blob: 8997fa7accb2f0141e5805dc669f6378ddc8c6ba [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/color/color_mixer.h"
#include <set>
#include "base/functional/bind.h"
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "ui/color/color_recipe.h"
#include "ui/color/color_test_ids.h"
#include "ui/gfx/color_palette.h"
namespace {
ui::ColorMixer::MixerGetter PassThrough(const ui::ColorMixer* mixer) {
return base::BindRepeating([](const ui::ColorMixer* mixer) { return mixer; },
} // namespace
namespace ui {
namespace {
// Tests that the recipe returned by operator[] is respected by the mixer.
TEST(ColorMixerTest, AccessOperator) {
ColorMixer mixer;
mixer[kColorTest0] = {SK_ColorGREEN};
EXPECT_EQ(SK_ColorGREEN, mixer.GetResultColor(kColorTest0));
// Tests that GetInputColor() returns a placeholder color if the mixer has no
// recipes.
TEST(ColorMixerTest, GetInputColorNoInput) {
EXPECT_EQ(gfx::kPlaceholderColor, ColorMixer().GetInputColor(kColorTest0));
// Tests that GetInputColor() on a given mixer ignores any recipe that mixer has
// for that color.
TEST(ColorMixerTest, GetInputColorIgnoresRecipe) {
ColorMixer mixer;
mixer[kColorTest0] = GetColorWithMaxContrast(FromTransformInput());
EXPECT_EQ(gfx::kPlaceholderColor, mixer.GetInputColor(kColorTest0));
// Tests that if GetInputColor() needs to reference the output of a previous
// mixer, it will reference the result color (i.e. after applying any recipe)
// rather than referencing that mixer's input color.
TEST(ColorMixerTest, GetInputColorRespectsRecipePreviousMixer) {
ColorMixer mixer0;
mixer0[kColorTest0] = GetColorWithMaxContrast(FromTransformInput());
ColorMixer mixer1(PassThrough(&mixer0));
mixer1[kColorTest1] = {SK_ColorRED};
// Tests that GetResultColor() returns a placeholder color when there are no
// recipes.
TEST(ColorMixerTest, GetResultColorNoInput) {
EXPECT_EQ(gfx::kPlaceholderColor, ColorMixer().GetResultColor(kColorTest0));
// Tests that GetResultColor() does not require an input set to provide an
// initial value for its requested color.
TEST(ColorMixerTest, GetResultColorNoSet) {
ColorMixer mixer;
mixer[kColorTest0] = {SK_ColorGREEN};
mixer[kColorTest1] = GetColorWithMaxContrast(FromTransformInput());
EXPECT_EQ(SK_ColorGREEN, mixer.GetResultColor(kColorTest0));
EXPECT_NE(gfx::kPlaceholderColor, mixer.GetResultColor(kColorTest1));
// Tests that GetResultColor() can reference other result colors, each of which
// will have its recipe applied.
TEST(ColorMixerTest, GetResultColorChained) {
ColorMixer mixer;
mixer[kColorTest0] = {gfx::kGoogleBlue050};
mixer[kColorTest1] =
BlendTowardMaxContrast(GetColorWithMaxContrast(SK_ColorWHITE), 0x29);
mixer[kColorTest2] =
BlendForMinContrast(gfx::kGoogleBlue500, kColorTest1, kColorTest0);
EXPECT_EQ(SkColorSetRGB(0x89, 0xB3, 0xF8), mixer.GetResultColor(kColorTest2));
// Tests that GetResultColor() will use an input getter, if specified, to source
// input colors for recipes.
TEST(ColorMixerTest, GetResultColorWithInputGetter) {
const ColorMixer* front_mixer;
const auto getter = base::BindRepeating(
[](const ColorMixer** mixer) { return *mixer; }, &front_mixer);
ColorMixer mixer0(PassThrough(nullptr), getter);
ColorMixer mixer1(PassThrough(&mixer0), getter);
front_mixer = &mixer1;
mixer0[kColorTest0] = {SK_ColorWHITE};
mixer0[kColorTest1] = GetColorWithMaxContrast(kColorTest0);
mixer1[kColorTest0] = {SK_ColorBLACK};
const SkColor output = mixer0.GetResultColor(kColorTest1);
EXPECT_EQ(output, mixer1.GetResultColor(kColorTest1));
// Tests that GetDefinedColorIds() returns the ColorIds expected.
TEST(ColorMixerTest, GetDefinedColorIdsReturnsExpectedColorIds) {
ColorMixer mixer;
mixer[kColorTest0] = {gfx::kGoogleBlue050};
mixer[kColorTest1] = BlendTowardMaxContrast(
GetColorWithMaxContrast(FromTransformInput()), 0x29);
mixer[kColorTest2] =
BlendForMinContrast(gfx::kGoogleBlue500, kColorTest1, kColorTest0);
EXPECT_EQ(std::set<ColorId>({kColorTest0, kColorTest1, kColorTest2}),
} // namespace
} // namespace ui