blob: 295fa7c838045e091e1c7d37b24b9c12a81bdf12 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "ash/app_list/model/app_list_item_list_observer.h"
#include "ash/app_list/views/apps_grid_view.h"
#include "ash/app_list/views/apps_grid_view_folder_delegate.h"
#include "ash/app_list/views/folder_header_view.h"
#include "ash/app_list/views/folder_header_view_delegate.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/button/button.h"
#include "ui/views/view.h"
#include "ui/views/view_model.h"
namespace gfx {
class SlideAnimation;
} // namespace gfx
namespace app_list {
class AppsContainerView;
class AppsGridView;
class AppListFolderItem;
class AppListItemView;
class AppListModel;
class FolderHeaderView;
class PageSwitcher;
class APP_LIST_EXPORT AppListFolderView : public views::View,
public FolderHeaderViewDelegate,
public AppListModelObserver,
public AppsGridViewFolderDelegate {
AppListFolderView(AppsContainerView* container_view,
AppListModel* model,
ContentsView* contents_view);
~AppListFolderView() override;
// An interface for the folder opening and closing animations.
class Animation {
virtual ~Animation() {}
virtual void ScheduleAnimation() = 0;
virtual bool IsAnimationRunning() = 0;
void SetAppListFolderItem(AppListFolderItem* folder);
// Schedules an animation to show or hide the view.
// If |show| is false, the view should be set to invisible after the
// animation is done unless |hide_for_reparent| is true.
void ScheduleShowHideAnimation(bool show, bool hide_for_reparent);
// Hides the view immediately without animation.
void HideViewImmediately();
// Closes the folder page and goes back the top level page.
void CloseFolderPage();
// views::View
gfx::Size CalculatePreferredSize() const override;
void Layout() override;
bool OnKeyPressed(const ui::KeyEvent& event) override;
// AppListModelObserver
void OnAppListItemWillBeDeleted(AppListItem* item) override;
// Updates preferred bounds of this view based on the activated folder item
// icon's bounds.
void UpdatePreferredBounds();
// Returns the Y-offset that would move a folder out from under a visible
// Virtual keyboard
int GetYOffsetForFolder();
// Returns true if this view's child views are in animation for opening or
// closing the folder.
bool IsAnimationRunning() const;
AppsGridView* items_grid_view() { return items_grid_view_; }
FolderHeaderView* folder_header_view() { return folder_header_view_; }
views::View* background_view() { return background_view_; }
views::View* contents_container() { return contents_container_; }
const AppListFolderItem* folder_item() const { return folder_item_; }
const gfx::Rect& folder_item_icon_bounds() const {
return folder_item_icon_bounds_;
const gfx::Rect& preferred_bounds() const { return preferred_bounds_; }
AppListItemView* GetActivatedFolderItemView();
// Records the smoothness of folder show/hide animations mixed with the
// BackgroundAnimation, FolderItemTitleAnimation, TopIconAnimation, and
// ContentsContainerAnimation.
void RecordAnimationSmoothness();
// Sets the layer mask's corner radius and insets in background.
void UpdateBackgroundMask(int corner_radius, const gfx::Insets& insets);
// Called when tablet mode starts and ends.
void OnTabletModeChanged(bool started) {
// When transform in |contents_view_| is updated, notify accessibility to show
// ChromeVox focus in correct locations.
void NotifyAccessibilityLocationChanges();
void CalculateIdealBounds();
// Starts setting up drag in root level apps grid view for re-parenting a
// folder item.
// |drag_point_in_root_grid| is in the coordinates of root level AppsGridView.
void StartSetupDragInRootLevelAppsGridView(
AppListItemView* original_drag_view,
const gfx::Point& drag_point_in_root_grid,
bool has_native_drag);
// Overridden from views::View:
void GetAccessibleNodeData(ui::AXNodeData* node_data) override;
// Overridden from FolderHeaderViewDelegate:
void NavigateBack(AppListFolderItem* item,
const ui::Event& event_flags) override;
void GiveBackFocusToSearchBox() override;
void SetItemName(AppListFolderItem* item, const std::string& name) override;
// Overridden from AppsGridViewFolderDelegate:
void ReparentItem(AppListItemView* original_drag_view,
const gfx::Point& drag_point_in_folder_grid,
bool has_native_drag) override;
void DispatchDragEventForReparent(
AppsGridView::Pointer pointer,
const gfx::Point& drag_point_in_folder_grid) override;
void DispatchEndDragEventForReparent(bool events_forwarded_to_drag_drop_host,
bool cancel_drag) override;
bool IsPointOutsideOfFolderBoundary(const gfx::Point& point) override;
bool IsOEMFolder() const override;
void SetRootLevelDragViewVisible(bool visible) override;
// Returns the compositor associated to the widget containing this view.
// Returns nullptr if there isn't one associated with this widget.
ui::Compositor* GetCompositor();
// Creates accessibility event for opening folder if |open| is true.
// Otherwise, creates the event for closing folder.
void CreateOpenOrCloseFolderAccessibilityEvent(bool open);
// Views below are not owned by views hierarchy.
AppsContainerView* container_view_;
ContentsView* contents_view_;
// The view is used to draw a background with corner radius.
views::View* background_view_; // Owned by views hierarchy.
// The view is used as a container for all following views.
views::View* contents_container_; // Owned by views hierarchy.
FolderHeaderView* folder_header_view_; // Owned by views hierarchy.
AppsGridView* items_grid_view_; // Owned by views hierarchy.
PageSwitcher* page_switcher_; // Owned by views hierarchy.
std::unique_ptr<views::ViewModel> view_model_;
AppListModel* model_; // Not owned.
AppListFolderItem* folder_item_; // Not owned.
// The bounds of the activated folder item icon relative to this view.
gfx::Rect folder_item_icon_bounds_;
// The preferred bounds of this view relative to AppsContainerView.
gfx::Rect preferred_bounds_;
bool hide_for_reparent_;
std::unique_ptr<gfx::SlideAnimation> background_animation_;
std::unique_ptr<gfx::SlideAnimation> folder_item_title_animation_;
std::unique_ptr<Animation> top_icon_animation_;
std::unique_ptr<Animation> contents_container_animation_;
// The layer mask to create rounded corner.
std::unique_ptr<ui::LayerOwner> background_mask_ = nullptr;
// The compositor frame number when animation starts.
int animation_start_frame_number_;
} // namespace app_list