blob: f11dbe4b4d579ce1234d42f93cc8523ccfd5251f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "core/frame/TopControls.h"
#include "core/frame/FrameHost.h"
#include "core/page/ChromeClient.h"
#include "platform/geometry/FloatSize.h"
#include <algorithm> // for std::min and std::max
namespace blink {
TopControls::TopControls(const FrameHost& frameHost)
: m_frameHost(&frameHost)
, m_height(0)
, m_shownRatio(0)
, m_baselineContentOffset(0)
, m_accumulatedScrollDelta(0)
, m_shrinkViewport(false)
, m_permittedState(WebTopControlsBoth)
void TopControls::scrollBegin()
FloatSize TopControls::scrollBy(FloatSize pendingDelta)
if ((m_permittedState == WebTopControlsShown && pendingDelta.height() < 0) || (m_permittedState == WebTopControlsHidden && pendingDelta.height() > 0))
return pendingDelta;
if (m_height == 0)
return pendingDelta;
float oldOffset = contentOffset();
float pageScale = m_frameHost->visualViewport().scale();
// Update accumulated vertical scroll and apply it to top controls
// Compute scroll delta in viewport space by applying page scale
m_accumulatedScrollDelta += pendingDelta.height() * pageScale;
float newContentOffset = m_baselineContentOffset + m_accumulatedScrollDelta;
setShownRatio(newContentOffset / m_height);
// Reset baseline when controls are fully visible
if (m_shownRatio == 1)
// Clamp and use the expected content offset so that we don't return
// spurrious remaining scrolls due to the imprecision of the shownRatio.
newContentOffset = std::min(newContentOffset, m_height);
newContentOffset = std::max(newContentOffset, 0.f);
FloatSize appliedDelta(0, (newContentOffset - oldOffset) / pageScale);
return pendingDelta - appliedDelta;
void TopControls::resetBaseline()
m_accumulatedScrollDelta = 0;
m_baselineContentOffset = contentOffset();
float TopControls::layoutHeight()
return m_shrinkViewport ? m_height : 0;
float TopControls::contentOffset()
return m_shownRatio * m_height;
void TopControls::setShownRatio(float shownRatio)
shownRatio = std::min(shownRatio, 1.f);
shownRatio = std::max(shownRatio, 0.f);
if (m_shownRatio == shownRatio)
m_shownRatio = shownRatio;
void TopControls::updateConstraints(WebTopControlsState constraints)
m_permittedState = constraints;
void TopControls::setHeight(float height, bool shrinkViewport)
if (m_height == height && m_shrinkViewport == shrinkViewport)
m_height = height;
m_shrinkViewport = shrinkViewport;
} // namespace blink