blob: 609c07ddbedc0a59b7ffd7a428d0780767ed0162 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
@class NSString;
namespace breakpad_helper {
// Starts the crash handlers. This must be run as soon as possible to catch
// early crashes.
void Start(const std::string& channel_name);
// Enables/Disables crash handling.
void SetEnabled(bool enabled);
// Enable/Disable uploading crash reports.
void SetUploadingEnabled(bool enabled);
// Returns true if uploading crash reports is enabled.
bool IsUploadingEnabled();
// Cleans up all stored crash reports.
void CleanupCrashReports();
// Add a key/value pair the next crash report. If async is false, this function
// will wait until the key is registered before returning.
void AddReportParameter(NSString* key, NSString* value, bool async);
// Remove the key/value pair associated to key from the next crash report.
void RemoveReportParameter(NSString* key);
// Returns the number of crash reports waiting to send to the server. This
// function will wait for an operation to complete on a background thread.
int GetCrashReportCount();
// Gets the number of crash reports on a background thread and invokes
// |callback| with the result when complete.
void GetCrashReportCount(void (^callback)(int));
// Check if there is currently a crash report to upload. This function will wait
// for an operation to complete on a background thread.
bool HasReportToUpload();
// Sets a key if |background| is true, unset if false. This will allow tracking
// of crashes that occur when the app is backgrounded.
void SetCurrentlyInBackground(bool background);
// Sets a key if |signedIn| is true, unset if false. The key indicates that the
// user is signed-in.
void SetCurrentlySignedIn(bool signedIn);
// Sets a key to indicate the number of memory warnings the application has
// received over its lifetime, or unset the key if the count is zero.
void SetMemoryWarningCount(int count);
// Sets a key indicating a memory warning is deemed to be in progress (if value
// is 'true'), otherwise remove the key.
void SetMemoryWarningInProgress(bool value);
// Sets a key indicating the current free memory amount in KB. 0 does not remove
// the key as getting no memory is important information.
void SetCurrentFreeMemoryInKB(int value);
// Sets a key indicating the current free disk space in KB. 0 does not remove
// the key as getting no free disk space is important information.
void SetCurrentFreeDiskInKB(int value);
// Increases a key indicating the number of PDF tabs opened. If value is TRUE,
// the counter is increased. If value is FALSE, the counter is decreased. If
// counter falls to 0, the entry is removed. This function does not keep
// previous state. If SetCurrentTabIsPDF is called twice with TRUE, the counter
// will be incremented twice.
void SetCurrentTabIsPDF(bool value);
// Sets a key in browser_state dictionary to store the device orientation.
// Each values is 1 digit: first is the UI orientation from the Foundation
// UIInterfaceOrientation enum (values decimal from 1 to 4) and the second is
// the device orientation with values from the Foundation UIDeviceOrientation
// enum (values decimal from 0 to 7).
void SetCurrentOrientation(int statusBarOrientation, int deviceOrientation);
// Sets a key in browser_state dictionary to store the device horizontal size
// class. The values are from the UIKit UIUserInterfaceSizeClass enum (decimal
// values from 0 to 2).
void SetCurrentHorizontalSizeClass(int horizontalSizeClass);
// Sets a key in browser_state dictionary to store the count of regular tabs.
void SetRegularTabCount(int tabCount);
// Sets a key in browser_state dictionary to store the count of incognito tabs.
void SetIncognitoTabCount(int tabCount);
// Sets a key indicating that destroying and rebuilding the incognito browser
// state is in progress, otherwise remove the key.
void SetDestroyingAndRebuildingIncognitoBrowserState(bool in_progress);
// Sets a key in browser to store the playback state of media player (audio or
// video). This function records a new start. This function is called for each
// stream in the media (once or twice for audio, two or three times for video).
void MediaStreamPlaybackDidStart();
// Sets a key in browser to store the playback state of media player (audio or
// video). This function records a stop or pause. This function must be called
// the same number of times as MediaStreamPlaybackDidStart.
void MediaStreamPlaybackDidStop();
// Informs the crash report helper that crash restoration is about to begin.
void WillStartCrashRestoration();
// Starts uploading crash reports. Sets the upload interval to 1 second, and
// sets a key in uploaded reports to allow tracking of reports that are uploaded
// in recovery mode.
void StartUploadingReportsInRecoveryMode();
// Resets the Breakpad configuration from the main bundle.
void RestoreDefaultConfiguration();
} // namespace breakpad_helper