blob: d6cbce28d146efe91705d641cc6ec20f6ca1aaf8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/css_property_name.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/parser/css_parser_token.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/parser/css_parser_token_range.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/handle.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/text_encoding.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/vector.h"
namespace blink {
class CSSCustomPropertyDeclaration;
class CSSParserContext;
class CSSProperty;
class CSSValue;
class CSSVariableData;
class CSSVariableReferenceValue;
class CustomProperty;
class StyleResolverState;
namespace cssvalue {
class CSSPendingSubstitutionValue;
class CSSPendingInterpolationValue;
} // namespace cssvalue
// The StyleCascade is responsible for managing cascaded values [1], resolving
// dependencies between them, and applying the values to the ComputedStyle.
// Its usage pattern is:
// const CSSPropertyName& name = ...;
// const CSSValue* value1 = ...;
// const CSSValue* value2 = ...;
// StyleCascade cascade(state);
// cascade.Add(name, value1, Priority(Origin::kAuthor));
// cascade.Add(name, value2, Priority(Origin::kUA));
// cascade.Apply(); // value1 is applied, value2 is ignored.
// [1]
class CORE_EXPORT StyleCascade {
using CSSPendingSubstitutionValue = cssvalue::CSSPendingSubstitutionValue;
using CSSPendingInterpolationValue = cssvalue::CSSPendingInterpolationValue;
class Animator;
class Resolver;
class AutoLock;
StyleCascade(StyleResolverState& state) : state_(state) {}
static constexpr uint16_t kMaxCascadeOrder = ~static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
// Represents the origin and importance criteria described by css-cascade [1].
// Higher values are more significant than lower values. The values are
// chosen such that an important origin can be produced by inverting the bits
// of the corresponding non-important origin.
// [1]
enum class Origin : uint8_t {
kNone = 0,
kUserAgent = 0b0001,
kUser = 0b0010,
kAuthor = 0b0011,
kAnimation = 0b0100,
kImportantAuthor = 0b1100,
kImportantUser = 0b1101,
kImportantUserAgent = 0b1110,
kTransition = 0b10000,
// All important Origins (and only those) must have this bit set. This
// provides a fast way to check if an Origin is important.
static constexpr uint8_t kImportantBit = 0b1000;
// The Priority class encapsulates a subset of the cascading criteria
// described by css-cascade [1], and provides a way to compare priorities.
// It encompasses, from most significant to least significant: Origin (which
// includes importance); tree order, which is a number representing the
// shadow-including tree order [2]; and finally cascade order, which is
// a monotonically increasing number increased by one every time something
// is added to the cascade.
// The cascade order is initially kMaxCascadeOrder for an instance of
// Priority; an actual value will be assigned by StyleCascade::Add.
// [1]
// [2]
class CORE_EXPORT Priority {
Priority() : Priority(Origin::kNone) {}
// Deliberately implicit.
Priority(Origin origin) : Priority(origin, 0) {}
// For an explanation of 'tree_order', see css-scoping [1].
// [1]
Priority(Origin, uint16_t tree_order);
Origin GetOrigin() const;
bool HasOrigin() const { return GetOrigin() != Origin::kNone; }
// This function is used to determine if an incoming Value should win
// over the Value which already exists in the cascade.
bool operator>=(const Priority&) const;
// Returns a copy of this Priority, except that the non-important origin
// has been converted to its important counterpart.
// Must be used with kUserAgent, kAuthor, and kAuthor only, as importance
// does not apply to the other origins.
inline Priority AddImportance() const {
DCHECK_GE(GetOrigin(), Origin::kUserAgent);
DCHECK_LE(GetOrigin(), Origin::kAuthor);
// Flip Origin bits, converting non-important to important. We only
// xor four bits here, because only those bits are in use by
// k[Important,][User,UserAgent,Author].
return Priority(priority_ ^ (static_cast<uint64_t>(0b1111) << 32));
friend class StyleCascade;
friend class StyleCascadeTest;
Priority(uint64_t priority) : priority_(priority) {}
// Returns a copy of this Priority, with the cascade order set to the
// specified value.
// For the purposes of StyleCascade::Add alone, we don't need to store the
// cascade order at all, since the cascade order is implicit in the order
// of the calls to ::Add. However, some properties unfortunately require
// that we store the cascade order and act upon it Apply-time. This is
// because we have multiple properties that mutate the same field on
// ComputedStyle, hence the relative ordering must be preserved between
// them to know which should be applied. (See class Filter).
inline Priority WithCascadeOrder(uint16_t cascade_order) const {
return Priority((priority_ & ~0xFFFF) | cascade_order);
// To make Priority comparisons fast, the origin, tree_order and
// cascade_order are stored in a single uint64_t, as follows:
// Bit 0-15: cascade_order
// Bit 16-31: tree_order
// Bit 32-39: Origin
// This way, the numeric value of priority_ can be compared directly
// for all criteria simultaneously.
uint64_t priority_;
// The Value class simply represents the data we store for each property
// in the cascade. See StyleCascade::cascade_ field.
class CORE_EXPORT Value {
// The empty Value is needed because we store it in a HashMap.
Value() = default;
Value(const CSSValue* value, Priority priority)
: value_(value), priority_(priority) {}
bool IsEmpty() const { return !priority_.HasOrigin(); }
const CSSValue* GetValue() const { return value_; }
const Priority& GetPriority() const { return priority_; }
void Trace(blink::Visitor* visitor) { visitor->Trace(value_); }
Member<const CSSValue> value_;
Priority priority_;
// Add a Value to the cascade. The Value will either become the cascaded
// value, or be discarded, depending on the Priority of the incoming value
// vs. the Priority of the existing value.
void Add(const CSSPropertyName&, const CSSValue*, Priority);
// Applies all values currently in the cascade to the ComputedStyle.
// Any CSSPendingInterpolationValues present in the cascade will be ignored.
void Apply();
// Applies all values currently in the cascade to the ComputedStyle,
// dispatching any CSSPendingInterpolationValues to the given Animator.
void Apply(Animator&);
// Removes all kAnimationPropertyPriority properties from the cascade,
// without applying the properties. This is used when pre-emptively copying
// the cascade in case there are animations.
// TODO( Improve with non-destructive Apply.
void RemoveAnimationPriority();
// The Filter class is responsible for resolving situations where
// we have multiple (non-alias) properties in the cascade that mutates the
// same fields on ComputedStyle.
// An example of this is writing-mode and -webkit-writing-mode, which
// both result in ComputedStyle::SetWritingMode calls.
// When applying the cascade (applying each property/value pair to the
// ComputedStyle), the order of the application is in the general case
// not defined. (It is determined by the iteration order of the HashMap).
// This means that if both writing-mode and -webkit-writing-mode exist in
// the cascade, we would get non-deterministic behavior: the application order
// would not be defined. To fix this, all Values pass through this Filter
// before being applied.
// The Filter stores the Priority of the Value that was previously applied
// for a certain 'group' of properties (writing_mode_ is one such group).
// When we're about to apply a Value, we only actually do so if the call to
// Filter::Add succeeds. If the call to Filter::Add does not succeed, it means
// that we have previously added a Value with higher Priority, and that the
// current Value must be ignored.
// A key difference between discarding Values in the Filter, vs. discarding
// them cascade-time (StyleCascade::Add), is that we are taking the cascade
// order into account. This means that, if everything else is equal (origin,
// tree order), the Value that entered the cascade last wins. This is crucial
// to resolve situations like writing-mode and -webkit-writing-mode.
// The Filter is also expected to resolve similar difficulties with
// direction-aware properties in the future, although this is not yet
// implemented.
class CORE_EXPORT Filter {
// Attempts to add a given property/value to the Filter. If this returns
// true, the Value may be applied to the ComputedStyle. If not, it means
// that we have previously applied a Value with higher Priority, and the
// current Value must be discarded.
bool Add(const CSSProperty& property, const Value&);
Priority& GetSlot(const CSSProperty&);
Priority none_;
Priority writing_mode_;
Priority zoom_;
// Resolver is an object passed on a stack during Apply. Its most important
// job is to detect cycles during Apply (in general, keep track of which
// properties we're currently applying).
class CORE_EXPORT Resolver {
// TODO( Probably use a HashMap for this.
using NameStack = Vector<CSSPropertyName, 8>;
// A 'locked' property is a property we are in the process of applying.
// In other words, once a property is locked, locking it again would form
// a cycle, and is therefore an error.
bool IsLocked(const CSSProperty&) const;
bool IsLocked(const CSSPropertyName&) const;
// We do not allow substitution of animation-tainted values into
// an animation-affecting property.
bool AllowSubstitution(CSSVariableData*) const;
friend class AutoLock;
friend class StyleCascade;
friend class TestCascadeResolver;
Resolver(Animator& animator) : animator_(animator) {}
// If the given property is already being applied, returns true.
// The return value is the same value you would get from InCycle(), and
// is just returned for convenience.
// When a cycle has been detected, the Resolver will *persist the cycle
// state* (i.e. InCycle() will continue to return true) until we reach
// the start of the cycle.
// The cycle state is cleared by ~AutoLock, once we have moved far enough
// up the stack.
bool DetectCycle(const CSSProperty&);
// Returns true whenever the Resolver is in a cycle state.
// This DOES NOT detect cycles; the caller must call DetectCycle first.
bool InCycle() const;
NameStack stack_;
Animator& animator_;
wtf_size_t cycle_depth_ = kNotFound;
Filter filter_;
// Automatically locks and unlocks the given property. (See
// Resolver::IsLocked).
class CORE_EXPORT AutoLock {
AutoLock(const CSSProperty&, Resolver&);
AutoLock(const CSSPropertyName&, Resolver&);
Resolver& resolver_;
// Animator & CSSPendingInterpolationValue
// Blink's way of applying animations poses some difficulty for StyleCascade,
// as much of the code that applies the animation effects completely bypasses
// StyleBuilder; it sets the values on ComputedStyle directly. This prevents
// those values from participating properly in the cascade.
// At the same time, we don't want to actually create CSSValues for the
// animation effects, as this is (yet another?) unnecessary conversion, and
// it produces unwanted GC pressure. To solve this problem, the cascading
// and application aspects of interpolations are handled *separately*.
// CSSPendingInterpolationValue represents the cascading aspect of an
// interpolation: this means that, once we know that an interpolation is
// active for a given property, we add a CSSPendingInterpolationValue to the
// cascade (with the appropriate Priority). Apply-time, we then ask the
// Animator (see StyleAnimator) to actually apply the interpolated value
// using the interpolation infrastructure.
class CORE_EXPORT Animator {
virtual void Apply(const CSSProperty&,
const CSSPendingInterpolationValue&,
Resolver&) = 0;
// Applying a CSSPendingInterpolationValue may involve resolving values,
// since we may be applying a keyframe from e.g. "color: var(--x)" to
// "color: var(--y)". Hence that code needs an entry point to the resolving
// process.
// TODO( This function has an associated const
// violation, which isn't great. (This vilation was not introduced with
// StyleCascade, however).
// See documentation the other Resolve* functions for what resolve means.
const CSSValue* Resolve(const CSSPropertyName&, const CSSValue&, Resolver&);
friend class TestCascade;
// The maximum number of tokens that may be produced by a var()
// reference.
static const size_t kMaxSubstitutionTokens = 16384;
// Applies kHighPropertyPriority properties.
// In theory, it would be possible for each property/value that contains
// em/ch/etc to dynamically apply font-size (and related properties), but
// in practice, it is very inconvenient to detect these dependencies. Hence,
// we apply font-affecting properties (among others) before all the others.
void ApplyHighPriority(Resolver&);
// Apply a single property (including any dependencies).
void Apply(const CSSPropertyName&);
void Apply(const CSSPropertyName&, Resolver&);
void Apply(const CSSProperty&, Resolver&);
// True if the cascade currently holds the provided value for a given
// property. Note that the value is compared by address.
bool HasValue(const CSSPropertyName&, const CSSValue*) const;
// Get current cascaded value for the specified property.
const CSSValue* GetValue(const CSSPropertyName&) const;
// If there is a cascaded value for the specified property, replace it
// with the incoming value, maintaining the current cascade origin.
// Has no effect if there is no cascaded value for the property.
void ReplaceValue(const CSSPropertyName&, const CSSValue*);
// Whether or not we are calculating the style for the root element.
// We need to know this to detect cycles with 'rem' units.
bool IsRootElement() const;
// The TokenSequence class acts as a builder for CSSVariableData.
// However, actually building a CSSVariableData is optional; you can also
// get a CSSParserTokenRange directly, which is useful when resolving a
// CSSVariableData which won't ultimately end up in a CSSVariableData
// (i.e. CSSVariableReferenceValue or CSSPendingSubstitutionValue).
class TokenSequence {
TokenSequence() = default;
// Initialize a TokenSequence from a CSSVariableData, preparing the
// TokenSequence for var() resolution.
// This copies everything except the tokens.
explicit TokenSequence(const CSSVariableData*);
bool IsAnimationTainted() const { return is_animation_tainted_; }
CSSParserTokenRange TokenRange() const { return tokens_; }
void Append(const TokenSequence&);
void Append(const CSSVariableData*);
void Append(const CSSParserToken&);
scoped_refptr<CSSVariableData> BuildVariableData();
Vector<CSSParserToken> tokens_;
Vector<String> backing_strings_;
bool is_animation_tainted_ = false;
bool has_font_units_ = false;
bool has_root_font_units_ = false;
// The base URL and charset are currently needed to calculate the computed
// value of <url>-registered custom properties correctly.
// TODO( Store CSSParserContext on
// CSSCustomPropertyDeclaration and avoid this.
String base_url_;
WTF::TextEncoding charset_;
// Resolving Values
// *Resolving* a value, means looking at the dependencies for a given
// CSSValue, and ensuring that these dependencies are satisfied. The result
// of a Resolve call is either the same CSSValue (e.g. if there were no
// dependencies), or a new CSSValue with the dependencies resolved.
// For example, consider the following properties:
// --x: 10px;
// --y: var(--x);
// width: var(--y);
// Here, to resolve 'width', the computed value of --y must be known. In
// other words, we must first Apply '--y'. Hence, resolving 'width' will
// Apply '--y' as a side-effect. (This process would then continue to '--x').
const CSSValue* Resolve(const CSSProperty&, const CSSValue&, Resolver&);
const CSSValue* ResolveCustomProperty(const CSSProperty&,
const CSSCustomPropertyDeclaration&,
const CSSValue* ResolveVariableReference(const CSSProperty&,
const CSSVariableReferenceValue&,
const CSSValue* ResolvePendingSubstitution(const CSSProperty&,
const CSSPendingSubstitutionValue&,
scoped_refptr<CSSVariableData> ResolveVariableData(CSSVariableData*,
// The Resolve*Into functions either resolve dependencies, append to the
// TokenSequence accordingly, and return true; or it returns false when
// the TokenSequence is "invalid at computed-value time" [1]. This happens
// when there was a reference to an invalid/missing custom property, or when a
// cycle was detected.
// [1]
bool ResolveTokensInto(CSSParserTokenRange, Resolver&, TokenSequence&);
bool ResolveVarInto(CSSParserTokenRange, Resolver&, TokenSequence&);
bool ResolveEnvInto(CSSParserTokenRange, Resolver&, TokenSequence&);
CSSVariableData* GetVariableData(const CustomProperty&) const;
CSSVariableData* GetEnvironmentVariable(const AtomicString&) const;
const CSSParserContext* GetParserContext(const CSSVariableReferenceValue&);
// Detects if the given property/data depends on the font-size property
// of the Element we're calculating the style for.
bool HasFontSizeDependency(const CustomProperty&, CSSVariableData*) const;
// The fallback must match the syntax of the custom property, otherwise the
// the declaration is "invalid at computed-value time".'
bool ValidateFallback(const CustomProperty&, CSSParserTokenRange) const;
// Marks the CustomProperty as referenced by something. Needed to avoid
// animating these custom properties on the compositor, and to disable the
// matched properties cache in some cases.
void MarkReferenced(const CustomProperty&);
StyleResolverState& state_;
HeapHashMap<CSSPropertyName, Value> cascade_;
uint16_t order_ = 0;
} // namespace blink