blob: c55f4038234bc63b891a6a6fcc5a67907514b478 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "ui/base/class_property.h"
#include "ui/base/ui_base_types.h"
#include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h"
#include "ui/platform_window/platform_window_delegate.h"
template <class T>
class scoped_refptr;
namespace gfx {
class ImageSkia;
class Insets;
class Point;
class Rect;
class SizeF;
class Transform;
} // namespace gfx
namespace ui {
class PlatformCursor;
// Generic PlatformWindow interface.
: public PropertyHandler {
~PlatformWindow() override;
// PlatformWindow may be called with the |inactive| set to true in some cases.
// That means that the Window Manager must not activate the window when it is
// shown. Most of PlatformWindow may ignore this value if not supported.
virtual void Show(bool inactive = false) = 0;
virtual void Hide() = 0;
virtual void Close() = 0;
virtual bool IsVisible() const = 0;
// Informs the window it is going to be destroyed sometime soon. This is only
// called for specific code paths, for example by Ash, so it shouldn't be
// assumed this will get called before destruction.
virtual void PrepareForShutdown() = 0;
// Sets and gets the bounds of the platform-window. Note that the bounds is in
// physical pixel coordinates. The implementation should use
// `PlatformWindowDelegate::ConvertRectToPixels|DIP` if conversion is
// necessary.
virtual void SetBoundsInPixels(const gfx::Rect& bounds) = 0;
virtual gfx::Rect GetBoundsInPixels() const = 0;
// Sets and gets the bounds of the platform-window. Note that the bounds is in
// device-independent-pixel (dip) coordinates. The implementation should use
// `PlatformWindowDelegate::ConvertRectToPixels|DIP` if conversion is
// necessary.
virtual void SetBoundsInDIP(const gfx::Rect& bounds) = 0;
virtual gfx::Rect GetBoundsInDIP() const = 0;
virtual void SetTitle(const std::u16string& title) = 0;
virtual void SetCapture() = 0;
virtual void ReleaseCapture() = 0;
virtual bool HasCapture() const = 0;
// Enters or exits fullscreen when `fullscreen` is true or false respectively.
// This operation may have no effect if the window is already in the specified
// state. `target_display_id` indicates the display where the window should be
// shown fullscreen when entering into fullscreen; display::kInvalidDisplayId
// indicates that no display was specified, so the current display may be
// used.
virtual void SetFullscreen(bool fullscreen, int64_t target_display_id) = 0;
virtual void Maximize() = 0;
virtual void Minimize() = 0;
virtual void Restore() = 0;
virtual PlatformWindowState GetPlatformWindowState() const = 0;
virtual void Activate() = 0;
virtual void Deactivate() = 0;
// Sets whether the window should have the standard title bar provided by the
// underlying windowing system. For the main browser window, this may be
// changed by the user at any time via 'Show system title bar' option in the
// tab strip menu.
virtual void SetUseNativeFrame(bool use_native_frame) = 0;
virtual bool ShouldUseNativeFrame() const = 0;
// This method sets the current cursor to `cursor`. Note that the platform
// window should keep a copy of `cursor` and also avoid replacing it until the
// new value has been set if any kind of platform-specific resources are
// managed by the platform cursor, e.g. HCURSOR on Windows, which are
// destroyed once the last copy of the platform cursor goes out of scope.
virtual void SetCursor(scoped_refptr<PlatformCursor> cursor) = 0;
// Moves the cursor to |location|. Location is in platform window coordinates.
virtual void MoveCursorTo(const gfx::Point& location) = 0;
// Confines the cursor to |bounds| when it is in the platform window. |bounds|
// is in platform window coordinates.
virtual void ConfineCursorToBounds(const gfx::Rect& bounds) = 0;
// Sets and gets the restored bounds of the platform-window.
virtual void SetRestoredBoundsInDIP(const gfx::Rect& bounds) = 0;
virtual gfx::Rect GetRestoredBoundsInDIP() const = 0;
// Sets the Window icons. |window_icon| is a 16x16 icon suitable for use in
// a title bar. |app_icon| is a larger size for use in the host environment
// app switching UI.
virtual void SetWindowIcons(const gfx::ImageSkia& window_icon,
const gfx::ImageSkia& app_icon) = 0;
// Notifies that size constraints of the host have been changed and the
// PlatformWindow must react on them accordingly.
virtual void SizeConstraintsChanged() = 0;
// Tells if the content of the platform window should be transparent. By
// default returns false.
virtual bool ShouldWindowContentsBeTransparent() const;
// Sets and gets ZOrderLevel of the PlatformWindow. Such platforms that do not
// support ordering, should not implement these methods as the default
// implementation always returns ZOrderLevel::kNormal value.
virtual void SetZOrderLevel(ZOrderLevel order);
virtual ZOrderLevel GetZOrderLevel() const;
// Asks the PlatformWindow to stack itself on top of |widget|.
virtual void StackAbove(gfx::AcceleratedWidget widget);
virtual void StackAtTop();
// Flashes the frame of the window to draw attention to it. If |flash_frame|
// is set, the PlatformWindow must draw attention to it. If |flash_frame| is
// not set, flashing must be stopped.
virtual void FlashFrame(bool flash_frame);
using ShapeRects = std::vector<gfx::Rect>;
// Sets shape of the PlatformWindow. ShapeRects corresponds to the
// Widget::ShapeRects that is a vector of gfx::Rects that describe the shape.
virtual void SetShape(std::unique_ptr<ShapeRects> native_shape,
const gfx::Transform& transform);
// Sets the aspect ratio of the Platform Window, which will be
// maintained during interactive resizing. This size disregards title bar and
// borders. Once set, some platforms ensure the content will only size to
// integer multiples of |aspect_ratio|.
virtual void SetAspectRatio(const gfx::SizeF& aspect_ratio);
// Returns true if the window was closed but is still showing because of
// animations.
virtual bool IsAnimatingClosed() const;
// Sets opacity of the platform window.
virtual void SetOpacity(float opacity);
// Enables or disables platform provided animations of the PlatformWindow.
// If |enabled| is set to false, animations are disabled.
virtual void SetVisibilityChangedAnimationsEnabled(bool enabled);
// Returns a unique ID for the window. The interpretation of the ID is
// platform specific. Overriding this method is optional.
virtual std::string GetWindowUniqueId() const;
// Returns true if window shape should be updated in host,
// otherwise false when platform window or specific frame views updates the
// window shape.
virtual bool ShouldUpdateWindowShape() const;
// Returns true if the WM supports setting the frame extents for client side
// decorations. This typically requires a compositor and an extension for
// specifying the decoration insets.
virtual bool CanSetDecorationInsets() const;
// Lets the WM know which portion of the window is the frame decoration. The
// WM may use this to eg. snap windows to each other starting where the window
// begins rather than starting where the shadow begins. If |insets_px| is
// nullptr, then any existing insets will be reset.
virtual void SetDecorationInsets(const gfx::Insets* insets_px);
// Sets a hint for the compositor so it can avoid unnecessarily redrawing
// occluded portions of windows. If |region_px| is nullopt or empty, then any
// existing region will be reset.
virtual void SetOpaqueRegion(std::optional<std::vector<gfx::Rect>> region_px);
// Sets the clickable region of a window. This is useful for trimming down a
// potentially large (24px) hit area for window resizing on the window shadow
// to a more reasonable (10px) area. If |region_px| is nullopt, then any
// existing region will be reset.
virtual void SetInputRegion(std::optional<std::vector<gfx::Rect>> region_px);
// Whether the platform supports client-controlled window movement. Under
// Wayland, for example, this returns false, unless the required protocol
// extension is supported by the compositor.
virtual bool IsClientControlledWindowMovementSupported() const;
// Notifies the DE that the app is done loading, so that it can dismiss any
// loading animations.
virtual void NotifyStartupComplete(const std::string& startup_id);
// Shows tooltip with this platform window as a parent window.
// `position` is relative to this platform window.
// `show_delay` and `hide_delay` specify the delay before showing or hiding
// tooltip on server side. `show_delay` may be set to zero only for testing.
// If `hide_delay` is zero, the tooltip will not be hidden by timer on server
// side.
virtual void ShowTooltip(const std::u16string& text,
const gfx::Point& position,
const PlatformWindowTooltipTrigger trigger,
const base::TimeDelta show_delay,
const base::TimeDelta hide_delay) {}
// Hides tooltip.
virtual void HideTooltip() {}
} // namespace ui