi file title.">
Select one or more files
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SELECT_SAVEAS_FILE_TITLE" desc="Select saveas file title.">
Save file as
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ONE_FILE_SELECTED" desc="One file selected.">
1 file selected
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ONE_DIRECTORY_SELECTED" desc="One directory selected.">
1 folder selected
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_MANY_FILES_SELECTED" desc="Many files selected.">
<ph name="SELECTED_FILE_COUNT">$1<ex>13</ex></ph> files selected
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_MANY_DIRECTORIES_SELECTED" desc="Many directories selected.">
<ph name="SELECTED_FOLDERS_COUNT">$1<ex>2</ex></ph> folders selected
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_MANY_ENTRIES_SELECTED" desc="Many items (both files and directories) selected.">
<ph name="SELECTED_FILES_COUNT">$1<ex>21</ex></ph> items selected
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_METADATA_BOX_ALBUM_TITLE" desc="Label for audio album title.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_METADATA_BOX_AUDIO_INFO" desc="Category label for audio file info.">
Audio info
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_METADATA_BOX_CODEC" desc="Label for video codec.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_METADATA_BOX_CREATED_BY" desc="Label for who created the file.">
Created by
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_METADATA_BOX_CREATION_TIME" desc="Label for file creation time.">
Created time
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_METADATA_BOX_DIMENSION" desc="Label for image dimensions.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_METADATA_BOX_DURATION" desc="Label for audio/video duration.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_METADATA_BOX_ENCRYPTED" desc="Type hint for a file, encrypted with CSE (">
Encrypted <ph name='ORIGINAL_MIME_TYPE'>$1<ex>text/plain</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_METADATA_BOX_EXIF_DEVICE_MODEL" desc="Label for the device model which created the image.">
Device model
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_METADATA_BOX_EXIF_DEVICE_SETTINGS" desc="Label for the device settings (exif's F number, exposure time, focal length and ISO speed rating) metadata.">
Device settings
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_METADATA_BOX_EXIF_GEOGRAPHY" desc="Label for the latitude and the longitude where the image was taken.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_METADATA_BOX_FILE_LOCATION" desc="Label for file location.">
File location
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_METADATA_BOX_ORIGINAL_LOCATION" desc="Label for items original location.">
Original location
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_METADATA_BOX_FILE_PATH" desc="Label for file path.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_METADATA_BOX_FILE_SIZE" desc="Label for file size.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_METADATA_BOX_FRAME_RATE" desc="Label for video frame rate.">
Frame rate
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_METADATA_BOX_GENERAL_INFO" desc="Category label for general file info.">
General info
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_METADATA_BOX_GENRE" desc="Label for audio genre.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_METADATA_BOX_IMAGE_INFO" desc="Category label for image file info.">
Image info
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_METADATA_BOX_MEDIA_ARTIST" desc="Label for media artist.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_METADATA_BOX_MEDIA_MIME_TYPE" desc="Label for media mime type.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_METADATA_BOX_MEDIA_TITLE" desc="Label for media title.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_METADATA_BOX_MODIFICATION_TIME" desc="Label for file modification time.">
Date modified
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_METADATA_BOX_MODIFIED_BY" desc="Label for who modified the file.">
Modified by
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_METADATA_BOX_PAGE_COUNT" desc="Label for pdf page count.">
Page count
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_METADATA_BOX_SOURCE" desc="Label for the device used to capture the image.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_METADATA_BOX_TRACK" desc="Label for track number.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_METADATA_BOX_VIDEO_INFO" desc="Category label for video file info.">
Video info
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_METADATA_BOX_YEAR_RECORDED" desc="Label for audio recorded year.">
Year recorded
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CALCULATING_SIZE" desc="Message informing the user that total items size is being calculated.">
Calculating size
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_OFFLINE_HEADER" desc="Message informing the user that the browser is offline.">
You are offline
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_OFFLINE_MESSAGE" desc="Message informing the user how to make the selected file available offline.">
To save this file for offline use, get back online, right-click the file, and select the <ph name="OFFLINE_CHECKBOX_NAME">'$1'<ex>'Available offline'</ex></ph> option.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_OFFLINE_MESSAGE_PLURAL" desc="Message informing the user how to make multiple selected files available offline.">
To save these files for offline use, get back online, right-click the files, and select the <ph name="OFFLINE_CHECKBOX_NAME">'$1'<ex>'Available offline'</ex></ph> option.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_OFFLINE_BANNER_MESSAGE" desc="Message informing the user that they can make files available offline.">
You can make files available offline for access when you don't have an internet connection.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_OFFLINE_BANNER_TITLE" desc="Message title of banner informing user they can make files available offline.">
Make files available offline
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_OFFLINE_BANNER_SUBTITLE" desc="Message title of banner informing user they can make files available offline.">
Select a file, and toggle <ph name="OFFLINE_CHECKBOX_NAME">'$1'<ex>'Available offline'</ex></ph> on for offline access to your files.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_OFFLINE_FAILURE_MESSAGE" desc="Message informing the user a Google Drive file failed to be downloaded for offline use.">
Could not make <ph name="FILE_NAME">$1<ex>document.pdf</ex></ph> available offline
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_OFFLINE_ENABLE_MESSAGE" desc="Message informing the user that in order to make Docs, Sheets and Slides files available offline, they must enable Google Docs Offline.">
Enable Google Docs Offline to make Docs, Sheets and Slides available offline.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_OFFLINE_ENABLE_ACCEPT" desc="Button label to enable Google Docs Offline">
Enable Offline
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_OFFLINE_ENABLE_REJECT" desc="Button label to not enable Google Docs Offline">
Not now
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_QUICK_VIEW_NO_PLAYBACK_AVAILABLE" desc="Massage for user to notify no playback is available.">
No playback available
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_QUICK_VIEW_NO_PREVIEW_AVAILABLE" desc="Massage for user to notify no preview is available.">
No preview available
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_HOSTED_OFFLINE_MESSAGE" desc="Message informing the user that the selected file is only available online.">
You must be online to access this file.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_HOSTED_OFFLINE_MESSAGE_PLURAL" desc="Message informing the user that the selected files are only available online.">
You must be online to access these files.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CONFIRM_MOBILE_DATA_USE" desc="Message informing the user that opening the file from Google Drive will use mobile data.">
Fetching this file will use approximately <ph name="FILE_SIZE">$1<ex>44 MB</ex></ph> of mobile data.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CONFIRM_MOBILE_DATA_USE_PLURAL" desc="Message informing the user that opening several files from Google Drive will use mobile data.">
Fetching these files will use approximately <ph name="FILE_SIZE">$1<ex>44 MB</ex></ph> of mobile data.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DISABLED_MOBILE_SYNC_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE" desc="Notification message shown when the drive sync is needed on mobile network, but it is disabled.">
Google Drive sync is disabled by default, when using mobile data.
Enable syncing over mobile data
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_OPEN_IN_OTHER_DESKTOP_MESSAGE" desc="Message of an alert dialog that is shown when a user opens a file in a desktop of another profile but the file is opened in the original desktop.">
This file opened on a different desktop. Move to <ph name="USER_NAME">$1<ex>John Doe</ex></ph> (<ph name="MAIL_ADDRESS">$2<ex></ex></ph>) to view it.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_OPEN_IN_OTHER_DESKTOP_MESSAGE_PLURAL" desc="Prural verson of the message of an alert dialog that is shown when a user opens a file in a desktop of another profile but the file is opened in the original desktop.">
These files opened on a different desktop. Move to <ph name="USER_NAME">$1<ex>John Doe</ex></ph> (<ph name="MAIL_ADDRESS">$2<ex></ex></ph>) to view it.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_METERED_CONNECTION_OPTION" desc="Option that determines if we will allow Google Drive content sync over metered connections.">
Allow sync on metered networks
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_MENU_HELP" desc="In the Google Drive settings menu, name of the Help item.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_BUY_MORE_SPACE" desc="Menu item, offering user to buy more space on Google Drive">
Buy more storage...
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_VISIT_DRIVE_GOOGLE_COM" desc="Menu item, redirecting user to">
Go to
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_INDIVIDUAL_QUOTA_LOW" desc="Text showing individual space left on Google Drive">
Storage low <ph name="REMAINING_PERCENTAGE">$1<ex>12</ex></ph>% left of your <ph name="TOTAL_SPACE">$2<ex>10 TB</ex></ph> individual storage.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_SHARED_DRIVE_QUOTA_LOW" desc="Text showing shared drive space left on Google Drive">
Storage low <ph name="REMAINING_PERCENTAGE">$1<ex>12</ex></ph>% left of your <ph name="TOTAL_SPACE">$2<ex>10 TB</ex></ph> shared drive storage.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_WARNING_QUOTA_OVER" desc="Word prepended to 'drive quota over' warning messages exclusively for screen readers to make up for warning icons that are not picked up by them">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_INDIVIDUAL_QUOTA_OVER" desc="Text informing users that their Google Drive individual quota has been exceeded">
You’ve used all your individual Google Workspace storage.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_SHARED_DRIVE_QUOTA_OVER" desc="Text informing users that their Google Drive individual quota has been exceeded">
You’ve used all your Shared Drive Google Workspace storage.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_ORGANIZATION_QUOTA_OVER" desc="Text informing users that their Google Drive organization quota has been exceeded">
<ph name="ORGANIZATION_NAME">$1<ex>Jane's Flowers</ex></ph> has used all of its Google Workspace storage.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_BUY_MORE_SPACE_LINK" desc="Text on the link, offering user to buy more space on Google Drive">
Buy more storage
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_OUT_OF_SPACE_HEADER" desc="Message informing the user that there is not enough space to make the selected file(s) available offline.">
You have run out of space
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SYNC_ERROR_SHARED_DRIVE_OUT_OF_SPACE" desc="Message informing the user that there is not enough space on a specific shared drive.">
Files can't be uploaded because "<ph name="SHARED_DRIVE_NAME">$1<ex>Shared team documents</ex></ph>" doesn't have enough storage.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_CANNOT_REACH" desc="Message informing the user that Google Drive can not be reached at this moment.">
Google Drive cannot be reached at this time.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_OUT_OF_SPACE_MESSAGE" desc="Message informing the user how to make more space available to save the selected file offline.">
To save "<ph name="FILE_NAME">$1<ex>document.pdf</ex></ph>" offline you must free up an additional <ph name="TOTAL_FILE_SIZE">$2<ex>3.3 MB</ex></ph> of space:<ph name="MARKUP_1">&lt;br&gt;<ex>&lt;br&gt;</ex></ph>
<ph name="MARKUP_2">&lt;ul&gt;&lt;li&gt;<ex>&lt;ul&gt;&lt;li&gt;</ex></ph>unpin files that you no longer need to access offline<ph name="MARKUP_3">&lt;/li&gt;<ex>>&lt;/li&gt;</ex></ph>
<ph name="MARKUP_4">&lt;li&gt;<ex>&lt;li&gt;</ex></ph>delete files from your Downloads folder<ph name="MARKUP_5">&lt;/li&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;<ex>&lt;/li&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_NOT_REACHED" desc="Message informing that Drive is unreachable and encuraging user to log out from the device and log back in.">
Google Drive could not be reached. Please <ph name="BEGIN_LINK">&lt;a href="javascript://"&gt;<ex>&lt;a href="javascript://"&gt;</ex></ph>log out<ph name="END_LINK">&lt;/a&gt;<ex>&lt;/a&gt;</ex></ph> and log back in.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_WELCOME_TITLE" desc="In the Welcome to Google Drive banner, title of banner.">
Welcome to Google Drive!
<!-- TODO (oto@): remove this msg as part of files-ng clean up process. -->
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_WELCOME_TEXT_SHORT" desc="In the Welcome to Google Drive banner, text of the welcome message, short version.">
All files saved in this folder are backed up online automatically
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_WELCOME_TEXT_SHORT_FILESNG" desc="In the Welcome to Google Drive banner, text of the welcome message, short version.">
All files saved in this folder are backed up online automatically.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_WELCOME_TEXT_LONG" desc="In the Welcome to Google Drive banner, text of the welcome message, long version.">
<ph name="MARKUP_1">&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;<ex>&lt;strong&gt;</ex></ph>Access files from everywhere, even offline.<ph name="MARKUP_2">&lt;/strong&gt;<ex>&lt;/strong&gt;</ex></ph>
Files in Google Drive are up to date and available from any device.<ph name="MARKUP_3">&lt;/p&gt;<ex>&lt;/p&gt;</ex></ph>
<ph name="MARKUP_4">&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;<ex>&lt;strong&gt;</ex></ph>Keep your files safe.<ph name="MARKUP_5">&lt;/strong&gt;<ex>&lt;/strong&gt;</ex></ph>
No matter what happens to your device, your files are safely stored in Google Drive.<ph name="MARKUP_6">&lt;/p&gt;<ex>&lt;/p&gt;</ex></ph>
<ph name="MARKUP_7">&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;<ex>&lt;strong&gt;</ex></ph>Share, create and collaborate<ph name="MARKUP_8">&lt;/strong&gt;<ex>&lt;/strong&gt;</ex></ph>
on files with others all in one place.<ph name="MARKUP_9">&lt;/p&gt;<ex>&lt;/p&gt;</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_WELCOME_DISMISS" desc="In the Welcome to Google Drive banner, a text on the button to dismiss the banner.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_HOLDING_SPACE_WELCOME_DISMISS" desc="In the Holding Space welcome banner, text on the button to dismiss the banner.">
Got it
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_HOLDING_SPACE_WELCOME_TEXT" desc="In the Holding Space welcome banner, text of the welcome message.">
Right-click a file, and select "<ph name="PIN_COMMAND">$1<ex>Pin to quick files</ex></ph>" for quick access to your files in shelf.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_HOLDING_SPACE_WELCOME_TEXT_IN_TABLET_MODE_HTML" desc="In the Holding Space welcome banner, text of the welcome message in tablet mode.">
Touch &amp; hold a file and tap <ph name="ICON">&lt;span class='icon'&gt;&lt;/span&gt;</ph>, and select "<ph name="PIN_COMMAND">$1<ex>Pin to quick files</ex></ph>" for quick access to your files in shelf.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_HOLDING_SPACE_WELCOME_TITLE" desc="In the Holding Space welcome banner, title of banner.">
Create a shortcut for your files
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_PHOTOS_WELCOME_TITLE" desc="In the Google Photos welcome banner, title of banner.">
Easily access Google Photos
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_PHOTOS_WELCOME_TEXT" desc="In the Google Photos welcome banner, text of the welcome message.">
Choose from your recent photos.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_PHOTOS_WELCOME_DISMISS" desc="In the Google Photos welcome banner, a text on the button to dismiss the banner.">
Got it
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_NO_TASK_FOR_FILE" desc="Message shown when user tries to open file, which we can't handle.">
This file type is not supported. <ph name="BEGIN_LINK_HELP">&lt;a target='_blank' href='$1'&gt;</ph>Learn More<ph name="END_LINK_HELP">&lt;/a&gt;</ph> about opening files on ChromeOS.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_NO_TASK_FOR_EXECUTABLE" desc="Message shown when user tries to open a windows executable file, which we can't handle.">
This file is designed for a PC using Windows software. This is not compatible with your device which runs ChromeOS. <ph name="BEGIN_LINK_HELP">&lt;a target='_blank' href='$1'&gt;</ph>Learn More<ph name="END_LINK_HELP">&lt;/a&gt;</ph> about opening files on ChromeOS.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_NO_TASK_FOR_DMG" desc="Message shown when user tries to open a windows executable file, which we can't handle.">
This file is designed for a computer using Macintosh software. This is not compatible with your device which runs ChromeOS. <ph name="BEGIN_LINK_HELP">&lt;a target='_blank' href='$1'&gt;</ph>Learn More<ph name="END_LINK_HELP">&lt;/a&gt;</ph> about opening files on ChromeOS.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_NO_TASK_FOR_CRX_TITLE" desc="Message shown when a user tries to open a *.crx file, which we don't handle in the Files app.">
Wait just a sec
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_NO_TASK_FOR_CRX" desc="Message shown when a user tries to open a *.crx file, which we don't handle in the Files app.">
We're constantly looking for ways to make your browsing safer. Previously, any website could prompt you to add an extension into your browser. In the latest versions of Google Chrome, you must explicitly tell Chrome that you want to install these extensions by adding them through the Extensions page. <ph name="BEGIN_LINK">&lt;a target='_blank' href=';rd=1'&gt;</ph>Learn more<ph name="END_LINK">&lt;/a&gt;</ph>
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SHARE_ROOT_FOLDER_WITH_CROSTINI_TITLE" desc="Message title shown when a user shares the root of a volume such as 'My files' with the crostini container.">
Share folder with Linux
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SHARE_ROOT_FOLDER_WITH_CROSTINI" desc="Confirmation message shown when a user shares the root of a volume such as 'My files' with the crostini container.">
Give Linux apps permission to access files in the <ph name="FOLDER_NAME">$1<ex>Downloads</ex></ph> folder
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SHARE_ROOT_FOLDER_WITH_CROSTINI_DRIVE" desc="Confirmation message shown when a user shares the root of a Drive volume (My Drive, Team Drives, Computers) with the crostini container.">
Give Linux apps permission to access files in your Google Drive. Changes will sync to your other devices.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FOLDER_SHARED_WITH_CROSTINI" desc="Confirmation message shown when a user shares a folder with the crostini container.">
1 folder shared with Linux
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FOLDER_SHARED_WITH_CROSTINI_PLURAL" desc="Confirmation message shown when a user shares more than 1 folder with the crostini container.">
<ph name="NUMBER_OF_ITEMS">$1<ex>3</ex></ph> folders shared with Linux
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SHARE_ROOT_FOLDER_WITH_PLUGIN_VM_TITLE" desc="Message title shown when a user shares the root of a volume such as 'My files' with the Parallels.">
Share folder with Parallels Desktop
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SHARE_ROOT_FOLDER_WITH_PLUGIN_VM" desc="Confirmation message shown when a user shares the root of a volume such as 'My files' with Parallels." >
Give Parallels Desktop permission to access files in the <ph name="FOLDER_NAME">$1<ex>Downloads</ex></ph> folder
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SHARE_ROOT_FOLDER_WITH_PLUGIN_VM_DRIVE" desc="Confirmation message shown when a user shares the root of a Drive volume (My Drive, Team Drives, Computers) with Parallels.">
Give Parallels Desktop permission to access files in your Google Drive. Changes will sync to your other devices.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FOLDER_SHARED_WITH_PLUGIN_VM" desc="Confirmation message shown when a user shares a folder with Parallels.">
1 folder shared with Parallels Desktop
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FOLDER_SHARED_WITH_PLUGIN_VM_PLURAL" desc="Confirmation message shown when a user shares more than 1 folder with Parallels.">
<ph name="NUMBER_OF_ITEMS">$1<ex>3</ex></ph> folders shared with Parallels Desktop
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SHARE_ROOT_FOLDER_WITH_BRUSCHETTA_TITLE" desc="Message title shown when a user shares the root of a volume such as 'My files' with the VM type codenamed Bruschetta.">
Share folder with <ph name="VM_NAME">$1<ex>MyVm</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SHARE_ROOT_FOLDER_WITH_BRUSCHETTA" desc="Confirmation message shown when a user shares the root of a volume such as 'My files' with the VM type codenamed Bruschetta" >
Give <ph name="VM_NAME">$1<ex>MyVm</ex></ph> permission to access files in the <ph name="FOLDER_NAME">$2<ex>Downloads</ex></ph> folder
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SHARE_ROOT_FOLDER_WITH_BRUSCHETTA_DRIVE" desc="Confirmation message shown when a user shares the root of a Drive volume (My Drive, Team Drives, Computers) with the VM type codenamed Bruschetta.">
Give <ph name="VM_NAME">$1<ex>MyVm</ex></ph> permission to access files in your Google Drive. Changes will sync to your other devices.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FOLDER_SHARED_WITH_BRUSCHETTA" desc="Confirmation message shown when a user shares a folder with the VM type codenamed Bruschetta.">
1 folder shared with <ph name="VM_NAME">$1<ex>MyVm</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FOLDER_SHARED_WITH_BRUSCHETTA_PLURAL" desc="Confirmation message shown when a user shares more than 1 folder with the VM type codenamed Bruschetta.">
<ph name="NUMBER_OF_ITEMS">$1<ex>3</ex></ph> folders shared with <ph name="VM_NAME">$2<ex>MyVm</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_MESSAGE_FOLDER_SHARED_WITH_CROSTINI" desc="Message shown in FilesApp message bar when a user has shared a folder with the crostini container.">
This folder is shared with Linux
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_MESSAGE_FOLDER_SHARED_WITH_CROSTINI_AND_PLUGIN_VM" desc="Message shown in FilesApp message bar when a user has shared a folder with the crostini container and with Parallels. Do not translate 'Linux' or 'Parallels Desktop'">
This folder is shared with Linux and Parallels Desktop
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_MESSAGE_FOLDER_SHARED_WITH_PLUGIN_VM" desc="Message shown in FilesApp message bar when a user has shared a folder with Parallels. Do not translate 'Parallels Desktop'">
This folder is shared with Parallels Desktop
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FOLDER" desc="Folder entry type">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GENERIC_FILE_TYPE" desc="An entry type for a file with an extension that the File Manager does not recognize.">
<ph name="FILE_TYPE">$1<ex>ABC</ex></ph> file
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_NO_EXTENSION_FILE_TYPE" desc="An entry type for a file without an extension">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_IMAGE_FILE_TYPE" desc="Image file type">
<ph name="IMAGE_TYPE">$1<ex>jpeg</ex></ph> image
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_VIDEO_FILE_TYPE" desc="Video file type">
<ph name="VIDEO_TYPE">$1<ex>mpeg 4</ex></ph> video
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_AUDIO_FILE_TYPE" desc="Audio file type">
<ph name="AUDIO_TYPE">$1<ex>mp3</ex></ph> audio
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ARCHIVE_FILE_TYPE" desc="Archive file type">
<ph name="ARCHIVE_TYPE">$1<ex>ZIP</ex></ph> archive
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_HTML_DOCUMENT_FILE_TYPE" desc="HTML document file type">
HTML document
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_PLAIN_TEXT_FILE_TYPE" desc="Plain text file type">
Plain text
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CSV_TEXT_FILE_TYPE" desc="CSV file type">
CSV text
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_PDF_DOCUMENT_FILE_TYPE" desc="PDF document file type">
PDF document
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_WORD_DOCUMENT_FILE_TYPE" desc="Word document file type">
Word document
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_POWERPOINT_PRESENTATION_FILE_TYPE" desc="PowerPoint presentation file type">
PowerPoint presentation
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_EXCEL_FILE_TYPE" desc="Excel spreadsheet file type">
Excel spreadsheet
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_TINI_FILE_TYPE" desc="Crostini Image File file type">
Crostini image file
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GDOC_DOCUMENT_FILE_TYPE" desc="Google document file type">
Google document
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GSHEET_DOCUMENT_FILE_TYPE" desc="Google spreadsheet file type">
Google spreadsheet
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GSLIDES_DOCUMENT_FILE_TYPE" desc="Google presentation file type">
Google presentation
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GDRAW_DOCUMENT_FILE_TYPE" desc="Google drawing file type">
Google drawing
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GTABLE_DOCUMENT_FILE_TYPE" desc="Google table file type">
Google table
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GFORM_DOCUMENT_FILE_TYPE" desc="Google form file type">
Google form
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GMAP_DOCUMENT_FILE_TYPE" desc="Google map file type">
Google map
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GSITE_DOCUMENT_FILE_TYPE" desc="Google site file type">
Google site
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_EMAIL_LAYOUTS_DOCUMENT_FILE_TYPE" desc="Email layouts file type">
Email layouts
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GLINK_DOCUMENT_FILE_TYPE" desc="Google Drive link file type">
Google Drive link
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ERROR_VIEWING_FILE" desc="Error message when user attempts to open a non-supported file in the Files app via Downloads panel.">
This file type is not supported. Please visit the Chrome Web Store to find an app that can open this type of file.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ERROR_VIEWING_FILE_FOR_DMG" desc="Error message when user attempts to open a dmg file in the Files app via Downloads panel.">
This file is designed for a computer using Macintosh software. This is not compatible with your device which runs ChromeOS. Please search the Chrome Web Store for a suitable replacement app.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ERROR_VIEWING_FILE_FOR_EXECUTABLE" desc="Error message when user attempts to open a exe file in the Files app via Downloads panel.">
This file is designed for a PC using Windows software. This is not compatible with your device which runs ChromeOS. Please search the Chrome Web Store for a suitable replacement app.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ERROR_UNRESOLVABLE_FILE" desc="Error message when the file attempted to open from Downloads panel was not found under paths managed by file manager.">
This file has wandered off somewhere. Please check your download location setting and try again.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FILE_ERROR_GENERIC" desc="In the File Manager, the error message when the file operation failed.">
An error occurred.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FILE_ERROR_NOT_FOUND" desc="In the File Manager, the error message when the file could not be found.">
The file could not be found.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FILE_ERROR_SECURITY" desc="In the File Manager, the error message when the file could not be accessed for security reasons.">
The file could not be accessed for security reasons.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FILE_ERROR_NOT_READABLE" desc="In the File Manager, the error message when the file could not be read.">
The file could not be read.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FILE_ERROR_NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED" desc="In the File Manager, the error message when the file could not be modified.">
The file could not be modified.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FILE_ERROR_INVALID_STATE" desc="In the File Manager, the error message when the file is not usable.">
The file or the directory is not usable.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FILE_ERROR_INVALID_MODIFICATION" desc="In the File Manager, the error message when the file could not be modified.">
The file could not be modified.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FILE_ERROR_PATH_EXISTS" desc="In the File Manager, the error message when the a file or a directory with the same name already exists.">
A file or a directory with the same name already exists.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FILE_ERROR_QUOTA_EXCEEDED" desc="In the File Manager, the error message when there is not enough space to complete the operation.">
There is not enough space.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SEARCH_DRIVE_HTML" desc="In the File Manager, the item in the autocomplete suggestion item just under the search box, to continue searching in the list.">
'&lt;b&gt;<ph name="SEARCH_STRING">$1<ex>abc</ex></ph>&lt;/b&gt;' - &lt;em&gt;search Drive&lt;/em&gt;
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SEARCH_NO_MATCHING_FILES_HTML" desc="In the File Manager, the message informing the user that the search did not match any files or directories.">
No items match &lt;b&gt;"<ph name="SEARCH_STRING">$1<ex>abc</ex></ph>"&lt;/b&gt;
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CHANGE_DEFAULT_MENU_ITEM" desc="In the File Manager, the text in the menu item to change the default action for a particular file type.">
Change default...
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CHANGE_DEFAULT_CAPTION" desc="In the File Manager, the caption on the dialog box that chooses the default action for a particular file type.">
Choose the default app for <ph name="FILE_TYPE">$1<ex>PNG</ex></ph> files:
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DEFAULT_TASK_LABEL" desc="In the File Manager actions menu, the text next to the default action name.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_THUMBNAIL_VIEW_TOOLTIP" desc="Tooltip for the Thumbnail View button.">
Thumbnail view
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SORT_BUTTON_TOOLTIP" desc="Tooltip for the button which provides sort options in the Files app.">
Sort options
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GEAR_BUTTON_TOOLTIP" desc="Tooltip for the gear button in the Files app.">
More options
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_READONLY_INDICATOR_TOOLTIP" desc="Tooltip for the readonly indicator in the Files app.">
The contents of this folder are read-only. Some activities are not supported.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SELECTION_MENU_BUTTON_TOOLTIP" desc="Tooltip for the button to open the context menu of currently selected items in the Files app.">
More options
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_CONTEXT_MENU_LABEL" desc="Label for Context menu used for Chromevox/screenreader.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_TIME_TODAY" desc="File date and time in case the date is today.">
Today <ph name="TODAY_DAYTIME">$1<ex>6:19 AM</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_TIME_YESTERDAY" desc="File date and time in case the date is yesterday.">
Yesterday <ph name="YESTERDAY_DAYTIME">$1<ex>4:48 PM</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ALL_FILES_FILTER" desc="All Files filter for Open/Save dialog">
All files
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SPACE_AVAILABLE" desc="Menu item showing space left for storage.">
<ph name="SPACE_AVAILABLE">$1<ex>4.8 GB</ex></ph> available
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SPACE_USED" desc="Menu item showing space used for storage.">
<ph name="SPACE_USED">$1<ex>4.8 GB</ex></ph> used
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_WAITING_FOR_SPACE_INFO" desc="Menu item, saying that FileBrowser is waiting for space information for storage. When actual data arrives, this item will be replaced with IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SPACE_AVAILABLE">
Waiting for space info...
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_FAILED_SPACE_INFO" desc="Menu item, saying that FileBrowser is failed to retrieve space information.">
Failed to retrieve space info
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_SEE_MENU_FOR_ACTIONS" desc="Text to be used by screen reader to indicate users that there are more options on the action bar.">
More options available on the action bar. Press Alt + A to focus the action bar.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_OPEN_A11Y" desc="Text to be used by screen reader to indicate users that the opening one single file is being executed.">
Opening file <ph name="FILE_NAME">$1<ex>file_name.txt</ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_OPEN_A11Y_PLURAL" desc="Text to be used by screen reader to indicate users that the opening multiple files is being executed.">
Opening <ph name="NUMBER_OF_FILES">$1<ex>3</ex></ph> files.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_A11Y_VOLUME_EJECT" desc="Text to be used by screen reader to indicate users that the eject volume action has finished.">
<ph name="VOLUME_NAME">$1<ex>file_name.rar</ex></ph> has been ejected.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GRID_VIEW_FOLDERS_TITLE" desc="Title displayed in Grid View above the folders.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GRID_VIEW_FILES_TITLE" desc="Title dislayed in Grid View above the files.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_LOCATION_BREADCRUMB_ELIDER_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label for the breadcrumb sub-folder elider button in the Files app folder location line.">
More sub-folders...
<!-- Holding space -->
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_HOLDING_SPACE_PIN_COMMAND_LABEL" desc="Label for the command which pins one or more files to the holding space.">
Pin to quick files
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_HOLDING_SPACE_UNPIN_COMMAND_LABEL" desc="Label for the command which unpins one or more files from the holding space.">
Unpin from quick files
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_HOLDING_SPACE_PIN_TO_SHELF_COMMAND_LABEL" desc="Label for the command which pins one or more files to the holding space in the shelf.">
Pin to shelf
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_HOLDING_SPACE_UNPIN_FROM_SHELF_COMMAND_LABEL" desc="Label for the command which unpins one or more files from the holding space in the shelf.">
Unpin from shelf
<!-- Common for Audio player and Media player -->
<message name="IDS_MEDIA_PLAYER_PLAY_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label for the Play button of media players (audio player / video player).">
<message name="IDS_MEDIA_PLAYER_PAUSE_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label for the Pause button of media player (audio player / video player).">
<message name="IDS_MEDIA_PLAYER_MUTE_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label for the Mute button of media player (audio player / video player).">
<message name="IDS_MEDIA_PLAYER_UNMUTE_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label for the Unmute button of media player (audio player / video player).">
<message name="IDS_MEDIA_PLAYER_PREVIOUS_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label for the Previous button, which is used to select previous video in the video player, or select previous track in the audio player.">
<message name="IDS_MEDIA_PLAYER_NEXT_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label for the Next button, which is used to select previous video in the video player, or select previous track in the audio player.">
<message name="IDS_MEDIA_PLAYER_SEEK_SLIDER_LABEL" desc="Label for the seek bar of media player.">
Seek slider
<message name="IDS_MEDIA_PLAYER_VOLUME_SLIDER_LABEL" desc="Label for the volume slider of media player.">
Volume slider
<!-- Data Leak Prevention -->
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DLP_BLOCK_COPY_TOAST" desc="A toast informing the user that copying a file is blocked by the administrator.">
Copying this file is blocked by administrator policy
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DLP_BLOCK_COPY_TOAST_PLURAL" desc="A toast informing the user that copying files is blocked by the administrator.">
Copying <ph name="COUNT">$1<ex>10</ex></ph> files is blocked by administrator policy
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DLP_BLOCK_MOVE_TOAST" desc="A toast informing the user that moving a file is blocked by the administrator.">
Moving this file is blocked by administrator policy
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DLP_BLOCK_MOVE_TOAST_PLURAL" desc="A toast informing the user that moving files is blocked by the administrator.">
Moving <ph name="COUNT">$1<ex>10</ex></ph> files is blocked by administrator policy
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DLP_TOAST_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Toast button label, learn more about data leak prevention policies.">
Learn more
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DLP_RESTRICTION_DETAILS" desc="Context menu item that shows the DLP restriction details for the selected file.">
Review admin policy
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DLP_MANAGED_ICON_TOOLTIP" desc="Tooltip of the data leak prevention managed icon.">
This file is confidential and subject to restrictions by administrator policy.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DLP_MANAGED_ICON_TOOLTIP_LINK" desc="Managed icon tooltip link label, learn more about data leak prevention policies.">
Learn more
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DLP_MANAGED_ICON_TOOLTIP_DESC" desc="Managed icon tooltip a11y explanation text.">
Learn more about these restrictions
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DLP_FILE_PICKER_BANNER" desc="Message informing the user that some files cannot be chosen for upload or opening due to DLP restrictions.">
Administrator policy restricts access to some files.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DLP_FILE_SAVER_BANNER" desc="Message informing the user that some locations cannot be chosen to save downloaded files to due to DLP restrictions.">
Administrator policy restricts saving to some locations.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DLP_RESTRICTION_DETAILS_TITLE" desc="The title of the DLP restriction details modal.">
Administrator policy
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DLP_RESTRICTION_DETAILS_MESSAGE" desc="The description text of the DLP restriction details modal.">
This file is confidential and subject to administrator policy. The following file access and transfer actions apply.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DLP_RESTRICTION_DETAILS_BLOCK" desc="The message shown for blocked destinations and components in the DLP restriction details modal.">
Administrator policy prevents:
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DLP_RESTRICTION_DETAILS_WARN" desc="The message shown for warned destinations and components in the DLP restriction details modal.">
Administrator policy doesn't recommend:
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DLP_RESTRICTION_DETAILS_REPORT" desc="The message shown for reported destinations and components in the DLP restriction details modal.">
Administrator monitors:
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DLP_RESTRICTION_DETAILS_FILE_ACCESS" desc="The message shown for the list of DLP restricted destinations.">
File access by <ph name="RESTRICTED_DESTINATIONS">$1<ex></ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DLP_RESTRICTION_DETAILS_FILE_ACCESS_ALL" desc="The message shown when a wildcard is given in as a restricted destination.">
File access by all websites and URLs
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DLP_RESTRICTION_DETAILS_FILE_ACCESS_ALL_EXCEPT" desc="The message shown when a wildcard is given in as a restricted destination but some destinations should be excluded.">
File access by all websites and URLs except <ph name="NON_RESTRICTED_DESTINATIONS">$1<ex></ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DLP_RESTRICTION_DETAILS_FILE_TRANSFER" desc="The message shown for the list of DLP restricted components.">
File transfer to <ph name="RESTRICTED_COMPONENTS">$1<ex>removable storage</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DLP_COMPONENT_REMOVABLE" desc="Removable storage component label.">
removable storage
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DLP_COMPONENT_PLAY" desc="Play component label.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DLP_COMPONENT_LINUX" desc="Linux component label.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DLP_COMPONENT_VM" desc="PluginVM component label.">
virtual machine
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DLP_COMPONENT_MICROSOFT_ONEDRIVE" desc="Microsoft OneDrive component label.">
Microsoft OneDrive
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ENCRYPTED_ICON_TOOLTIP" desc="Tooltip of the CSE ( icon.">
Encrypted file
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ONE_DRIVE_MOVED_FILE_NUDGE" desc="Educational text that appears in the navigation tree when a file is automatically moved to OneDrive by the Office Cloud Upload feature/dialog.">
Recently opened Microsoft files have moved to OneDrive
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_MOVED_FILE_NUDGE" desc="Educational text that appears in the navigation tree when a file is automatically moved to Google Drive by the Office Cloud Upload feature/dialog.">
Recently opened Microsoft files have moved to Google Drive
<message name="IDS_ASH_MESSAGE_CENTER_SYSTEM_APP_NAME_FILES" desc="The source of a system-generated notification from the Files app, as displayed to the user.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_BULK_PINNING_GET_STARTED" desc="Text in the Get started button of the banner offering the Google Drive bulk pinning feature">
Get started
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_BULK_PINNING_TITLE" desc="The title of the dialog offering the Google Drive bulk pinning feature">
Access your Google Drive files offline with file sync
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_BULK_PINNING_EXPLANATION" desc="The main text of the dialog offering the Google Drive bulk pinning feature">
Your files in My Drive will sync to your Chromebook automatically so you can access them without an internet connection.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_BULK_PINNING_POINT_1" desc="First bullet point of the dialog offering the Google Drive bulk pinning feature">
Files will be stored in the cloud and on this Chromebook.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GOOGLE_DRIVE_MULTIPLE_FILES_SYNCING_LABEL" desc="The text used when Google drive items are being downloaded and this represents the total number of items to sync.">
Syncing <ph name="NUMBER_OF_FILES_SYNCING">$1<ex>1,687</ex></ph> Drive files
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GOOGLE_DRIVE_SETTINGS_LINK_LABEL" desc="The text of the button in the Bulk pinning dialog that takes the user to the chromeOS settings page for Google Drive.">
File sync settings
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_GOOGLE_DRIVE_SINGLE_FILE_SYNCING_LABEL" desc="The text used when Google drive items are being downloaded and this represents the total number of items to sync.">
Syncing 1 Drive file
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_BULK_PINNING_CALCULATING" desc="Text used when the progress panel is still calculating the estimated time remaining">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_BULK_PINNING_SPACE" desc="Text in the dialog offering the Google Drive bulk pinning feature">
This will use about <ph name="REQUIRED_SPACE">$1<ex>12.2 GB</ex></ph>. You currently have <ph name="FREE_SPACE">$2<ex>96.8 GB</ex></ph> available.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_BULK_PINNING_TURN_ON" desc="Text in the Continue button of the dialog offering the Google Drive bulk pinning feature">
Turn on
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_BULK_PINNING_PREPARING_TO_SYNC" desc="Text in the progress panel indicating the bulk pinning operations is preparing files to sync">
Preparing to sync Drive files...
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_BULK_PINNING_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE" desc="Error message displayed when there is not enough space to enable the Google Drive bulk pinning feature">
Not enough storage.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_BULK_PINNING_LISTING" desc="Information message displayed when the Google Drive bulk pinning feature is computing the space requirements">
Checking storage space…
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_BULK_PINNING_LISTING_WITH_MULTIPLE_ITEMS" desc="Information message displayed when the Google Drive bulk pinning feature is computing the space requirements and it knows how many files have currently been enumerated">
Checking storage space… <ph name="ITEMS_FOUND">$1<ex>1,072</ex></ph> items found
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_BULK_PINNING_LISTING_WITH_SINGLE_ITEM" desc="Information message displayed when the Google Drive bulk pinning feature is computing the space requirements and it knows how many files have currently been enumerated">
Checking storage space… 1 item found
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_BULK_PINNING_ERROR" desc="Error message displayed when the Google Drive bulk pinning feature could not compute the space requirements">
Something went wrong.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_BULK_PINNING_OFFLINE" desc="Error message displayed when the Google Drive bulk pinning feature cannot be enabled because of lack of internet connection">
For initial setup, you need to connect to the internet so files can sync.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_BULK_PINNING_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE_LABEL" desc="The text used when the bulk pinning of Google Drive items has failed due to insufficient space.">
Your device doesn’t have enough storage space to keep file sync turned on. New files will no longer sync automatically.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_BULK_PINNING_OFFLINE_LABEL" desc="The text used when the device is in an offline mode and has paused syncing.">
You are currently offline. File sync will resume when you are connected to the internet
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_BULK_PINNING_BATTERY_SAVER_LABEL" desc="The text used when the device is in battery saver mode and has paused syncing.">
Battery is low. File sync will resume when you are connected to power.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_BULK_PINNING_METERED_NETWORK_LABEL" desc="The text used when the bulk pinning of Google Drive items has been paused due to being on a metered network.">
You are on a metered network. File sync has been paused.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_BULK_PINNING_ITEM_TEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLE_OFFLINE" desc="The text used when the bulk pinning of Google Drive items has failed due to insufficient space.">
Can’t sync this file right now
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_BULK_PINNING_VIEW_STORAGE" desc="Text of the 'View storage' link displayed next to the error message when there is not enough space to enable the Google Drive bulk pinning feature">
View storage
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_SYNC_ERROR_TITLE" desc="Title of system notification displayed when an error occurred while syncing Google Drive files">
Couldn’t finish setting up file sync
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_SYNC_TURNED_OFF_TITLE" desc="Title of system notification displayed when an error occurred while syncing Google Drive files">
File sync turned off
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_BULK_PINNING_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE_NOTIFICATION" desc="The text displayed by the system notification when the bulk pinning of Google Drive items stopped due to insufficient space">
There isn’t enough storage space to sync all of your files
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_BULK_PINNING_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE_NOTIFICATION_2" desc="The text displayed by the system notification when the bulk pinning of Google Drive items stopped due to insufficient space">
There isn’t enough storage space to continue syncing files
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_BULK_PINNING_BUTTON_LABEL_ISSUE" desc="The cloud button label text when bulk pinning is not working due to an issue (e.g. not enough space).">
Sync issue
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_BULK_PINNING_BUTTON_LABEL_OFFLINE" desc="The cloud button label text when bulk pinning is paused when the device is offline.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_BULK_PINNING_FILE_SYNC_ON" desc="The cloud button label text when bulk pinning is turned on and the text used in the cloud panel when the known files have finished syncing.">
File sync is on
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_BULK_PINNING_BUTTON_LABEL_PAUSED" desc="The cloud button label text when bulk pinning is paused.">
Sync paused
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_BULK_PINNING_BUTTON_LABEL_SYNCING" desc="The cloud button label text when bulk pinning is syncing.">
Syncing files
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_DATA_DIR_MISSING_TITLE" desc="Title of the system notification displayed when the Google Drive cache file were removed while the user was logged out">
Your offline files had to be removed
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_DRIVE_DATA_DIR_MISSING" desc="Body of the system notification displayed when the Google Drive cache file were removed while the user was logged out">
Storage space was extremely low. File sync has been turned off.
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_BULK_PINNING_BATTERY_SAVER" desc="Error message displayed when the Google Drive bulk pinning feature cannot be enabled because battery saver mode is active">
Battery saver mode on. Try again when battery saver mode is turned off.
<!-- Empty state inside OneDrive folder -->
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ONEDRIVE_LOGGED_OUT_TITLE" desc="Title of an empty state section displayed in OneDrive folder when the user has been logged out from OneDrive.">
You've been logged out
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ONEDRIVE_SIGN_IN_SUBTITLE" desc="Subtitle of an empty state section displayed in OneDrive folder when the user has been logged out from OneDrive.">
Sign in to your Microsoft account
<message name="IDS_FILE_BROWSER_ONEDRIVE_SIGN_IN_LINK" desc="Text of a link in an empty state section displayed in OneDrive folder when the user has been logged out from OneDrive.">
Sign in