blob: 8e27bf30079be9fe5f17be183d151edc48db1051 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <vector>
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted_memory.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "cc/paint/skottie_color_map.h"
#include "cc/paint/skottie_frame_data.h"
#include "cc/paint/skottie_frame_data_provider.h"
#include "cc/paint/skottie_resource_metadata.h"
#include "cc/paint/skottie_text_property_value.h"
#include "cc/paint/skottie_wrapper.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkRefCnt.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkStream.h"
#include "third_party/skia/modules/skottie/include/Skottie.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h"
class SkImage;
struct SkSamplingOptions;
namespace gfx {
class Canvas;
} // namespace gfx
namespace lottie {
class AnimationTest;
class AnimationObserver;
// This class is a wrapper over the Skia object for lottie vector graphic
// animations. It has its own timeline manager for the animation controls. The
// framerate of the animation and the animation ticks are controlled externally
// and hence the consumer must manage the timer and call paint at the desired
// frame per second.
// This helps keep multiple animations be synchronized by having a common
// external tick clock.
// Usage example:
// 1. Rendering a single frame on the canvas:
// Animation animation_ = Animation(data);
// animation_.Paint(canvas, t);
// 2. Playing the animation and rendering each frame:
// void SampleClient::Init() {
// Animation animation_ = Animation(data);
// animation_.Start(Animation::PlaybackConfig::CreateWithStyle(
// Animation::Style::kLinear, *animation_));
// }
// // overrides cc::CompositorAnimationObserver
// void SampleClient::OnAnimationStep(TimeTicks* timestamp) {
// timestamp_ = timestamp;
// SchedulePaint();
// }
// void SampleClient::OnPaint(Canvas* canvas) {
// animation_.Paint(canvas, timestamp_);
// }
// 2. If you only want to play a subsection of the animation:
// void SampleClient::Init() {
// // This will seek to the 1st second of the animation and from there
// // play it for 5 seconds.
// Animation animation_ = Animation(data);
// animation_.Start(Animation::PlaybackConfig({
// Seconds(1), Seconds(5), Animation::Style::kLinear}));
// }
// // overrides cc::CompositorAnimationObserver
// void SampleClient::OnAnimationStep(TimeTicks*) {
// timestamp_ = timestamp;
// SchedulePaint();
// }
// void SampleClient::OnPaint(Canvas* canvas) {
// animation_.Paint(canvas, timestamp_, gfx::Size(10, 10));
// }
class COMPONENT_EXPORT(UI_LOTTIE) Animation final {
enum class Style {
kLinear = 0, // The animation plays from one time instant to another.
kThrobbing, // The animation plays from one time instant to another and
// then back. The animation plays in loop until stopped.
kLoop // Same as LINEAR, except the animation repeats after it ends.
// An animation goes through a single "cycle" when it's played from one
// timestamp to another. After reaching the final timestamp, it may either
// loop back to the initial timestamp again, or even play in reverse depending
// on the style described above.
struct COMPONENT_EXPORT(UI_LOTTIE) CycleBoundaries {
// Returns the range [0, animation.GetAnimationDuration()).
static CycleBoundaries FullCycle(const Animation& animation);
// The cycle's range is [start_offset, end_offset). |start_offset| must be
// < |end_offset|, and both must be in the range
// [0, GetAnimationDuration()]. They represent non-normalized timestamps in
// the animation.
base::TimeDelta start_offset;
base::TimeDelta end_offset;
struct COMPONENT_EXPORT(UI_LOTTIE) PlaybackConfig {
// By default, loop from the beginning of the animation to the end.
static PlaybackConfig CreateDefault(const Animation& animation);
// Play from the beginning of the animation to the end with the provided
// |style|.
static PlaybackConfig CreateWithStyle(Style style,
const Animation& animation);
PlaybackConfig(std::vector<CycleBoundaries> scheduled_cycles,
base::TimeDelta initial_offset,
int initial_completed_cycles,
Style style);
PlaybackConfig(const PlaybackConfig& other);
PlaybackConfig& operator=(const PlaybackConfig& other);
// Set of cycles that the animation will iterate through in the order they
// appear. Must not be empty. After reaching the last entry in
// |scheduled_cycles|, the animation will continue re-using the last entry's
// boundaries in all future cycles.
// Example: {[0, T), [T/2, 3T/4)}. In the first cycle, the animation will
// play starting at time 0 until it reaches timestamp T. After that, it will
// loop back to timestamp T/2 and play until 3T/4. The [T/2, 3T/4) cycle
// repeats indefinitely until the animation is stopped.
// If |style| is kLinear, |scheduled_cycles| must have exactly one entry.
std::vector<CycleBoundaries> scheduled_cycles;
// |initial_offset| and |initial_completed_cycles| combined dictate
// where to start playing the animation from within the |scheduled_cycles|
// above. The most common thing is to start playing from the very beginning
// (|initial_offset| is the |start_offset| of the first scheduled cycle
// and |initial_completed_cycles| is 0). But this allows the caller to
// specify an arbitrary starting point.
base::TimeDelta initial_offset;
// The animation will start playing as if it has already completed the
// number of cycles specified below. Note this not only dictates which
// scheduled cycle the animation starts within, but also the initial
// direction of the animation for throbbing animations.
int initial_completed_cycles = 0;
Style style = Style::kLoop;
// |frame_data_provider| may be null if it's known that the incoming skottie
// animation does not contain any image assets.
explicit Animation(
scoped_refptr<cc::SkottieWrapper> skottie,
cc::SkottieColorMap color_map = cc::SkottieColorMap(),
cc::SkottieFrameDataProvider* frame_data_provider = nullptr);
Animation(const Animation&) = delete;
Animation& operator=(const Animation&) = delete;
void AddObserver(AnimationObserver* observer);
void RemoveObserver(AnimationObserver* observer);
// Animation properties ------------------------------------------------------
// Returns the total duration of the animation as reported by |animation_|.
base::TimeDelta GetAnimationDuration() const;
// Returns the size of the vector graphic as reported by |animation_|. This is
// constant for a given |animation_|.
gfx::Size GetOriginalSize() const;
// Animation controls --------------------------------------------------------
// This is an asynchronous call that would start playing the animation on the
// next animation step. On a successful start the |observer_| would be
// notified.
// If a null |playback_config| is provided, the default one is used.
void Start(std::optional<PlaybackConfig> playback_config = std::nullopt);
// Pauses the animation.
void Pause();
// This is an asynchronous call that would resume playing a paused animation
// on the next animation step.
void ResumePlaying();
// Resets the animation to the first frame and stops.
void Stop();
// Returns the current normalized [0..1] value at which the animation frame
// is.
// 0 -> first frame and 1 -> last frame.
// Returns nullopt if a timestamp is currently is unavailable. This is the
// case if:
// * The animation is currently Stop()ed.
// * The animation has been Start()ed but a single frame has not been painted
// yet.
std::optional<float> GetCurrentProgress() const;
// Returns the currently playing cycle within the PlaybackConfig's
// |scheduled_cycles|. Returns nullopt under the same circumstances as
// GetCurrentProgress().
std::optional<CycleBoundaries> GetCurrentCycleBoundaries() const;
// Returns the number of animation cycles that have been completed since
// Play() was called, or nullopt if the animation is currently Stop()ed.
std::optional<int> GetNumCompletedCycles() const;
// Returns the currently active PlaybackConfig, or nullopt if the animation
// is currently Stop()ed.
std::optional<PlaybackConfig> GetPlaybackConfig() const;
// Paint operations ----------------------------------------------------------
// Paints the frame of the animation for the given |timestamp| at the given
// |size|.
void Paint(gfx::Canvas* canvas,
const base::TimeTicks& timestamp,
const gfx::Size& size);
// Paints the frame of the animation for the normalized time instance |t|. Use
// this for special cases when you want to manually manage which frame to
// paint.
void PaintFrame(gfx::Canvas* canvas, float t, const gfx::Size& size);
// Returns the skottie object that contins the animation data.
scoped_refptr<cc::SkottieWrapper> skottie() const { return skottie_; }
// Returns the text nodes in the animation and their corresponding current
// property values. The text nodes' initial property values reflect those
// embedded in the Lottie animation file. A mutable reference is returned
// so that the caller may modify the text map with its own custom values
// before calling Paint(). The caller may do so as many times as desired.
cc::SkottieTextPropertyValueMap& text_map() { return text_map_; }
// Sets the rate at which the animation will be played. A |playback_speed| of
// 1 renders exactly in real time, 0.5 is half as fast, 2 is twice as fast,
// etc. This may be called at any time, and the |timestamp| passed to Paint()
// is automatically adjusted internally to account for the playback speed.
// Defaults to 1 if not called.
void SetPlaybackSpeed(float playback_speed);
friend class AnimationTest;
enum class PlayState {
kStopped = 0, // Animation is stopped.
kSchedulePlay, // Animation will start playing on the next animatin step.
kPlaying, // Animation is playing.
kPaused, // Animation is paused.
kScheduleResume, // Animation will resume playing on the next animation
// step
kEnded // Animation has ended.
// Class to manage the timeline when playing the animation. Manages the
// normalized progress [0..1] between the given start and end offset. If the
// reverse flag is set, the progress runs in reverse.
class COMPONENT_EXPORT(UI_LOTTIE) TimerControl final {
TimerControl(std::vector<CycleBoundaries> scheduled_cycles,
base::TimeDelta initial_offset,
int initial_completed_cycles,
const base::TimeDelta& total_duration,
const base::TimeTicks& start_timestamp,
bool should_reverse,
float playback_speed);
TimerControl(const TimerControl&) = delete;
TimerControl& operator=(const TimerControl&) = delete;
// Update timeline progress based on the new timetick |timestamp|.
void Step(const base::TimeTicks& timestamp);
// Resumes the timer.
void Resume(const base::TimeTicks& timestamp);
void SetPlaybackSpeed(float playback_speed);
double GetNormalizedCurrentCycleProgress() const;
double GetNormalizedStartOffset() const;
double GetNormalizedEndOffset() const;
int completed_cycles() const { return completed_cycles_; }
CycleBoundaries current_cycle() const { return current_cycle_; }
friend class AnimationTest;
// Only applies to throbbing animations, for which every even numbered
// cycle plays forwards, and every odd numbered cycle plays reversed.
bool IsPlayingInReverse() const;
// See comments in |PlaybackConfig::scheduled_cycles|.
const std::vector<CycleBoundaries> scheduled_cycles_;
// Total duration of all cycles.
const base::TimeDelta total_duration_;
// The timetick at which |progress_| was updated last.
base::TimeTicks previous_tick_;
// This is the progress of the timer in the current cycle.
base::TimeDelta current_cycle_progress_;
// If true, the progress will go into reverse after each cycle. This is used
// for throbbing animations.
const bool should_reverse_ = false;
// The number of times each |cycle_duration_| is covered by the timer.
int completed_cycles_ = 0;
// See comments above SetPlaybackSpeed().
float playback_speed_ = 1.f;
// The boundaries of the current cycle. This is a copy of one of the entries
// in |scheduled_cycles_|.
CycleBoundaries current_cycle_;
void InitTimer(const base::TimeTicks& timestamp);
void TryNotifyAnimationCycleEnded() const;
cc::SkottieWrapper::FrameDataFetchResult LoadImageForAsset(
gfx::Canvas* canvas,
cc::SkottieFrameDataMap& all_frame_data,
cc::SkottieResourceIdHash asset_id,
float t,
void VerifyPlaybackConfigIsValid(const PlaybackConfig& playback_config) const;
// Manages the timeline for the current playing animation.
std::unique_ptr<TimerControl> timer_control_;
// The current state of animation.
PlayState state_ = PlayState::kStopped;
// The config from the most recent call to Start().
PlaybackConfig playback_config_;
base::ObserverList<AnimationObserver> observers_;
scoped_refptr<cc::SkottieWrapper> skottie_;
cc::SkottieColorMap color_map_;
cc::SkottieTextPropertyValueMap text_map_;
float playback_speed_ = 1.f;
} // namespace lottie