blob: 0432ea4f5906502a4f6def46ab064292a6628218 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef UI_GTK_GTK_UI_H_
#define UI_GTK_GTK_UI_H_
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/fixed_flat_map.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "printing/buildflags/buildflags.h"
#include "ui/base/glib/scoped_gsignal.h"
#include "ui/gfx/color_utils.h"
#include "ui/gfx/font_render_params.h"
#include "ui/gtk/gtk_ui_platform.h"
#include "ui/linux/linux_ui.h"
#include "ui/linux/window_frame_provider.h"
#include "ui/views/window/frame_buttons.h"
#include "printing/printing_context_linux.h" // nogncheck
typedef struct _GParamSpec GParamSpec;
typedef struct _GdkDisplay GdkDisplay;
typedef struct _GdkMonitor GdkMonitor;
typedef struct _GtkParamSpec GtkParamSpec;
typedef struct _GtkSettings GtkSettings;
typedef struct _GtkStyle GtkStyle;
namespace gtk {
using ColorMap = std::map<int, SkColor>;
class GtkKeyBindingsHandler;
class NativeThemeGtk;
class SettingsProvider;
// Interface to GTK desktop features.
class GtkUi : public ui::LinuxUiAndTheme {
GtkUi(const GtkUi&) = delete;
GtkUi& operator=(const GtkUi&) = delete;
~GtkUi() override;
// Static delegate getter, used by different objects (created by GtkUi), e.g:
// Dialogs, IME Context, when platform-specific functionality is required.
static GtkUiPlatform* GetPlatform();
// Setters used by SettingsProvider:
void SetWindowButtonOrdering(
const std::vector<views::FrameButton>& leading_buttons,
const std::vector<views::FrameButton>& trailing_buttons);
void SetWindowFrameAction(WindowFrameActionSource source,
WindowFrameAction action);
// ui::LinuxUi:
bool Initialize() override;
void InitializeFontSettings() override;
base::TimeDelta GetCursorBlinkInterval() const override;
gfx::Image GetIconForContentType(const std::string& content_type,
int size,
float scale) const override;
base::flat_map<std::string, std::string> GetKeyboardLayoutMap() override;
printing::PrintDialogLinuxInterface* CreatePrintDialog(
printing::PrintingContextLinux* context) override;
gfx::Size GetPdfPaperSize(printing::PrintingContextLinux* context) override;
ui::SelectFileDialog* CreateSelectFileDialog(
void* listener,
std::unique_ptr<ui::SelectFilePolicy> policy) const override;
std::string GetCursorThemeName() override;
int GetCursorThemeSize() override;
std::unique_ptr<ui::LinuxInputMethodContext> CreateInputMethodContext(
ui::LinuxInputMethodContextDelegate* delegate) const override;
bool GetTextEditCommandsForEvent(
const ui::Event& event,
int text_flags,
std::vector<ui::TextEditCommandAuraLinux>* commands) override;
gfx::FontRenderParams GetDefaultFontRenderParams() override;
bool AnimationsEnabled() const override;
void AddWindowButtonOrderObserver(
ui::WindowButtonOrderObserver* observer) override;
void RemoveWindowButtonOrderObserver(
ui::WindowButtonOrderObserver* observer) override;
WindowFrameAction GetWindowFrameAction(
WindowFrameActionSource source) override;
// ui::LinuxUiTheme:
ui::NativeTheme* GetNativeTheme() const override;
bool GetColor(int id, SkColor* color, bool use_custom_frame) const override;
bool GetDisplayProperty(int id, int* result) const override;
void GetFocusRingColor(SkColor* color) const override;
void GetActiveSelectionBgColor(SkColor* color) const override;
void GetActiveSelectionFgColor(SkColor* color) const override;
void GetInactiveSelectionBgColor(SkColor* color) const override;
void GetInactiveSelectionFgColor(SkColor* color) const override;
bool PreferDarkTheme() const override;
void SetDarkTheme(bool dark) override;
std::unique_ptr<ui::NavButtonProvider> CreateNavButtonProvider() override;
ui::WindowFrameProvider* GetWindowFrameProvider(bool solid_frame,
bool tiled) override;
using TintMap = std::map<int, color_utils::HSL>;
void OnThemeChanged(GtkSettings* settings, GtkParamSpec* param);
void OnCursorThemeNameChanged(GtkSettings* settings, GtkParamSpec* param);
void OnCursorThemeSizeChanged(GtkSettings* settings, GtkParamSpec* param);
void OnEnableAnimationsChanged(GtkSettings* settings, GtkParamSpec* param);
void OnGtkXftDpiChanged(GtkSettings* settings, GParamSpec* param);
void OnScreenResolutionChanged(GdkScreen* screen, GParamSpec* param);
void OnMonitorChanged(GdkMonitor* monitor, GParamSpec* param);
void OnMonitorAdded(GdkDisplay* display, GdkMonitor* monitor);
void OnMonitorRemoved(GdkDisplay* display, GdkMonitor* monitor);
void OnMonitorsChanged(GListModel* list,
guint position,
guint removed,
guint added);
// Loads all GTK-provided settings.
void LoadGtkValues();
// Extracts colors and tints from the GTK theme, both for the
// ThemeService interface and the colors we send to Blink.
void UpdateColors();
// Listen for scale factor changes on `monitor`.
void TrackMonitor(GdkMonitor* monitor);
// Updates the device scale factor so that the default font size can be
// recalculated.
void UpdateDeviceScaleFactor();
display::DisplayConfig GetDisplayConfig() const;
std::unique_ptr<GtkUiPlatform> platform_;
raw_ptr<NativeThemeGtk> native_theme_;
// Colors calculated by LoadGtkValues() that are given to the
// caller while |use_gtk_| is true.
ColorMap colors_;
// Frame colors (and colors that depend on frame colors) when using
// Chrome-rendered borders and titlebar.
ColorMap custom_frame_colors_;
// Frame colors (and colors that depend on frame colors) when using
// system-rendered borders and titlebar.
ColorMap native_frame_colors_;
// Colors that we pass to Blink. These are generated each time the theme
// changes.
SkColor focus_ring_color_;
SkColor active_selection_bg_color_;
SkColor active_selection_fg_color_;
SkColor inactive_selection_bg_color_;
SkColor inactive_selection_fg_color_;
std::optional<gfx::FontRenderParams> default_font_render_params_;
std::unique_ptr<SettingsProvider> settings_provider_;
// This is only used on GTK3.
std::unique_ptr<GtkKeyBindingsHandler> key_bindings_handler_;
// The action to take when middle, double, or right clicking the titlebar.
base::flat_map<WindowFrameActionSource, WindowFrameAction>
// Paints a native window frame. Typically only one of these will be
// non-null. The exception is when the user starts or stops their compositor
// while Chrome is running. This 2D array is indexed first by whether the
// frame is translucent (0) or solid(1), then by whether the frame is normal
// (0) or tiled (1).
std::unique_ptr<ui::WindowFrameProvider> frame_providers_[2][2];
// Objects to notify when the window frame button order changes.
std::vector<ScopedGSignal> signals_;
// Two signals are registered for each monitor, so keep them in a pair.
std::unordered_map<GdkMonitor*, std::pair<ScopedGSignal, ScopedGSignal>>
} // namespace gtk
#endif // UI_GTK_GTK_UI_H_