blob: b586d8bdc7f28bd960a95e2600cc65f76a3984a0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/timer/elapsed_timer.h"
#import "ios/web/public/web_state/web_state_observer.h"
#import "ios/web/public/web_state/web_state_user_data.h"
@protocol SadTabTabHelperDelegate;
class ScopedFullscreenDisabler;
// SadTabTabHelper listens to RenderProcessGone events and presents a
// SadTabView view appropriately.
class SadTabTabHelper : public web::WebStateUserData<SadTabTabHelper>,
public web::WebStateObserver {
// Creates a SadTabTabHelper and attaches it to a specific web_state object.
// Uses the default |repeat_failure_interval|. |delegate| is not retained by
// TabHelper and must not be null.
static void CreateForWebState(web::WebState* web_state,
id<SadTabTabHelperDelegate> delegate);
// Creates a SadTabTabHelper and attaches it to a specific web)state object,
// |repeat_failure_interval| sets the corresponding instance variable used for
// determining repeat failures. |delegate| is not retained by TabHelper and
// must not be null.
static void CreateForWebState(web::WebState* web_state,
double repeat_failure_interval,
id<SadTabTabHelperDelegate> delegate);
// Sets the SadTabHelper delegate.
void SetDelegate(id<SadTabTabHelperDelegate> delegate);
// true if Sad Tab has currently being shown.
bool is_showing_sad_tab() const { return showing_sad_tab_; }
~SadTabTabHelper() override;
// Constructs a SadTabTabHelper, assigning the helper to a web_state. A
// default repeat_failure_interval will be used. |delegate| will be in charge
// of presenting the SadTabView.
SadTabTabHelper(web::WebState* web_state,
id<SadTabTabHelperDelegate> delegate);
// Constructs a SadTabTabHelper allowing an optional |repeat_failure_interval|
// value to be passed in, representing a timeout period in seconds during
// which a second failure will be considered a 'repeated' crash rather than an
// initial event. |delegate| will be in charge of presenting the SadTabView.
SadTabTabHelper(web::WebState* web_state,
double repeat_failure_interval,
id<SadTabTabHelperDelegate> delegate);
// Presents a new SadTabView via the web_state object.
void PresentSadTab(const GURL& url_causing_failure);
// Called when the Sad Tab is added or removed from the WebState's content
// area.
void SetIsShowingSadTab(bool showing_sad_tab);
// Loads the current page after renderer crash while displaying the page
// placeholder during the load. Reloading the page which was not visible to
// the user during the crash is a better user experience than presenting
// Sad Tab.
void ReloadTab();
// Called when the app becomes active.
void OnAppDidBecomeActive();
// Adds UIApplicationDidBecomeActiveNotification observer.
void AddApplicationDidBecomeActiveObserver();
// Removes UIApplicationDidBecomeActiveNotification observer.
void RemoveApplicationDidBecomeActiveObserver();
// Creates or resets the fullscreen disabler depending on whether the sad tab
// is currently visible.
void UpdateFullscreenDisabler();
// WebStateObserver:
void WasShown(web::WebState* web_state) override;
void WasHidden(web::WebState* web_state) override;
void RenderProcessGone(web::WebState* web_state) override;
void DidStartNavigation(web::WebState* web_state,
web::NavigationContext* navigation_context) override;
void DidFinishNavigation(web::WebState* web_state,
web::NavigationContext* navigation_context) override;
void WebStateDestroyed(web::WebState* web_state) override;
// The default window of time a failure of the same URL needs to occur
// to be considered a repeat failure.
static const double kDefaultRepeatFailureInterval;
// The WebState this instance is observing. Will be null after
// WebStateDestroyed has been called.
web::WebState* web_state_ = nullptr;
// Stores the last URL that caused a renderer crash,
// used to detect repeated crashes.
GURL last_failed_url_;
// Stores the last date that the renderer crashed,
// used to determine time window for repeated crashes.
std::unique_ptr<base::ElapsedTimer> last_failed_timer_;
// Whether a Sad Tab is being shown over |web_state_|'s content area.
bool showing_sad_tab_ = false;
// true if Sad Tab is presented and presented for repeated load failure.
bool repeated_failure_ = false;
// The fullscreen disabler for when the sad tab is visible.
std::unique_ptr<ScopedFullscreenDisabler> fullscreen_disabler_;
// Stores the interval window in seconds during which a second
// RenderProcessGone failure will be considered a repeat failure.
double repeat_failure_interval_ = kDefaultRepeatFailureInterval;
// true if the WebState needs to be reloaded after web state becomes visible.
bool requires_reload_on_becoming_visible_ = false;
// true if the WebState needs to be reloaded after the app becomes active.
bool requires_reload_on_becoming_active_ = false;
// Delegate which displays the SadTabView.
__weak id<SadTabTabHelperDelegate> delegate_ = nil;
// Observer for UIApplicationDidBecomeActiveNotification.
__strong id<NSObject> application_did_become_active_observer_ = nil;