blob: 971370a258ae071dcc89c626102e72506b1c4b64 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <limits.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/small_map.h"
#include "base/containers/stack_container.h"
#include "base/files/file.h"
#include "base/format_macros.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_vector.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/tuple.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "ipc/brokerable_attachment.h"
#include "ipc/ipc_message_start.h"
#include "ipc/ipc_param_traits.h"
#include "ipc/ipc_sync_message.h"
namespace base {
class DictionaryValue;
class FilePath;
class ListValue;
class NullableString16;
class Time;
class TimeDelta;
class TimeTicks;
struct FileDescriptor;
#if (defined(OS_MACOSX) && !defined(OS_IOS)) || defined(OS_WIN)
class SharedMemoryHandle;
#endif // (defined(OS_MACOSX) && !defined(OS_IOS)) || defined(OS_WIN)
namespace IPC {
struct ChannelHandle;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// How we send IPC message logs across channels.
struct IPC_EXPORT LogData {
std::string channel;
int32_t routing_id;
uint32_t type; // "User-defined" message type, from ipc_message.h.
std::string flags;
int64_t sent; // Time that the message was sent (i.e. at Send()).
int64_t receive; // Time before it was dispatched (i.e. before calling
// OnMessageReceived).
int64_t dispatch; // Time after it was dispatched (i.e. after calling
// OnMessageReceived).
std::string message_name;
std::string params;
// A dummy struct to place first just to allow leading commas for all
// members in the macro-generated constructor initializer lists.
struct NoParams {
template <class P>
static inline void GetParamSize(base::PickleSizer* sizer, const P& p) {
typedef typename SimilarTypeTraits<P>::Type Type;
ParamTraits<Type>::GetSize(sizer, static_cast<const Type&>(p));
template <class P>
static inline void WriteParam(base::Pickle* m, const P& p) {
typedef typename SimilarTypeTraits<P>::Type Type;
ParamTraits<Type>::Write(m, static_cast<const Type& >(p));
template <class P>
static inline bool WARN_UNUSED_RESULT ReadParam(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
P* p) {
typedef typename SimilarTypeTraits<P>::Type Type;
return ParamTraits<Type>::Read(m, iter, reinterpret_cast<Type* >(p));
template <class P>
static inline void LogParam(const P& p, std::string* l) {
typedef typename SimilarTypeTraits<P>::Type Type;
ParamTraits<Type>::Log(static_cast<const Type& >(p), l);
// Primitive ParamTraits -------------------------------------------------------
template <>
struct ParamTraits<bool> {
typedef bool param_type;
static void GetSize(base::PickleSizer* sizer, const param_type& p) {
static void Write(base::Pickle* m, const param_type& p) { m->WriteBool(p); }
static bool Read(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r) {
return iter->ReadBool(r);
IPC_EXPORT static void Log(const param_type& p, std::string* l);
template <>
struct IPC_EXPORT ParamTraits<signed char> {
typedef signed char param_type;
static void GetSize(base::PickleSizer* sizer, const param_type& p);
static void Write(base::Pickle* m, const param_type& p);
static bool Read(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r);
static void Log(const param_type& p, std::string* l);
template <>
struct IPC_EXPORT ParamTraits<unsigned char> {
typedef unsigned char param_type;
static void GetSize(base::PickleSizer* sizer, const param_type& p);
static void Write(base::Pickle* m, const param_type& p);
static bool Read(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r);
static void Log(const param_type& p, std::string* l);
template <>
struct IPC_EXPORT ParamTraits<unsigned short> {
typedef unsigned short param_type;
static void GetSize(base::PickleSizer* sizer, const param_type& p);
static void Write(base::Pickle* m, const param_type& p);
static bool Read(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r);
static void Log(const param_type& p, std::string* l);
template <>
struct ParamTraits<int> {
typedef int param_type;
static void GetSize(base::PickleSizer* sizer, const param_type& p) {
static void Write(base::Pickle* m, const param_type& p) { m->WriteInt(p); }
static bool Read(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r) {
return iter->ReadInt(r);
IPC_EXPORT static void Log(const param_type& p, std::string* l);
template <>
struct ParamTraits<unsigned int> {
typedef unsigned int param_type;
static void GetSize(base::PickleSizer* sizer, const param_type& p) {
static void Write(base::Pickle* m, const param_type& p) { m->WriteInt(p); }
static bool Read(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r) {
return iter->ReadInt(reinterpret_cast<int*>(r));
IPC_EXPORT static void Log(const param_type& p, std::string* l);
// long isn't safe to send over IPC because it's 4 bytes on 32 bit builds but
// 8 bytes on 64 bit builds. So if a 32 bit and 64 bit process have a channel
// that would cause problem.
// We need to keep this on for a few configs:
// 1) Windows because DWORD is typedef'd to it, which is fine because we have
// very few IPCs that cross this boundary.
// 2) We also need to keep it for Linux for two reasons: int64_t is typedef'd
// to long, and gfx::PluginWindow is long and is used in one GPU IPC.
// 3) Android 64 bit also has int64_t typedef'd to long.
// Since we want to support Android 32<>64 bit IPC, as long as we don't have
// these traits for 32 bit ARM then that'll catch any errors.
#if defined(OS_WIN) || defined(OS_LINUX) || \
(defined(OS_ANDROID) && defined(ARCH_CPU_64_BITS))
template <>
struct ParamTraits<long> {
typedef long param_type;
static void GetSize(base::PickleSizer* sizer, const param_type& p) {
static void Write(base::Pickle* m, const param_type& p) {
static bool Read(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r) {
return iter->ReadLong(r);
IPC_EXPORT static void Log(const param_type& p, std::string* l);
template <>
struct ParamTraits<unsigned long> {
typedef unsigned long param_type;
static void GetSize(base::PickleSizer* sizer, const param_type& p) {
static void Write(base::Pickle* m, const param_type& p) {
static bool Read(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r) {
return iter->ReadLong(reinterpret_cast<long*>(r));
IPC_EXPORT static void Log(const param_type& p, std::string* l);
template <>
struct ParamTraits<long long> {
typedef long long param_type;
static void GetSize(base::PickleSizer* sizer, const param_type& p) {
static void Write(base::Pickle* m, const param_type& p) {
static bool Read(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r) {
return iter->ReadInt64(reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(r));
IPC_EXPORT static void Log(const param_type& p, std::string* l);
template <>
struct ParamTraits<unsigned long long> {
typedef unsigned long long param_type;
static void GetSize(base::PickleSizer* sizer, const param_type& p) {
static void Write(base::Pickle* m, const param_type& p) { m->WriteInt64(p); }
static bool Read(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r) {
return iter->ReadInt64(reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(r));
IPC_EXPORT static void Log(const param_type& p, std::string* l);
// Note that the IPC layer doesn't sanitize NaNs and +/- INF values. Clients
// should be sure to check the sanity of these values after receiving them over
// IPC.
template <>
struct IPC_EXPORT ParamTraits<float> {
typedef float param_type;
static void GetSize(base::PickleSizer* sizer, const param_type& p) {
static void Write(base::Pickle* m, const param_type& p) { m->WriteFloat(p); }
static bool Read(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r) {
return iter->ReadFloat(r);
static void Log(const param_type& p, std::string* l);
template <>
struct IPC_EXPORT ParamTraits<double> {
typedef double param_type;
static void GetSize(base::PickleSizer* sizer, const param_type& p);
static void Write(base::Pickle* m, const param_type& p);
static bool Read(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r);
static void Log(const param_type& p, std::string* l);
// STL ParamTraits -------------------------------------------------------------
template <>
struct ParamTraits<std::string> {
typedef std::string param_type;
static void GetSize(base::PickleSizer* sizer, const param_type& p) {
static void Write(base::Pickle* m, const param_type& p) { m->WriteString(p); }
static bool Read(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r) {
return iter->ReadString(r);
IPC_EXPORT static void Log(const param_type& p, std::string* l);
template <>
struct ParamTraits<base::string16> {
typedef base::string16 param_type;
static void GetSize(base::PickleSizer* sizer, const param_type& p) {
static void Write(base::Pickle* m, const param_type& p) {
static bool Read(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r) {
return iter->ReadString16(r);
IPC_EXPORT static void Log(const param_type& p, std::string* l);
template <>
struct IPC_EXPORT ParamTraits<std::vector<char> > {
typedef std::vector<char> param_type;
static void GetSize(base::PickleSizer* sizer, const param_type& p);
static void Write(base::Pickle* m, const param_type& p);
static bool Read(const base::Pickle*,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r);
static void Log(const param_type& p, std::string* l);
template <>
struct IPC_EXPORT ParamTraits<std::vector<unsigned char> > {
typedef std::vector<unsigned char> param_type;
static void GetSize(base::PickleSizer* sizer, const param_type& p);
static void Write(base::Pickle* m, const param_type& p);
static bool Read(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r);
static void Log(const param_type& p, std::string* l);
template <>
struct IPC_EXPORT ParamTraits<std::vector<bool> > {
typedef std::vector<bool> param_type;
static void GetSize(base::PickleSizer* sizer, const param_type& p);
static void Write(base::Pickle* m, const param_type& p);
static bool Read(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r);
static void Log(const param_type& p, std::string* l);
template <class P>
struct ParamTraits<std::vector<P> > {
typedef std::vector<P> param_type;
static void GetSize(base::PickleSizer* sizer, const param_type& p) {
GetParamSize(sizer, static_cast<int>(p.size()));
for (size_t i = 0; i < p.size(); i++)
GetParamSize(sizer, p[i]);
static void Write(base::Pickle* m, const param_type& p) {
WriteParam(m, static_cast<int>(p.size()));
for (size_t i = 0; i < p.size(); i++)
WriteParam(m, p[i]);
static bool Read(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r) {
int size;
// ReadLength() checks for < 0 itself.
if (!iter->ReadLength(&size))
return false;
// Resizing beforehand is not safe, see BUG 1006367 for details.
if (INT_MAX / sizeof(P) <= static_cast<size_t>(size))
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (!ReadParam(m, iter, &(*r)[i]))
return false;
return true;
static void Log(const param_type& p, std::string* l) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < p.size(); ++i) {
if (i != 0)
l->append(" ");
LogParam((p[i]), l);
template <class P>
struct ParamTraits<std::set<P> > {
typedef std::set<P> param_type;
static void GetSize(base::PickleSizer* sizer, const param_type& p) {
GetParamSize(sizer, static_cast<int>(p.size()));
typename param_type::const_iterator iter;
for (iter = p.begin(); iter != p.end(); ++iter)
GetParamSize(sizer, *iter);
static void Write(base::Pickle* m, const param_type& p) {
WriteParam(m, static_cast<int>(p.size()));
typename param_type::const_iterator iter;
for (iter = p.begin(); iter != p.end(); ++iter)
WriteParam(m, *iter);
static bool Read(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r) {
int size;
if (!iter->ReadLength(&size))
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
P item;
if (!ReadParam(m, iter, &item))
return false;
return true;
static void Log(const param_type& p, std::string* l) {
template <class K, class V, class C, class A>
struct ParamTraits<std::map<K, V, C, A> > {
typedef std::map<K, V, C, A> param_type;
static void GetSize(base::PickleSizer* sizer, const param_type& p) {
GetParamSize(sizer, static_cast<int>(p.size()));
typename param_type::const_iterator iter;
for (iter = p.begin(); iter != p.end(); ++iter) {
GetParamSize(sizer, iter->first);
GetParamSize(sizer, iter->second);
static void Write(base::Pickle* m, const param_type& p) {
WriteParam(m, static_cast<int>(p.size()));
typename param_type::const_iterator iter;
for (iter = p.begin(); iter != p.end(); ++iter) {
WriteParam(m, iter->first);
WriteParam(m, iter->second);
static bool Read(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r) {
int size;
if (!ReadParam(m, iter, &size) || size < 0)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
K k;
if (!ReadParam(m, iter, &k))
return false;
V& value = (*r)[k];
if (!ReadParam(m, iter, &value))
return false;
return true;
static void Log(const param_type& p, std::string* l) {
template <class A, class B>
struct ParamTraits<std::pair<A, B> > {
typedef std::pair<A, B> param_type;
static void GetSize(base::PickleSizer* sizer, const param_type& p) {
GetParamSize(sizer, p.first);
GetParamSize(sizer, p.second);
static void Write(base::Pickle* m, const param_type& p) {
WriteParam(m, p.first);
WriteParam(m, p.second);
static bool Read(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r) {
return ReadParam(m, iter, &r->first) && ReadParam(m, iter, &r->second);
static void Log(const param_type& p, std::string* l) {
LogParam(p.first, l);
l->append(", ");
LogParam(p.second, l);
// IPC ParamTraits -------------------------------------------------------------
template <>
struct IPC_EXPORT ParamTraits<BrokerableAttachment::AttachmentId> {
typedef BrokerableAttachment::AttachmentId param_type;
static void Write(base::Pickle* m, const param_type& p);
static bool Read(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r);
static void Log(const param_type& p, std::string* l);
// Base ParamTraits ------------------------------------------------------------
template <>
struct IPC_EXPORT ParamTraits<base::DictionaryValue> {
typedef base::DictionaryValue param_type;
static void GetSize(base::PickleSizer* sizer, const param_type& p);
static void Write(base::Pickle* m, const param_type& p);
static bool Read(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r);
static void Log(const param_type& p, std::string* l);
#if defined(OS_POSIX)
// FileDescriptors may be serialised over IPC channels on POSIX. On the
// receiving side, the FileDescriptor is a valid duplicate of the file
// descriptor which was transmitted: *it is not just a copy of the integer like
// HANDLEs on Windows*. The only exception is if the file descriptor is < 0. In
// this case, the receiving end will see a value of -1. *Zero is a valid file
// descriptor*.
// The received file descriptor will have the |auto_close| flag set to true. The
// code which handles the message is responsible for taking ownership of it.
// File descriptors are OS resources and must be closed when no longer needed.
// When sending a file descriptor, the file descriptor must be valid at the time
// of transmission. Since transmission is not synchronous, one should consider
// dup()ing any file descriptors to be transmitted and setting the |auto_close|
// flag, which causes the file descriptor to be closed after writing.
struct IPC_EXPORT ParamTraits<base::FileDescriptor> {
typedef base::FileDescriptor param_type;
static void Write(base::Pickle* m, const param_type& p);
static bool Read(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r);
static void Log(const param_type& p, std::string* l);
#endif // defined(OS_POSIX)
#if (defined(OS_MACOSX) && !defined(OS_IOS)) || defined(OS_WIN)
template <>
struct IPC_EXPORT ParamTraits<base::SharedMemoryHandle> {
typedef base::SharedMemoryHandle param_type;
static void Write(base::Pickle* m, const param_type& p);
static bool Read(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r);
static void Log(const param_type& p, std::string* l);
#endif // (defined(OS_MACOSX) && !defined(OS_IOS)) || defined(OS_WIN)
template <>
struct IPC_EXPORT ParamTraits<base::FilePath> {
typedef base::FilePath param_type;
static void GetSize(base::PickleSizer* sizer, const param_type& p);
static void Write(base::Pickle* m, const param_type& p);
static bool Read(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r);
static void Log(const param_type& p, std::string* l);
template <>
struct IPC_EXPORT ParamTraits<base::ListValue> {
typedef base::ListValue param_type;
static void GetSize(base::PickleSizer* sizer, const param_type& p);
static void Write(base::Pickle* m, const param_type& p);
static bool Read(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r);
static void Log(const param_type& p, std::string* l);
template <>
struct IPC_EXPORT ParamTraits<base::NullableString16> {
typedef base::NullableString16 param_type;
static void GetSize(base::PickleSizer* sizer, const param_type& p);
static void Write(base::Pickle* m, const param_type& p);
static bool Read(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r);
static void Log(const param_type& p, std::string* l);
template <>
struct IPC_EXPORT ParamTraits<base::File::Info> {
typedef base::File::Info param_type;
static void GetSize(base::PickleSizer* sizer, const param_type& p);
static void Write(base::Pickle* m, const param_type& p);
static bool Read(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r);
static void Log(const param_type& p, std::string* l);
template <>
struct SimilarTypeTraits<base::File::Error> {
typedef int Type;
#if defined(OS_WIN)
template <>
struct SimilarTypeTraits<HWND> {
typedef HANDLE Type;
#endif // defined(OS_WIN)
template <>
struct IPC_EXPORT ParamTraits<base::Time> {
typedef base::Time param_type;
static void GetSize(base::PickleSizer* sizer, const param_type& p);
static void Write(base::Pickle* m, const param_type& p);
static bool Read(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r);
static void Log(const param_type& p, std::string* l);
template <>
struct IPC_EXPORT ParamTraits<base::TimeDelta> {
typedef base::TimeDelta param_type;
static void GetSize(base::PickleSizer* sizer, const param_type& p);
static void Write(base::Pickle* m, const param_type& p);
static bool Read(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r);
static void Log(const param_type& p, std::string* l);
template <>
struct IPC_EXPORT ParamTraits<base::TimeTicks> {
typedef base::TimeTicks param_type;
static void GetSize(base::PickleSizer* sizer, const param_type& p);
static void Write(base::Pickle* m, const param_type& p);
static bool Read(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r);
static void Log(const param_type& p, std::string* l);
template <>
struct ParamTraits<std::tuple<>> {
typedef std::tuple<> param_type;
static void GetSize(base::PickleSizer* sizer, const param_type& p) {}
static void Write(base::Pickle* m, const param_type& p) {}
static bool Read(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r) {
return true;
static void Log(const param_type& p, std::string* l) {
template <class A>
struct ParamTraits<std::tuple<A>> {
typedef std::tuple<A> param_type;
static void GetSize(base::PickleSizer* sizer, const param_type& p) {
GetParamSize(sizer, base::get<0>(p));
static void Write(base::Pickle* m, const param_type& p) {
WriteParam(m, base::get<0>(p));
static bool Read(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r) {
return ReadParam(m, iter, &base::get<0>(*r));
static void Log(const param_type& p, std::string* l) {
LogParam(base::get<0>(p), l);
template <class A, class B>
struct ParamTraits<std::tuple<A, B>> {
typedef std::tuple<A, B> param_type;
static void GetSize(base::PickleSizer* sizer, const param_type& p) {
GetParamSize(sizer, base::get<0>(p));
GetParamSize(sizer, base::get<1>(p));
static void Write(base::Pickle* m, const param_type& p) {
WriteParam(m, base::get<0>(p));
WriteParam(m, base::get<1>(p));
static bool Read(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r) {
return (ReadParam(m, iter, &base::get<0>(*r)) &&
ReadParam(m, iter, &base::get<1>(*r)));
static void Log(const param_type& p, std::string* l) {
LogParam(base::get<0>(p), l);
l->append(", ");
LogParam(base::get<1>(p), l);
template <class A, class B, class C>
struct ParamTraits<std::tuple<A, B, C>> {
typedef std::tuple<A, B, C> param_type;
static void GetSize(base::PickleSizer* sizer, const param_type& p) {
GetParamSize(sizer, base::get<0>(p));
GetParamSize(sizer, base::get<1>(p));
GetParamSize(sizer, base::get<2>(p));
static void Write(base::Pickle* m, const param_type& p) {
WriteParam(m, base::get<0>(p));
WriteParam(m, base::get<1>(p));
WriteParam(m, base::get<2>(p));
static bool Read(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r) {
return (ReadParam(m, iter, &base::get<0>(*r)) &&
ReadParam(m, iter, &base::get<1>(*r)) &&
ReadParam(m, iter, &base::get<2>(*r)));
static void Log(const param_type& p, std::string* l) {
LogParam(base::get<0>(p), l);
l->append(", ");
LogParam(base::get<1>(p), l);
l->append(", ");
LogParam(base::get<2>(p), l);
template <class A, class B, class C, class D>
struct ParamTraits<std::tuple<A, B, C, D>> {
typedef std::tuple<A, B, C, D> param_type;
static void GetSize(base::PickleSizer* sizer, const param_type& p) {
GetParamSize(sizer, base::get<0>(p));
GetParamSize(sizer, base::get<1>(p));
GetParamSize(sizer, base::get<2>(p));
GetParamSize(sizer, base::get<3>(p));
static void Write(base::Pickle* m, const param_type& p) {
WriteParam(m, base::get<0>(p));
WriteParam(m, base::get<1>(p));
WriteParam(m, base::get<2>(p));
WriteParam(m, base::get<3>(p));
static bool Read(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r) {
return (ReadParam(m, iter, &base::get<0>(*r)) &&
ReadParam(m, iter, &base::get<1>(*r)) &&
ReadParam(m, iter, &base::get<2>(*r)) &&
ReadParam(m, iter, &base::get<3>(*r)));
static void Log(const param_type& p, std::string* l) {
LogParam(base::get<0>(p), l);
l->append(", ");
LogParam(base::get<1>(p), l);
l->append(", ");
LogParam(base::get<2>(p), l);
l->append(", ");
LogParam(base::get<3>(p), l);
template <class A, class B, class C, class D, class E>
struct ParamTraits<std::tuple<A, B, C, D, E>> {
typedef std::tuple<A, B, C, D, E> param_type;
static void GetSize(base::PickleSizer* sizer, const param_type& p) {
GetParamSize(sizer, base::get<0>(p));
GetParamSize(sizer, base::get<1>(p));
GetParamSize(sizer, base::get<2>(p));
GetParamSize(sizer, base::get<3>(p));
GetParamSize(sizer, base::get<4>(p));
static void Write(base::Pickle* m, const param_type& p) {
WriteParam(m, base::get<0>(p));
WriteParam(m, base::get<1>(p));
WriteParam(m, base::get<2>(p));
WriteParam(m, base::get<3>(p));
WriteParam(m, base::get<4>(p));
static bool Read(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r) {
return (ReadParam(m, iter, &base::get<0>(*r)) &&
ReadParam(m, iter, &base::get<1>(*r)) &&
ReadParam(m, iter, &base::get<2>(*r)) &&
ReadParam(m, iter, &base::get<3>(*r)) &&
ReadParam(m, iter, &base::get<4>(*r)));
static void Log(const param_type& p, std::string* l) {
LogParam(base::get<0>(p), l);
l->append(", ");
LogParam(base::get<1>(p), l);
l->append(", ");
LogParam(base::get<2>(p), l);
l->append(", ");
LogParam(base::get<3>(p), l);
l->append(", ");
LogParam(base::get<4>(p), l);
template<class P>
struct ParamTraits<ScopedVector<P> > {
typedef ScopedVector<P> param_type;
static void Write(base::Pickle* m, const param_type& p) {
WriteParam(m, static_cast<int>(p.size()));
for (size_t i = 0; i < p.size(); i++)
WriteParam(m, *p[i]);
static bool Read(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r) {
int size = 0;
if (!iter->ReadLength(&size))
return false;
if (INT_MAX/sizeof(P) <= static_cast<size_t>(size))
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
(*r)[i] = new P();
if (!ReadParam(m, iter, (*r)[i]))
return false;
return true;
static void Log(const param_type& p, std::string* l) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < p.size(); ++i) {
if (i != 0)
l->append(" ");
LogParam(*p[i], l);
template <class P, size_t stack_capacity>
struct ParamTraits<base::StackVector<P, stack_capacity> > {
typedef base::StackVector<P, stack_capacity> param_type;
static void GetSize(base::PickleSizer* sizer, const param_type& p) {
GetParamSize(sizer, static_cast<int>(p->size()));
for (size_t i = 0; i < p->size(); i++)
GetParamSize(sizer, p[i]);
static void Write(base::Pickle* m, const param_type& p) {
WriteParam(m, static_cast<int>(p->size()));
for (size_t i = 0; i < p->size(); i++)
WriteParam(m, p[i]);
static bool Read(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r) {
int size;
// ReadLength() checks for < 0 itself.
if (!iter->ReadLength(&size))
return false;
// Sanity check for the vector size.
if (INT_MAX / sizeof(P) <= static_cast<size_t>(size))
return false;
P value;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (!ReadParam(m, iter, &value))
return false;
return true;
static void Log(const param_type& p, std::string* l) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < p->size(); ++i) {
if (i != 0)
l->append(" ");
LogParam((p[i]), l);
template <typename NormalMap,
int kArraySize,
typename EqualKey,
typename MapInit>
struct ParamTraits<base::SmallMap<NormalMap, kArraySize, EqualKey, MapInit> > {
typedef base::SmallMap<NormalMap, kArraySize, EqualKey, MapInit> param_type;
typedef typename param_type::key_type K;
typedef typename param_type::data_type V;
static void GetSize(base::PickleSizer* sizer, const param_type& p) {
GetParamSize(sizer, static_cast<int>(p.size()));
typename param_type::const_iterator iter;
for (iter = p.begin(); iter != p.end(); ++iter) {
GetParamSize(sizer, iter->first);
GetParamSize(sizer, iter->second);
static void Write(base::Pickle* m, const param_type& p) {
WriteParam(m, static_cast<int>(p.size()));
typename param_type::const_iterator iter;
for (iter = p.begin(); iter != p.end(); ++iter) {
WriteParam(m, iter->first);
WriteParam(m, iter->second);
static bool Read(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r) {
int size;
if (!iter->ReadLength(&size))
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
K key;
if (!ReadParam(m, iter, &key))
return false;
V& value = (*r)[key];
if (!ReadParam(m, iter, &value))
return false;
return true;
static void Log(const param_type& p, std::string* l) {
template <class P>
struct ParamTraits<scoped_ptr<P> > {
typedef scoped_ptr<P> param_type;
static void GetSize(base::PickleSizer* sizer, const param_type& p) {
bool valid = !!p;
GetParamSize(sizer, valid);
if (valid)
GetParamSize(sizer, *p);
static void Write(base::Pickle* m, const param_type& p) {
bool valid = !!p;
WriteParam(m, valid);
if (valid)
WriteParam(m, *p);
static bool Read(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r) {
bool valid = false;
if (!ReadParam(m, iter, &valid))
return false;
if (!valid) {
return true;
param_type temp(new P());
if (!ReadParam(m, iter, temp.get()))
return false;
return true;
static void Log(const param_type& p, std::string* l) {
if (p)
LogParam(*p, l);
// IPC types ParamTraits -------------------------------------------------------
// A ChannelHandle is basically a platform-inspecific wrapper around the
// fact that IPC endpoints are handled specially on POSIX. See above comments
// on FileDescriptor for more background.
struct IPC_EXPORT ParamTraits<IPC::ChannelHandle> {
typedef ChannelHandle param_type;
static void Write(base::Pickle* m, const param_type& p);
static bool Read(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r);
static void Log(const param_type& p, std::string* l);
template <>
struct IPC_EXPORT ParamTraits<LogData> {
typedef LogData param_type;
static void GetSize(base::PickleSizer* sizer, const param_type& p);
static void Write(base::Pickle* m, const param_type& p);
static bool Read(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r);
static void Log(const param_type& p, std::string* l);
template <>
struct IPC_EXPORT ParamTraits<Message> {
static void Write(base::Pickle* m, const Message& p);
static bool Read(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
Message* r);
static void Log(const Message& p, std::string* l);
// Windows ParamTraits ---------------------------------------------------------
#if defined(OS_WIN)
template <>
struct IPC_EXPORT ParamTraits<HANDLE> {
typedef HANDLE param_type;
static void GetSize(base::PickleSizer* sizer, const param_type& p);
static void Write(base::Pickle* m, const param_type& p);
static bool Read(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r);
static void Log(const param_type& p, std::string* l);
template <>
struct IPC_EXPORT ParamTraits<LOGFONT> {
typedef LOGFONT param_type;
static void GetSize(base::PickleSizer* sizer, const param_type& p);
static void Write(base::Pickle* m, const param_type& p);
static bool Read(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r);
static void Log(const param_type& p, std::string* l);
template <>
struct IPC_EXPORT ParamTraits<MSG> {
typedef MSG param_type;
static void GetSize(base::PickleSizer* sizer, const param_type& p);
static void Write(base::Pickle* m, const param_type& p);
static bool Read(const base::Pickle* m,
base::PickleIterator* iter,
param_type* r);
static void Log(const param_type& p, std::string* l);
#endif // defined(OS_WIN)
// Generic message subclasses
// defined in
IPC_EXPORT void GenerateLogData(const std::string& channel,
const Message& message,
LogData* data, bool get_params);
inline void AddOutputParamsToLog(const Message* msg, std::string* l) {
const std::string& output_params = msg->output_params();
if (!l->empty() && !output_params.empty())
l->append(", ");
template <class ReplyParamType>
inline void LogReplyParamsToMessage(const ReplyParamType& reply_params,
const Message* msg) {
if (msg->received_time() != 0) {
std::string output_params;
LogParam(reply_params, &output_params);
inline void ConnectMessageAndReply(const Message* msg, Message* reply) {
if (msg->sent_time()) {
// Don't log the sync message after dispatch, as we don't have the
// output parameters at that point. Instead, save its data and log it
// with the outgoing reply message when it's sent.
LogData* data = new LogData;
GenerateLogData("", *msg, data, true);
inline void AddOutputParamsToLog(const Message* msg, std::string* l) {}
template <class ReplyParamType>
inline void LogReplyParamsToMessage(const ReplyParamType& reply_params,
const Message* msg) {}
inline void ConnectMessageAndReply(const Message* msg, Message* reply) {}
} // namespace IPC