Setting up devices for Telemetry benchmarks

Install extra python dependencies

If you only use Telemetry through tools/perf/run_benchmark script, vpython should already automatically install all the required deps for you, e.g:

$ tools/perf/run_benchmark --browser=system dummy_benchmark.noisy_benchmark_1

Otherwise have a look at the required catapult dependencies listed in the .vpython spec file.

Desktop benchmarks

Mac, Windows, Linux

We support the most popular version of these OSes (Mac 10.9+, Windows7/8/10, Linux Ubuntu). In most cases, your desktop environment should be ready to run Telemetry benchmarks. To keep the benchmark results stable, it’s recommended that you kill as many background processes on your desktop environment as possible (e.g: AntiVirus,..) before running the benchmarks.


Virtual Machine: see doc

Actual CrOS machine: please contact achuith@, cywang@ from CrOS teams for advice.

Android benchmarks

To run Telemetry Android benchmarks, you need a host machine and an Android device attached to the host machine through USB.

WARNING: it’s highly recommended that you don’t use your personal Android device for this. Some of the steps below will wipe out the phone completely.

Host machine: we only support Linux Ubuntu as the host.

Devices: we only support rooted userdebug devices of Android version K, L, M, N and O.

Setting up device

  • Enable USB Debugging: Go to Settings -> About Phone. Tap many times on the Build number field. This will enable Developer options. Go to them, enable USB debugging.
  • For Googler only: follow instructions to flash your device to a userdebug build.
  • Although not necessary, to make your device behave similar as they do on bots, it is recommended to run:
    export CATAPULT=$CHROMIUM_SRC/third_party/catapult
    $CATAPULT/devil/devil/android/tools/ --disable-network --disable-java-debug
    If you are planning to test WebView on Android M or lower also add --remove-system-webview to this command, otherwise Telemetry will have trouble installing the required APKs. This should take care of everything, but see build instructions for WebView if you run into problems.
  • Finally, use one of the supported --browser types on your run_benchmark or run_tests command.