blob: fcb4b50896cbb96eeedc3ae3a0b6effaab3fd682 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Accumulates frames for the next packet until more frames no longer fit or
// it's time to create a packet from them. Also provides packet creation of
// FEC packets based on previously created packets. If multipath enabled, only
// creates packets on one path at the same time. Currently, next packet number
// is tracked per-path.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_fec_group.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_framer.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_protocol.h"
using base::hash_map;
namespace net {
namespace test {
class QuicPacketCreatorPeer;
class QuicRandom;
class QuicRandomBoolSource;
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicPacketCreator {
// A delegate interface for further processing serialized packet.
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE DelegateInterface {
virtual ~DelegateInterface() {}
// Called when a packet is serialized. Delegate does not take the ownership
// of |serialized_packet|, but may take ownership of |packet.packet|
// and |packet.retransmittable_frames|. If it does so, they must be set
// to nullptr.
virtual void OnSerializedPacket(SerializedPacket* serialized_packet) = 0;
// Called when an unrecoverable error is encountered.
virtual void OnUnrecoverableError(QuicErrorCode error,
ConnectionCloseSource source) = 0;
// Called when current FEC group is reset (closed).
virtual void OnResetFecGroup() = 0;
// Interface which gets callbacks from the QuicPacketCreator at interesting
// points. Implementations must not mutate the state of the creator
// as a result of these callbacks.
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE DebugDelegate {
virtual ~DebugDelegate() {}
// Called when a frame has been added to the current packet.
virtual void OnFrameAddedToPacket(const QuicFrame& frame) {}
// QuicRandom* required for packet entropy.
QuicPacketCreator(QuicConnectionId connection_id,
QuicFramer* framer,
QuicRandom* random_generator,
QuicBufferAllocator* buffer_allocator,
DelegateInterface* delegate);
// Checks if it's time to send an FEC packet. |force_close| forces this to
// return true if an FEC group is open.
bool ShouldSendFec(bool force_close) const;
// If ShouldSendFec returns true, serializes currently constructed FEC packet
// and calls the delegate on the packet. Resets current FEC group if FEC
// protection policy is FEC_ALARM_TRIGGER but |is_fec_timeout| is false.
// Also tries to turn off FEC protection if should_fec_protect_next_packet is
// false.
void MaybeSendFecPacketAndCloseGroup(bool force_send_fec,
bool is_fec_timeout);
// Returns true if an FEC packet is under construction.
bool IsFecGroupOpen() const;
// Called after sending |packet_number| to determine whether an FEC alarm
// should be set for sending out an FEC packet. Returns a positive and finite
// timeout if an FEC alarm should be set, and infinite if no alarm should be
// set.
QuicTime::Delta GetFecTimeout(QuicPacketNumber packet_number);
// Makes the framer not serialize the protocol version in sent packets.
void StopSendingVersion();
// Update the packet number length to use in future packets as soon as it
// can be safely changed.
// TODO(fayang): Directly set packet number length instead of compute it in
// creator.
void UpdatePacketNumberLength(QuicPacketNumber least_packet_awaited_by_peer,
QuicPacketCount max_packets_in_flight);
// The overhead the framing will add for a packet with one frame.
static size_t StreamFramePacketOverhead(
QuicConnectionIdLength connection_id_length,
bool include_version,
bool include_path_id,
QuicPacketNumberLength packet_number_length,
QuicStreamOffset offset,
InFecGroup is_in_fec_group);
// Returns false and flushes all pending frames if current open packet is
// full.
// If current packet is not full, converts a raw payload into a stream frame
// that fits into the open packet and adds it to the packet.
// The payload begins at |iov_offset| into the |iov|.
// Also tries to start FEC protection depends on |fec_protection|.
bool ConsumeData(QuicStreamId id,
QuicIOVector iov,
size_t iov_offset,
QuicStreamOffset offset,
bool fin,
bool needs_padding,
QuicFrame* frame,
FecProtection fec_protection);
// Returns true if current open packet can accommodate more stream frames of
// stream |id| at |offset|, false otherwise.
bool HasRoomForStreamFrame(QuicStreamId id, QuicStreamOffset offset);
// Re-serializes frames with the original packet's packet number length.
// Used for retransmitting packets to ensure they aren't too long.
// Caller must ensure that any open FEC group is closed before calling this
// method.
void ReserializeAllFrames(const PendingRetransmission& retransmission,
char* buffer,
size_t buffer_len);
// Serializes all added frames into a single packet and invokes the delegate_
// to further process the SerializedPacket.
void Flush();
// Returns true if there are frames pending to be serialized.
bool HasPendingFrames() const;
// Returns true if there are retransmittable frames pending to be serialized.
bool HasPendingRetransmittableFrames() const;
// Returns the number of bytes which are available to be used by additional
// frames in the packet. Since stream frames are slightly smaller when they
// are the last frame in a packet, this method will return a different
// value than max_packet_size - PacketSize(), in this case.
size_t BytesFree();
// Returns the number of bytes that the packet will expand by if a new frame
// is added to the packet. If the last frame was a stream frame, it will
// expand slightly when a new frame is added, and this method returns the
// amount of expected expansion. If the packet is in an FEC group, no
// expansion happens and this method always returns zero.
size_t ExpansionOnNewFrame() const;
// Returns the number of bytes in the current packet, including the header,
// if serialized with the current frames. Adding a frame to the packet
// may change the serialized length of existing frames, as per the comment
// in BytesFree.
size_t PacketSize();
// Tries to add |frame| to the packet creator's list of frames to be
// serialized. If the frame does not fit into the current packet, flushes the
// packet and returns false.
bool AddSavedFrame(const QuicFrame& frame);
// Identical to AddSavedFrame, but allows the frame to be padded.
bool AddPaddedSavedFrame(const QuicFrame& frame);
// Adds |listener| to the next serialized packet and notifies the
// std::listener with |length| as the number of acked bytes.
void AddAckListener(QuicAckListenerInterface* listener,
QuicPacketLength length);
// Creates a version negotiation packet which supports |supported_versions|.
// Caller owns the created packet. Also, sets the entropy hash of the
// serialized packet to a random bool and returns that value as a member of
// SerializedPacket.
QuicEncryptedPacket* SerializeVersionNegotiationPacket(
const QuicVersionVector& supported_versions);
// Returns a dummy packet that is valid but contains no useful information.
static SerializedPacket NoPacket();
// Called when the congestion window has changed.
void OnCongestionWindowChange(QuicPacketCount max_packets_in_flight);
// Called when the RTT may have changed.
void OnRttChange(QuicTime::Delta rtt);
// Sets the encryption level that will be applied to new packets.
void set_encryption_level(EncryptionLevel level) {
packet_.encryption_level = level;
// packet number of the last created packet, or 0 if no packets have been
// created.
QuicPacketNumber packet_number() const { return packet_.packet_number; }
QuicConnectionIdLength connection_id_length() const {
return connection_id_length_;
void set_connection_id_length(QuicConnectionIdLength length) {
connection_id_length_ = length;
QuicByteCount max_packet_length() const { return max_packet_length_; }
bool has_ack() const { return packet_.has_ack; }
bool has_stop_waiting() const { return packet_.has_stop_waiting; }
// Sets the encrypter to use for the encryption level and updates the max
// plaintext size.
void SetEncrypter(EncryptionLevel level, QuicEncrypter* encrypter);
// Indicates whether the packet creator is in a state where it can change
// current maximum packet length.
bool CanSetMaxPacketLength() const;
// Sets the maximum packet length.
void SetMaxPacketLength(QuicByteCount length);
// Sets the path on which subsequent packets will be created. It is the
// caller's responsibility to guarantee no packet is under construction before
// calling this function. If |path_id| is different from current_path_, the
// FEC packet (if exists) will be sent and next_packet_number_length_ is
// recalculated.
void SetCurrentPath(QuicPathId path_id,
QuicPacketNumber least_packet_awaited_by_peer,
QuicPacketCount max_packets_in_flight);
// Returns current max number of packets covered by an FEC group.
size_t max_packets_per_fec_group() const {
return max_packets_per_fec_group_;
// Sets creator's max number of packets covered by an FEC group.
// Note: While there are no constraints on |max_packets_per_fec_group|,
// this setter enforces a min value of kLowestMaxPacketsPerFecGroup.
// To turn off FEC protection, use StopFecProtectingPackets().
void set_max_packets_per_fec_group(size_t max_packets_per_fec_group);
FecSendPolicy fec_send_policy() { return fec_send_policy_; }
void set_fec_send_policy(FecSendPolicy fec_send_policy) {
fec_send_policy_ = fec_send_policy;
void set_rtt_multiplier_for_fec_timeout(
float rtt_multiplier_for_fec_timeout) {
rtt_multiplier_for_fec_timeout_ = rtt_multiplier_for_fec_timeout;
void set_debug_delegate(DebugDelegate* debug_delegate) {
debug_delegate_ = debug_delegate;
friend class test::QuicPacketCreatorPeer;
static bool ShouldRetransmit(const QuicFrame& frame);
// Converts a raw payload to a frame which fits into the current open
// packet. The payload begins at |iov_offset| into the |iov|.
// Returns the number of bytes consumed from data.
// If data is empty and fin is true, the expected behavior is to consume the
// fin but return 0. If any data is consumed, it will be copied into a
// new buffer that |frame| will point to and own.
size_t CreateStreamFrame(QuicStreamId id,
QuicIOVector iov,
size_t iov_offset,
QuicStreamOffset offset,
bool fin,
QuicFrame* frame);
// Copies |length| bytes from iov starting at offset |iov_offset| into buffer.
// |iov| must be at least iov_offset+length total length and buffer must be
// at least |length| long.
static void CopyToBuffer(QuicIOVector iov,
size_t iov_offset,
size_t length,
char* buffer);
// Updates lengths and also starts an FEC group if FEC protection is on and
// there is not already an FEC group open.
InFecGroup MaybeUpdateLengthsAndStartFec();
// Called when a data packet is constructed that is part of an FEC group.
// |payload| is the non-encrypted FEC protected payload of the packet.
void OnBuiltFecProtectedPayload(const QuicPacketHeader& header,
base::StringPiece payload);
void FillPacketHeader(QuicFecGroupNumber fec_group,
bool fec_flag,
QuicPacketHeader* header);
// Adds a |frame| if there is space and returns false and flushes all pending
// frames if there isn't room. If |save_retransmittable_frames| is true,
// saves the |frame| in the next SerializedPacket.
bool AddFrame(const QuicFrame& frame, bool save_retransmittable_frames);
// Adds a padding frame to the current packet only if the current packet
// contains a handshake message, and there is sufficient room to fit a
// padding frame.
void MaybeAddPadding();
// Serializes all frames which have been added and adds any which should be
// retransmitted to packet_.retransmittable_frames. All frames must fit into
// a single packet. Sets the entropy hash of the serialized packet to a
// random bool.
// Fails if |buffer_len| isn't long enough for the encrypted packet.
void SerializePacket(char* encrypted_buffer, size_t buffer_len);
// Called after a new SerialiedPacket is created to call the delegate's
// OnSerializedPacket, reset state, and potentially flush FEC groups.
void OnSerializedPacket();
// Clears all fields of packet_ that should be cleared between serializations.
void ClearPacket();
// Turn on FEC protection for subsequent packets. If no FEC group is currently
// open, this method flushes current open packet and then turns FEC on.
void MaybeStartFecProtection();
// Turn on FEC protection for subsequently created packets. FEC should be
// enabled first (max_packets_per_fec_group should be non-zero) for FEC
// protection to start.
void StartFecProtectingPackets();
// Turn off FEC protection for subsequently created packets. If the creator
// has any open FEC group, call will fail. It is the caller's responsibility
// to flush out FEC packets in generation, and to verify with ShouldSendFec()
// that there is no open FEC group.
void StopFecProtectingPackets();
// Resets (closes) the FEC group. This method should only be called on a
// packet boundary.
void ResetFecGroup();
// Packetize FEC data. Sets the entropy hash of the serialized packet to a
// random bool.
// Fails if |buffer_len| isn't long enough for the encrypted packet.
void SerializeFec(char* buffer, size_t buffer_len);
// Does not own these delegates or the framer.
DelegateInterface* delegate_;
DebugDelegate* debug_delegate_;
QuicFramer* framer_;
scoped_ptr<QuicRandomBoolSource> random_bool_source_;
QuicBufferAllocator* const buffer_allocator_;
// Controls whether version should be included while serializing the packet.
bool send_version_in_packet_;
// Controls whether path id should be included while serializing the packet.
bool send_path_id_in_packet_;
// Staging variable to hold next packet number length. When sequence
// number length is to be changed, this variable holds the new length until
// a packet or FEC group boundary, when the creator's packet_number_length_
// can be changed to this new value.
QuicPacketNumberLength next_packet_number_length_;
// Maximum length including headers and encryption (UDP payload length.)
QuicByteCount max_packet_length_;
size_t max_plaintext_size_;
// Length of connection_id to send over the wire.
QuicConnectionIdLength connection_id_length_;
// Frames to be added to the next SerializedPacket
QuicFrames queued_frames_;
// packet_size should never be read directly, use PacketSize() instead.
// TODO(ianswett): Move packet_size_ into SerializedPacket once
// QuicEncryptedPacket has been flattened into SerializedPacket.
size_t packet_size_;
QuicConnectionId connection_id_;
// Packet used to invoke OnSerializedPacket.
SerializedPacket packet_;
// Map mapping path_id to last sent packet number on the path.
std::unordered_map<QuicPathId, QuicPacketNumber> multipath_packet_number_;
// FEC related fields.
// True when creator is requested to turn on FEC protection. False otherwise.
// There is a time difference between should_fec_protect_next_packet_ is
// true/false and FEC is actually turned on/off (e.g., The creator may have an
// open FEC group even if this variable is false).
bool should_fec_protect_next_packet_;
// If true, any created packets will be FEC protected.
// TODO(fayang): Combine should_fec_protect_next_packet and fec_protect_ to
// one variable.
bool fec_protect_;
scoped_ptr<QuicFecGroup> fec_group_;
// 0 indicates FEC is disabled.
size_t max_packets_per_fec_group_;
// FEC policy that specifies when to send FEC packet.
FecSendPolicy fec_send_policy_;
// Timeout used for FEC alarm. Can be set to zero initially or if the SRTT has
// not yet been set.
QuicTime::Delta fec_timeout_;
// The multiplication factor for FEC timeout based on RTT.
// TODO(rtenneti): Delete this code after the 0.25 RTT FEC experiment.
float rtt_multiplier_for_fec_timeout_;
} // namespace net