blob: f3aa86011c6ee3b9beeec36ea43a80bc411d9a2f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/display/util/edid_parser.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <bitset>
#include "base/check.h"
#include "base/hash/hash.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_functions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/sys_byteorder.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColorSpace.h"
#include "ui/display/types/display_constants.h"
#include "ui/display/util/display_util.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h"
namespace display {
namespace {
constexpr char kParseEdidFailureMetric[] = "Display.ParseEdidFailure";
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum class ParseEdidFailure {
kNoError = 0,
kManufacturerId = 1,
kProductId = 2,
kYearOfManufacture = 3,
kBitsPerChannel = 4,
kGamma = 5,
kChromaticityCoordinates = 6,
kDisplayName = 7,
kExtensions = 8,
kMaxValue = kExtensions,
} // namespace
EdidParser::EdidParser(const std::vector<uint8_t>& edid_blob)
: manufacturer_id_(0),
primaries_({0}) {
EdidParser::~EdidParser() = default;
uint32_t EdidParser::GetProductCode() const {
return ((static_cast<uint32_t>(manufacturer_id_) << 16) |
int64_t EdidParser::GetDisplayId(uint8_t output_index) const {
// Generates product specific value from product_name instead of product code.
// See
const uint32_t product_code_hash =
display_name_.empty() ? 0 : base::Hash(display_name_);
// An ID based on display's index will be assigned later if this call fails.
return GenerateDisplayID(manufacturer_id_, product_code_hash, output_index);
// static
void EdidParser::SplitProductCodeInManufacturerIdAndProductId(
int64_t product_code,
uint16_t* manufacturer_id,
uint16_t* product_id) {
// Undo GetProductCode() packing.
*product_id = product_code & 0xFFFF;
*manufacturer_id = (product_code >> 16) & 0xFFFF;
// static
std::string EdidParser::ManufacturerIdToString(uint16_t manufacturer_id) {
// Constants are taken from "VESA Enhanced EDID Standard" Release A, Revision
// 2, Sep 2006, Sec 3.4.1 "ID Manufacturer Name: 2 Bytes". Essentially these
// are 3 5-bit ASCII characters packed in 2 bytes, where 1 means 'A', etc.
constexpr uint8_t kFiveBitAsciiMask = 0x1F;
constexpr char kFiveBitToAsciiOffset = 'A' - 1;
constexpr size_t kSecondLetterOffset = 5;
constexpr size_t kFirstLetterOffset = 10;
char out[4] = {};
out[2] = (manufacturer_id & kFiveBitAsciiMask) + kFiveBitToAsciiOffset;
out[1] = ((manufacturer_id >> kSecondLetterOffset) & kFiveBitAsciiMask) +
out[0] = ((manufacturer_id >> kFirstLetterOffset) & kFiveBitAsciiMask) +
return out;
// static
std::string EdidParser::ProductIdToString(uint16_t product_id) {
// From "VESA Enhanced EDID Standard" Release A, Revision 2, Sep 2006, Sec
// 3.4.2 "ID Product Code: 2 Bytes": "The ID product code field, [...]
// contains a 2-byte manufacturer assigned product code. [...] The 2 byte
// number is stored in hex with the least significant byte listed first."
uint8_t lower_char = (product_id >> 8) & 0xFF;
uint8_t upper_char = product_id & 0xFF;
return base::StringPrintf("%02X%02X", upper_char, lower_char);
void EdidParser::ParseEdid(const std::vector<uint8_t>& edid) {
// See
// for the details of EDID data format. We use the following data:
// bytes 8-9: manufacturer EISA ID, in big-endian
// bytes 10-11: manufacturer product code, in little-endian
constexpr size_t kManufacturerOffset = 8;
constexpr size_t kManufacturerLength = 2;
constexpr size_t kProductIdOffset = 10;
constexpr size_t kProductIdLength = 2;
if (edid.size() < kManufacturerOffset + kManufacturerLength) {
return; // Any other fields below are beyond this edid offset.
// ICC filename is generated based on these ids. We always read this as big
// endian so that the file name matches bytes 8-11 as they appear in EDID.
manufacturer_id_ =
(edid[kManufacturerOffset] << 8) + edid[kManufacturerOffset + 1];
if (edid.size() < kProductIdOffset + kProductIdLength) {
return; // Any other fields below are beyond this edid offset.
product_id_ = (edid[kProductIdOffset] << 8) + edid[kProductIdOffset + 1];
// Constants are taken from "VESA Enhanced EDID Standard" Release A, Revision
// 2, Sep 2006, Sec 3.4.4 "Week and Year of Manufacture or Model Year: 2
// Bytes".
constexpr size_t kYearOfManufactureOffset = 17;
constexpr uint32_t kValidValueLowerBound = 0x10;
constexpr int32_t kYearOffset = 1990;
if (edid.size() < kYearOfManufactureOffset + 1) {
return; // Any other fields below are beyond this edid offset.
const uint8_t byte_data = edid[kYearOfManufactureOffset];
if (byte_data >= kValidValueLowerBound)
year_of_manufacture_ = byte_data + kYearOffset;
// Constants are taken from "VESA Enhanced EDID Standard" Release A, Revision
// 1, Feb 2000, Sec 3.6 "Basic Display Parameters and Features: 5 bytes"
static constexpr int kBitsPerChannelTable[] = {0, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 0};
constexpr size_t kEDIDRevisionNumberOffset = 19;
constexpr uint8_t kEDIDRevision4Value = 4;
constexpr size_t kVideoInputDefinitionOffset = 20;
constexpr uint8_t kDigitalInfoMask = 0x80;
constexpr uint8_t kColorBitDepthMask = 0x70;
constexpr uint8_t kColorBitDepthOffset = 4;
if (edid.size() < kVideoInputDefinitionOffset + 1) {
return; // Any other fields below are beyond this edid offset.
if (edid[kEDIDRevisionNumberOffset] >= kEDIDRevision4Value &&
(edid[kVideoInputDefinitionOffset] & kDigitalInfoMask)) {
// EDID needs to be revision 4 at least, and kDigitalInfoMask be set for
// the Video Input Definition entry to describe a digital interface.
bits_per_channel_ = kBitsPerChannelTable[(
(edid[kVideoInputDefinitionOffset] & kColorBitDepthMask) >>
// Constants are taken from "VESA Enhanced EDID Standard" Release A, Revision
// 2, Sep 2006, Sec. 3.6.3 "Display Transfer Characteristics (GAMMA ): 1 Byte"
constexpr size_t kGammaOffset = 23;
constexpr double kGammaMultiplier = 100.0;
constexpr double kGammaBias = 100.0;
if (edid.size() < kGammaOffset + 1) {
return; // Any other fields below are beyond this edid offset.
if (edid[kGammaOffset] != 0xFF) {
// Otherwise the byte at kGammaOffset is 0xFF, gamma is stored elsewhere.
gamma_ = (edid[kGammaOffset] + kGammaBias) / kGammaMultiplier;
// Offsets, lengths, positions and masks are taken from [1] (or [2]).
// [1]
// [2] "VESA Enhanced EDID Standard " Release A, Revision 1, Feb 2000, Sec 3.7
// "Phosphor or Filter Chromaticity: 10 bytes"
constexpr size_t kChromaticityOffset = 25;
constexpr unsigned int kChromaticityLength = 10;
constexpr size_t kRedGreenLsbOffset = 25;
constexpr uint8_t kRedxLsbPosition = 6;
constexpr uint8_t kRedyLsbPosition = 4;
constexpr uint8_t kGreenxLsbPosition = 2;
constexpr uint8_t kGreenyLsbPosition = 0;
constexpr size_t kBlueWhiteLsbOffset = 26;
constexpr uint8_t kBluexLsbPosition = 6;
constexpr uint8_t kBlueyLsbPosition = 4;
constexpr uint8_t kWhitexLsbPosition = 2;
constexpr uint8_t kWhiteyLsbPosition = 0;
// All LSBits parts are 2 bits wide.
constexpr uint8_t kLsbMask = 0x3;
constexpr size_t kRedxMsbOffset = 27;
constexpr size_t kRedyMsbOffset = 28;
constexpr size_t kGreenxMsbOffset = 29;
constexpr size_t kGreenyMsbOffset = 30;
constexpr size_t kBluexMsbOffset = 31;
constexpr size_t kBlueyMsbOffset = 32;
constexpr size_t kWhitexMsbOffset = 33;
constexpr size_t kWhiteyMsbOffset = 34;
kChromaticityOffset + kChromaticityLength == kWhiteyMsbOffset + 1,
"EDID Parameter section length error");
if (edid.size() < kChromaticityOffset + kChromaticityLength) {
return; // Any other fields below are beyond this edid offset.
const uint8_t red_green_lsbs = edid[kRedGreenLsbOffset];
const uint8_t blue_white_lsbs = edid[kBlueWhiteLsbOffset];
// Recompose the 10b values by appropriately mixing the 8 MSBs and the 2 LSBs,
// then rescale to 1024;
primaries_.fRX = ((edid[kRedxMsbOffset] << 2) +
((red_green_lsbs >> kRedxLsbPosition) & kLsbMask)) /
primaries_.fRY = ((edid[kRedyMsbOffset] << 2) +
((red_green_lsbs >> kRedyLsbPosition) & kLsbMask)) /
primaries_.fGX = ((edid[kGreenxMsbOffset] << 2) +
((red_green_lsbs >> kGreenxLsbPosition) & kLsbMask)) /
primaries_.fGY = ((edid[kGreenyMsbOffset] << 2) +
((red_green_lsbs >> kGreenyLsbPosition) & kLsbMask)) /
primaries_.fBX = ((edid[kBluexMsbOffset] << 2) +
((blue_white_lsbs >> kBluexLsbPosition) & kLsbMask)) /
primaries_.fBY = ((edid[kBlueyMsbOffset] << 2) +
((blue_white_lsbs >> kBlueyLsbPosition) & kLsbMask)) /
primaries_.fWX = ((edid[kWhitexMsbOffset] << 2) +
((blue_white_lsbs >> kWhitexLsbPosition) & kLsbMask)) /
primaries_.fWY = ((edid[kWhiteyMsbOffset] << 2) +
((blue_white_lsbs >> kWhiteyLsbPosition) & kLsbMask)) /
// TODO(mcasas): Up to two additional White Point coordinates can be provided
// in a Display Descriptor. Read them if we are not satisfied with |fWX| or
// |fWy|.
// See
// for the details of EDID data format. We use the following data:
// bytes 54-125: four descriptors (18-bytes each) which may contain
// the display name.
constexpr size_t kDescriptorOffset = 54;
constexpr size_t kNumDescriptors = 4;
constexpr size_t kDescriptorLength = 18;
// The specifier types.
constexpr uint8_t kMonitorNameDescriptor = 0xfc;
for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumDescriptors; ++i) {
if (edid.size() < kDescriptorOffset + (i + 1) * kDescriptorLength)
size_t offset = kDescriptorOffset + i * kDescriptorLength;
// Detailed Timing Descriptor:
if (edid[offset] != 0 && edid[offset + 1] != 0) {
constexpr int kMaxResolution = 10080; // 8k display.
// EDID may contain multiple DTD. Use the first one, that contains the
// highest resolution.
if (active_pixel_size_.IsEmpty()) {
constexpr size_t kHorizontalPixelLsbOffset = 2;
constexpr size_t kHorizontalPixelMsbOffset = 4;
constexpr size_t kVerticalPixelLsbOffset = 5;
constexpr size_t kVerticalPixelMsbOffset = 7;
const uint8_t h_lsb = edid[offset + kHorizontalPixelLsbOffset];
const uint8_t h_msb = edid[offset + kHorizontalPixelMsbOffset];
int h_pixel = std::min(h_lsb + ((h_msb & 0xF0) << 4), kMaxResolution);
const uint8_t v_lsb = edid[offset + kVerticalPixelLsbOffset];
const uint8_t v_msb = edid[offset + kVerticalPixelMsbOffset];
int v_pixel = std::min(v_lsb + ((v_msb & 0xF0) << 4), kMaxResolution);
active_pixel_size_.SetSize(h_pixel, v_pixel);
// EDID Other Monitor Descriptors:
// If the descriptor contains the display name, it has the following
// structure:
// bytes 0-2, 4: \0
// byte 3: descriptor type, defined above.
// bytes 5-17: text data, ending with \r, padding with spaces
// we should check bytes 0-2 and 4, since it may have other values in
// case that the descriptor contains other type of data.
if (edid[offset] == 0 && edid[offset + 1] == 0 && edid[offset + 2] == 0 &&
edid[offset + 3] == kMonitorNameDescriptor && edid[offset + 4] == 0) {
std::string name(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&edid[offset + 5]),
kDescriptorLength - 5);
base::TrimWhitespaceASCII(name, base::TRIM_TRAILING, &display_name_);
// Verify if the |display_name_| consists of printable characters only.
// Replace unprintable chars with white space.
display_name_.begin(), display_name_.end(),
[](char c) { return !isascii(c) || !isprint(c); }, ' ');
// See
// for the extension format of EDID. Also see EIA/CEA-861 spec for
// the format of the extensions and how video capability is encoded.
// - byte 0: tag. should be 02h.
// - byte 1: revision. only cares revision 3 (03h).
// - byte 4-: data block.
constexpr size_t kExtensionBaseOffset = 128;
constexpr size_t kExtensionSize = 128;
constexpr size_t kNumExtensionsOffset = 126;
constexpr size_t kDataBlockOffset = 4;
constexpr uint8_t kCEAExtensionTag = '\x02';
constexpr uint8_t kExpectedExtensionRevision = '\x03';
constexpr uint8_t kExtendedTag = 7;
constexpr uint8_t kExtendedVideoCapabilityTag = 0;
constexpr uint8_t kPTOverscanFlagPosition = 4;
constexpr uint8_t kITOverscanFlagPosition = 2;
constexpr uint8_t kCEOverscanFlagPosition = 0;
// See CTA-861-F, particularly Table 56 "Colorimetry Data Block".
constexpr uint8_t kColorimetryDataBlockCapabilityTag = 0x05;
constexpr gfx::ColorSpace::PrimaryID kPrimaryIDMap[] = {
// xvYCC601. Standard Definition Colorimetry based on IEC 61966-2-4.
// xvYCC709. High Definition Colorimetry based on IEC 61966-2-4.
// sYCC601. Colorimetry based on IEC 61966-2-1/Amendment 1.
// opYCC601. Colorimetry based on IEC 61966-2-5, Annex A.
// opRGB, Colorimetry based on IEC 61966-2-5.
// BT2020RGB. Colorimetry based on ITU-R BT.2020 R’G’B’.
// BT2020YCC. Colorimetry based on ITU-R BT.2020 Y’C’BC’R.
// BT2020cYCC. Colorimetry based on ITU-R BT.2020 Y’cC’BCC’RC.
// See CEA 861.G-2018, Sec.7.5.13, "HDR Static Metadata Data Block" for these.
constexpr uint8_t kHDRStaticMetadataCapabilityTag = 0x6;
constexpr gfx::ColorSpace::TransferID kTransferIDMap[] = {
// STD B67 is also known as Hybrid-log Gamma (HLG).
constexpr uint8_t kHDRStaticMetadataDataBlockLengthMask = 0x1F;
if (edid.size() < kNumExtensionsOffset + 1) {
return; // Any other fields below are beyond this edid offset.
const uint8_t num_extensions = edid[kNumExtensionsOffset];
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_extensions; ++i) {
// Skip parsing the whole extension if size is not enough.
if (edid.size() < kExtensionBaseOffset + (i + 1) * kExtensionSize)
const size_t extension_offset = kExtensionBaseOffset + i * kExtensionSize;
const uint8_t cea_tag = edid[extension_offset];
const uint8_t revision = edid[extension_offset + 1];
if (cea_tag != kCEAExtensionTag || revision != kExpectedExtensionRevision)
const uint8_t timing_descriptors_start = std::min(
edid[extension_offset + 2], static_cast<unsigned char>(kExtensionSize));
for (size_t data_offset = extension_offset + kDataBlockOffset;
data_offset < extension_offset + timing_descriptors_start;) {
// A data block is encoded as:
// - byte 1 high 3 bits: tag. '07' for extended tags.
// - byte 1 remaining bits: the length of data block.
// - byte 2: the extended tag. E.g. '0' for video capability. Values are
// defined by the k...CapabilityTag constants.
// - byte 3: the capability.
const uint8_t tag = edid[data_offset] >> 5;
const uint8_t payload_length = edid[data_offset] & 0x1f;
if (data_offset + payload_length + 1 > edid.size())
if (tag != kExtendedTag || payload_length < 2) {
data_offset += payload_length + 1;
switch (edid[data_offset + 1]) {
case kExtendedVideoCapabilityTag:
// The difference between preferred, IT, and CE video formats doesn't
// matter. Set the flag to true if any of these flags are true.
overscan_flag_ =
(edid[data_offset + 2] & (1 << kPTOverscanFlagPosition)) ||
(edid[data_offset + 2] & (1 << kITOverscanFlagPosition)) ||
(edid[data_offset + 2] & (1 << kCEOverscanFlagPosition));
case kColorimetryDataBlockCapabilityTag: {
constexpr size_t kMaxNumColorimetryEntries = 8;
const std::bitset<kMaxNumColorimetryEntries>
supported_primaries_bitfield(edid[data_offset + 2]);
kMaxNumColorimetryEntries == base::size(kPrimaryIDMap),
"kPrimaryIDMap should describe all possible colorimetry entries");
for (size_t i = 0; i < kMaxNumColorimetryEntries; ++i) {
if (supported_primaries_bitfield[i])
case kHDRStaticMetadataCapabilityTag: {
constexpr size_t kMaxNumHDRStaticMedatataEntries = 4;
const std::bitset<kMaxNumHDRStaticMedatataEntries>
supported_eotfs_bitfield(edid[data_offset + 2]);
kMaxNumHDRStaticMedatataEntries == base::size(kTransferIDMap),
"kTransferIDMap should describe all possible transfer entries");
for (size_t i = 0; i < kMaxNumHDRStaticMedatataEntries; ++i) {
if (supported_eotfs_bitfield[i])
// See CEA 861.3-2015, Sec.7.5.13, "HDR Static Metadata Data Block"
// for details on the following calculations.
const uint8_t length_of_data_block =
edid[data_offset] & kHDRStaticMetadataDataBlockLengthMask;
if (length_of_data_block <= 3)
const uint8_t desired_content_max_luminance = edid[data_offset + 4];
luminance_ = absl::make_optional<Luminance>({});
luminance_->max = 50.0 * pow(2, desired_content_max_luminance / 32.0);
if (length_of_data_block <= 4)
const uint8_t desired_content_max_frame_average_luminance =
edid[data_offset + 5];
luminance_->max_avg =
50.0 * pow(2, desired_content_max_frame_average_luminance / 32.0);
if (length_of_data_block <= 5)
const uint8_t desired_content_min_luminance = edid[data_offset + 6];
luminance_->min = luminance_->max *
pow(desired_content_min_luminance / 255.0, 2) /
data_offset += payload_length + 1;
} // namespace display