blob: 921686e369d2ad8abccbaeddabc55035fe80eef6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {DirectoryTreePageObject} from './file_manager/page_objects/directory_tree.js';
import {BASIC_CROSTINI_ENTRY_SET, BASIC_DRIVE_ENTRY_SET, BASIC_LOCAL_ENTRY_SET} from './file_manager/test_data.js';
import type {ElementObject, FilesAppState, KeyModifiers, VolumeType} from './prod/file_manager/shared_types.js';
import {addEntries, getCaller, openEntryChoosingWindow, pending, pollForChosenEntry, repeatUntil, sendTestMessage, TestEntryInfo} from './test_util.js';
export type MenuObject = ElementObject&{
items?: ElementObject[],
* When step by step tests are enabled, turns on automatic step() calls. Note
* that if step() is defined at the time of this call, invoke it to start the
* test auto-stepping ball rolling.
window.autoStep = () => {
window.autostep = window.autostep || false;
if (!window.autostep) {
window.autostep = true;
if (window.autostep && typeof window.step === 'function') {
* This error type is thrown by executeJsInPreviewTagSwa_ if the script to
* execute in the untrusted context produces an error.
export class ExecuteScriptError extends Error {
constructor(message: string) {
super(message); = 'ExecuteScriptError';
* Class to manipulate the window in the remote extension.
export class RemoteCall {
* Tristate holding the cached result of isStepByStepEnabled_().
private cachedStepByStepEnabled_: boolean|null = null;
* @param origin ID of the app to be manipulated.
constructor(protected origin_: string) {}
* Checks whether step by step tests are enabled or not.
private async isStepByStepEnabled_(): Promise<boolean> {
if (this.cachedStepByStepEnabled_ === null) {
this.cachedStepByStepEnabled_ = await new Promise(
fulfill => chrome.commandLinePrivate.hasSwitch(
'enable-file-manager-step-by-step-tests', fulfill));
return this.cachedStepByStepEnabled_!;
* Sends a test `message` to the test code running in the File Manager.
* @return A promise which when fulfilled returns the result of executing test
* code with the given message.
sendMessage(message: Object): Promise<unknown> {
return new Promise((fulfill) => {
chrome.runtime.sendMessage(this.origin_, message, {}, fulfill);
* Calls a remote test util in the Files app's extension. See:
* registerRemoteTestUtils in test_util_base.js.
* @param func Function name.
* @param appId App window Id or null for functions not requiring a window.
* @param args Array of arguments.
* @param callback Callback handling the function's result.
* @return Promise to be fulfilled with the result of the remote utility.
async callRemoteTestUtil<T>(
func: string, appId: null|string, args?: null|readonly unknown[],
callback?: (r: T) => void): Promise<T> {
const stepByStep = await this.isStepByStepEnabled_();
let finishCurrentStep;
if (stepByStep) {
while (window.currentStep) {
await window.currentStep;
window.currentStep = new Promise(resolve => {
finishCurrentStep = () => {
window.currentStep = null;
});'Executing: ' + func + ' on ' + appId + ' with args: ');;
if (window.autostep !== true) {
await new Promise<void>((onFulfilled) => {'Type step() to continue...');
window.step = function() {
window.step = null;
} else {'Auto calling step() ...');
const response = await this.sendMessage({func, appId, args});
if (stepByStep) {'Returned value:');;
if (callback) {
callback(response as T);
return response as T;
* Waits for a SWA window to be open.
* @param debug Whether to debug the findSwaWindow.
async waitForWindow(debug: boolean = false): Promise<string> {
const caller = getCaller();
const appId = await repeatUntil(async () => {
const msg = {
name: 'findSwaWindow',
debug: debug ?? undefined,
const ret = await sendTestMessage(msg);
if (ret === 'none') {
return pending(caller, 'Wait for SWA window');
return ret;
return appId;
* Waits for the dialog window and waits for it to fully load.
* @return dialog's id.
async waitForDialog(): Promise<string> {
const dialog = await this.waitForWindow();
// Wait for Files app to finish loading.
await this.waitFor('isFileManagerLoaded', dialog, true);
return dialog;
* Waits for the specified element appearing in the DOM.
* @param appId App window Id.
* @param query Query to specify the element.
* If query is an array, `query[0]` specifies the first element(s),
* `query[1]` specifies elements inside the shadow DOM of the first element,
* and so on.
* @return Promise to be fulfilled when the element appears.
async waitForElement(appId: string, query: string|string[]):
Promise<ElementObject> {
return this.waitForElementStyles(appId, query, []);
* Waits for the specified element appearing in the DOM.
* @param appId App window Id.
* @param query Query to specify the element.
* If query is an array, `query[0]` specifies the first element(s),
* `query[1]` specifies elements inside the shadow DOM of the first element,
* and so on.
* @param styleNames List of CSS property name to be obtained. NOTE: Causes
* element style re-calculation.
* @return Promise to be fulfilled when the element appears.
async waitForElementStyles(
appId: string, query: string|string[],
styleNames: string[]): Promise<ElementObject> {
const caller = getCaller();
return repeatUntil(async () => {
const elements = await this.callRemoteTestUtil<ElementObject[]>(
'deepQueryAllElements', appId, [query, styleNames]);
if (elements && elements.length > 0) {
return elements[0];
return pending(caller, 'Element %s is not found.', query);
* Waits for a remote test function to return a specific result.
* @param funcName Name of remote test function to be executed.
* @param appId App window Id.
* @param expectedResult An value to be checked against the return value of
* `funcName` or a callback that receives the return value of `funcName`
* and returns true if the result is the expected value.
* @param args Arguments to be provided to `funcName` when executing it.
* @return Promise to be fulfilled when the `expectedResult` is returned from
* `funcName` execution.
funcName: string, appId: null|string,
expectedResult: boolean|((r: unknown) => boolean),
args?: unknown[]|null): Promise<void> {
const caller = getCaller();
args = args || [];
return repeatUntil(async () => {
const result = await this.callRemoteTestUtil(funcName, appId, args);
if (typeof expectedResult === 'function' && expectedResult(result)) {
return result;
if (expectedResult === result) {
return result;
const msg = 'waitFor: Waiting for ' +
`${funcName} to return ${expectedResult}, ` +
`but got ${JSON.stringify(result)}.`;
return pending(caller, msg);
* Waits for the specified element leaving from the DOM.
* @param appId App window Id.
* @param query Query to specify the element.
* If query is an array, `query[0]` specifies the first element(s),
* `query[1]` specifies elements inside the shadow DOM of the first element,
* and so on.
* @return Promise to be fulfilled when the element is lost.
waitForElementLost(appId: string, query: string|string[]): Promise<void> {
const caller = getCaller();
return repeatUntil(async () => {
const elements = await this.queryElements(appId, query);
if (elements.length > 0) {
return pending(caller, 'Elements %j still exists.', elements);
return true;
async queryElements(
appId: string, query: string|string[],
styleNames?: string[]): Promise<ElementObject[]> {
const args: Array<string|string[]> = [query];
if (styleNames) {
return this.callRemoteTestUtil<ElementObject[]>(
'deepQueryAllElements', appId, args);
* Waits for the `query` to match `count` elements.
* @param appId App window Id.
* @param query Query to specify the element.
* If query is an array, `query[0]` specifies the first element(s),
* `query[1]` specifies elements inside the shadow DOM of the first element,
* and so on.
* @param count The expected element match count.
* @return Promise to be fulfilled on success.
async waitForElementsCount(
appId: string, query: string|string[], count: number): Promise<void> {
const caller = getCaller();
return repeatUntil(async () => {
const expect = `Waiting for [${query}] to match ${count} elements`;
const result =
await this.callRemoteTestUtil('countElements', appId, [query, count]);
return !result ? pending(caller, expect) : true;
* Sends a fake key down event.
* @param appId App window Id.
* @param query Query to specify the element.
* If query is an array, |query[0]| specifies the first
* element(s), |query[1]| specifies elements inside the shadow DOM of
* the first element, and so on.
* @param key DOM UI Events Key value.
* @param ctrlKey Control key flag.
* @param shiftKey Shift key flag.
* @param altKey Alt key flag.
* @return Promise to be fulfilled or rejected depending on
* the result.
async fakeKeyDown(
appId: string, query: string|string[], key: string, ctrlKey: boolean,
shiftKey: boolean, altKey: boolean): Promise<boolean> {
const result = await this.callRemoteTestUtil(
'fakeKeyDown', appId, [query, key, ctrlKey, shiftKey, altKey]);
if (result) {
return true;
throw new Error('Fail to fake key down.');
* Sets the given input text on the element identified by the query.
* @param appId App window ID.
* @param selector The query selector to locate the element
* @param text The text to be set on the element.
async inputText(appId: string, selector: string|string[], text: string) {
await this.callRemoteTestUtil('inputText', appId, [selector, text]));
* Gets file entries just under the volume.
* @param volumeType Volume type.
* @param names File name list.
* @return Promise to be fulfilled with file urls for entries or rejected
* depending on the result.
getFilesUnderVolume(volumeType: VolumeType, names: string[]):
Promise<string[]> {
return this.callRemoteTestUtil<string[]>(
'getFilesUnderVolume', null, [volumeType, names]);
* Waits for a single file.
* @param volumeType Volume type.
* @param name File name.
* @return Promise to be fulfilled when the file had found.
waitForFile(volumeType: VolumeType, name: string): Promise<void> {
const caller = getCaller();
return repeatUntil(async () => {
if ((await this.getFilesUnderVolume(volumeType, [name])).length === 1) {
return true;
return pending(caller, `"${name}" is not found.`);
* Shorthand for clicking an element.
* @param appId App window Id.
* @param query Query to specify the element.
* If query is an array, `query[0]` specifies the first element(s),
* `query[1]` specifies elements inside the shadow DOM of the first element,
* and so on.
* @return Promise to be fulfilled with the clicked element.
async waitAndClickElement(
appId: string, query: string|string[],
keyModifiers?: KeyModifiers): Promise<ElementObject> {
const element = await this.waitForElement(appId, query);
const result = await this.callRemoteTestUtil<boolean>(
'fakeMouseClick', appId, [query, keyModifiers]);
chrome.test.assertTrue(result, 'mouse click failed.');
return element;
* Shorthand for right-clicking an element.
* @param appId App window Id.
* @param query Query to specify the element.
* If query is an array, `query[0]` specifies the first element(s),
* `query[1]` specifies elements inside the shadow DOM of the first element,
* and so on.
* @return Promise to be fulfilled with the clicked element.
async waitAndRightClick(
appId: string, query: string|string[],
keyModifiers?: KeyModifiers): Promise<ElementObject> {
const element = await this.waitForElement(appId, query);
const result = await this.callRemoteTestUtil<boolean>(
'fakeMouseRightClick', appId, [query, keyModifiers]);
chrome.test.assertTrue(result, 'mouse right-click failed.');
return element;
* Shorthand for focusing an element.
* @param appId App window Id.
* @param query Query to specify the element to be focused.
* @return Promise to be fulfilled with the focused element.
async focus(appId: string, query: string[]): Promise<null|ElementObject> {
const element = await this.waitForElement(appId, query);
const result =
await this.callRemoteTestUtil<boolean>('focus', appId, query);
chrome.test.assertTrue(result, 'focus failed.');
return element;
* Simulates Click in the UI in the middle of the element.
* @param appId App window ID contains the element. NOTE: The click is
* simulated on most recent window in the window system.
* @param query Query to the element to be clicked.
* @param leftClick If true, simulate left click. Otherwise simulate right
* click.
* @return A promise fulfilled after the click event.
async simulateUiClick(
appId: string, query: string|string[],
leftClick: boolean = true): Promise<unknown> {
const element = await this.waitForElementStyles(appId, query, ['display']);
chrome.test.assertTrue(!!element, 'element for simulateUiClick not found');
// Find the middle of the element.
const left = element.renderedLeft ?? 0;
const top = element.renderedTop ?? 0;
const width = element.renderedWidth ?? 0;
const height = element.renderedHeight ?? 0;
const x = Math.floor(left + (width / 2));
const y = Math.floor(top + (height / 2));
return sendTestMessage(
{appId, name: 'simulateClick', 'clickX': x, 'clickY': y, leftClick});
* Simulates Right Click in blank/empty space of the file list element.
* @param appId App window ID contains the element. NOTE: The click is
* simulated on most recent window in the window system.
* @return A promise fulfilled after the click event.
async rightClickFileListBlankSpace(appId: string): Promise<void> {
await this.simulateUiClick(
appId, '#file-list .spacer.signals-overscroll', false);
* Selects the option given by the index in the menu given by the type. This
* only works in V2 version of the search.
* @param appId The ID that identifies the files app.
* @param type The search option type (location, recency, type).
* @param index The index of the button.
* @return A promise that resolves to true if click was successful and false
* otherwise.
selectSearchOption(appId: string, type: string, index: number):
Promise<boolean> {
return this.callRemoteTestUtil('fakeMouseClick', appId, [
`cr-action-menu cr-button:nth-of-type(${index})`,
* Class to manipulate the window in the remote extension.
export class RemoteCallFilesApp extends RemoteCall {
* Sends a test `message` to the test code running in the File Manager.
override sendMessage(message: {appId: string}): Promise<unknown> {
const command = {
name: 'callSwaTestMessageListener',
appId: message.appId,
data: JSON.stringify(message),
return new Promise((fulfill) => {
chrome.test.sendMessage(JSON.stringify(command), (response) => {
if (response === '"@undefined@"') {
} else {
try {
fulfill(response === '' ? true : JSON.parse(response));
} catch (e) {
console.error(`Failed to parse "${response}" due to ${e}`);
async getWindows() {
return JSON.parse(await sendTestMessage({name: 'getWindows'}) as string);
* Executes a script in the context of a <preview-tag> element contained in
* the window.
* For SWA: It's the first chrome-untrusted://file-manager <iframe>.
* For legacy: It's the first elements based on the `query`.
* Responds with its output.
* @param appId App window Id.
* @param query Query to the <preview-tag> element (this is ignored for SWA).
* @param statement Javascript statement to be executed within the
* <preview-tag>.
* @return resolved with the return value of the `statement`.
async executeJsInPreviewTag<T>(
_appId: string, _query: string[],
statement: string): Promise<T|undefined> {
return this.executeJsInPreviewTagSwa_(statement);
* Injects javascript statemenent in the first chrome-untrusted://file-manager
* page found and respond with its output.
private async executeJsInPreviewTagSwa_<T>(statement: string):
Promise<T|undefined> {
const script = `try {
let result = ${statement};
result = result === undefined ? '@undefined@' : [result];
} catch (error) {
const errorInfo = {'@error@': error.message, '@stack@': error.stack};
const command = {
name: 'executeScriptInChromeUntrusted',
data: script,
const response = await sendTestMessage(command) as string;
if (response === '"@undefined@"') {
return undefined;
const output = JSON.parse(response);
if ('@error@' in output) {
console.error('Original StackTrace:\n' + output['@stack@']);
throw new ExecuteScriptError(
'Error executing JS in Preview: ' + output['@error@']);
} else {
return output;
* Waits until the expected URL shows in the last opened browser tab.
* @return Promise to be fulfilled when the expected URL is shown in a browser
* window.
async waitForLastOpenedBrowserTabUrl(expectedUrl: string): Promise<string> {
const caller = getCaller();
return repeatUntil(async () => {
const command = {name: 'getLastActiveTabURL'};
const activeBrowserTabURL = await sendTestMessage(command);
if (activeBrowserTabURL !== expectedUrl) {
return pending(
caller, 'waitForActiveBrowserTabUrl: expected %j actual %j.',
expectedUrl, activeBrowserTabURL);
return undefined;
* Returns whether a window exists with the expected origin.
* @return Promise resolved with true or false depending on whether such
* window exists.
async windowOriginExists(expectedOrigin: string): Promise<boolean> {
const command = {name: 'expectWindowOrigin', expectedOrigin};
const windowExists = await sendTestMessage(command);
return windowExists === 'true';
* Waits for the file list turns to the given contents.
* @param appId App window Id.
* @param expected Expected contents of file list.
* @param options Options of the comparison. If orderCheck is true, it also
* compares the order of files. If ignoreLastModifiedTime is true, it
* compares the file without its last modified time.
* @return Promise to be fulfilled when the file list turns to the given
* contents.
waitForFiles(appId: string, expected: string[][], options?: {
orderCheck?: boolean,
ignoreFileSize?: boolean,
ignoreLastModifiedTime?: boolean,
}): Promise<void> {
options = options || {};
const caller = getCaller();
return repeatUntil(async () => {
const files =
await this.callRemoteTestUtil<string[][]>('getFileList', appId, []);
if (!options!.orderCheck) {
for (let i = 0; i < Math.min(files.length, expected.length); i++) {
// Change the value received from the UI to match when comparing.
if (options!.ignoreFileSize) {
files[i]![1] = expected[i]![1]!;
if (options!.ignoreLastModifiedTime) {
if (expected[i]!.length < 4) {
// Expected sometimes doesn't include the modified time at all, so
// just remove from the data from UI.
files[i]!.splice(3, 1);
} else {
files[i]![3]! = expected[i]![3]!;
if (!chrome.test.checkDeepEq(expected, files)) {
return pending(
caller, 'waitForFiles: expected: %j actual %j.', expected, files);
return undefined;
* Waits until the number of files in the file list is changed from the
* given number.
* @param appId App window Id.
* @param lengthBefore Number of items visible before.
* @return Promise to be fulfilled with the contents of files.
waitForFileListChange(appId: string, lengthBefore: number): Promise<void> {
const caller = getCaller();
return repeatUntil(async () => {
const files =
await this.callRemoteTestUtil<string[][]>('getFileList', appId, []);
const notReadyRows =
files.filter((row) => row.filter(cell => cell === '...').length);
if (notReadyRows.length === 0 && files.length !== lengthBefore &&
files.length !== 0) {
return files;
} else {
return pending(
caller, 'The number of file is %d. Not changed.', lengthBefore);
* Waits until the given taskId appears in the executed task list.
* @param appId App window Id.
* @param descriptor Task to watch.
* @param fileNames Name of files that should have been passed to the
* executeTasks().
* @param replyArgs arguments to reply to executed task.
* @return Promise to be fulfilled when the task appears in the executed task
* list.
appId: string, descriptor: chrome.fileManagerPrivate.FileTaskDescriptor,
fileNames: string[], replyArgs?: Object[]): Promise<void> {
const caller = getCaller();
return repeatUntil(async () => {
if (!await this.callRemoteTestUtil(
'taskWasExecuted', appId, [descriptor, fileNames])) {
const tasks = await this.callRemoteTestUtil<Array<{
descriptor: chrome.fileManagerPrivate.FileTaskDescriptor,
fileNames: string[],
}>>('getExecutedTasks', appId, []);
const executedTasks = => {
const {appId, taskType, actionId} = task.descriptor;
const executedFileNames = task.fileNames;
return `${appId}|${taskType}|${actionId} for ${
return pending(caller, 'Executed task is %j', executedTasks);
if (replyArgs) {
await this.callRemoteTestUtil(
'replyExecutedTask', appId, [descriptor, replyArgs]);
return undefined;
* Checks if the next tabforcus'd element has the given ID or not.
* @param appId App window Id.
* @param elementId String of `id` attribute which the next tabfocus'd element
* should have.
async checkNextTabFocus(appId: string, elementId: string): Promise<boolean> {
const result = await sendTestMessage({name: 'dispatchTabKey'});
result, 'tabKeyDispatched', 'Tab key dispatch failure');
const caller = getCaller();
return repeatUntil(async () => {
const element = await this.callRemoteTestUtil<ElementObject|null>(
'getActiveElement', appId, []);
// TODO(b/285977941): Remove this special handling.
// For new directory tree implementation, directory tree itself
// ("#directory-tree") is not focusable, the underlying tree item will be
// focused, for directory tree related focus check, the `elementId` format
// will be "directory-tree#<tree item label>", so we need to check the
// label here for the new tree.
if (elementId.startsWith('directory-tree#')) {
const treeItemLabel = elementId.split('#')[1];
// For new tree.
if (element && element.attributes['label'] === treeItemLabel) {
return true;
// For old tree.
if (element && element.attributes['id'] === 'directory-tree') {
return true;
if (element && element.attributes['id'] === elementId) {
return true;
// Try to check the shadow root.
const activeElements = await this.callRemoteTestUtil<ElementObject[]>(
'deepGetActivePath', appId, []);
const matches =
activeElements.filter(el => el.attributes['id'] === elementId);
if (matches.length === 1) {
return true;
if (matches.length > 1) {
console.error(`Found ${
matches.length} active elements with the same id: ${elementId}`);
return pending(
`Waiting for active element with id: "${
elementId}", but current is: "${element!.attributes['id']}"`);
* Returns a promise that repeatedly checks for a file with the given name to
* be selected in the app window with the given ID. Typical use
* await remoteCall.waitUntilSelected('file#0', 'hello.txt');
* ... // either the test timed out or hello.txt is currently selected.
* @param appId App window Id.
* @param fileName the name of the file to be selected.
* @return Promise that indicates if selection was successful.
async waitUntilSelected(appId: string, fileName: string): Promise<boolean> {
const caller = getCaller();
return repeatUntil(async () => {
const selected =
await this.callRemoteTestUtil('selectFile', appId, [fileName]);
if (!selected) {
return pending(caller, `File ${fileName} not yet selected`);
return undefined;
* Waits until the current directory is changed.
* @param appId App window Id.
* @param expectedPath Path to be changed to.
* @return Promise to be fulfilled when the current directory is changed to
* expectedPath.
async waitUntilCurrentDirectoryIsChanged(appId: string, expectedPath: string):
Promise<void> {
const caller = getCaller();
return repeatUntil(async () => {
const path =
await this.callRemoteTestUtil('getBreadcrumbPath', appId, []);
if (path !== expectedPath) {
return pending(
caller, 'Expected path is %s got %s', expectedPath, path);
return undefined;
* Waits until the expected number of volumes is mounted.
* @param expectedVolumesCount Expected number of mounted volumes.
* @return promise Promise to be fulfilled.
async waitForVolumesCount(expectedVolumesCount: number): Promise<unknown> {
const caller = getCaller();
return repeatUntil(async () => {
const volumesCount = await sendTestMessage({name: 'getVolumesCount'});
if (volumesCount === expectedVolumesCount.toString()) {
const msg =
'Expected number of mounted volumes: ' + expectedVolumesCount +
'. Actual: ' + volumesCount;
return pending(caller, msg);
* Isolates the specified banner to test. The banner is still checked against
* it's filters, but is now the top priority banner.
* @param appId App window Id
* @param bannerTagName Banner tag name in lowercase to isolate.
async isolateBannerForTesting(appId: string, bannerTagName: string) {
await this.waitFor('isFileManagerLoaded', appId, true);
chrome.test.assertTrue(await this.callRemoteTestUtil(
'isolateBannerForTesting', appId, [bannerTagName]));
* Disables banners from attaching to the DOM.
* @param appId App window Id
async disableBannersForTesting(appId: string) {
await this.waitFor('isFileManagerLoaded', appId, true);
await this.callRemoteTestUtil('disableBannersForTesting', appId, []));
* Sends text to the search box in the Files app.
* @param appId App window Id
* @param text The text to type in the search box.
async typeSearchText(appId: string, text: string) {
const searchBoxInput = ['#search-box cr-input'];
// Focus the search box.
await this.waitAndClickElement(appId, '#search-button');
// Wait for search to fully open.
await this.waitForElementLost(appId, '#search-wrapper[collapsed]');
// Input the text.
await this.inputText(appId, searchBoxInput, text);
// Notify the element of the input.
chrome.test.assertTrue(await this.callRemoteTestUtil(
'fakeEvent', appId, ['#search-box cr-input', 'input']));
* Waits for the search box auto complete list to appear.
* @return Array of the names in the auto complete list.
async waitForSearchAutoComplete(appId: string): Promise<string[]> {
// Wait for the list to appear.
await this.waitForElement(appId, '#autocomplete-list li');
// Return the result.
const elements = await this.queryElements(appId, ['#autocomplete-list li']);
return => element.text ?? '');
* Disables nudges from expiring for testing.
* @param appId App window Id
async disableNudgeExpiry(appId: string) {
await this.waitFor('isFileManagerLoaded', appId, true);
await this.callRemoteTestUtil('disableNudgeExpiry', appId, []));
* Selects the file and displays the context menu for the file.
* @return resolved when the context menu is visible.
async showContextMenuFor(appId: string, fileName: string): Promise<void> {
// Select the file.
await this.waitUntilSelected(appId, fileName);
// Right-click to display the context menu.
await this.waitAndRightClick(appId, '.table-row[selected]');
// Wait for the context menu to appear.
await this.waitForElement(appId, '#file-context-menu:not([hidden])');
// Wait for the tasks to be fully fetched.
await this.waitForElement(appId, '#tasks[get-tasks-completed]');
* @param appId App window Id.
async dismissMenu(appId: string): Promise<void> {
await this.fakeKeyDown(appId, 'body', 'Escape', false, false, false);
* Returns the menu as `ElementObject` and its menu-items (including
* separators) in the `items` property.
* @param appId App window Id.
* @param menu The name of the menu.
* @return Promise to be fulfilled with the menu.
async getMenu(appId: string, menu: string|string[]):
Promise<undefined|MenuObject> {
let menuId = '';
// TODO: Implement for other menus.
if (menu === 'context-menu') {
menuId = '#file-context-menu';
} else if (menu === 'tasks') {
menuId = '#tasks-menu';
if (!menuId) {
console.error(`Invalid menu '${menu}'`);
// Get the top level menu element.
const menuElement: MenuObject = await this.waitForElement(appId, menuId);
// Query all the menu items.
menuElement.items = await this.queryElements(appId, `${menuId} > *`);
return menuElement;
* Displays the "tasks" menu from the "OPEN" button dropdown.
* The caller code has to prepare the selection to have multiple tasks.
* @param appId App window Id.
async expandOpenDropdown(appId: string) {
// Wait the OPEN button to have multiple tasks.
await this.waitAndClickElement(appId, '#tasks[multiple]');
* Checks if an item is pinned on drive or not.
* @param appId app window ID.
* @param path Path from the drive mount point, e.g. /root/test.txt
* @param status Pinned status to expect drive item to be.
async expectDriveItemPinnedStatus(
appId: string, path: string, status: boolean) {
await this.waitFor('isFileManagerLoaded', appId, true);
await sendTestMessage({
name: 'isItemPinned',
* Sends a delete event via the `OnFilesChanged` drivefs delegate method.
* @param appId app window ID.
* @param path Path from the drive mount point, e.g. /root/test.txt
async sendDriveCloudDeleteEvent(appId: string, path: string) {
await this.waitFor('isFileManagerLoaded', appId, true);
await sendTestMessage({
name: 'sendDriveCloudDeleteEvent',
* Whether the Jellybean UI is enabled.
* @param appId app window ID
async isCrosComponents(appId: string): Promise<boolean> {
return await sendTestMessage({
name: 'isCrosComponents',
}) === 'true';
* Waits for the nudge with the given text to be visible.
* @param appId app window ID.
* @param expectedText Text that should be displayed in the Nudge.
async waitNudge(appId: string, expectedText: string): Promise<boolean> {
const caller = getCaller();
return repeatUntil(async () => {
const nudgeDot = await this.waitForElementStyles(
appId, ['xf-nudge', '#dot'], ['left']);
if ((nudgeDot.renderedLeft ?? 0) < 0) {
return pending(caller, 'Wait nudge to appear');
const actualText =
await this.waitForElement(appId, ['xf-nudge', '#text']);
chrome.test.assertEq(actualText.text, expectedText);
return true;
* Waits for the <xf-cloud-panel> element to be visible on the DOM.
* @param appId app window ID
async waitForCloudPanelVisible(appId: string) {
const caller = getCaller();
return repeatUntil(async () => {
const styles = await this.waitForElementStyles(
appId, ['xf-cloud-panel', 'cr-action-menu', 'dialog'], ['left']);
if ((styles.renderedHeight ?? 0) > 0 && (styles.renderedWidth ?? 0) > 0 &&
(styles.renderedTop ?? 0) > 0 && (styles.renderedLeft ?? 0) > 0) {
return true;
return pending(caller, `Waiting for xf-cloud-panel to appear.`);
* Waits for the underlying bulk pinning manager to enter the specified stage.
* @param want The stage the bulk pinning is expected to be in. This is a
* string relating to the stage defined in the `PinningManager`.
async waitForBulkPinningStage(want: string) {
const caller = getCaller();
return repeatUntil(async () => {
const currentStage = await sendTestMessage({name: 'getBulkPinningStage'});
if (currentStage === want) {
return true;
return pending(caller, `Still waiting for syncing stage: ${want}`);
* Waits until the pin manager has the expected required space.
async waitForBulkPinningRequiredSpace(want: number) {
const caller = getCaller();
return repeatUntil(async () => {
const actualRequiredSpace =
await sendTestMessage({name: 'getBulkPinningRequiredSpace'});
const parsedSpace = parseInt(actualRequiredSpace, 10);
if (parsedSpace === want) {
return true;
return pending(caller, `Still waiting for required space to be ${want}`);
* Waits until the cloud panel has the specified item and percentage
* attributes defined, if the `timeoutSeconds` is supplied it will only wait
* for the specified time before timing out.
* @param appId app window ID
* @param items The items expected on the cloud panel.
* @param percentage The percentage integer expected on the cloud panel.
* @param timeoutSeconds Whether to timeout when verifying the panel
* attributes.
async waitForCloudPanelState(
appId: string, items: number, percentage: number,
timeoutSeconds: number = 10) {
const futureDate = new Date();
futureDate.setSeconds(futureDate.getSeconds() + timeoutSeconds);
const caller = getCaller();
return repeatUntil(async () => {
new Date() < futureDate,
`Timed out waiting for items=${items} and percentage=${
percentage} to appear on xf-cloud-panel`);
const cloudPanel = await this.queryElements(
if (cloudPanel && cloudPanel.length === 1) {
return true;
return pending(
`Still waiting for xf-cloud-panel to have items=${
items} and percentage=${percentage}`);
* Waits for the feedback panel to show an item with the provided messages.
* @param appId app window ID
* @param expectedPrimaryMessageRegex The expected primary-text of the item.
* @param expectedSecondaryMessageRegex The expected secondary-text of the
* item.
async waitForFeedbackPanelItem(
appId: string, expectedPrimaryMessageRegex: RegExp,
expectedSecondaryMessageRegex: RegExp) {
const caller = getCaller();
return repeatUntil(async () => {
const element = await this.waitForElement(
appId, ['#progress-panel', 'xf-panel-item']);
const actualPrimaryText = element.attributes['primary-text'] ?? '';
const actualSecondaryText = element.attributes['secondary-text'] ?? '';
if (expectedPrimaryMessageRegex.test(actualPrimaryText) &&
expectedSecondaryMessageRegex.test(actualSecondaryText)) {
return pending(
`Expected feedback panel item with primary-text regex:"${
expectedPrimaryMessageRegex}" and secondary-text regex:"${
expectedSecondaryMessageRegex}", got item with primary-text "${
actualPrimaryText}" and secondary-text "${actualSecondaryText}"`);
* Clicks the enabled and visible move to trash button and ensures the delete
* button is hidden.
async clickTrashButton(appId: string) {
await this.waitForElement(appId, '#delete-button[hidden]');
await this.waitAndClickElement(
appId, '#move-to-trash-button:not([hidden]):not([disabled])');
/** Fakes the response from spaced when it retrieves the free space. */
async setSpacedFreeSpace(freeSpace: bigint) {
await sendTestMessage(
{name: 'setSpacedFreeSpace', freeSpace: String(freeSpace)});
* Waits for the specified element appearing in the DOM. `query_jelly` or
* `query_old` are used depending on the state of the migration to
* cros_components.
* @param appId App window Id.
* @param queryJelly Used when cros_components are used. See `waitForElement`
* for details.
* @param queryOld Used when cros_components are not used. See
* `waitForElement` for details.
async waitForElementJelly(
appId: string, queryJelly: string|string[],
queryOld: string|string[]): Promise<ElementObject> {
const isJellybean = await this.isCrosComponents(appId);
return this.waitForElement(appId, isJellybean ? queryJelly : queryOld);
* Shorthand for clicking the appropriate element, depending the state of
* the Jellybean experiment.
* @param appId App window Id.
* @param queryJelly The query when using cros_components. See
* `waitAndClickElement` for details.
* @param queryOld The query when not using cros_components. See
* `waitAndClickElement` for details.
async waitAndClickElementJelly(
appId: string, queryJelly: string|string[], queryOld: string|string[],
keyModifiers?: KeyModifiers): Promise<ElementObject> {
const isJellybean = await this.isCrosComponents(appId);
return await this.waitAndClickElement(
appId, isJellybean ? queryJelly : queryOld, keyModifiers);
/** Sets the pooled storage quota on Drive volume. */
async setPooledStorageQuotaUsage(
usedUserBytes: number, totalUserBytes: number,
organizationLimitExceeded: boolean) {
return sendTestMessage({
name: 'setPooledStorageQuotaUsage',
* Opens a Files app's main window.
* @param initialRoot Root path to be used as a default current directory
* during initialization. Can be null, for no default path.
* @param appState App state to be passed with on opening the Files app.
* @return Promise to be fulfilled after window creating.
async openNewWindow(initialRoot: null|string, appState?: null|FilesAppState):
Promise<string> {
appState = appState ?? {};
if (initialRoot) {
const tail = `external${initialRoot}`;
appState.currentDirectoryURL = `filesystem:${this.origin_}/${tail}`;
const launchDir = appState ? appState.currentDirectoryURL : undefined;
const type = appState ? appState.type : undefined;
const volumeFilter = appState ? appState.volumeFilter : undefined;
const searchQuery = appState ? appState.searchQuery : undefined;
const appId = await sendTestMessage({
name: 'launchFileManager',
return appId;
* Opens a file dialog and waits for closing it.
* @param dialogParams Dialog parameters to be passed to
* openEntryChoosingWindow() function.
* @param volumeType Volume icon type passed to the directory page object's
* selectItemByType function.
* @param expectedSet Expected set of the entries.
* @param closeDialog Function to close the dialog.
* @param useBrowserOpen Whether to launch the select file dialog via a
* browser OpenFile() call.
* @param debug Whether to debug the waitForWindow().
* @return Promise to be fulfilled with the result entry of the dialog.
async openAndWaitForClosingDialog(
dialogParams: chrome.fileSystem.ChooseEntryOptions, volumeType: string,
expectedSet: TestEntryInfo[], closeDialog: (a: string) => Promise<void>,
useBrowserOpen: boolean = false,
debug: boolean = false): Promise<unknown> {
const caller = getCaller();
let resultPromise;
if (useBrowserOpen) {
await sendTestMessage({name: 'runSelectFileDialog'});
resultPromise = async () => {
return await sendTestMessage(
{name: 'waitForSelectFileDialogNavigation'});
} else {
await openEntryChoosingWindow(dialogParams);
resultPromise = () => {
return pollForChosenEntry(caller);
const appId = await this.waitForWindow(debug);
await this.waitForElement(appId, '#file-list');
await this.waitFor('isFileManagerLoaded', appId, true);
const directoryTree = await DirectoryTreePageObject.create(appId);
await directoryTree.selectItemByType(volumeType);
await this.waitForFiles(appId, TestEntryInfo.getExpectedRows(expectedSet));
await closeDialog(appId);
await repeatUntil(async () => {
const windows = await this.getWindows();
if (windows[appId] !== appId) {
return pending(caller, 'Waiting for Window %s to hide.', appId);
return await resultPromise();
* Opens a Files app's main window and waits until it is initialized. Fills
* the window with initial files. Should be called for the first window only.
* @param initialRoot Root path to be used as a default current directory
* during initialization. Can be null, for no default path.
* @param initialLocalEntries List of initial entries to load in Downloads
* (defaults to a basic entry set).
* @param initialDriveEntries List of initial entries to load in Google Drive
* (defaults to a basic entry set).
* @param appState App state to be passed with on opening the Files app.
* @return Promise to be fulfilled with the window ID.
async setupAndWaitUntilReady(
initialRoot: null|string,
initialLocalEntries: TestEntryInfo[] = BASIC_LOCAL_ENTRY_SET,
initialDriveEntries: TestEntryInfo[] = BASIC_DRIVE_ENTRY_SET,
appState?: FilesAppState): Promise<string> {
const localEntriesPromise = addEntries(['local'], initialLocalEntries);
const driveEntriesPromise = addEntries(['drive'], initialDriveEntries);
const appId = await this.openNewWindow(initialRoot, appState);
await this.waitForElement(appId, '#detail-table');
// Wait until the elements are loaded in the table.
await Promise.all([
this.waitForFileListChange(appId, 0),
await this.waitFor('isFileManagerLoaded', appId, true);
return appId;
* Creates a folder shortcut to |directoryName| using the context menu. Note
* the current directory must be a parent of the given |directoryName|.
* @param appId Files app windowId.
* @param directoryName Directory of shortcut to be created.
* @return Promise fulfilled on success.
async createShortcut(appId: string, directoryName: string): Promise<void> {
await this.waitUntilSelected(appId, directoryName);
await this.waitForElement(appId, ['.table-row[selected]']);
chrome.test.assertTrue(await this.callRemoteTestUtil(
'fakeMouseRightClick', appId, ['.table-row[selected]']));
await this.waitForElement(appId, '#file-context-menu:not([hidden])');
await this.waitForElement(
appId, '[command="#pin-folder"]:not([hidden]):not([disabled])');
chrome.test.assertTrue(await this.callRemoteTestUtil(
'fakeMouseClick', appId,
const directoryTree = await DirectoryTreePageObject.create(appId);
await directoryTree.waitForShortcutItemByLabel(directoryName);
* Mounts crostini volume by clicking on the fake crostini root.
* @param appId Files app windowId.
* @param initialEntries List of initial entries to load in Crostini (defaults
* to a basic entry set).
async mountCrostini(
appId: string,
initialEntries: TestEntryInfo[] = BASIC_CROSTINI_ENTRY_SET) {
const directoryTree = await DirectoryTreePageObject.create(appId);
// Add entries to crostini volume, but do not mount.
await addEntries(['crostini'], initialEntries);
// Linux files fake root is shown.
await directoryTree.waitForPlaceholderItemByType('crostini');
// Mount crostini, and ensure real root and files are shown.
await directoryTree.selectPlaceholderItemByType('crostini');
await directoryTree.waitForItemByType('crostini');
const files = TestEntryInfo.getExpectedRows(initialEntries);
await this.waitForFiles(appId, files);
* Registers a GuestOS, mounts the volume, and populates it with tbe specified
* entries.
* @param appId Files app windowId.
* @param initialEntries List of initial entries to load in the volume.
async mountGuestOs(appId: string, initialEntries: TestEntryInfo[]) {
await sendTestMessage({
name: 'registerMountableGuest',
displayName: 'Bluejohn',
canMount: true,
vmType: 'bruschetta',
const directoryTree = await DirectoryTreePageObject.create(appId);
// Wait for the GuestOS fake root then click it.
await directoryTree.selectPlaceholderItemByType('bruschetta');
// Wait for the volume to get mounted.
await directoryTree.waitForItemByType('bruschetta');
// Add entries to GuestOS volume
await addEntries(['guest_os_0'], initialEntries);
// Ensure real root and files are shown.
const files = TestEntryInfo.getExpectedRows(initialEntries);
await this.waitForFiles(appId, files);
* Returns true if the SinglePartitionFormat flag is on.
* @param appId Files app windowId.
async isSinglePartitionFormat(appId: string) {
const dialog =
await this.waitForElement(appId, ['files-format-dialog', 'cr-dialog']);
const flag = dialog.attributes['single-partition-format'] || '';
return !!flag;
* Shows hidden files to facilitate tests again the .Trash directory.
async showHiddenFiles(appId: string, check: boolean = true) {
// Open the gear menu by clicking the gear button.
chrome.test.assertTrue(await this.callRemoteTestUtil(
'fakeMouseClick', appId, ['#gear-button']));
// Wait for menu to not be hidden.
await this.waitForElement(appId, '#gear-menu:not([hidden])');
// Wait for menu item to appear.
await this.waitForElement(
check ? ':not([checked])' : '[checked]'}`);
// Click the menu item.
await this.callRemoteTestUtil(
'fakeMouseClick', appId, ['#gear-menu-toggle-hidden-files']);