blob: c9d69065ecb1e5f5a69ea0e122b80971bae11557 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "ui/base/ime/linux/text_edit_command_auralinux.h"
#include "ui/events/platform_event.h"
#include "ui/gtk/gtk_compat.h"
namespace ui {
class Event;
namespace gtk {
// This class is a convenience class for handling editor key bindings defined
// in gtk keyboard theme.
// In gtk, only GtkEntry and GtkTextView support customizing editor key bindings
// through keyboard theme. And in gtk keyboard theme definition file, each key
// binding must be bound to a specific class or object. So existing keyboard
// themes only define editor key bindings exactly for GtkEntry and GtkTextView.
// Then, the only way for us to intercept editor key bindings defined in
// keyboard theme, is to create a GtkEntry or GtkTextView object and call
// gtk_bindings_activate_event() against it for the key events. If a key event
// matches a predefined key binding, corresponding signal will be emitted.
// GtkTextView is used here because it supports more key bindings than GtkEntry,
// but in order to minimize the side effect of using a GtkTextView object, a new
// class derived from GtkTextView is used, which overrides all signals related
// to key bindings, to make sure GtkTextView won't receive them.
// See third_party/blink/renderer/core/editing/commands/ for
// detailed definition of Blink edit commands.
class GtkKeyBindingsHandler {
virtual ~GtkKeyBindingsHandler();
// Matches a key event against predefined gtk key bindings, false will be
// returned if the key event doesn't correspond to a predefined key binding.
// Edit commands matched with |event| will be stored in |edit_commands|, if
// non-nullptr.
bool MatchEvent(const ui::Event& event,
std::vector<ui::TextEditCommandAuraLinux>* commands);
// Object structure of Handler class, which is derived from GtkTextView.
struct Handler {
// Starting in Gtk4, GtkTextView subclasses from GtkWidget instead of
// GtkContainer. This class is only used on Gtk3, so to ensure ABI
// compatibility, we always want the Gtk3 struct layout even when building
// with Gtk4 headers. To facilitate this, we manually copy the class
// hierarchy up to GtkWidget.
GtkWidget widget;
raw_ptr<void> container_private;
raw_ptr<void> text_view_private;
raw_ptr<GtkKeyBindingsHandler> owner;
// Class structure of Handler class.
struct HandlerClass {
// Class layout for types changes between GTK versions, but is stable within
// the same major version. This class is only used on Gtk3, so manually
// expand the class layout as it appears in Gtk3.
GInitiallyUnownedClass parent_class;
// GtkWidgetClass and GtkContainerClass
guint pad0;
void* pad1[95];
unsigned int pad2 : 1;
void* pad3[8];
// GtkTextViewClass
void (*populate_popup)(GtkTextView* text_view, GtkWidget* popup);
void (*move_cursor)(GtkTextView* text_view,
GtkMovementStep step,
gint count,
gboolean extend_selection);
void (*set_anchor)(GtkTextView* text_view);
void (*insert_at_cursor)(GtkTextView* text_view, const gchar* str);
void (*delete_from_cursor)(GtkTextView* text_view,
GtkDeleteType type,
gint count);
void (*backspace)(GtkTextView* text_view);
void (*cut_clipboard)(GtkTextView* text_view);
void (*copy_clipboard)(GtkTextView* text_view);
void (*paste_clipboard)(GtkTextView* text_view);
void (*toggle_overwrite)(GtkTextView* text_view);
GtkTextBuffer* (*create_buffer)(GtkTextView* text_view);
void (*draw_layer)(GtkTextView* text_view,
GtkTextViewLayer layer,
cairo_t* cr);
gboolean (*extend_selection)(GtkTextView* text_view,
GtkTextExtendSelection granularity,
const GtkTextIter* location,
GtkTextIter* start,
GtkTextIter* end);
void (*insert_emoji)(GtkTextView* text_view);
void* pad4[4];
// Creates a new instance of Handler class.
GtkWidget* CreateNewHandler();
// Adds an edit command to the key event.
void EditCommandMatched(ui::TextEditCommand command,
const std::string& value);
// Initializes Handler structure.
static void HandlerInit(Handler* self);
// Initializes HandlerClass structure.
static void HandlerClassInit(HandlerClass* klass);
// Registeres Handler class to GObject type system and return its type id.
static GType HandlerGetType();
// Gets the GtkKeyBindingsHandler object which owns the Handler object.
static GtkKeyBindingsHandler* GetHandlerOwner(GtkTextView* text_view);
// Handler of "backspace" signal.
static void BackSpace(GtkTextView* text_view);
// Handler of "copy-clipboard" signal.
static void CopyClipboard(GtkTextView* text_view);
// Handler of "cut-clipboard" signal.
static void CutClipboard(GtkTextView* text_view);
// Handler of "delete-from-cursor" signal.
static void DeleteFromCursor(GtkTextView* text_view,
GtkDeleteType type,
gint count);
// Handler of "insert-at-cursor" signal.
static void InsertAtCursor(GtkTextView* text_view, const gchar* str);
// Handler of "move-cursor" signal.
static void MoveCursor(GtkTextView* text_view,
GtkMovementStep step,
gint count,
gboolean extend_selection);
// Handler of "move-viewport" signal.
static void MoveViewport(GtkTextView* text_view,
GtkScrollStep step,
gint count);
// Handler of "paste-clipboard" signal.
static void PasteClipboard(GtkTextView* text_view);
// Handler of "select-all" signal.
static void SelectAll(GtkTextView* text_view, gboolean select);
// Handler of "set-anchor" signal.
static void SetAnchor(GtkTextView* text_view);
// Handler of "toggle-cursor-visible" signal.
static void ToggleCursorVisible(GtkTextView* text_view);
// Handler of "toggle-overwrite" signal.
static void ToggleOverwrite(GtkTextView* text_view);
// Handler of "show-help" signal.
static gboolean ShowHelp(GtkWidget* widget, GtkWidgetHelpType arg1);
// Handler of "move-focus" signal.
static void MoveFocus(GtkWidget* widget, GtkDirectionType arg1);
// These fields are not a raw_ptr<> because of a static_cast not related by
// inheritance.
RAW_PTR_EXCLUSION GtkWidget* fake_window_;
RAW_PTR_EXCLUSION GtkWidget* handler_;
// Buffer to store the match results.
std::vector<ui::TextEditCommandAuraLinux> edit_commands_;
} // namespace gtk