blob: c963d6b637fef19aff836981471028bbe6e0c4d1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* Class representing the results of a scan operation.
* @interface
importer.MediaScanner = function() {};
* @typedef {function(!importer.ScanEvent, importer.ScanResult)}
* Initiates scanning.
* @param {!DirectoryEntry} directory
* @param {!importer.ScanMode} mode
* @return {!importer.ScanResult} ScanResult object representing the scan
* job both while in-progress and when completed.
* Initiates scanning.
* @param {!Array<!FileEntry>} entries Must be non-empty, and all entires
* must be of a supported media type. Individually supplied files
* are not subject to deduplication.
* @param {!importer.ScanMode} mode The method to detect new files.
* @return {!importer.ScanResult} ScanResult object representing the scan
* job for the explicitly supplied entries.
* Adds an observer, which will be notified on scan events.
* @param {!importer.ScanObserver} observer
* Remove a previously registered observer.
* @param {!importer.ScanObserver} observer
* Recursively scans through a list of given files and directories, and creates
* a list of media files.
* @constructor
* @struct
* @implements {importer.MediaScanner}
* @param {function(!FileEntry): !Promise.<string>} hashGenerator
* @param {function(!FileEntry, !importer.Destination,
* !importer.ScanMode):
* !Promise<!importer.Disposition>} dispositionChecker
* @param {!importer.DirectoryWatcherFactory} watcherFactory
importer.DefaultMediaScanner =
function(hashGenerator, dispositionChecker, watcherFactory) {
* A little factory for DefaultScanResults which allows us to forgo
* the saving it's dependencies in our fields.
* @param {importer.ScanMode} mode Mode of the scan to find new files.
* @return {!importer.DefaultScanResult}
this.createScanResult_ = function(mode) {
return new importer.DefaultScanResult(mode, hashGenerator);
/** @private {!Array<!importer.ScanObserver>} */
this.observers_ = [];
* @param {!FileEntry} entry
* @param {!importer.Destination} destination
* @param {!importer.ScanMode} mode
* @return {!Promise<!importer.Disposition>}
this.getDisposition_ = dispositionChecker;
* @private {!importer.DirectoryWatcherFactory}
* @const
this.watcherFactory_ = watcherFactory;
/** @override */
importer.DefaultMediaScanner.prototype.addObserver = function(observer) {
/** @override */
importer.DefaultMediaScanner.prototype.removeObserver = function(observer) {
var index = this.observers_.indexOf(observer);
if (index > -1) {
this.observers_.splice(index, 1);
} else {
console.warn('Ignoring request to remove observer that is not registered.');
/** @override */
importer.DefaultMediaScanner.prototype.scanDirectory = function(directory,
mode) {
var scan = this.createScanResult_(mode); + ': Scanning directory ' + directory.fullPath);
var watcher = this.watcherFactory_(
/** @this {importer.DefaultMediaScanner} */
function() {
this.notify_(importer.ScanEvent.INVALIDATED, scan);
this.crawlDirectory_(directory, watcher)
.then(this.scanMediaFiles_.bind(this, scan))
/** @this {importer.DefaultMediaScanner} */
function() { + ': Finished directory scan. Details: ' +
this.notify_(importer.ScanEvent.FINALIZED, scan);
return scan;
/** @override */
importer.DefaultMediaScanner.prototype.scanFiles = function(entries, mode) {
if (entries.length === 0) {
throw new Error('Cannot scan empty list.');
var scan = this.createScanResult_(mode); + ': Scanning fixed set of ' +
entries.length + ' entries.');
var watcher = this.watcherFactory_(
/** @this {importer.DefaultMediaScanner} */
function() {
this.notify_(importer.ScanEvent.INVALIDATED, scan);
var scanPromises =, scan));
/** @this {importer.DefaultMediaScanner} */
function() { + ': Finished file-selection scan. Details: ' +
this.notify_(importer.ScanEvent.FINALIZED, scan);
return scan;
/** @const {number} */
importer.DefaultMediaScanner.SCAN_BATCH_SIZE = 1;
* @param {!importer.DefaultScanResult} scan
* @param {!Array<!FileEntry>} entries
* @return {!Promise} Resolves when scanning is finished normally
* or canceled.
* @private
importer.DefaultMediaScanner.prototype.scanMediaFiles_ =
function(scan, entries) {
var handleFileEntry = this.onFileEntryFound_.bind(this, scan);
* @param {number} begin The beginning offset in the list of entries
* to process.
* @return {!Promise}
var scanBatch = function(begin) {
if (scan.canceled()) {
console.debug( + ': Skipping remaining ' +
(entries.length - begin) +
' entries. Scan was canceled.');
return Promise.resolve();
// the second arg to slice is an exclusive end index, so we +1 batch size.
var end = begin + importer.DefaultMediaScanner.SCAN_BATCH_SIZE;
console.log( + ': Processing batch ' + begin + '-' + (end - 1));
var batch = entries.slice(begin, end);
return Promise.all(
function() {
if (end < entries.length) {
return scanBatch(end);
return scanBatch(0);
* Notifies all listeners at some point in the near future.
* @param {!importer.ScanEvent} event
* @param {!importer.DefaultScanResult} result
* @private
importer.DefaultMediaScanner.prototype.notify_ = function(event, result) {
/** @param {!importer.ScanObserver} observer */
function(observer) {
observer(event, result);
* Finds all files media files beneath directory AND adds directory
* watchers for each encountered directory.
* @param {!DirectoryEntry} directory
* @param {!importer.DirectoryWatcher} watcher
* @return {!Promise<!Array<!FileEntry>>}
* @private
importer.DefaultMediaScanner.prototype.crawlDirectory_ =
function(directory, watcher) {
var mediaFiles = [];
return fileOperationUtil.findEntriesRecursively(
/** @param {!Entry} entry */
function(entry) {
if (watcher.triggered) {
if (entry.isDirectory) {
// Note, there is no need for us to recurse, the utility
// function findEntriesRecursively does that. So we
// just watch the directory for modifications, and that's it.
watcher.addDirectory(/** @type {!DirectoryEntry} */(entry));
} else if (importer.isEligibleType(entry)) {
mediaFiles.push(/** @type {!FileEntry} */ (entry));
function() {
return mediaFiles;
* Finds all files beneath directory.
* @param {!importer.DefaultScanResult} scan
* @param {!FileEntry} entry
* @return {!Promise}
* @private
importer.DefaultMediaScanner.prototype.onFileEntryFound_ =
function(scan, entry) {
return this.getDisposition_(entry, importer.Destination.GOOGLE_DRIVE,
* @param {!importer.Disposition} disposition The disposition
* of the entry. Either some sort of dupe, or an original.
* @return {!Promise}
* @this {importer.DefaultMediaScanner}
function(disposition) {
return disposition === importer.Disposition.ORIGINAL ?
this.onUniqueFileFound_(scan, entry) :
this.onDuplicateFileFound_(scan, entry, disposition);
* Adds a newly discovered file to the given scan result.
* @param {!importer.DefaultScanResult} scan
* @param {!FileEntry} entry
* @return {!Promise}
* @private
importer.DefaultMediaScanner.prototype.onUniqueFileFound_ =
function(scan, entry) {
if (!importer.isEligibleType(entry)) {
this.notify_(importer.ScanEvent.UPDATED, scan);
return Promise.resolve();
return scan.addFileEntry(entry)
* @param {boolean} added
* @this {importer.DefaultMediaScanner}
function(added) {
if (added) {
this.notify_(importer.ScanEvent.UPDATED, scan);
* Adds a duplicate file to the given scan result. This is to track the number
* of duplicates that are being encountered.
* @param {!importer.DefaultScanResult} scan
* @param {!FileEntry} entry
* @param {!importer.Disposition} disposition
* @return {!Promise}
* @private
importer.DefaultMediaScanner.prototype.onDuplicateFileFound_ =
function(scan, entry, disposition) {
scan.addDuplicateEntry(entry, disposition);
this.notify_(importer.ScanEvent.UPDATED, scan);
return Promise.resolve();
* Class representing the results of a scan operation.
* @interface
importer.ScanResult = function() {};
* @return {boolean} true if scanning is complete.
* Notifies the scan to stop working. Some in progress work
* may continue, but no new work will be undertaken.
* @return {boolean} True if the scan has been canceled. Some
* work started prior to cancelation may still be ongoing.
* @param {number} count Sets the total number of candidate entries
* that were checked while scanning. Used when determining
* total progress.
* Event method called when a candidate has been processed.
* @param {number} count
* Returns all files entries discovered so far. The list will be
* complete only after scanning has completed and {@code isFinal}
* returns {@code true}.
* @return {!Array<!FileEntry>}
* Returns all files entry duplicates discovered so far.
* The list will be
* complete only after scanning has completed and {@code isFinal}
* returns {@code true}.
* Duplicates are files that were found during scanning,
* where not found in import history, and were matched to
* an existing entry either in the import destination, or
* to another entry within the scan itself.
* @return {!Array<!FileEntry>}
* Returns a promise that fires when scanning is finished
* normally or has been canceled.
* @return {!Promise<!importer.ScanResult>}
* @return {!importer.ScanResult.Statistics}
* @typedef {{
* scanDuration: number,
* newFileCount: number,
* duplicates: !Object<!importer.Disposition, number>,
* sizeBytes: number,
* candidates: {
* total: number,
* processed: number
* },
* progress: number
* }}
* Results of a scan operation. The object is "live" in that data can and
* will change as the scan operation discovers files.
* <p>The scan is complete, and the object will become static once the
* {@code whenFinal} promise resolves.
* Note that classes implementing this should provide a read-only
* {@code name} field.
* @constructor
* @struct
* @implements {importer.ScanResult}
* @param {importer.ScanMode} mode The scan mode applied for finding new files.
* @param {function(!FileEntry): !Promise.<string>} hashGenerator Hash-code
* generator used to dedupe within the scan results itself.
importer.DefaultScanResult = function(mode, hashGenerator) {
* The scan mode applied for finding new files.
* @type {importer.ScanMode}
this.mode = mode;
/** @private {number} */
this.scanId_ = importer.generateId();
/** @private {function(!FileEntry): !Promise.<string>} */
this.createHashcode_ = hashGenerator;
/** @private {number} */
this.candidateCount_ = 0;
/** @private {number} */
this.candidatesProcessed_ = 0;
* List of file entries found while scanning.
* @private {!Array<!FileEntry>}
this.fileEntries_ = [];
* List of duplicate file entries found while scanning.
* This is exclusive of entries already known by
* import history.
* @private {!Array<!FileEntry>}
this.duplicateFileEntries_ = [];
* Hashcodes of all files included captured by this result object so-far.
* Used to dedupe newly discovered files against other files withing
* the ScanResult.
* @private {!Object<!FileEntry>}
this.fileHashcodes_ = {};
/** @private {number} */
this.totalBytes_ = 0;
/** @private {!Object<!importer.Disposition, number>} */
this.duplicateStats_ = {};
this.duplicateStats_[importer.Disposition.CONTENT_DUPLICATE] = 0;
this.duplicateStats_[importer.Disposition.HISTORY_DUPLICATE] = 0;
this.duplicateStats_[importer.Disposition.SCAN_DUPLICATE] = 0;
* The point in time when the scan was started.
* @type {Date}
this.scanStarted_ = new Date();
* The point in time when the last scan activity occured.
* @type {Date}
this.lastScanActivity_ = this.scanStarted_;
* @private {boolean}
this.canceled_ = false;
/** @private {!importer.Resolver.<!importer.ScanResult>} */
this.resolver_ = new importer.Resolver();
/** @struct */
importer.DefaultScanResult.prototype = {
/** @return {string} */
get name() { return 'ScanResult(' + this.scanId_ + ')' },
/** @return {function()} */
get resolve() { return this.resolver_.resolve.bind(null, this); },
/** @return {function(*=)} */
get reject() { return this.resolver_.reject; }
/** @override */
importer.DefaultScanResult.prototype.isFinal = function() {
return this.resolver_.settled;
/** @override */
importer.DefaultScanResult.prototype.setCandidateCount = function(count) {
this.candidateCount_ = count;
/** @override */
importer.DefaultScanResult.prototype.onCandidatesProcessed = function(count) {
this.candidatesProcessed_ = this.candidatesProcessed_ + count;
/** @override */
importer.DefaultScanResult.prototype.getFileEntries = function() {
return this.fileEntries_;
/** @override */
importer.DefaultScanResult.prototype.getDuplicateFileEntries =
function() {
return this.duplicateFileEntries_;
/** @override */
importer.DefaultScanResult.prototype.whenFinal = function() {
return this.resolver_.promise;
/** @override */
importer.DefaultScanResult.prototype.cancel = function() {
this.canceled_ = true;
/** @override */
importer.DefaultScanResult.prototype.canceled = function() {
return this.canceled_;
* Adds a file to results.
* @param {!FileEntry} entry
* @return {!Promise.<boolean>} True if the file as added, false if it was
* rejected as a dupe.
importer.DefaultScanResult.prototype.addFileEntry = function(entry) {
return new Promise(entry.getMetadata.bind(entry)).then(
* @param {!Metadata} metadata
* @this {importer.DefaultScanResult}
function(metadata) {
'size' in metadata,
'size attribute missing from metadata.');
return this.createHashcode_(entry)
* @param {string} hashcode
* @this {importer.DefaultScanResult}
function(hashcode) {
this.lastScanActivity_ = new Date();
if (hashcode in this.fileHashcodes_) {
return false;
entry.size = metadata.size;
this.totalBytes_ += metadata.size;
this.fileHashcodes_[hashcode] = entry;
return true;
* Logs the fact that a duplicate file entry was discovered during the scan.
* @param {!FileEntry} entry
* @param {!importer.Disposition} disposition
importer.DefaultScanResult.prototype.addDuplicateEntry =
function(entry, disposition) {
switch (disposition) {
case importer.Disposition.SCAN_DUPLICATE:
case importer.Disposition.CONTENT_DUPLICATE:
if (!(disposition in this.duplicateStats_)) {
this.duplicateStats_[disposition] = 0;
/** @override */
importer.DefaultScanResult.prototype.getStatistics = function() {
return {
this.lastScanActivity_.getTime() - this.scanStarted_.getTime(),
newFileCount: this.fileEntries_.length,
duplicates: this.duplicateStats_,
sizeBytes: this.totalBytes_,
candidates: {
total: this.candidateCount_,
processed: this.candidatesProcessed_
progress: this.calculateProgress_()
* @return {number} Progress as an integer from 0-100.
* @private
importer.DefaultScanResult.prototype.calculateProgress_ = function() {
var progress = (this.candidateCount_ > 0) ?
Math.floor(this.candidatesProcessed_ / this.candidateCount_ * 100) :
// In case candate count was off, or any other mischief has happened,
// we want to ensure progress never exceeds 100.
if (progress > 100) {
console.warn('Progress exceeded 100.');
progress = 100;
return progress;
* Watcher for directories.
* @interface
importer.DirectoryWatcher = function() {};
* Registers new directory to be watched.
* @param {!DirectoryEntry} entry
importer.DirectoryWatcher.prototype.addDirectory = function(entry) {};
* @typedef {function()}
* @typedef {function(importer.DirectoryWatcherFactoryCallback):
* !importer.DirectoryWatcher}
* Watcher for directories.
* @param {function()} callback Callback to be invoked when one of watched
* directories is changed.
* @implements {importer.DirectoryWatcher}
* @constructor
importer.DefaultDirectoryWatcher = function(callback) {
this.callback_ = callback;
this.watchedDirectories_ = {};
this.triggered = false;
this.listener_ = null;
* Creates new directory watcher.
* @param {function()} callback Callback to be invoked when one of watched
* directories is changed.
* @return {!importer.DirectoryWatcher}
importer.DefaultDirectoryWatcher.create = function(callback) {
return new importer.DefaultDirectoryWatcher(callback);
* Registers new directory to be watched.
* @param {!DirectoryEntry} entry
importer.DefaultDirectoryWatcher.prototype.addDirectory = function(entry) {
if (!this.listener_) {
this.listener_ = this.onWatchedDirectoryModified_.bind(this);
this.watchedDirectories_[entry.toURL()] = true;
chrome.fileManagerPrivate.addFileWatch(entry, function() {});
* @param {FileWatchEvent} event
* @private
importer.DefaultDirectoryWatcher.prototype.onWatchedDirectoryModified_ =
function(event) {
if (!this.watchedDirectories_[event.entry.toURL()])
this.triggered = true;
for (var url in this.watchedDirectories_) {
window.webkitResolveLocalFileSystemURL(url, function(entry) {
if (chrome.runtime.lastError) {
chrome.fileManagerPrivate.removeFileWatch(entry, function() {});