blob: 7f34f45b0f91db06e64fef4d2288cd9f09c868e1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace ui {
struct EventDispatchDetails;
// Used to forward events from an EventRewriter. This is expected to be used
// only by cooperation between EventSource and EventRewriter. The methods are
// implemented by a subclass in EventSource, and called only via the
// corresponding EventRewriter functions (which validate the continuation).
class EventRewriterContinuation {
EventRewriterContinuation() = default;
virtual ~EventRewriterContinuation() = default;
// Send an event to the sink, via any later rewriters.
[[nodiscard]] virtual EventDispatchDetails SendEvent(const Event* event) = 0;
// Send an event directly to the sink, bypassing any later rewriters.
[[nodiscard]] virtual EventDispatchDetails SendEventFinally(
const Event* event) = 0;
// Discard an event, bypassing any later rewriters.
[[nodiscard]] virtual EventDispatchDetails DiscardEvent() = 0;
} // namespace ui