blob: 1c1c916369ada19b6aaf482af6d246a3f2b74522 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
'use strict';
* Namespace for the Camera app.
var cca = cca || {};
* Namespace for views.
cca.views = cca.views || {};
* Creates the base controller of settings view.
* @param {string} selector Selector text of the view's root element.
* @param {Object<string|function(Event=)>=} itemHandlers Click-handlers
* mapped by element ids.
* @extends {cca.views.View}
* @constructor
cca.views.BaseSettings = function(selector, itemHandlers = {}) {, selector, true, true);
this.root.querySelector('.menu-header button').addEventListener(
'click', () => this.leave());
this.root.querySelectorAll('.menu-item').forEach((element) => {
var handler = itemHandlers[];
if (handler) {
element.addEventListener('click', handler);
cca.views.BaseSettings.prototype = {
__proto__: cca.views.View.prototype,
* Opens sub-settings.
* @param {string} id Settings identifier.
* @private
cca.views.BaseSettings.prototype.openSubSettings = function(id) {
// Dismiss master-settings if sub-settings was dimissed by background click. => cond && cond.bkgnd && this.leave());
* Creates the controller of master settings view.
* @extends {cca.views.BaseSettings}
* @constructor
cca.views.MasterSettings = function() {, '#settings', {
'settings-gridtype': () => this.openSubSettings('gridsettings'),
'settings-timerdur': () => this.openSubSettings('timersettings'),
'settings-resolution': () => this.openSubSettings('resolutionsettings'),
'settings-feedback': () => this.openFeedback(),
'settings-help': () => this.openHelp_(),
// End of properties, seal the object.
document.querySelector('#settings-feedback').hidden =
!cca.util.isChromeVersionAbove(72); // Feedback available since M72.
cca.views.MasterSettings.prototype = {
__proto__: cca.views.BaseSettings.prototype,
* Opens feedback.
* @private
cca.views.MasterSettings.prototype.openFeedback = function() {
var data = {
'categoryTag': 'chromeos-camera-app',
'requestFeedback': true,
'feedbackInfo': {
'description': '',
'systemInformation': [
{key: 'APP ID', value:},
{key: 'APP VERSION', value: chrome.runtime.getManifest().version},
const id = 'gfdkimpbcpahaombhbimeihdjnejgicl'; // Feedback extension id.
chrome.runtime.sendMessage(id, data);
* Opens help.
* @private
cca.views.MasterSettings.prototype.openHelp_ = function() {
* Creates the controller of resolution settings view.
* @param {cca.ResolutionEventBroker} resolBroker
* @extends {cca.views.BaseSettings}
* @constructor
cca.views.ResolutionSettings = function(resolBroker) {, '#resolutionsettings', {
'settings-front-photores': () => {
const element = document.querySelector('#settings-front-photores');
if (element.classList.contains('multi-option')) {
this.frontSetting_[0], this.frontSetting_[1], element);
'settings-front-videores': () => {
const element = document.querySelector('#settings-front-videores');
if (element.classList.contains('multi-option')) {
this.frontSetting_[0], this.frontSetting_[2], element);
'settings-back-photores': () => {
const element = document.querySelector('#settings-back-photores');
if (element.classList.contains('multi-option')) {
this.backSetting_[0], this.backSetting_[1], element);
'settings-back-videores': () => {
const element = document.querySelector('#settings-back-videores');
if (element.classList.contains('multi-option')) {
this.backSetting_[0], this.backSetting_[2], element);
* @type {cca.ResolutionEventBroker}
* @private
this.resolBroker_ = resolBroker;
* @type {HTMLElement}
* @private
this.resMenu_ = document.querySelector('#resolutionsettings>');
* @type {HTMLElement}
* @private
this.videoResMenu_ =
* @type {HTMLElement}
* @private
this.photoResMenu_ =
* @type {HTMLElement}
* @private
this.frontPhotoItem_ = document.querySelector('#settings-front-photores');
* @type {HTMLElement}
* @private
this.frontVideoItem_ = document.querySelector('#settings-front-videores');
* @type {HTMLElement}
* @private
this.backPhotoItem_ = document.querySelector('#settings-back-photores');
* @type {HTMLElement}
* @private
this.backVideoItem_ = document.querySelector('#settings-back-videores');
* @type {HTMLTemplateElement}
* @private
this.resItemTempl_ = document.querySelector('#resolution-item-template');
* @type {HTMLTemplateElement}
* @private
this.extcamItemTempl_ =
* Device id and resolutions of front camera. Null for no front camera.
* @type {?DeviceIdResols}
* @private
this.frontSetting_ = null;
* Device id and resolutions of back camera. Null for no back camera.
* @type {?DeviceIdResols}
* @private
this.backSetting_ = null;
* Device id and resolutions of external cameras.
* @type {Array<DeviceIdResols>}
* @private
this.externalSettings_ = [];
// End of properties, seal the object.
cca.views.ResolutionSettings.prototype = {
__proto__: cca.views.BaseSettings.prototype,
* Template for generating option text from photo resolution width and height.
* @param {number} w Resolution width.
* @param {number} h Resolution height.
* @return {string} Text shown on resolution option item.
* @private
cca.views.ResolutionSettings.prototype.photoOptTextTempl_ = function(w, h) {
return `${Math.round(w * h / 100000) / 10} megapixels (${w}:${h})`;
* Template for generating option text from video resolution width and height.
* @param {number} w Resolution width.
* @param {number} h Resolution height.
* @return {string} Text shown on resolution option item.
* @private
cca.views.ResolutionSettings.prototype.videoOptTextTempl_ = function(w, h) {
return `HD ${h}p (${w}:${h})`;
* Updates resolutions of front, back camera and external cameras.
* @param {?DeviceIdResols} frontSetting Resolutions of front camera.
* @param {?DeviceIdResols} backSetting Resolutions of back camera.
* @param {Array<DeviceIdResols>} externalSettings Resolutions of external
* cameras.
cca.views.ResolutionSettings.prototype.updateResolutions = function(
frontSetting, backSetting, externalSettings) {
const checkMulti = (item, resolutions, optTextTempl) => {
// Filter out resolutions of megapixels < 0.1 i.e. megapixels 0.0
resolutions = resolutions.filter(([w, h]) => w * h >= 100000);
item.classList.toggle('multi-option', resolutions.length > 1);
if (resolutions.length == 1) {
const [w, h] = resolutions;
item.dataset.sWidth = w;
item.dataset.sHeight = h;
item.querySelector('.description>span').textContent = optTextTempl(w, h);
// Update front camera setting
this.frontSetting_ = frontSetting;
cca.state.set('has-front-camera', this.frontSetting_);
if (this.frontSetting_) {
const [deviceId, photoRs, videoRs] = this.frontSetting_;
this.frontPhotoItem_.dataset.deviceId =
this.frontVideoItem_.dataset.deviceId = deviceId;
checkMulti(this.frontPhotoItem_, photoRs, this.photoOptTextTempl_);
checkMulti(this.frontVideoItem_, videoRs, this.videoOptTextTempl_);
// Update back camera setting
this.backSetting_ = backSetting;
cca.state.set('has-back-camera', this.backSetting_);
if (this.backSetting_) {
const [deviceId, photoRs, videoRs] = this.backSetting_;
this.backPhotoItem_.dataset.deviceId =
this.backVideoItem_.dataset.deviceId = deviceId;
checkMulti(this.backPhotoItem_, photoRs, this.photoOptTextTempl_);
checkMulti(this.backVideoItem_, videoRs, this.videoOptTextTempl_);
// Update external camera settings
this.externalSettings_ = externalSettings;
// To prevent losing focus on item already exist before update, locate
// focused item in both previous and current list, pop out all items in
// previous list except those having same deviceId as focused one and
// recreate all other items from current list.
const prevFocus =
const prevFId = prevFocus && prevFocus.dataset.deviceId;
const focusIdx = externalSettings.findIndex(([id]) => id === prevFId);
const fTitle =
const focusedId = focusIdx === -1 ? null : prevFId;
(element) => element.dataset.deviceId !== focusedId &&
externalSettings.forEach(([deviceId, photoRs, videoRs], index) => {
if (deviceId === focusedId) {
const extItem = document.importNode(this.extcamItemTempl_.content, true);
const [titleItem, photoItem, videoItem] =
titleItem.dataset.deviceId = photoItem.dataset.deviceId =
videoItem.dataset.deviceId = deviceId;
checkMulti(photoItem, photoRs, this.photoOptTextTempl_);
checkMulti(videoItem, videoRs, this.videoOptTextTempl_);
photoItem.addEventListener('click', () => {
if (photoItem.classList.contains('multi-option')) {
this.openPhotoResSettings_(deviceId, photoRs, photoItem);
videoItem.addEventListener('click', () => {
if (videoItem.classList.contains('multi-option')) {
this.openVideoResSettings_(deviceId, videoRs, videoItem);
if (index < focusIdx) {
this.resMenu_.insertBefore(extItem, fTitle);
} else {
* Updates current selected photo resolution.
* @param {string} deviceId Device id of the selected resolution.
* @param {number} width Width of selected resolution.
* @param {number} height Height of selected resolution.
* @private
cca.views.ResolutionSettings.prototype.updateSelectedPhotoResolution_ =
function(deviceId, width, height) {
const [photoItem] = this.resMenu_.querySelectorAll(
photoItem.dataset.sWidth = width;
photoItem.dataset.sHeight = height;
photoItem.querySelector('.description>span').textContent =
this.photoOptTextTempl_(width, height);
// Update setting option if it's opened.
if (cca.state.get('photoresolutionsettings')) {
.checked = true;
* Updates current selected video resolution.
* @param {string} deviceId Device id of the selected resolution.
* @param {number} width Width of selected resolution.
* @param {number} height Height of selected resolution.
* @private
cca.views.ResolutionSettings.prototype.updateSelectedVideoResolution_ =
function(deviceId, width, height) {
const [, videoItem] = this.resMenu_.querySelectorAll(
videoItem.dataset.sWidth = width;
videoItem.dataset.sHeight = height;
videoItem.querySelector('.description>span').textContent =
this.videoOptTextTempl_(width, height);
// Update setting option if it's opened.
if (cca.state.get('videoresolutionsettings')) {
.checked = true;
* Opens photo resolution setting view.
* @param {string} deviceId Device id of the opened view.
* @param {ResolList} resolutions Resolutions to be shown in opened view.
* @param {HTMLElement} resolItem Dom element from upper layer holding the
* selected resolution width, height.
* @private
cca.views.ResolutionSettings.prototype.openPhotoResSettings_ = function(
deviceId, resolutions, resolItem) {
resolItem, this.photoResMenu_, this.photoOptTextTempl_,
(w, h) => this.resolBroker_.requestChangePhotoResol(deviceId, w, h),
resolutions, parseInt(resolItem.dataset.sWidth),
* Opens video resolution setting view.
* @param {string} deviceId Device id of the opened view.
* @param {ResolList} resolutions Resolutions to be shown in opened view.
* @param {HTMLElement} resolItem Dom element from upper layer holding the
* selected resolution width, height.
* @private
cca.views.ResolutionSettings.prototype.openVideoResSettings_ = function(
deviceId, resolutions, resolItem) {
resolItem, this.videoResMenu_, this.videoOptTextTempl_,
(w, h) => this.resolBroker_.requestChangeVideoResol(deviceId, w, h),
resolutions, parseInt(resolItem.dataset.sWidth),
* Updates resolution menu with specified resolutions.
* @param {HTMLElement} resolItem DOM element holding selected resolution.
* @param {HTMLElement} menu Menu holding all resolution option elements.
* @param {function(number, number): string} optTextTempl Template
* generating text content for each resolution option from its
* width and height.
* @param {function(number, number)} onChange Called when selected
* option changed with the its width and height
* @param {ResolList} resolutions Resolutions of its width and height to be
* updated with.
* @param {number} selectedWidth Width of selected resolution.
* @param {number} selectedHeight Height of selected resolution.
* @private
cca.views.ResolutionSettings.prototype.updateMenu_ = function(
resolItem, menu, optTextTempl, onChange, resolutions, selectedWidth,
selectedHeight) {
const captionText = resolItem.querySelector('.description>span');
const updateSelection = (w, h) => {
resolItem.dataset.sWidth = w;
resolItem.dataset.sHeight = h;
captionText.textContent = optTextTempl(w, h);
captionText.textContent = '';
.forEach((element) => element.parentNode.removeChild(element));
resolutions.forEach(([w, h], index) => {
// TODO(inker): i18n contents in optTextTempl
const item = document.importNode(this.resItemTempl_.content, true);
const inputElement = item.querySelector('input');
item.querySelector('span').textContent = optTextTempl(w, h); =;
inputElement.dataset.width = w;
inputElement.dataset.height = h;
if (w == selectedWidth && h == selectedHeight) {
updateSelection(w, h);
inputElement.checked = true;
inputElement.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
if (!cca.state.get('streaming') || cca.state.get('taking')) {
inputElement.addEventListener('change', (event) => {
if (inputElement.checked) {
updateSelection(w, h);
onChange(w, h);