blob: 8785c9b75ac880e5952705d2402f40fe2a7dcee9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr_exclusion.h"
#include "base/scoped_observation_traits.h"
#include "ui/events/event_handler.h"
#include "ui/events/events_export.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/point.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/point_f.h"
namespace ui {
class EventDispatcher;
class EventTargeter;
class EventTargetIterator;
class LocatedEvent;
class EVENTS_EXPORT EventTarget {
class DispatcherApi {
explicit DispatcherApi(EventTarget* target) : target_(target) {}
DispatcherApi(const DispatcherApi&) = delete;
DispatcherApi& operator=(const DispatcherApi&) = delete;
raw_ptr<EventTarget> target_;
EventTarget(const EventTarget&) = delete;
EventTarget& operator=(const EventTarget&) = delete;
virtual ~EventTarget();
virtual bool CanAcceptEvent(const Event& event) = 0;
// Returns the parent EventTarget in the event-target tree.
virtual EventTarget* GetParentTarget() = 0;
// Returns an iterator an EventTargeter can use to iterate over the list of
// child EventTargets.
virtual std::unique_ptr<EventTargetIterator> GetChildIterator() const = 0;
// Returns the EventTargeter that should be used to find the target for an
// event in the subtree rooted at this EventTarget.
virtual EventTargeter* GetEventTargeter() = 0;
// Updates the states in |event| (e.g. location) to be suitable for |target|,
// so that |event| can be dispatched to |target|.
virtual void ConvertEventToTarget(const EventTarget* target,
LocatedEvent* event) const;
// Get |event|'s screen location, using the EventTarget's screen location.
virtual gfx::PointF GetScreenLocationF(const LocatedEvent& event) const;
gfx::Point GetScreenLocation(const LocatedEvent& event) const;
// Priority levels for PreTargetHandlers.
enum class Priority {
// The Accessibility level is the highest, and gets events before
// other priority levels. This allows accessibility features to
// modify events directly from the user. Note that Ash accessibility
// features should not use this directly, but instead should go
// through ash::Shell::AddAccessibilityEventHandler to allow for
// fine-grained control of ordering amongst themselves.
// System priority EventHandlers get events before default level, and
// should be used for drag and drop, menus, etc.
// The default level should be used by most EventHandlers.
// Adds a handler to receive events before the target. The handler must be
// explicitly removed from the target before the handler is destroyed. The
// EventTarget does not take ownership of the handler.
void AddPreTargetHandler(EventHandler* handler);
void AddPreTargetHandler(EventHandler* handler, Priority priority);
void RemovePreTargetHandler(EventHandler* handler);
// Adds a handler to receive events after the target. The handler must be
// explicitly removed from the target before the handler is destroyed. The
// EventTarget does not take ownership of the handler.
void AddPostTargetHandler(EventHandler* handler);
void RemovePostTargetHandler(EventHandler* handler);
// Returns true if the event pre target list is empty.
bool IsPreTargetListEmpty() const;
// Sets |target_handler| as |target_handler_| and returns the old handler.
EventHandler* SetTargetHandler(EventHandler* target_handler);
bool HasTargetHandler() const { return target_handler_ != nullptr; }
EventHandler* target_handler() { return target_handler_; }
friend class EventDispatcher;
friend class EventTargetTestApi;
// A handler with a priority.
struct PrioritizedHandler {
// RAW_PTR_EXCLUSION: Performance reasons: based on this sampling profiler
// result on ChromeOS. go/brp-cros-prof-diff-20230403
RAW_PTR_EXCLUSION EventHandler* handler = nullptr;
Priority priority = Priority::kDefault;
bool operator<(const PrioritizedHandler& ph) const {
return priority < ph.priority;
using EventHandlerPriorityList = std::vector<PrioritizedHandler>;
// Returns the list of handlers that should receive the event before the
// target. The handlers from the outermost target are first in the list, and
// the handlers on |this| are the last in the list.
void GetPreTargetHandlers(EventHandlerList* list);
// Returns the list of handlers that should receive the event after the
// target. The handlers from the outermost target are last in the list, and
// the handlers on |this| are the first in the list.
void GetPostTargetHandlers(EventHandlerList* list);
EventHandlerPriorityList pre_target_list_;
EventHandlerList post_target_list_;
raw_ptr<EventHandler, DanglingUntriaged> target_handler_ = nullptr;
} // namespace ui
namespace base {
template <>
struct ScopedObservationTraits<ui::EventTarget, ui::EventHandler> {
static void AddObserver(ui::EventTarget* source, ui::EventHandler* observer) {
static void RemoveObserver(ui::EventTarget* source,
ui::EventHandler* observer) {
} // namespace base