| /* |
| Copyright (C) 1997 Martin Jones (mjones@kde.org) |
| (C) 1998 Waldo Bastian (bastian@kde.org) |
| (C) 1998, 1999 Torben Weis (weis@kde.org) |
| (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (knoll@kde.org) |
| (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (koivisto@kde.org) |
| Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. |
| |
| This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or |
| modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public |
| License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either |
| version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. |
| |
| This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
| but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
| Library General Public License for more details. |
| |
| You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License |
| along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to |
| the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, |
| Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. |
| */ |
| |
| #ifndef FrameView_h |
| #define FrameView_h |
| |
| #include "core/CoreExport.h" |
| #include "core/dom/DocumentLifecycle.h" |
| #include "core/frame/FrameViewAutoSizeInfo.h" |
| #include "core/frame/LayoutSubtreeRootList.h" |
| #include "core/frame/RootFrameViewport.h" |
| #include "core/layout/LayoutAnalyzer.h" |
| #include "core/layout/ScrollAnchor.h" |
| #include "core/paint/PaintInvalidationCapableScrollableArea.h" |
| #include "core/paint/PaintPhase.h" |
| #include "platform/RuntimeEnabledFeatures.h" |
| #include "platform/Widget.h" |
| #include "platform/geometry/IntRect.h" |
| #include "platform/geometry/LayoutRect.h" |
| #include "platform/graphics/Color.h" |
| #include "platform/graphics/paint/ClipPaintPropertyNode.h" |
| #include "platform/graphics/paint/TransformPaintPropertyNode.h" |
| #include "platform/scroll/ScrollTypes.h" |
| #include "platform/scroll/Scrollbar.h" |
| #include "public/platform/WebDisplayMode.h" |
| #include "public/platform/WebRect.h" |
| #include "wtf/Allocator.h" |
| #include "wtf/Forward.h" |
| #include "wtf/HashSet.h" |
| #include "wtf/ListHashSet.h" |
| #include "wtf/OwnPtr.h" |
| #include "wtf/TemporaryChange.h" |
| #include "wtf/text/WTFString.h" |
| |
| namespace blink { |
| |
| class AXObjectCache; |
| class CancellableTaskFactory; |
| class ComputedStyle; |
| class DocumentLifecycle; |
| class Cursor; |
| class Element; |
| class FloatSize; |
| class HTMLFrameOwnerElement; |
| class LayoutPart; |
| class LocalFrame; |
| class KURL; |
| class Node; |
| class LayoutBox; |
| class LayoutEmbeddedObject; |
| class LayoutObject; |
| class LayoutScrollbarPart; |
| class LayoutView; |
| class PaintInvalidationState; |
| class Page; |
| class ScrollingCoordinator; |
| class TracedValue; |
| struct AnnotatedRegionValue; |
| struct CompositedSelection; |
| |
| typedef unsigned long long DOMTimeStamp; |
| |
| class CORE_EXPORT FrameView final : public Widget, public PaintInvalidationCapableScrollableArea { |
| |
| friend class PaintControllerPaintTestBase; |
| friend class Internals; |
| friend class LayoutPart; // for invalidateTreeIfNeeded |
| |
| public: |
| static PassRefPtrWillBeRawPtr<FrameView> create(LocalFrame*); |
| static PassRefPtrWillBeRawPtr<FrameView> create(LocalFrame*, const IntSize& initialSize); |
| |
| ~FrameView() override; |
| |
| void invalidateRect(const IntRect&) override; |
| void setFrameRect(const IntRect&) override; |
| |
| LocalFrame& frame() const |
| { |
| ASSERT(m_frame); |
| return *m_frame; |
| } |
| |
| Page* page() const; |
| |
| LayoutView* layoutView() const; |
| |
| void setCanHaveScrollbars(bool); |
| |
| PassRefPtrWillBeRawPtr<Scrollbar> createScrollbar(ScrollbarOrientation); |
| |
| void setContentsSize(const IntSize&); |
| |
| void layout(); |
| bool didFirstLayout() const; |
| void scheduleRelayout(); |
| void scheduleRelayoutOfSubtree(LayoutObject*); |
| bool layoutPending() const; |
| bool isInPerformLayout() const; |
| |
| void clearLayoutSubtreeRoot(const LayoutObject&); |
| void addOrthogonalWritingModeRoot(LayoutBox&); |
| void removeOrthogonalWritingModeRoot(LayoutBox&); |
| bool hasOrthogonalWritingModeRoots() const; |
| void layoutOrthogonalWritingModeRoots(); |
| int layoutCount() const { return m_layoutCount; } |
| |
| void countObjectsNeedingLayout(unsigned& needsLayoutObjects, unsigned& totalObjects, bool& isPartial); |
| |
| bool needsLayout() const; |
| void setNeedsLayout(); |
| |
| void setNeedsUpdateWidgetGeometries() { m_needsUpdateWidgetGeometries = true; } |
| |
| // Methods for getting/setting the size Blink should use to layout the contents. |
| // NOTE: Scrollbar exclusion is based on the FrameView's scrollbars. To exclude |
| // scrollbars on the root PaintLayer, use LayoutView::layoutSize. |
| IntSize layoutSize(IncludeScrollbarsInRect = ExcludeScrollbars) const; |
| void setLayoutSize(const IntSize&); |
| |
| // If this is set to false, the layout size will need to be explicitly set by the owner. |
| // E.g. WebViewImpl sets its mainFrame's layout size manually |
| void setLayoutSizeFixedToFrameSize(bool isFixed) { m_layoutSizeFixedToFrameSize = isFixed; } |
| bool layoutSizeFixedToFrameSize() { return m_layoutSizeFixedToFrameSize; } |
| |
| bool needsFullPaintInvalidation() const { return m_doFullPaintInvalidation; } |
| |
| void updateAcceleratedCompositingSettings(); |
| |
| void recalcOverflowAfterStyleChange(); |
| |
| bool isEnclosedInCompositingLayer() const; |
| |
| void dispose() override; |
| void detachScrollbars(); |
| void recalculateCustomScrollbarStyle(); |
| void invalidateAllCustomScrollbarsOnActiveChanged(); |
| virtual void recalculateScrollbarOverlayStyle(); |
| |
| void clear(); |
| |
| bool isTransparent() const; |
| void setTransparent(bool isTransparent); |
| |
| // True if the FrameView is not transparent, and the base background color is opaque. |
| bool hasOpaqueBackground() const; |
| |
| Color baseBackgroundColor() const; |
| void setBaseBackgroundColor(const Color&); |
| void updateBackgroundRecursively(const Color&, bool); |
| |
| void adjustViewSize(); |
| |
| // Scale used to convert incoming input events. |
| float inputEventsScaleFactor() const; |
| |
| // Offset used to convert incoming input events while emulating device metics. |
| IntSize inputEventsOffsetForEmulation() const; |
| void setInputEventsTransformForEmulation(const IntSize&, float); |
| |
| void setScrollPosition(const DoublePoint&, ScrollType, ScrollBehavior = ScrollBehaviorInstant) override; |
| |
| void didUpdateElasticOverscroll(); |
| |
| void viewportSizeChanged(bool widthChanged, bool heightChanged); |
| |
| AtomicString mediaType() const; |
| void setMediaType(const AtomicString&); |
| void adjustMediaTypeForPrinting(bool printing); |
| |
| WebDisplayMode displayMode() { return m_displayMode; } |
| void setDisplayMode(WebDisplayMode); |
| |
| // Fixed-position objects. |
| typedef HashSet<LayoutObject*> ViewportConstrainedObjectSet; |
| void addViewportConstrainedObject(LayoutObject*); |
| void removeViewportConstrainedObject(LayoutObject*); |
| const ViewportConstrainedObjectSet* viewportConstrainedObjects() const { return m_viewportConstrainedObjects.get(); } |
| bool hasViewportConstrainedObjects() const { return m_viewportConstrainedObjects && m_viewportConstrainedObjects->size() > 0; } |
| |
| // Objects with background-attachment:fixed. |
| void addBackgroundAttachmentFixedObject(LayoutObject*); |
| void removeBackgroundAttachmentFixedObject(LayoutObject*); |
| bool hasBackgroundAttachmentFixedObjects() const { return m_backgroundAttachmentFixedObjects.size(); } |
| void invalidateBackgroundAttachmentFixedObjects(); |
| |
| void handleLoadCompleted(); |
| |
| void updateDocumentAnnotatedRegions() const; |
| |
| void restoreScrollbar(); |
| |
| void postLayoutTimerFired(Timer<FrameView>*); |
| |
| bool safeToPropagateScrollToParent() const { return m_safeToPropagateScrollToParent; } |
| void setSafeToPropagateScrollToParent(bool isSafe) { m_safeToPropagateScrollToParent = isSafe; } |
| |
| void addPart(LayoutPart*); |
| void removePart(LayoutPart*); |
| |
| void updateWidgetGeometries(); |
| |
| void addPartToUpdate(LayoutEmbeddedObject&); |
| |
| void setIsPainting(bool val) const { m_isPainting = val; } |
| bool isPainting() const; |
| |
| Color documentBackgroundColor() const; |
| |
| // Run all needed lifecycle stages. After calling this method, all frames will be in the lifecycle state PaintInvalidationClean. |
| // If lifecycle throttling is allowed (see DocumentLifecycle::PreventThrottlingScope), some frames may skip the lifecycle update |
| // (e.g., based on visibility) and will not end up being PaintInvalidationClean. |
| void updateAllLifecyclePhases(); |
| |
| // Computes the style, layout and compositing lifecycle stages if needed. After calling this method, all frames will be in a lifecycle |
| // state >= CompositingClean, and scrolling has been updated (unless throttling is allowed). |
| void updateLifecycleToCompositingCleanPlusScrolling(); |
| |
| // Computes only the style and layout lifecycle stages. |
| // After calling this method, all frames will be in a lifecycle state >= LayoutClean (unless throttling is allowed). |
| void updateLifecycleToLayoutClean(); |
| |
| void scheduleVisualUpdateForPaintInvalidationIfNeeded(); |
| |
| bool invalidateViewportConstrainedObjects(); |
| |
| void incrementVisuallyNonEmptyCharacterCount(unsigned); |
| void incrementVisuallyNonEmptyPixelCount(const IntSize&); |
| bool isVisuallyNonEmpty() const { return m_isVisuallyNonEmpty; } |
| void setIsVisuallyNonEmpty() { m_isVisuallyNonEmpty = true; } |
| void enableAutoSizeMode(const IntSize& minSize, const IntSize& maxSize); |
| void disableAutoSizeMode(); |
| |
| void forceLayoutForPagination(const FloatSize& pageSize, const FloatSize& originalPageSize, float maximumShrinkFactor); |
| |
| enum UrlFragmentBehavior { |
| UrlFragmentScroll, |
| UrlFragmentDontScroll |
| }; |
| // Updates the fragment anchor element based on URL's fragment identifier. |
| // Updates corresponding ':target' CSS pseudo class on the anchor element. |
| // If |UrlFragmentScroll| is passed in then makes the anchor element |
| // focused and also visible by scrolling to it. The scroll position is |
| // maintained during the frame loading process. |
| void processUrlFragment(const KURL&, UrlFragmentBehavior = UrlFragmentScroll); |
| void clearFragmentAnchor(); |
| |
| // Methods to convert points and rects between the coordinate space of the layoutObject, and this view. |
| IntRect convertFromLayoutObject(const LayoutObject&, const IntRect&) const; |
| IntRect convertToLayoutObject(const LayoutObject&, const IntRect&) const; |
| IntPoint convertFromLayoutObject(const LayoutObject&, const IntPoint&) const; |
| IntPoint convertToLayoutObject(const LayoutObject&, const IntPoint&) const; |
| |
| bool isFrameViewScrollCorner(LayoutScrollbarPart* scrollCorner) const { return m_scrollCorner == scrollCorner; } |
| |
| enum ScrollingReasons { |
| Scrollable, |
| NotScrollableNoOverflow, |
| NotScrollableNotVisible, |
| NotScrollableExplicitlyDisabled |
| }; |
| |
| ScrollingReasons scrollingReasons(); |
| bool isScrollable() override; |
| bool isProgrammaticallyScrollable() override; |
| |
| enum ScrollbarModesCalculationStrategy { RulesFromWebContentOnly, AnyRule }; |
| void calculateScrollbarModes(ScrollbarMode& hMode, ScrollbarMode& vMode, ScrollbarModesCalculationStrategy = AnyRule); |
| |
| IntPoint lastKnownMousePosition() const override; |
| bool shouldSetCursor() const; |
| |
| void setCursor(const Cursor&); |
| |
| bool scrollbarsCanBeActive() const override; |
| void scrollbarVisibilityChanged() override; |
| |
| // FIXME: Remove this method once plugin loading is decoupled from layout. |
| void flushAnyPendingPostLayoutTasks(); |
| |
| bool shouldSuspendScrollAnimations() const override; |
| void scrollbarStyleChanged() override; |
| |
| LayoutBox* embeddedContentBox() const; |
| |
| static void setInitialTracksPaintInvalidationsForTesting(bool); |
| |
| void setTracksPaintInvalidations(bool); |
| bool isTrackingPaintInvalidations() const { return m_isTrackingPaintInvalidations; } |
| void resetTrackedPaintInvalidations(); |
| |
| using ScrollableAreaSet = WillBeHeapHashSet<RawPtrWillBeMember<ScrollableArea>>; |
| void addScrollableArea(ScrollableArea*); |
| void removeScrollableArea(ScrollableArea*); |
| const ScrollableAreaSet* scrollableAreas() const { return m_scrollableAreas.get(); } |
| |
| void addAnimatingScrollableArea(ScrollableArea*); |
| void removeAnimatingScrollableArea(ScrollableArea*); |
| const ScrollableAreaSet* animatingScrollableAreas() const { return m_animatingScrollableAreas.get(); } |
| |
| // With CSS style "resize:" enabled, a little resizer handle will appear at the bottom |
| // right of the object. We keep track of these resizer areas for checking if touches |
| // (implemented using Scroll gesture) are targeting the resizer. |
| typedef HashSet<LayoutBox*> ResizerAreaSet; |
| void addResizerArea(LayoutBox&); |
| void removeResizerArea(LayoutBox&); |
| const ResizerAreaSet* resizerAreas() const { return m_resizerAreas.get(); } |
| |
| bool shouldUseIntegerScrollOffset() const override; |
| |
| bool isActive() const override; |
| |
| // Override scrollbar notifications to update the AXObject cache. |
| void didAddScrollbar(Scrollbar&, ScrollbarOrientation) override; |
| |
| // FIXME: This should probably be renamed as the 'inSubtreeLayout' parameter |
| // passed around the FrameView layout methods can be true while this returns |
| // false. |
| bool isSubtreeLayout() const { return !m_layoutSubtreeRootList.isEmpty(); } |
| |
| // Sets the tickmarks for the FrameView, overriding the default behavior |
| // which is to display the tickmarks corresponding to find results. |
| // If |m_tickmarks| is empty, the default behavior is restored. |
| void setTickmarks(const Vector<IntRect>& tickmarks) |
| { |
| m_tickmarks = tickmarks; |
| invalidatePaintForTickmarks(); |
| } |
| |
| void invalidatePaintForTickmarks(); |
| |
| // Since the compositor can resize the viewport due to top controls and |
| // commit scroll offsets before a WebView::resize occurs, we need to adjust |
| // our scroll extents to prevent clamping the scroll offsets. |
| void setTopControlsViewportAdjustment(float); |
| IntSize topControlsSize() const { return IntSize(0, roundf(m_topControlsViewportAdjustment)); } |
| |
| IntPoint maximumScrollPosition() const override; |
| |
| // ScrollableArea interface |
| void scrollControlWasSetNeedsPaintInvalidation() override { } |
| void getTickmarks(Vector<IntRect>&) const override; |
| void scrollTo(const DoublePoint&); |
| IntRect scrollableAreaBoundingBox() const override; |
| bool scrollAnimatorEnabled() const override; |
| bool usesCompositedScrolling() const override; |
| bool shouldScrollOnMainThread() const override; |
| GraphicsLayer* layerForScrolling() const override; |
| GraphicsLayer* layerForHorizontalScrollbar() const override; |
| GraphicsLayer* layerForVerticalScrollbar() const override; |
| GraphicsLayer* layerForScrollCorner() const override; |
| int scrollSize(ScrollbarOrientation) const override; |
| bool isScrollCornerVisible() const override; |
| bool userInputScrollable(ScrollbarOrientation) const override; |
| bool shouldPlaceVerticalScrollbarOnLeft() const override; |
| Widget* widget() override; |
| |
| LayoutRect scrollIntoView( |
| const LayoutRect& rectInContent, |
| const ScrollAlignment& alignX, |
| const ScrollAlignment& alignY, |
| ScrollType = ProgrammaticScroll) override; |
| |
| // The window that hosts the FrameView. The FrameView will communicate scrolls and repaints to the |
| // host window in the window's coordinate space. |
| HostWindow* hostWindow() const; |
| |
| // Returns a clip rect in host window coordinates. Used to clip the blit on a scroll. |
| IntRect windowClipRect(IncludeScrollbarsInRect = ExcludeScrollbars) const; |
| |
| typedef WillBeHeapHashSet<RefPtrWillBeMember<Widget>> ChildrenWidgetSet; |
| |
| // Functions for child manipulation and inspection. |
| void setParent(Widget*) override; |
| void removeChild(Widget*); |
| void addChild(PassRefPtrWillBeRawPtr<Widget>); |
| const ChildrenWidgetSet* children() const { return &m_children; } |
| |
| // If the scroll view does not use a native widget, then it will have cross-platform Scrollbars. These functions |
| // can be used to obtain those scrollbars. |
| Scrollbar* horizontalScrollbar() const override { return m_horizontalScrollbar.get(); } |
| Scrollbar* verticalScrollbar() const override { return m_verticalScrollbar.get(); } |
| LayoutScrollbarPart* scrollCorner() const override { return m_scrollCorner; } |
| |
| void positionScrollbarLayers(); |
| |
| // Functions for setting and retrieving the scrolling mode in each axis (horizontal/vertical). The mode has values of |
| // AlwaysOff, AlwaysOn, and Auto. AlwaysOff means never show a scrollbar, AlwaysOn means always show a scrollbar. |
| // Auto means show a scrollbar only when one is needed. |
| // Note that for platforms with native widgets, these modes are considered advisory. In other words the underlying native |
| // widget may choose not to honor the requested modes. |
| void setScrollbarModes(ScrollbarMode horizontalMode, ScrollbarMode verticalMode, bool horizontalLock = false, bool verticalLock = false); |
| void setHorizontalScrollbarMode(ScrollbarMode mode, bool lock = false) { setScrollbarModes(mode, verticalScrollbarMode(), lock, verticalScrollbarLock()); } |
| void setVerticalScrollbarMode(ScrollbarMode mode, bool lock = false) { setScrollbarModes(horizontalScrollbarMode(), mode, horizontalScrollbarLock(), lock); } |
| ScrollbarMode horizontalScrollbarMode() const { return m_horizontalScrollbarMode; } |
| ScrollbarMode verticalScrollbarMode() const { return m_verticalScrollbarMode; } |
| |
| void setHorizontalScrollbarLock(bool lock = true) { m_horizontalScrollbarLock = lock; } |
| bool horizontalScrollbarLock() const { return m_horizontalScrollbarLock; } |
| void setVerticalScrollbarLock(bool lock = true) { m_verticalScrollbarLock = lock; } |
| bool verticalScrollbarLock() const { return m_verticalScrollbarLock; } |
| |
| void setScrollingModesLock(bool lock = true) { m_horizontalScrollbarLock = m_verticalScrollbarLock = lock; } |
| |
| bool canHaveScrollbars() const { return horizontalScrollbarMode() != ScrollbarAlwaysOff || verticalScrollbarMode() != ScrollbarAlwaysOff; } |
| |
| // The visible content rect has a location that is the scrolled offset of |
| // the document. The width and height are the layout viewport width and |
| // height. By default the scrollbars themselves are excluded from this |
| // rectangle, but an optional boolean argument allows them to be included. |
| IntRect visibleContentRect(IncludeScrollbarsInRect = ExcludeScrollbars) const override; |
| IntSize visibleContentSize(IncludeScrollbarsInRect = ExcludeScrollbars) const; |
| |
| // Functions for getting/setting the size of the document contained inside the FrameView (as an IntSize or as individual width and height |
| // values). |
| IntSize contentsSize() const override; // Always at least as big as the visibleWidth()/visibleHeight(). |
| int contentsWidth() const { return contentsSize().width(); } |
| int contentsHeight() const { return contentsSize().height(); } |
| |
| // Functions for querying the current scrolled position (both as a point, a size, or as individual X and Y values). |
| // Be careful in using the Double version scrollPositionDouble() and scrollOffsetDouble(). They are meant to be |
| // used to communicate the fractional scroll position/offset with chromium compositor which can do sub-pixel positioning. |
| // Do not call these if the scroll position/offset is used in Blink for positioning. Use the Int version instead. |
| IntPoint scrollPosition() const override { return visibleContentRect().location(); } |
| DoublePoint scrollPositionDouble() const override { return m_scrollPosition; } |
| IntSize scrollOffset() const { return toIntSize(visibleContentRect().location()); } // Gets the scrolled position as an IntSize. Convenient for adding to other sizes. |
| DoubleSize scrollOffsetDouble() const { return DoubleSize(m_scrollPosition.x(), m_scrollPosition.y()); } |
| DoubleSize pendingScrollDelta() const { return m_pendingScrollDelta; } |
| IntPoint minimumScrollPosition() const override; // The minimum position we can be scrolled to. |
| int scrollX() const { return scrollPosition().x(); } |
| int scrollY() const { return scrollPosition().y(); } |
| |
| // Scroll the actual contents of the view (either blitting or invalidating as needed). |
| void scrollContents(const IntSize& scrollDelta); |
| |
| // This gives us a means of blocking updating our scrollbars until the first layout has occurred. |
| void setScrollbarsSuppressed(bool suppressed) { m_scrollbarsSuppressed = suppressed; } |
| bool scrollbarsSuppressed() const { return m_scrollbarsSuppressed; } |
| |
| // Methods for converting between this frame and other coordinate spaces. |
| // For definitions and an explanation of the varous spaces, please see: |
| // http://www.chromium.org/developers/design-documents/blink-coordinate-spaces |
| IntPoint rootFrameToContents(const IntPoint&) const; |
| FloatPoint rootFrameToContents(const FloatPoint&) const; |
| IntRect rootFrameToContents(const IntRect&) const; |
| IntPoint contentsToRootFrame(const IntPoint&) const; |
| IntRect contentsToRootFrame(const IntRect&) const; |
| |
| IntRect viewportToContents(const IntRect&) const; |
| IntRect contentsToViewport(const IntRect&) const; |
| IntPoint contentsToViewport(const IntPoint&) const; |
| IntPoint viewportToContents(const IntPoint&) const; |
| |
| // FIXME: Some external callers expect to get back a rect that's positioned |
| // in viewport space, but sized in CSS pixels. This is an artifact of the |
| // old pinch-zoom path. These callers should be converted to expect a rect |
| // fully in viewport space. crbug.com/459591. |
| IntRect soonToBeRemovedContentsToUnscaledViewport(const IntRect&) const; |
| IntPoint soonToBeRemovedUnscaledViewportToContents(const IntPoint&) const; |
| |
| // Methods for converting between Frame and Content (i.e. Document) coordinates. |
| // Frame coordinates are relative to the top left corner of the frame and so |
| // they are affected by scroll offset. Content coordinates are relative to the |
| // document's top left corner and thus are not affected by scroll offset. |
| IntPoint contentsToFrame(const IntPoint&) const; |
| IntRect contentsToFrame(const IntRect&) const; |
| IntPoint frameToContents(const IntPoint&) const; |
| FloatPoint frameToContents(const FloatPoint&) const; |
| IntRect frameToContents(const IntRect&) const; |
| |
| // Functions for converting to screen coordinates. |
| IntRect contentsToScreen(const IntRect&) const; |
| |
| // These functions are used to enable scrollbars to avoid window resizer controls that overlap the scroll view. |
| // This happens only on Mac OS X 10.6. |
| IntRect windowResizerRect() const; |
| bool containsScrollbarsAvoidingResizer() const; |
| void adjustScrollbarsAvoidingResizerCount(int overlapDelta); |
| void windowResizerRectChanged(); |
| |
| // For platforms that need to hit test scrollbars from within the engine's event handlers (like Win32). |
| Scrollbar* scrollbarAtFramePoint(const IntPoint&); |
| |
| IntPoint convertChildToSelf(const Widget* child, const IntPoint& point) const override |
| { |
| IntPoint newPoint = point; |
| if (!isFrameViewScrollbar(child)) |
| newPoint = contentsToFrame(point); |
| newPoint.moveBy(child->location()); |
| return newPoint; |
| } |
| |
| IntPoint convertSelfToChild(const Widget* child, const IntPoint& point) const override |
| { |
| IntPoint newPoint = point; |
| if (!isFrameViewScrollbar(child)) |
| newPoint = frameToContents(point); |
| newPoint.moveBy(-child->location()); |
| return newPoint; |
| } |
| |
| // Widget override. Handles painting of the contents of the view as well as the scrollbars. |
| void paint(GraphicsContext&, const CullRect&) const override; |
| void paint(GraphicsContext&, const GlobalPaintFlags, const CullRect&) const; |
| void paintContents(GraphicsContext&, const GlobalPaintFlags, const IntRect& damageRect) const; |
| |
| // Widget overrides to ensure that our children's visibility status is kept up to date when we get shown and hidden. |
| void show() override; |
| void hide() override; |
| void setParentVisible(bool) override; |
| |
| bool isPointInScrollbarCorner(const IntPoint&); |
| bool scrollbarCornerPresent() const; |
| IntRect scrollCornerRect() const override; |
| |
| IntRect convertFromScrollbarToContainingWidget(const Scrollbar&, const IntRect&) const override; |
| IntRect convertFromContainingWidgetToScrollbar(const Scrollbar&, const IntRect&) const override; |
| IntPoint convertFromScrollbarToContainingWidget(const Scrollbar&, const IntPoint&) const override; |
| IntPoint convertFromContainingWidgetToScrollbar(const Scrollbar&, const IntPoint&) const override; |
| |
| bool isFrameView() const override { return true; } |
| |
| void notifyPageThatContentAreaWillPaint() const; |
| FrameView* parentFrameView() const; |
| |
| // Returns the scrollable area for the frame. For the root frame, this will |
| // be the RootFrameViewport, which adds pinch-zoom semantics to scrolling. |
| // For non-root frames, this will be the the ScrollableArea used by the |
| // FrameView, depending on whether root-layer-scrolls is enabled. |
| ScrollableArea* scrollableArea(); |
| |
| // Used to get at the underlying layoutViewport in the rare instances where |
| // we actually want to scroll *just* the layout viewport (e.g. when sending |
| // deltas from CC). For typical scrolling cases, use scrollableArea(). |
| ScrollableArea* layoutViewportScrollableArea(); |
| |
| int viewportWidth() const; |
| |
| LayoutAnalyzer* layoutAnalyzer() { return m_analyzer.get(); } |
| |
| // Returns true if the default scrolling direction is vertical. i.e. writing mode |
| // is horiziontal. In a vertical document, a spacebar scrolls down. |
| bool isVerticalDocument() const; |
| |
| // Returns true if the document's writing mode is right-to-left or bottom-to-top. |
| bool isFlippedDocument() const; |
| |
| void setFrameTimingRequestsDirty(bool isDirty) { m_frameTimingRequestsDirty = isDirty; } |
| bool frameTimingRequestsDirty() { return m_frameTimingRequestsDirty; } |
| |
| // Returns true if this frame should not render or schedule visual updates. |
| bool shouldThrottleRendering() const; |
| |
| // Returns true if this frame could potentially skip rendering and avoid |
| // scheduling visual updates. |
| bool canThrottleRendering() const; |
| bool isHiddenForThrottling() const { return m_hiddenForThrottling; } |
| |
| // Paint properties for SPv2 Only. |
| void setPreTranslation(PassRefPtr<TransformPaintPropertyNode> preTranslation) { m_preTranslation = preTranslation; } |
| TransformPaintPropertyNode* preTranslation() const { return m_preTranslation.get(); } |
| |
| void setScrollTranslation(PassRefPtr<TransformPaintPropertyNode> scrollTranslation) { m_scrollTranslation = scrollTranslation; } |
| TransformPaintPropertyNode* scrollTranslation() const { return m_scrollTranslation.get(); } |
| |
| void setContentClip(PassRefPtr<ClipPaintPropertyNode> contentClip) { m_contentClip = contentClip; } |
| ClipPaintPropertyNode* contentClip() const { return m_contentClip.get(); } |
| |
| // TODO(ojan): Merge this with IntersectionObserver once it lands. |
| IntRect computeVisibleArea(); |
| |
| // Viewport size that should be used for viewport units (i.e. 'vh'/'vw'). |
| FloatSize viewportSizeForViewportUnits() const; |
| |
| ScrollAnchor& scrollAnchor() { return m_scrollAnchor; } |
| |
| protected: |
| // Scroll the content via the compositor. |
| bool scrollContentsFastPath(const IntSize& scrollDelta); |
| |
| // Scroll the content by invalidating everything. |
| void scrollContentsSlowPath(const IntRect& updateRect); |
| |
| // These functions are used to create/destroy scrollbars. |
| void setHasHorizontalScrollbar(bool); |
| void setHasVerticalScrollbar(bool); |
| |
| ScrollBehavior scrollBehaviorStyle() const override; |
| |
| void scrollContentsIfNeeded(); |
| |
| void setScrollOrigin(const IntPoint&, bool updatePositionAtAll, bool updatePositionSynchronously); |
| |
| enum ComputeScrollbarExistenceOption { |
| FirstPass, |
| Incremental |
| }; |
| void computeScrollbarExistence(bool& newHasHorizontalScrollbar, bool& newHasVerticalScrollbar, const IntSize& docSize, ComputeScrollbarExistenceOption = FirstPass) const; |
| void updateScrollbarGeometry(); |
| IntRect adjustScrollbarRectForResizer(const IntRect&, Scrollbar&); |
| |
| // Called to update the scrollbars to accurately reflect the state of the view. |
| void updateScrollbars(const DoubleSize& desiredOffset); |
| |
| class InUpdateScrollbarsScope { |
| public: |
| explicit InUpdateScrollbarsScope(FrameView* view) |
| : m_scope(view->m_inUpdateScrollbars, true) |
| { } |
| private: |
| TemporaryChange<bool> m_scope; |
| }; |
| |
| // Only for LayoutPart to traverse into sub frames during paint invalidation. |
| void invalidateTreeIfNeeded(PaintInvalidationState&); |
| |
| private: |
| explicit FrameView(LocalFrame*); |
| |
| void setScrollOffset(const IntPoint&, ScrollType) override; |
| void setScrollOffset(const DoublePoint&, ScrollType) override; |
| |
| enum LifeCycleUpdateOption { |
| OnlyUpToLayoutClean, |
| OnlyUpToCompositingCleanPlusScrolling, |
| AllPhases, |
| }; |
| |
| void updateLifecyclePhasesInternal(LifeCycleUpdateOption); |
| void invalidateTreeIfNeededRecursive(); |
| void scrollContentsIfNeededRecursive(); |
| void updateStyleAndLayoutIfNeededRecursive(); |
| void updatePaintProperties(); |
| void synchronizedPaint(); |
| void synchronizedPaintRecursively(GraphicsLayer*); |
| |
| void pushPaintArtifactToCompositor(); |
| |
| void reset(); |
| void init(); |
| |
| void clearLayoutSubtreeRootsAndMarkContainingBlocks(); |
| |
| // Called when our frame rect changes (or the rect/scroll position of an ancestor changes). |
| void frameRectsChanged() override; |
| |
| bool contentsInCompositedLayer() const; |
| |
| void calculateScrollbarModesFromOverflowStyle(const ComputedStyle*, ScrollbarMode& hMode, ScrollbarMode& vMode); |
| |
| void updateCounters(); |
| void forceLayoutParentViewIfNeeded(); |
| void performPreLayoutTasks(); |
| void performLayout(bool inSubtreeLayout); |
| void scheduleOrPerformPostLayoutTasks(); |
| void performPostLayoutTasks(); |
| |
| DocumentLifecycle& lifecycle() const; |
| |
| void contentsResized() override; |
| void scrollbarExistenceDidChange(); |
| |
| // Override Widget methods to do point conversion via layoutObjects, in order to |
| // take transforms into account. |
| IntRect convertToContainingWidget(const IntRect&) const override; |
| IntRect convertFromContainingWidget(const IntRect&) const override; |
| IntPoint convertToContainingWidget(const IntPoint&) const override; |
| IntPoint convertFromContainingWidget(const IntPoint&) const override; |
| |
| void updateWidgetGeometriesIfNeeded(); |
| |
| bool wasViewportResized(); |
| void sendResizeEventIfNeeded(); |
| |
| void updateScrollableAreaSet(); |
| |
| void scheduleUpdateWidgetsIfNecessary(); |
| void updateWidgetsTimerFired(Timer<FrameView>*); |
| bool updateWidgets(); |
| |
| bool processUrlFragmentHelper(const String&, UrlFragmentBehavior); |
| void setFragmentAnchor(Node*); |
| void scrollToFragmentAnchor(); |
| void scrollPositionChanged(); |
| void didScrollTimerFired(Timer<FrameView>*); |
| |
| void updateLayersAndCompositingAfterScrollIfNeeded(); |
| |
| static bool computeCompositedSelection(LocalFrame&, CompositedSelection&); |
| void updateCompositedSelectionIfNeeded(); |
| |
| // Returns true if the FrameView's own scrollbars overlay its content when visible. |
| bool hasOverlayScrollbars() const; |
| |
| // Returns true if the frame should use custom scrollbars. If true, one of |
| // either |customScrollbarElement| or |customScrollbarFrame| will be set to |
| // the element or frame which owns the scrollbar with the other set to null. |
| bool shouldUseCustomScrollbars(Element*& customScrollbarElement, LocalFrame*& customScrollbarFrame) const; |
| |
| // Returns true if a scrollbar needs to go from native -> custom or vice versa. |
| bool needsScrollbarReconstruction() const; |
| |
| bool shouldIgnoreOverflowHidden() const; |
| |
| void updateScrollCorner(); |
| |
| AXObjectCache* axObjectCache() const; |
| void removeFromAXObjectCache(); |
| |
| void setLayoutSizeInternal(const IntSize&); |
| |
| bool adjustScrollbarExistence(ComputeScrollbarExistenceOption = FirstPass); |
| void adjustScrollbarOpacity(); |
| void setScrollOffsetFromUpdateScrollbars(const DoubleSize&); |
| bool visualViewportSuppliesScrollbars() const; |
| |
| IntRect rectToCopyOnScroll() const; |
| |
| bool isFrameViewScrollbar(const Widget* child) const { return horizontalScrollbar() == child || verticalScrollbar() == child; } |
| |
| ScrollingCoordinator* scrollingCoordinator() const; |
| |
| void prepareLayoutAnalyzer(); |
| PassRefPtr<TracedValue> analyzerCounters(); |
| |
| // LayoutObject for the viewport-defining element (see Document::viewportDefiningElement). |
| LayoutObject* viewportLayoutObject(); |
| |
| void collectAnnotatedRegions(LayoutObject&, Vector<AnnotatedRegionValue>&) const; |
| |
| typedef WTF::HashMap <const GraphicsLayer*, Vector<std::pair<int64_t, WebRect>>> GraphicsLayerFrameTimingRequests; |
| void updateFrameTimingRequestsIfNeeded(); |
| void collectFrameTimingRequests(GraphicsLayerFrameTimingRequests&); |
| void collectFrameTimingRequestsRecursive(GraphicsLayerFrameTimingRequests&); |
| |
| template <typename Function> void forAllNonThrottledFrameViews(Function); |
| |
| void setNeedsUpdateViewportIntersection(); |
| void updateViewportIntersectionsForSubtree(LifeCycleUpdateOption); |
| void updateViewportIntersectionIfNeeded(); |
| void notifyRenderThrottlingObservers(); |
| |
| // PaintInvalidationCapableScrollableArea |
| LayoutBox& boxForScrollControlPaintInvalidation() const override; |
| LayoutScrollbarPart* resizer() const override { return nullptr; } |
| |
| LayoutSize m_size; |
| |
| typedef HashSet<RefPtr<LayoutEmbeddedObject>> EmbeddedObjectSet; |
| EmbeddedObjectSet m_partUpdateSet; |
| |
| // FIXME: These are just "children" of the FrameView and should be RefPtrWillBeMember<Widget> instead. |
| HashSet<RefPtr<LayoutPart>> m_parts; |
| |
| // The RefPtr cycle between LocalFrame and FrameView is broken |
| // when a LocalFrame is detached by LocalFrame::detach(). |
| // It clears the LocalFrame's m_view reference via setView(nullptr). |
| // |
| // For Oilpan, Member reference cycles pose no problem, but |
| // LocalFrame's FrameView is also cleared by that setView(), so as to |
| // keep the observable lifespan of LocalFrame::view() identical. |
| RefPtrWillBeMember<LocalFrame> m_frame; |
| |
| WebDisplayMode m_displayMode; |
| |
| bool m_doFullPaintInvalidation; |
| |
| bool m_canHaveScrollbars; |
| |
| bool m_hasPendingLayout; |
| LayoutSubtreeRootList m_layoutSubtreeRootList; |
| DepthOrderedLayoutObjectList m_orthogonalWritingModeRootList; |
| |
| bool m_layoutSchedulingEnabled; |
| bool m_inSynchronousPostLayout; |
| int m_layoutCount; |
| unsigned m_nestedLayoutCount; |
| Timer<FrameView> m_postLayoutTasksTimer; |
| Timer<FrameView> m_updateWidgetsTimer; |
| OwnPtr<CancellableTaskFactory> m_renderThrottlingObserverNotificationFactory; |
| |
| bool m_firstLayout; |
| bool m_isTransparent; |
| Color m_baseBackgroundColor; |
| IntSize m_lastViewportSize; |
| float m_lastZoomFactor; |
| |
| AtomicString m_mediaType; |
| AtomicString m_mediaTypeWhenNotPrinting; |
| |
| bool m_safeToPropagateScrollToParent; |
| |
| bool m_isTrackingPaintInvalidations; // Used for testing. |
| |
| // TODO(wangxianzhu): Use document cycle state for spv2 and synchronzied painting. |
| mutable bool m_isPainting; |
| |
| unsigned m_visuallyNonEmptyCharacterCount; |
| unsigned m_visuallyNonEmptyPixelCount; |
| bool m_isVisuallyNonEmpty; |
| |
| RefPtrWillBeMember<Node> m_fragmentAnchor; |
| |
| // layoutObject to hold our custom scroll corner. |
| LayoutScrollbarPart* m_scrollCorner; |
| |
| OwnPtrWillBeMember<ScrollableAreaSet> m_scrollableAreas; |
| OwnPtrWillBeMember<ScrollableAreaSet> m_animatingScrollableAreas; |
| OwnPtr<ResizerAreaSet> m_resizerAreas; |
| OwnPtr<ViewportConstrainedObjectSet> m_viewportConstrainedObjects; |
| ViewportConstrainedObjectSet m_backgroundAttachmentFixedObjects; |
| OwnPtrWillBeMember<FrameViewAutoSizeInfo> m_autoSizeInfo; |
| |
| IntSize m_inputEventsOffsetForEmulation; |
| float m_inputEventsScaleFactorForEmulation; |
| |
| IntSize m_layoutSize; |
| bool m_layoutSizeFixedToFrameSize; |
| |
| Timer<FrameView> m_didScrollTimer; |
| |
| Vector<IntRect> m_tickmarks; |
| |
| float m_topControlsViewportAdjustment; |
| |
| bool m_needsUpdateWidgetGeometries; |
| bool m_needsUpdateViewportIntersection; |
| bool m_needsUpdateViewportIntersectionInSubtree; |
| |
| // Verified when finalizing. |
| bool m_hasBeenDisposed; |
| #endif |
| |
| RefPtrWillBeMember<Scrollbar> m_horizontalScrollbar; |
| RefPtrWillBeMember<Scrollbar> m_verticalScrollbar; |
| ScrollbarMode m_horizontalScrollbarMode; |
| ScrollbarMode m_verticalScrollbarMode; |
| |
| bool m_horizontalScrollbarLock; |
| bool m_verticalScrollbarLock; |
| |
| ChildrenWidgetSet m_children; |
| |
| DoubleSize m_pendingScrollDelta; |
| DoublePoint m_scrollPosition; |
| IntSize m_contentsSize; |
| |
| int m_scrollbarsAvoidingResizer; |
| bool m_scrollbarsSuppressed; |
| |
| bool m_inUpdateScrollbars; |
| |
| OwnPtr<LayoutAnalyzer> m_analyzer; |
| |
| // Mark if something has changed in the mapping from Frame to GraphicsLayer |
| // and the Frame Timing regions should be recalculated. |
| bool m_frameTimingRequestsDirty; |
| |
| // Exists only on root frame. |
| // TODO(bokan): crbug.com/484188. We should specialize FrameView for the |
| // main frame. |
| OwnPtrWillBeMember<ScrollableArea> m_viewportScrollableArea; |
| |
| // This frame's bounds in the root frame's content coordinates, clipped |
| // recursively through every ancestor view. |
| IntRect m_viewportIntersection; |
| bool m_viewportIntersectionValid; |
| |
| // The following members control rendering pipeline throttling for this |
| // frame. They are only updated in response to intersection observer |
| // notifications, i.e., not in the middle of the lifecycle. |
| bool m_hiddenForThrottling; |
| bool m_crossOriginForThrottling; |
| |
| // Paint properties for SPv2 Only. |
| // The hierarchy of transform subtree created by a FrameView. |
| // [ preTranslation ] The offset from Widget::frameRect. Establishes viewport. |
| // +---[ scrollTranslation ] Frame scrolling. |
| // TODO(trchen): These will not be needed once settings->rootLayerScrolls() is enabled. |
| RefPtr<TransformPaintPropertyNode> m_preTranslation; |
| RefPtr<TransformPaintPropertyNode> m_scrollTranslation; |
| // The content clip clips the document (= LayoutView) but not the scrollbars. |
| // TODO(trchen): This will not be needed once settings->rootLayerScrolls() is enabled. |
| RefPtr<ClipPaintPropertyNode> m_contentClip; |
| |
| bool m_isUpdatingAllLifecyclePhases; |
| ScrollAnchor m_scrollAnchor; |
| }; |
| |
| inline void FrameView::incrementVisuallyNonEmptyCharacterCount(unsigned count) |
| { |
| if (m_isVisuallyNonEmpty) |
| return; |
| m_visuallyNonEmptyCharacterCount += count; |
| // Use a threshold value to prevent very small amounts of visible content from triggering didMeaningfulLayout. |
| // The first few hundred characters rarely contain the interesting content of the page. |
| static const unsigned visualCharacterThreshold = 200; |
| if (m_visuallyNonEmptyCharacterCount > visualCharacterThreshold) |
| setIsVisuallyNonEmpty(); |
| } |
| |
| inline void FrameView::incrementVisuallyNonEmptyPixelCount(const IntSize& size) |
| { |
| if (m_isVisuallyNonEmpty) |
| return; |
| m_visuallyNonEmptyPixelCount += size.width() * size.height(); |
| // Use a threshold value to prevent very small amounts of visible content from triggering didMeaningfulLayout. |
| static const unsigned visualPixelThreshold = 32 * 32; |
| if (m_visuallyNonEmptyPixelCount > visualPixelThreshold) |
| setIsVisuallyNonEmpty(); |
| } |
| |
| DEFINE_TYPE_CASTS(FrameView, Widget, widget, widget->isFrameView(), widget.isFrameView()); |
| DEFINE_TYPE_CASTS(FrameView, ScrollableArea, scrollableArea, scrollableArea->isFrameView(), scrollableArea.isFrameView()); |
| |
| } // namespace blink |
| |
| #endif // FrameView_h |