blob: 77bdc764825baaf6d9f61bf9e38b1af159e2a7f4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2012 Google, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
#ifndef UseCounter_h
#define UseCounter_h
#include "core/CSSPropertyNames.h"
#include "core/CoreExport.h"
#include "wtf/BitVector.h"
#include "wtf/Noncopyable.h"
#include "wtf/OwnPtr.h"
#include "wtf/PassOwnPtr.h"
#include "wtf/text/WTFString.h"
#include <v8.h>
namespace blink {
class CSSStyleSheet;
class Document;
class ExecutionContext;
class Frame;
class LocalFrame;
class StyleSheetContents;
// UseCounter is used for counting the number of times features of
// Blink are used on real web pages and help us know commonly
// features are used and thus when it's safe to remove or change them.
// The Chromium Content layer controls what is done with this data.
// For instance, in Google Chrome, these counts are submitted
// anonymously through the Histogram recording system in Chrome
// for users who opt-in to "Usage Statistics" submission
// during their install of Google Chrome:
class CORE_EXPORT UseCounter {
enum Feature {
// Do not change assigned numbers of existing items: add new features
// to the end of the list.
PageDestruction = 0,
PrefixedIndexedDB = 3,
WorkerStart = 4,
SharedWorkerStart = 5,
UnprefixedIndexedDB = 9,
OpenWebDatabase = 10,
UnprefixedRequestAnimationFrame = 13,
PrefixedRequestAnimationFrame = 14,
ContentSecurityPolicy = 15,
ContentSecurityPolicyReportOnly = 16,
PrefixedTransitionEndEvent = 18,
UnprefixedTransitionEndEvent = 19,
PrefixedAndUnprefixedTransitionEndEvent = 20,
AutoFocusAttribute = 21,
DataListElement = 23,
FormAttribute = 24,
IncrementalAttribute = 25,
InputTypeColor = 26,
InputTypeDate = 27,
InputTypeDateTimeFallback = 29,
InputTypeDateTimeLocal = 30,
InputTypeEmail = 31,
InputTypeMonth = 32,
InputTypeNumber = 33,
InputTypeRange = 34,
InputTypeSearch = 35,
InputTypeTel = 36,
InputTypeTime = 37,
InputTypeURL = 38,
InputTypeWeek = 39,
InputTypeWeekFallback = 40,
ListAttribute = 41,
MaxAttribute = 42,
MinAttribute = 43,
PatternAttribute = 44,
PlaceholderAttribute = 45,
PrefixedDirectoryAttribute = 47,
RequiredAttribute = 49,
ResultsAttribute = 50,
StepAttribute = 51,
PageVisits = 52,
HTMLMarqueeElement = 53,
Reflection = 55,
PrefixedStorageInfo = 57,
XFrameOptions = 58,
XFrameOptionsSameOrigin = 59,
XFrameOptionsSameOriginWithBadAncestorChain = 60,
DeprecatedFlexboxWebContent = 61,
DeprecatedFlexboxChrome = 62,
DeprecatedFlexboxChromeExtension = 63,
UnprefixedPerformanceTimeline = 65,
UnprefixedUserTiming = 67,
WindowEvent = 69,
ContentSecurityPolicyWithBaseElement = 70,
PrefixedMediaAddKey = 71,
PrefixedMediaGenerateKeyRequest = 72,
DocumentClear = 74,
XMLDocument = 77,
XSLProcessingInstruction = 78,
XSLTProcessor = 79,
SVGSwitchElement = 80,
DocumentAll = 83,
FormElement = 84,
DemotedFormElement = 85,
SVGAnimationElement = 90,
KeyboardEventKeyLocation = 91,
LineClamp = 96,
SubFrameBeforeUnloadRegistered = 97,
SubFrameBeforeUnloadFired = 98,
ConsoleMarkTimeline = 102,
ElementGetAttributeNode = 107,
ElementSetAttributeNode = 108,
ElementRemoveAttributeNode = 109,
ElementGetAttributeNodeNS = 110,
DocumentCreateAttribute = 111,
DocumentCreateAttributeNS = 112,
DocumentCreateCDATASection = 113, // Removed from DOM4.
DocumentXMLEncoding = 115, // Removed from DOM4.
DocumentXMLStandalone = 116, // Removed from DOM4.
DocumentXMLVersion = 117, // Removed from DOM4.
NodeIsSameNode = 118, // Removed from DOM4.
NavigatorProductSub = 123,
NavigatorVendor = 124,
NavigatorVendorSub = 125,
FileError = 126,
PrefixedAnimationEndEvent = 128,
UnprefixedAnimationEndEvent = 129,
PrefixedAndUnprefixedAnimationEndEvent = 130,
PrefixedAnimationStartEvent = 131,
UnprefixedAnimationStartEvent = 132,
PrefixedAndUnprefixedAnimationStartEvent = 133,
PrefixedAnimationIterationEvent = 134,
UnprefixedAnimationIterationEvent = 135,
PrefixedAndUnprefixedAnimationIterationEvent = 136,
EventReturnValue = 137, // Legacy IE extension.
SVGSVGElement = 138,
InsertAdjacentText = 140,
InsertAdjacentElement = 141,
HasAttributes = 142,
DOMSubtreeModifiedEvent = 143,
DOMNodeInsertedEvent = 144,
DOMNodeRemovedEvent = 145,
DOMNodeRemovedFromDocumentEvent = 146,
DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocumentEvent = 147,
DOMCharacterDataModifiedEvent = 148,
DocumentAllLegacyCall = 150,
HTMLEmbedElementLegacyCall = 152,
HTMLObjectElementLegacyCall = 153,
GetMatchedCSSRules = 155,
AttributeOwnerElement = 160,
AttributeSpecified = 162,
PrefixedAudioDecodedByteCount = 164,
PrefixedVideoDecodedByteCount = 165,
PrefixedVideoSupportsFullscreen = 166,
PrefixedVideoDisplayingFullscreen = 167,
PrefixedVideoEnterFullscreen = 168,
PrefixedVideoExitFullscreen = 169,
PrefixedVideoEnterFullScreen = 170,
PrefixedVideoExitFullScreen = 171,
PrefixedVideoDecodedFrameCount = 172,
PrefixedVideoDroppedFrameCount = 173,
PrefixedElementRequestFullscreen = 176,
PrefixedElementRequestFullScreen = 177,
BarPropLocationbar = 178,
BarPropMenubar = 179,
BarPropPersonalbar = 180,
BarPropScrollbars = 181,
BarPropStatusbar = 182,
BarPropToolbar = 183,
InputTypeEmailMultiple = 184,
InputTypeEmailMaxLength = 185,
InputTypeEmailMultipleMaxLength = 186,
InputTypeText = 190,
InputTypeTextMaxLength = 191,
InputTypePassword = 192,
InputTypePasswordMaxLength = 193,
PrefixedPageVisibility = 196,
CSSStyleSheetInsertRuleOptionalArg = 198, // Inconsistent with the specification and other browsers.
DocumentBeforeUnloadRegistered = 200,
DocumentBeforeUnloadFired = 201,
DocumentUnloadRegistered = 202,
DocumentUnloadFired = 203,
SVGLocatableNearestViewportElement = 204,
SVGLocatableFarthestViewportElement = 205,
SVGPointMatrixTransform = 209,
DOMFocusInOutEvent = 211,
FileGetLastModifiedDate = 212,
HTMLElementInnerText = 213,
HTMLElementOuterText = 214,
ReplaceDocumentViaJavaScriptURL = 215,
ElementSetAttributeNodeNS = 216,
ElementPrefixedMatchesSelector = 217,
CSSStyleSheetRules = 219,
CSSStyleSheetAddRule = 220,
CSSStyleSheetRemoveRule = 221,
// The above items are available in M33 branch.
InitMessageEvent = 222,
PrefixedMediaCancelKeyRequest = 229,
CanPlayTypeKeySystem = 232,
PrefixedDevicePixelRatioMediaFeature = 233,
PrefixedMaxDevicePixelRatioMediaFeature = 234,
PrefixedMinDevicePixelRatioMediaFeature = 235,
PrefixedTransform3dMediaFeature = 237,
PrefixedStorageQuota = 240,
ResetReferrerPolicy = 243,
CaseInsensitiveAttrSelectorMatch = 244, // Case-insensitivity dropped from specification.
FormNameAccessForImageElement = 246,
FormNameAccessForPastNamesMap = 247,
FormAssociationByParser = 248,
SVGSVGElementInDocument = 250,
SVGDocumentRootElement = 251,
WorkerSubjectToCSP = 257,
WorkerAllowedByChildBlockedByScript = 258,
DeprecatedWebKitGradient = 260,
DeprecatedWebKitLinearGradient = 261,
DeprecatedWebKitRepeatingLinearGradient = 262,
DeprecatedWebKitRadialGradient = 263,
DeprecatedWebKitRepeatingRadialGradient = 264,
PrefixedImageSmoothingEnabled = 267,
UnprefixedImageSmoothingEnabled = 268,
// The above items are available in M34 branch.
TextAutosizing = 274,
HTMLAnchorElementPingAttribute = 276,
InsertAdjacentHTML = 278,
SVGClassName = 279,
HTMLAppletElement = 280,
HTMLMediaElementSeekToFragmentStart = 281,
HTMLMediaElementPauseAtFragmentEnd = 282,
PrefixedWindowURL = 283,
WindowOrientation = 285,
DOMStringListContains = 286,
DocumentCaptureEvents = 287,
DocumentReleaseEvents = 288,
WindowCaptureEvents = 289,
WindowReleaseEvents = 290,
DocumentXPathCreateExpression = 295,
DocumentXPathCreateNSResolver = 296,
DocumentXPathEvaluate = 297,
AttrGetValue = 298,
AttrSetValue = 299,
AnimationConstructorKeyframeListEffectObjectTiming = 300,
AnimationConstructorKeyframeListEffectNoTiming = 302,
AttrSetValueWithElement = 303,
PrefixedCancelAnimationFrame = 304,
PrefixedCancelRequestAnimationFrame = 305,
NamedNodeMapGetNamedItem = 306,
NamedNodeMapSetNamedItem = 307,
NamedNodeMapRemoveNamedItem = 308,
NamedNodeMapItem = 309,
NamedNodeMapGetNamedItemNS = 310,
NamedNodeMapSetNamedItemNS = 311,
NamedNodeMapRemoveNamedItemNS = 312,
PrefixedDocumentIsFullscreen = 318,
PrefixedDocumentCurrentFullScreenElement = 320,
PrefixedDocumentCancelFullScreen = 321,
PrefixedDocumentFullscreenEnabled = 322,
PrefixedDocumentFullscreenElement = 323,
PrefixedDocumentExitFullscreen = 324,
// The above items are available in M35 branch.
SVGForeignObjectElement = 325,
SelectionSetPosition = 327,
AnimationFinishEvent = 328,
SVGSVGElementInXMLDocument = 329,
PrefixedPerformanceClearResourceTimings = 341,
PrefixedPerformanceSetResourceTimingBufferSize = 342,
EventSrcElement = 343,
EventCancelBubble = 344,
EventPath = 345,
NodeIteratorDetach = 347,
AttrNodeValue = 348,
AttrTextContent = 349,
EventGetReturnValueTrue = 350,
EventGetReturnValueFalse = 351,
EventSetReturnValueTrue = 352,
EventSetReturnValueFalse = 353,
WindowOffscreenBuffering = 356,
WindowDefaultStatus = 357,
WindowDefaultstatus = 358,
PrefixedTransitionEventConstructor = 361,
PrefixedMutationObserverConstructor = 362,
PrefixedIDBCursorConstructor = 363,
PrefixedIDBDatabaseConstructor = 364,
PrefixedIDBFactoryConstructor = 365,
PrefixedIDBIndexConstructor = 366,
PrefixedIDBKeyRangeConstructor = 367,
PrefixedIDBObjectStoreConstructor = 368,
PrefixedIDBRequestConstructor = 369,
PrefixedIDBTransactionConstructor = 370,
NotificationPermission = 371,
RangeDetach = 372,
PrefixedMouseEventMovementX = 382,
PrefixedMouseEventMovementY = 383,
PrefixedFileRelativePath = 386,
DocumentCaretRangeFromPoint = 387,
// DocumentGetCSSCanvasContext = 388,
ElementScrollIntoViewIfNeeded = 389,
RangeExpand = 393,
HTMLImageElementX = 396,
HTMLImageElementY = 397,
SelectionBaseNode = 400,
SelectionBaseOffset = 401,
SelectionExtentNode = 402,
SelectionExtentOffset = 403,
SelectionType = 404,
SelectionModify = 405,
SelectionSetBaseAndExtent = 406,
SelectionEmpty = 407,
VTTCue = 409,
VTTCueRender = 410,
VTTCueRenderVertical = 411,
VTTCueRenderSnapToLinesFalse = 412,
VTTCueRenderLineNotAuto = 413,
VTTCueRenderPositionNot50 = 414,
VTTCueRenderSizeNot100 = 415,
VTTCueRenderAlignNotMiddle = 416,
// The above items are available in M36 branch.
ElementRequestPointerLock = 417,
VTTCueRenderRtl = 418,
PostMessageFromSecureToInsecure = 419,
PostMessageFromInsecureToSecure = 420,
DocumentExitPointerLock = 421,
DocumentPointerLockElement = 422,
PrefixedCursorZoomIn = 424,
PrefixedCursorZoomOut = 425,
DocumentDefaultCharset = 428,
TextEncoderConstructor = 429,
TextEncoderEncode = 430,
TextDecoderConstructor = 431,
TextDecoderDecode = 432,
FocusInOutEvent = 433,
MouseEventMovementX = 434,
MouseEventMovementY = 435,
DocumentFonts = 440,
MixedContentFormsSubmitted = 441,
FormsSubmitted = 442,
TextInputEventOnInput = 443,
TextInputEventOnTextArea = 444,
TextInputEventOnContentEditable = 445,
TextInputEventOnNotNode = 446,
WebkitBeforeTextInsertedOnInput = 447,
WebkitBeforeTextInsertedOnTextArea = 448,
WebkitBeforeTextInsertedOnContentEditable = 449,
WebkitBeforeTextInsertedOnNotNode = 450,
WebkitEditableContentChangedOnInput = 451,
WebkitEditableContentChangedOnTextArea = 452,
WebkitEditableContentChangedOnContentEditable = 453,
WebkitEditableContentChangedOnNotNode = 454,
HTMLImports = 455,
ElementCreateShadowRoot = 456,
DocumentRegisterElement = 457,
EditingAppleInterchangeNewline = 458,
EditingAppleConvertedSpace = 459,
EditingApplePasteAsQuotation = 460,
EditingAppleStyleSpanClass = 461,
EditingAppleTabSpanClass = 462,
HTMLImportsAsyncAttribute = 463,
XMLHttpRequestSynchronous = 465,
CSSSelectorPseudoUnresolved = 466,
CSSSelectorPseudoShadow = 467,
CSSSelectorPseudoContent = 468,
CSSSelectorPseudoHost = 469,
CSSSelectorPseudoHostContext = 470,
CSSDeepCombinator = 471,
SyncXHRWithCredentials = 472,
// The above items are available in M37 branch.
UseAsm = 473,
DOMWindowOpen = 475,
DOMWindowOpenFeatures = 476,
MediaStreamTrackGetSources = 478,
AspectRatioFlexItem = 479,
DetailsElement = 480,
DialogElement = 481,
MapElement = 482,
MeterElement = 483,
ProgressElement = 484,
PrefixedHTMLElementDropzone = 490,
WheelEventWheelDeltaX = 491,
WheelEventWheelDeltaY = 492,
WheelEventWheelDelta = 493,
SendBeacon = 494,
SendBeaconQuotaExceeded = 495,
SVGSMILElementInDocument = 501,
MouseEventOffsetX = 502,
MouseEventOffsetY = 503,
MouseEventX = 504,
MouseEventY = 505,
MouseEventFromElement = 506,
MouseEventToElement = 507,
RequestFileSystem = 508,
RequestFileSystemWorker = 509,
RequestFileSystemSyncWorker = 510,
DevToolsConsoleProfile = 518,
SVGStyleElementTitle = 519,
PictureSourceSrc = 520,
// The above items are available in M38 branch.
Picture = 521,
Sizes = 522,
SrcsetXDescriptor = 523,
SrcsetWDescriptor = 524,
SelectionContainsNode = 525,
XMLExternalResourceLoad = 529,
MixedContentPrivateHostnameInPublicHostname = 530,
LegacyProtocolEmbeddedAsSubresource = 531,
RequestedSubresourceWithEmbeddedCredentials = 532,
NotificationCreated = 533,
NotificationClosed = 534,
NotificationPermissionRequested = 535,
ConsoleTimeline = 538,
ConsoleTimelineEnd = 539,
SRIElementWithMatchingIntegrityAttribute = 540,
SRIElementWithNonMatchingIntegrityAttribute = 541,
SRIElementWithUnparsableIntegrityAttribute = 542,
V8Animation_StartTime_AttributeGetter = 545,
V8Animation_StartTime_AttributeSetter = 546,
V8Animation_CurrentTime_AttributeGetter = 547,
V8Animation_CurrentTime_AttributeSetter = 548,
V8Animation_PlaybackRate_AttributeGetter = 549,
V8Animation_PlaybackRate_AttributeSetter = 550,
V8Animation_PlayState_AttributeGetter = 551,
V8Animation_Finish_Method = 552,
V8Animation_Play_Method = 553,
V8Animation_Pause_Method = 554,
V8Animation_Reverse_Method = 555,
// The above items are available in M39 branch.
BreakIterator = 556,
ScreenOrientationAngle = 557,
ScreenOrientationType = 558,
ScreenOrientationLock = 559,
ScreenOrientationUnlock = 560,
GeolocationSecureOrigin = 561,
GeolocationInsecureOrigin = 562,
NotificationSecureOrigin = 563,
NotificationInsecureOrigin = 564,
NotificationShowEvent = 565,
SVGTransformListConsolidate = 569,
SVGAnimatedTransformListBaseVal = 570,
QuotedAnimationName = 571,
QuotedKeyframesRule = 572,
SrcsetDroppedCandidate = 573,
WindowPostMessage = 574,
WindowPostMessageWithLegacyTargetOriginArgument = 575,
RenderRuby = 576,
ScriptElementWithInvalidTypeHasSrc = 578,
XMLHttpRequestSynchronousInNonWorkerOutsideBeforeUnload = 581,
CSSSelectorPseudoScrollbar = 582,
CSSSelectorPseudoScrollbarButton = 583,
CSSSelectorPseudoScrollbarThumb = 584,
CSSSelectorPseudoScrollbarTrack = 585,
CSSSelectorPseudoScrollbarTrackPiece = 586,
LangAttribute = 587,
LangAttributeOnHTML = 588,
LangAttributeOnBody = 589,
LangAttributeDoesNotMatchToUILocale = 590,
InputTypeSubmit = 591,
InputTypeSubmitWithValue = 592,
// The above items are available in M40 branch.
SetReferrerPolicy = 593,
MouseEventWhich = 595,
UIEventWhich = 598,
TextWholeText = 599,
NotificationCloseEvent = 603,
StyleMedia = 606,
StyleMediaType = 607,
StyleMediaMatchMedium = 608,
MixedContentPresent = 609,
MixedContentBlockable = 610,
MixedContentAudio = 611,
MixedContentDownload = 612,
MixedContentFavicon = 613,
MixedContentImage = 614,
MixedContentInternal = 615,
MixedContentPlugin = 616,
MixedContentPrefetch = 617,
MixedContentVideo = 618,
AudioListenerDopplerFactor = 620,
AudioListenerSpeedOfSound = 621,
AudioListenerSetVelocity = 622,
CSSSelectorPseudoFullScreenAncestor = 628,
CSSSelectorPseudoFullScreen = 629,
WebKitCSSMatrix = 630,
AudioContextCreateAnalyser = 631,
AudioContextCreateBiquadFilter = 632,
AudioContextCreateBufferSource = 633,
AudioContextCreateChannelMerger = 634,
AudioContextCreateChannelSplitter = 635,
AudioContextCreateConvolver = 636,
AudioContextCreateDelay = 637,
AudioContextCreateDynamicsCompressor = 638,
AudioContextCreateGain = 639,
AudioContextCreateMediaElementSource = 640,
AudioContextCreateMediaStreamDestination = 641,
AudioContextCreateMediaStreamSource = 642,
AudioContextCreateOscillator = 643,
AudioContextCreatePanner = 644,
AudioContextCreatePeriodicWave = 645,
AudioContextCreateScriptProcessor = 646,
AudioContextCreateStereoPanner = 647,
AudioContextCreateWaveShaper = 648,
AudioContextDecodeAudioData = 649,
AudioContextResume = 650,
AudioContextSuspend = 651,
AudioContext = 652,
OfflineAudioContext = 653,
PrefixedAudioContext = 654,
PrefixedOfflineAudioContext = 655,
MixedContentInNonHTTPSFrameThatRestrictsMixedContent = 661,
MixedContentInSecureFrameThatDoesNotRestrictMixedContent = 662,
MixedContentWebSocket = 663,
SyntheticKeyframesInCompositedCSSAnimation = 664,
MixedContentFormPresent = 665,
GetUserMediaInsecureOrigin = 666,
GetUserMediaSecureOrigin = 667,
// The above items are available in M41 branch.
DeviceMotionInsecureOrigin = 668,
DeviceMotionSecureOrigin = 669,
DeviceOrientationInsecureOrigin = 670,
DeviceOrientationSecureOrigin = 671,
SandboxViaIFrame = 672,
SandboxViaCSP = 673,
BlockedSniffingImageToScript = 674,
Fetch = 675,
FetchBodyStream = 676,
XMLHttpRequestAsynchronous = 677,
WhiteSpacePreFromXMLSpace = 679,
WhiteSpaceNowrapFromXMLSpace = 680,
SVGSVGElementForceRedraw = 685,
SVGSVGElementSuspendRedraw = 686,
SVGSVGElementUnsuspendRedraw = 687,
SVGSVGElementUnsuspendRedrawAll = 688,
AudioContextClose = 689,
CSSZoomNotEqualToOne = 691,
// The above items are available in M42 branch.
ClientRectListItem = 694,
WindowClientInformation = 695,
WindowFind = 696,
WindowScreenLeft = 697,
WindowScreenTop = 698,
V8Animation_Cancel_Method = 699,
V8Animation_Onfinish_AttributeGetter = 700,
V8Animation_Onfinish_AttributeSetter = 701,
V8Window_WebKitAnimationEvent_ConstructorGetter = 707,
V8Window_WebKitAnimationEvent_AttributeSetter = 708,
ResourceLoadedAfterRedirectWithCSP = 709,
CryptoGetRandomValues = 710,
SubtleCryptoEncrypt = 711,
SubtleCryptoDecrypt = 712,
SubtleCryptoSign = 713,
SubtleCryptoVerify = 714,
SubtleCryptoDigest = 715,
SubtleCryptoGenerateKey = 716,
SubtleCryptoImportKey = 717,
SubtleCryptoExportKey = 718,
SubtleCryptoDeriveBits = 719,
SubtleCryptoDeriveKey = 720,
SubtleCryptoWrapKey = 721,
SubtleCryptoUnwrapKey = 722,
CryptoAlgorithmAesCbc = 723,
CryptoAlgorithmHmac = 724,
CryptoAlgorithmRsaSsaPkcs1v1_5 = 725,
CryptoAlgorithmSha1 = 726,
CryptoAlgorithmSha256 = 727,
CryptoAlgorithmSha384 = 728,
CryptoAlgorithmSha512 = 729,
CryptoAlgorithmAesGcm = 730,
CryptoAlgorithmRsaOaep = 731,
CryptoAlgorithmAesCtr = 732,
CryptoAlgorithmAesKw = 733,
CryptoAlgorithmRsaPss = 734,
CryptoAlgorithmEcdsa = 735,
CryptoAlgorithmEcdh = 736,
CryptoAlgorithmHkdf = 737,
CryptoAlgorithmPbkdf2 = 738,
DocumentSetDomain = 739,
UpgradeInsecureRequestsEnabled = 740,
UpgradeInsecureRequestsUpgradedRequest = 741,
DocumentDesignMode = 742,
GlobalCacheStorage = 743,
NetInfo = 744,
BackgroundSync = 745,
LegacyConst = 748,
V8Permissions_Query_Method = 750,
// The above items are available in M43 branch.
V8HTMLInputElement_Autocapitalize_AttributeGetter = 754,
V8HTMLInputElement_Autocapitalize_AttributeSetter = 755,
V8HTMLTextAreaElement_Autocapitalize_AttributeGetter = 756,
V8HTMLTextAreaElement_Autocapitalize_AttributeSetter = 757,
SVGHrefBaseVal = 758,
SVGHrefAnimVal = 759,
V8CSSRuleList_Item_Method = 760,
V8MediaList_Item_Method = 761,
V8StyleSheetList_Item_Method = 762,
StyleSheetListAnonymousNamedGetter = 763,
AutocapitalizeAttribute = 764,
FullscreenSecureOrigin = 765,
FullscreenInsecureOrigin = 766,
DialogInSandboxedContext = 767,
SVGSMILAnimationInImageRegardlessOfCache = 768,
EncryptedMediaSecureOrigin = 770,
EncryptedMediaInsecureOrigin = 771,
PerformanceFrameTiming = 772,
V8Element_Animate_Method = 773,
// The above items are available in M44 branch.
V8SVGSVGElement_GetElementById_Method = 778,
ElementCreateShadowRootMultiple = 779,
V8MessageChannel_Constructor = 780,
V8MessagePort_PostMessage_Method = 781,
V8MessagePort_Start_Method = 782,
V8MessagePort_Close_Method = 783,
MessagePortsTransferred = 784,
CSSKeyframesRuleAnonymousIndexedGetter = 785,
V8Screen_AvailLeft_AttributeGetter = 786,
V8Screen_AvailTop_AttributeGetter = 787,
ObjectObserve = 788,
V8SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement_PreserveAlpha_AttributeGetter = 791,
V8SVGStyleElement_Disabled_AttributeGetter = 798,
V8SVGStyleElement_Disabled_AttributeSetter = 799,
ElementCreateShadowRootMultipleWithUserAgentShadowRoot = 800,
InputTypeFileSecureOrigin = 801,
InputTypeFileInsecureOrigin = 802,
ElementAttachShadow = 804,
V8KeyboardEvent_KeyIdentifier_AttributeGetter = 805,
V8SecurityPolicyViolationEvent_DocumentURI_AttributeGetter = 806,
V8SecurityPolicyViolationEvent_BlockedURI_AttributeGetter = 807,
V8SecurityPolicyViolationEvent_StatusCode_AttributeGetter = 808,
HTMLLinkElementDisabled = 809,
V8HTMLLinkElement_Disabled_AttributeGetter = 810,
V8HTMLLinkElement_Disabled_AttributeSetter = 811,
V8HTMLStyleElement_Disabled_AttributeGetter = 812,
V8HTMLStyleElement_Disabled_AttributeSetter = 813,
V8FileReader_ReadAsBinaryString_Method = 814,
V8FileReaderSync_ReadAsBinaryString_Method = 815,
V8DOMError_Constructor = 816,
V8DOMError_Name_AttributeGetter = 817,
V8DOMError_Message_AttributeGetter = 818,
V8FileReader_Error_AttributeGetter = 819,
V8Location_AncestorOrigins_AttributeGetter = 823,
V8IDBDatabase_ObjectStoreNames_AttributeGetter = 824,
V8IDBObjectStore_IndexNames_AttributeGetter = 825,
V8IDBTransaction_ObjectStoreNames_AttributeGetter = 826,
TextInputFired = 830,
V8TextEvent_Data_AttributeGetter = 831,
V8TextEvent_InitTextEvent_Method = 832,
V8SVGSVGElement_UseCurrentView_AttributeGetter = 833,
V8SVGSVGElement_CurrentView_AttributeGetter = 834,
ClientHintsDPR = 835,
ClientHintsResourceWidth = 836,
ClientHintsViewportWidth = 837,
SRIElementIntegrityAttributeButIneligible = 838,
FormDataAppendFile = 839,
FormDataAppendFileWithFilename = 840,
FormDataAppendBlob = 841,
FormDataAppendBlobWithFilename = 842,
FormDataAppendNull = 843,
HTMLDocumentCreateAttributeNameNotLowercase = 844,
NonHTMLElementSetAttributeNodeFromHTMLDocumentNameNotLowercase = 845,
DOMStringList_Item_AttributeGetter_IndexedDB = 846,
DOMStringList_Item_AttributeGetter_Location = 847,
DOMStringList_Contains_Method_IndexedDB = 848,
DOMStringList_Contains_Method_Location = 849,
NavigatorVibrate = 850,
NavigatorVibrateSubFrame = 851,
V8XPathEvaluator_Constructor = 853,
V8XPathEvaluator_CreateExpression_Method = 854,
V8XPathEvaluator_CreateNSResolver_Method = 855,
V8XPathEvaluator_Evaluate_Method = 856,
RequestMIDIAccess = 857,
V8MouseEvent_LayerX_AttributeGetter = 858,
V8MouseEvent_LayerY_AttributeGetter = 859,
InnerTextWithShadowTree = 860,
SelectionToStringWithShadowTree = 861,
WindowFindWithShadowTree = 862,
V8CompositionEvent_InitCompositionEvent_Method = 863,
V8CustomEvent_InitCustomEvent_Method = 864,
V8DeviceMotionEvent_InitDeviceMotionEvent_Method = 865,
V8DeviceOrientationEvent_InitDeviceOrientationEvent_Method = 866,
V8Event_InitEvent_Method = 867,
V8KeyboardEvent_InitKeyboardEvent_Method = 868,
V8MouseEvent_InitMouseEvent_Method = 869,
V8MutationEvent_InitMutationEvent_Method = 870,
V8StorageEvent_InitStorageEvent_Method = 871,
V8TouchEvent_InitTouchEvent_Method = 872,
V8UIEvent_InitUIEvent_Method = 873,
V8Document_CreateTouch_Method = 874,
RequestFileSystemNonWebbyOrigin = 876,
V8Console_Memory_AttributeGetter = 877,
V8Console_Memory_AttributeSetter = 878,
V8MemoryInfo_TotalJSHeapSize_AttributeGetter = 879,
V8MemoryInfo_UsedJSHeapSize_AttributeGetter = 880,
V8MemoryInfo_JSHeapSizeLimit_AttributeGetter = 881,
V8Performance_Timing_AttributeGetter = 882,
V8Performance_Navigation_AttributeGetter = 883,
V8Performance_Memory_AttributeGetter = 884,
V8SharedWorker_WorkerStart_AttributeGetter = 885,
HTMLKeygenElement = 886,
// The above items are available in M45 branch.
V8SVGElement_OffsetParent_AttributeGetter = 887,
V8SVGElement_OffsetTop_AttributeGetter = 888,
V8SVGElement_OffsetLeft_AttributeGetter = 889,
V8SVGElement_OffsetWidth_AttributeGetter = 890,
V8SVGElement_OffsetHeight_AttributeGetter = 891,
HTMLMediaElementPreloadNone = 892,
HTMLMediaElementPreloadMetadata = 893,
HTMLMediaElementPreloadAuto = 894,
HTMLMediaElementPreloadDefault = 895,
MixedContentBlockableAllowed = 896,
PseudoBeforeAfterForInputElement = 897,
V8Permissions_Revoke_Method = 898,
LinkRelDnsPrefetch = 899,
LinkRelPreconnect = 900,
LinkRelPreload = 901,
LinkHeaderDnsPrefetch = 902,
LinkHeaderPreconnect = 903,
ClientHintsMetaAcceptCH = 904,
HTMLElementDeprecatedWidth = 905,
ClientHintsContentDPR = 906,
ElementAttachShadowOpen = 907,
ElementAttachShadowClosed = 908,
AudioParamSetValueAtTime = 909,
AudioParamLinearRampToValueAtTime = 910,
AudioParamExponentialRampToValueAtTime = 911,
AudioParamSetTargetAtTime = 912,
AudioParamSetValueCurveAtTime = 913,
AudioParamCancelScheduledValues = 914,
V8Permissions_Request_Method = 915,
LinkRelSubresource = 916,
LinkRelPrefetch = 917,
LinkRelPrerender = 918,
LinkRelNext = 919,
PrefixedPerformanceResourceTimingBufferFull = 920,
CSSValuePrefixedMinContent = 921,
CSSValuePrefixedMaxContent = 922,
CSSValuePrefixedFitContent = 923,
CSSValuePrefixedFillAvailable = 924,
PresentationDefaultRequest = 926,
PresentationAvailabilityChangeEventListener = 927,
PresentationRequestConstructor = 928,
PresentationRequestStart = 929,
PresentationRequestReconnect = 930,
PresentationRequestGetAvailability = 931,
PresentationRequestConnectionAvailableEventListener = 932,
PresentationConnectionTerminate = 933,
PresentationConnectionSend = 934,
PresentationConnectionStateChangeEventListener = 935,
PresentationConnectionMessageEventListener = 936,
CSSAnimationsStackedNeutralKeyframe = 937,
ReadingCheckedInClickHandler = 938,
FlexboxIntrinsicSizeAlgorithmIsDifferent = 939,
// The above items are available in M46 branch.
HTMLImportsHasStyleSheets = 940,
WebkitTextInClipProperty = 941,
WebkitTextInColorProperty = 942,
ClipPathOfPositionedElement = 944,
ClipCssOfPositionedElement = 945,
NetInfoType = 946,
NetInfoDownlinkMax = 947,
NetInfoOnChange = 948,
NetInfoOnTypeChange = 949,
V8Window_Alert_Method = 950,
V8Window_Confirm_Method = 951,
V8Window_Prompt_Method = 952,
V8Window_Print_Method = 953,
V8Window_RequestIdleCallback_Method = 954,
FlexboxPercentagePaddingVertical = 955,
FlexboxPercentageMarginVertical = 956,
BackspaceNavigatedBack = 957,
BackspaceNavigatedBackAfterFormInteraction = 958,
CSPSourceWildcardWouldMatchExactHost = 959,
CredentialManagerGet = 960,
CredentialManagerGetWithUI = 961,
CredentialManagerGetWithoutUI = 962,
CredentialManagerStore = 963,
CredentialManagerRequireUserMediation = 964,
// The above items are available in M47 branch.
RequestAutocomplete = 965,
BlockableMixedContentInSubframeBlocked = 966,
AddEventListenerThirdArgumentIsObject = 967,
RemoveEventListenerThirdArgumentIsObject = 968,
CSSAtRuleCharset = 969,
CSSAtRuleFontFace = 970,
CSSAtRuleImport = 971,
CSSAtRuleKeyframes = 972,
CSSAtRuleMedia = 973,
CSSAtRuleNamespace = 974,
CSSAtRulePage = 975,
CSSAtRuleSupports = 976,
CSSAtRuleViewport = 977,
CSSAtRuleWebkitKeyframes = 978,
V8HTMLFieldSetElement_Elements_AttributeGetter = 979,
HTMLMediaElementPreloadForcedNone = 980,
ExternalAddSearchProvider = 981,
ExternalIsSearchProviderInstalled = 982,
V8Permissions_RequestAll_Method = 983,
BluetoothDeviceInstanceId = 984,
HTMLLabelElementFormIDLAttribute = 985,
HTMLLabelElementFormContentAttribute = 986,
DeviceOrientationAbsoluteInsecureOrigin = 987,
DeviceOrientationAbsoluteSecureOrigin = 988,
FontFaceConstructor = 989,
ServiceWorkerControlledPage = 990,
MeterElementWithContinuousCapacityAppearance = 991,
MeterElementWithDiscreteCapacityAppearance = 992,
MeterElementWithMeterAppearance = 993,
MeterElementWithNoneAppearance = 994,
MeterElementWithRatingAppearance = 995,
MeterElementWithRelevancyAppearance = 996,
SelectionAnchorNode = 997,
SelectionAnchorOffset = 998,
SelectionFocusNode = 999,
SelectionFocusOffset = 1000,
SelectionIsCollapsed = 1001,
SelectionRangeCount = 1002,
SelectionGetRangeAt = 1003,
SelectionAddRange = 1004,
SelectionRemoveAllRanges = 1005,
SelectionCollapse = 1006,
SelectionCollapseToStart = 1007,
SelectionCollapseToEnd = 1008,
SelectionExtend = 1009,
SelectionSelectAllChildren = 1010,
SelectionDeleteDromDocument = 1011,
SelectionDOMString = 1012,
InputTypeRangeVerticalAppearance = 1013,
// The above items are available in M48 branch.
CSSFilterReference = 1014,
CSSFilterGrayscale = 1015,
CSSFilterSepia = 1016,
CSSFilterSaturate = 1017,
CSSFilterHueRotate = 1018,
CSSFilterInvert = 1019,
CSSFilterOpacity = 1020,
CSSFilterBrightness = 1021,
CSSFilterContrast = 1022,
CSSFilterBlur = 1023,
CSSFilterDropShadow = 1024,
BackgroundSyncRegister = 1025,
BorderImageWithBorderStyleNone = 1026,
ExecCommandOnInputOrTextarea = 1027,
V8History_ScrollRestoration_AttributeGetter = 1028,
V8History_ScrollRestoration_AttributeSetter = 1029,
SVG1DOMFilter = 1030,
OfflineAudioContextStartRendering = 1031,
OfflineAudioContextSuspend = 1032,
OfflineAudioContextResume = 1033,
AttrCloneNode = 1034,
SVG1DOMPaintServer = 1035,
SVGSVGElementFragmentSVGView = 1036,
SVGSVGElementFragmentSVGViewElement = 1037,
PresentationConnectionClose = 1038,
SVG1DOMShape = 1039,
SVG1DOMText = 1040,
RTCPeerConnectionConstructorConstraints = 1041,
RTCPeerConnectionConstructorCompliant = 1042,
RTCPeerConnectionCreateOfferLegacyNoFailureCallback = 1043,
RTCPeerConnectionCreateOfferLegacyFailureCallback = 1044,
RTCPeerConnectionCreateOfferLegacyConstraints = 1045,
RTCPeerConnectionCreateOfferLegacyOfferOptions = 1046,
RTCPeerConnectionCreateOfferLegacyCompliant = 1047,
RTCPeerConnectionCreateAnswerLegacyNoFailureCallback = 1048,
RTCPeerConnectionCreateAnswerLegacyFailureCallback = 1049,
RTCPeerConnectionCreateAnswerLegacyConstraints = 1050,
RTCPeerConnectionCreateAnswerLegacyCompliant = 1051,
RTCPeerConnectionSetLocalDescriptionLegacyNoSuccessCallback = 1052,
RTCPeerConnectionSetLocalDescriptionLegacyNoFailureCallback = 1053,
RTCPeerConnectionSetLocalDescriptionLegacyCompliant = 1054,
RTCPeerConnectionSetRemoteDescriptionLegacyNoSuccessCallback = 1055,
RTCPeerConnectionSetRemoteDescriptionLegacyNoFailureCallback = 1056,
RTCPeerConnectionSetRemoteDescriptionLegacyCompliant = 1057,
RTCPeerConnectionGetStatsLegacyNonCompliant = 1058,
NodeFilterIsFunction = 1059,
NodeFilterIsObject = 1060,
TextEncoderUTF16 = 1061,
CSSSelectorInternalPseudoListBox = 1062,
CSSSelectorInternalMediaControlsCastButton = 1063,
CSSSelectorInternalMediaControlsOverlayCastButton = 1064,
CSSSelectorInternalPseudoSpatialNavigationFocus = 1065,
SameOriginTextScript = 1066,
SameOriginApplicationScript = 1067,
SameOriginOtherScript = 1068,
CrossOriginTextScript = 1069,
CrossOriginApplicationScript = 1070,
CrossOriginOtherScript = 1071,
SVG1DOMSVGTests = 1072,
V8SVGViewElement_ViewTarget_AttributeGetter = 1073,
DisableRemotePlaybackAttribute = 1074,
V8SloppyMode = 1075,
V8StrictMode = 1076,
V8StrongMode = 1077,
AudioNodeConnectToAudioNode = 1078,
AudioNodeConnectToAudioParam = 1079,
AudioNodeDisconnectFromAudioNode = 1080,
AudioNodeDisconnectFromAudioParam = 1081,
V8CSSFontFaceRule_Style_AttributeGetter = 1082,
SelectionCollapseNull = 1083,
SelectionSetBaseAndExtentNull = 1084,
V8SVGSVGElement_CreateSVGNumber_Method = 1085,
V8SVGSVGElement_CreateSVGLength_Method = 1086,
V8SVGSVGElement_CreateSVGAngle_Method = 1087,
V8SVGSVGElement_CreateSVGPoint_Method = 1088,
V8SVGSVGElement_CreateSVGMatrix_Method = 1089,
V8SVGSVGElement_CreateSVGRect_Method = 1090,
V8SVGSVGElement_CreateSVGTransform_Method = 1091,
V8SVGSVGElement_CreateSVGTransformFromMatrix_Method = 1092,
FormNameAccessForNonDescendantImageElement = 1093,
FormControlsCollectionNameAccessForImageElement = 1094,
V8SVGSVGElement_Viewport_AttributeGetter = 1095,
V8RegExpPrototypeStickyGetter = 1096,
V8RegExpPrototypeToString = 1097,
V8InputDeviceCapabilities_FiresTouchEvents_AttributeGetter = 1098,
DataElement = 1099,
TimeElement = 1100,
SVG1DOMUriReference = 1101,
SVG1DOMZoomAndPan = 1102,
V8SVGGraphicsElement_Transform_AttributeGetter = 1103,
MenuItemElement = 1104,
MenuItemCloseTag = 1105,
SVG1DOMMarkerElement = 1106,
SVG1DOMUseElement = 1107,
SVG1DOMMaskElement = 1108,
V8SVGAElement_Target_AttributeGetter = 1109,
V8SVGClipPathElement_ClipPathUnits_AttributeGetter = 1110,
SVG1DOMFitToViewBox = 1111,
SVG1DOMCursorElement = 1112,
V8SVGPathElement_PathLength_AttributeGetter = 1113,
SVG1DOMSVGElement = 1114,
SVG1DOMImageElement = 1115,
SVG1DOMForeignObjectElement = 1116,
AudioContextCreateIIRFilter = 1117,
// The above items are available in M49 branch
CSSSelectorPseudoSlotted = 1118,
MediaDevicesEnumerateDevices = 1119,
NonSecureSharedWorkerAccessedFromSecureContext = 1120,
SecureSharedWorkerAccessedFromNonSecureContext = 1121,
EventDeepPath = 1123,
LinkHeaderPreload = 1124,
MouseWheelEvent = 1125,
WheelEvent = 1126,
MouseWheelAndWheelEvent = 1127,
BodyScrollsInAdditionToViewport = 1128,
DocumentDesignModeEnabeld = 1129,
ContentEditableTrue = 1130,
ContentEditableTrueOnHTML = 1131,
ContentEditablePlainTextOnly = 1132,
V8RegExpPrototypeUnicodeGetter = 1133,
V8IntlV8Parse = 1134,
V8IntlPattern = 1135,
V8IntlResolved = 1136,
V8PromiseChain = 1137,
V8PromiseAccept = 1138,
V8PromiseDefer = 1139,
EventScoped = 1140,
GeolocationInsecureOriginIframe = 1141,
GeolocationSecureOriginIframe = 1142,
RequestMIDIAccessIframe = 1143,
GetUserMediaInsecureOriginIframe = 1144,
GetUserMediaSecureOriginIframe = 1145,
ElementRequestPointerLockIframe = 1146,
NotificationAPIInsecureOriginIframe = 1147,
NotificationAPISecureOriginIframe = 1148,
WebSocket = 1149,
MediaStreamConstraintsNameValue = 1150,
MediaStreamConstraintsFromDictionary = 1151,
MediaStreamConstraintsConformant = 1152,
CSSSelectorIndirectAdjacent = 1153,
NodeTreeRoot = 1154,
BluetoothDeviceConnectGATT = 1155,
CreateImageBitmap = 1156,
PresentationConnectionConnectEventListener = 1157,
PresentationConnectionCloseEventListener = 1158,
PresentationConnectionTerminateEventListener = 1159,
DocumentCreateEventFontFaceSetLoadEvent = 1160,
DocumentCreateEventMediaQueryListEvent = 1161,
DocumentCreateEventAnimationEvent = 1162,
DocumentCreateEventAnimationPlayerEvent = 1163,
DocumentCreateEventApplicationCacheErrorEvent = 1164,
DocumentCreateEventAutocompleteErrorEvent = 1165,
DocumentCreateEventBeforeUnloadEvent = 1166,
DocumentCreateEventClipboardEvent = 1167,
DocumentCreateEventCompositionEvent = 1168,
DocumentCreateEventDragEvent = 1169,
DocumentCreateEventErrorEvent = 1170,
DocumentCreateEventFocusEvent = 1171,
DocumentCreateEventHashChangeEvent = 1172,
DocumentCreateEventMutationEvent = 1173,
DocumentCreateEventPageTransitionEvent = 1174,
DocumentCreateEventPointerEvent = 1175,
DocumentCreateEventPopStateEvent = 1176,
DocumentCreateEventProgressEvent = 1177,
DocumentCreateEventPromiseRejectionEvent = 1178,
DocumentCreateEventRelatedEvent = 1179,
DocumentCreateEventResourceProgressEvent = 1180,
DocumentCreateEventSecurityPolicyViolationEvent = 1181,
DocumentCreateEventTextEvent = 1182,
DocumentCreateEventTransitionEvent = 1183,
DocumentCreateEventWheelEvent = 1184,
DocumentCreateEventMediaKeyEvent = 1185,
DocumentCreateEventTrackEvent = 1186,
DocumentCreateEventWebKitAnimationEvent = 1187,
DocumentCreateEventMutationEvents = 1188,
DocumentCreateEventOrientationEvent = 1189,
DocumentCreateEventSVGEvents = 1190,
DocumentCreateEventWebKitTransitionEvent = 1191,
DocumentCreateEventBeforeInstallPromptEvent = 1192,
DocumentCreateEventSyncEvent = 1193,
DocumentCreateEventDeviceLightEvent = 1194,
DocumentCreateEventDeviceMotionEvent = 1195,
DocumentCreateEventDeviceOrientationEvent = 1196,
DocumentCreateEventMediaEncryptedEvent = 1197,
DocumentCreateEventMediaKeyMessageEvent = 1198,
DocumentCreateEventGamepadEvent = 1199,
DocumentCreateEventGeofencingEvent = 1200,
DocumentCreateEventIDBVersionChangeEvent = 1201,
DocumentCreateEventBlobEvent = 1202,
DocumentCreateEventMediaStreamEvent = 1203,
DocumentCreateEventMediaStreamTrackEvent = 1204,
DocumentCreateEventRTCDTMFToneChangeEvent = 1205,
DocumentCreateEventRTCDataChannelEvent = 1206,
DocumentCreateEventRTCIceCandidateEvent = 1207,
DocumentCreateEventServicePortConnectEvent = 1208,
DocumentCreateEventNotificationEvent = 1209,
DocumentCreateEventPresentationConnectionAvailableEvent = 1210,
DocumentCreateEventPresentationConnectionCloseEvent = 1211,
DocumentCreateEventPushEvent = 1212,
DocumentCreateEventExtendableEvent = 1213,
DocumentCreateEventExtendableMessageEvent = 1214,
DocumentCreateEventFetchEvent = 1215,
DocumentCreateEventInstallEvent = 1216,
DocumentCreateEventServiceWorkerMessageEvent = 1217,
DocumentCreateEventSpeechRecognitionError = 1218,
DocumentCreateEventSpeechRecognitionEvent = 1219,
DocumentCreateEventSpeechSynthesisEvent = 1220,
DocumentCreateEventStorageEvent = 1221,
DocumentCreateEventAudioProcessingEvent = 1222,
DocumentCreateEventOfflineAudioCompletionEvent = 1223,
DocumentCreateEventWebGLContextEvent = 1224,
DocumentCreateEventMIDIConnectionEvent = 1225,
DocumentCreateEventMIDIMessageEvent = 1226,
DocumentCreateEventCloseEvent = 1227,
DocumentCreateEventKeyboardEvents = 1228,
// Add new features immediately above this line. Don't change assigned
// numbers of any item, and don't reuse removed slots.
// Also, run in chromium/src/tools/metrics/histograms/
// to update the UMA mapping.
NumberOfFeatures, // This enum value must be last.
// "count" sets the bit for this feature to 1. Repeated calls are ignored.
static void count(const Frame*, Feature);
static void count(const Document&, Feature);
// This doesn't count for ExecutionContexts for shared workers and service
// workers.
static void count(const ExecutionContext*, Feature);
// Use countIfNotPrivateScript() instead of count() if you don't want
// to count metrics in private scripts. You should use
// countIfNotPrivateScript() in a binding layer.
static void countIfNotPrivateScript(v8::Isolate*, const Frame*, Feature);
static void countIfNotPrivateScript(v8::Isolate*, const Document&, Feature);
static void countIfNotPrivateScript(v8::Isolate*, const ExecutionContext*, Feature);
void count(CSSParserMode, CSSPropertyID);
void count(Feature);
// "countDeprecation" sets the bit for this feature to 1, and sends a deprecation
// warning to the console. Repeated calls are ignored.
// Be considerate to developers' consoles: features should only send
// deprecation warnings when we're actively interested in removing them from
// the platform.
// For shared workers and service workers, the ExecutionContext* overload
// doesn't count the usage but only sends a console warning.
static void countDeprecation(const LocalFrame*, Feature);
static void countDeprecation(ExecutionContext*, Feature);
static void countDeprecation(const Document&, Feature);
// Use countDeprecationIfNotPrivateScript() instead of countDeprecation()
// if you don't want to count metrics in private scripts. You should use
// countDeprecationIfNotPrivateScript() in a binding layer.
static void countDeprecationIfNotPrivateScript(v8::Isolate*, ExecutionContext*, Feature);
static String deprecationMessage(Feature);
// Count only features if they're being used in an iframe which does not
// have script access into the top level document.
static void countCrossOriginIframe(const Document&, Feature);
// TODO (nainar): Migrate all console message functions to Deprecation
static String willBeRemoved(const char* feature, int milestone, const char* details);
// Return whether the Feature was previously counted for this document.
// NOTE: only for use in testing.
static bool isCounted(Document&, Feature);
void didCommitLoad();
static UseCounter* getFrom(const Document*);
static UseCounter* getFrom(const CSSStyleSheet*);
static UseCounter* getFrom(const StyleSheetContents*);
static int mapCSSPropertyIdToCSSSampleIdForHistogram(int id);
static void muteForInspector();
static void unmuteForInspector();
class CountBits {
CountBits() : m_bits(NumberOfFeatures) { }
bool hasRecordedMeasurement(Feature feature) const
if (UseCounter::m_muteCount)
return false;
ASSERT(feature != PageDestruction); // PageDestruction is reserved as a scaling factor.
ASSERT(feature < NumberOfFeatures);
return m_bits.quickGet(feature);
void recordMeasurement(Feature feature)
if (UseCounter::m_muteCount)
ASSERT(feature != PageDestruction); // PageDestruction is reserved as a scaling factor.
ASSERT(feature < NumberOfFeatures);
void updateMeasurements();
BitVector m_bits;
friend class UseCounterTest;
static int m_muteCount;
void recordMeasurement(Feature feature) { m_countBits.recordMeasurement(feature); }
void updateMeasurements();
bool hasRecordedMeasurement(Feature feature) const { return m_countBits.hasRecordedMeasurement(feature); }
CountBits m_countBits;
BitVector m_CSSFeatureBits;
} // namespace blink
#endif // UseCounter_h