blob: 0a4e467011d18d0a43bc94517fc073e90fa5bfb3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2000 Lars Knoll (
* (C) 2000 Antti Koivisto (
* (C) 2000 Dirk Mueller (
* (C) 2004 Allan Sandfeld Jensen (
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef LayoutObject_h
#define LayoutObject_h
#include "core/CoreExport.h"
#include "core/dom/Document.h"
#include "core/dom/DocumentLifecycle.h"
#include "core/dom/Element.h"
#include "core/editing/PositionWithAffinity.h"
#include "core/fetch/ImageResourceClient.h"
#include "core/html/HTMLElement.h"
#include "core/inspector/InspectorTraceEvents.h"
#include "core/layout/HitTestRequest.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutObjectChildList.h"
#include "core/layout/PaintInvalidationState.h"
#include "core/layout/ScrollAlignment.h"
#include "core/layout/SubtreeLayoutScope.h"
#include "core/layout/api/HitTestAction.h"
#include "core/layout/api/SelectionState.h"
#include "core/layout/compositing/CompositingState.h"
#include "core/layout/compositing/CompositingTriggers.h"
#include "core/style/ComputedStyle.h"
#include "core/style/StyleInheritedData.h"
#include "platform/geometry/FloatQuad.h"
#include "platform/geometry/LayoutRect.h"
#include "platform/graphics/CompositingReasons.h"
#include "platform/graphics/PaintInvalidationReason.h"
#include "platform/graphics/paint/DisplayItemClient.h"
#include "platform/transforms/TransformationMatrix.h"
namespace blink {
class AffineTransform;
class Cursor;
class Document;
class HitTestLocation;
class HitTestResult;
class InlineBox;
class LayoutBoxModelObject;
class LayoutBlock;
class LayoutFlowThread;
class LayoutGeometryMap;
class LayoutMultiColumnSpannerPlaceholder;
class LayoutView;
class ObjectPaintProperties;
class PaintLayer;
class PseudoStyleRequest;
class TransformState;
struct PaintInfo;
enum CursorDirective {
enum HitTestFilter {
enum MarkingBehavior {
enum MapCoordinatesMode {
IsFixed = 1 << 0,
UseTransforms = 1 << 1,
ApplyContainerFlip = 1 << 2,
TraverseDocumentBoundaries = 1 << 3,
typedef unsigned MapCoordinatesFlags;
const LayoutUnit& caretWidth();
struct AnnotatedRegionValue {
bool operator==(const AnnotatedRegionValue& o) const
return draggable == o.draggable && bounds == o.bounds;
LayoutRect bounds;
bool draggable;
typedef WTF::HashMap<const PaintLayer*, Vector<LayoutRect>> LayerHitTestRects;
#ifndef NDEBUG
const int showTreeCharacterOffset = 39;
// LayoutObject is the base class for all layout tree objects.
// LayoutObjects form a tree structure that is a close mapping of the DOM tree.
// The root of the LayoutObject tree is the LayoutView, which is
// the LayoutObject associated with the Document.
// Some LayoutObjects don't have an associated Node and are called "anonymous"
// (see the constructor below). Anonymous LayoutObjects exist for several
// purposes but are usually required by CSS. A good example is anonymous table
// parts (see LayoutTable for the expected structure). Anonymous LayoutObjects
// are generated when a new child is added to the tree in addChild(). See the
// function for some important information on this.
// Also some Node don't have an associated LayoutObjects e.g. if display: none is set. For more
// detail, see LayoutObject::createObject that creates the right LayoutObject based on the style.
// Because the SVG and CSS classes both inherit from this object, functions can belong to either
// realm and sometimes to both.
// The purpose of the layout tree is to do layout (aka reflow) and store its results for painting and
// hit-testing.
// Layout is the process of sizing and positioning Nodes on the page. In Blink, layouts always start
// from a relayout boundary (see objectIsRelayoutBoundary in LayoutObject.cpp). As such, we need to mark
// the ancestors all the way to the enclosing relayout boundary in order to do a correct layout.
// Due to the high cost of layout, a lot of effort is done to avoid doing full layouts of nodes.
// This is why there are several types of layout available to bypass the complex operations. See the
// comments on the layout booleans in LayoutObjectBitfields below about the different layouts.
// To save memory, especially for the common child class LayoutText, LayoutObject doesn't provide
// storage for children. Descendant classes that do allow children have to have a LayoutObjectChildList
// member that stores the actual children and override virtualChildren().
// LayoutObject is an ImageResourceClient, which means that it gets notified when associated images
// are changed. This is used for 2 main use cases:
// - reply to 'background-image' as we need to invalidate the background in this case.
// (See
// - image (LayoutImage, LayoutSVGImage) or video (LayoutVideo) objects that are placeholders for
// displaying them.
// ***** LIFETIME *****
// LayoutObjects are fully owned by their associated DOM node. In other words,
// it's the DOM node's responsibility to free its LayoutObject, this is why
// LayoutObjects are not and SHOULD NOT be RefCounted.
// LayoutObjects are created during the DOM attachment. This phase computes
// the style and create the LayoutObject associated with the Node (see
// Node::attach). LayoutObjects are destructed during detachment (see
// Node::detach), which can happen when the DOM node is removed from the
// DOM tree, during page tear down or when the style is changed to contain
// 'display: none'.
// Anonymous LayoutObjects are owned by their enclosing DOM node. This means
// that if the DOM node is detached, it has to destroy any anonymous
// descendants. This is done in LayoutObject::destroy().
// Note that for correctness, destroy() is expected to clean any anonymous
// wrappers as sequences of insertion / removal could make them visible to
// the page. This is done by LayoutObject::destroyAndCleanupAnonymousWrappers()
// which is the preferred way to destroy an object.
// The preferred logical widths are the intrinsic sizes of this element
// ( Intrinsic sizes depend
// mostly on the content and a limited set of style properties (e.g. any
// font-related property for text, 'min-width'/'max-width',
// 'min-height'/'max-height').
// Those widths are used to determine the final layout logical width, which
// depends on the layout algorithm used and the available logical width.
// LayoutObject only has getters for the widths (minPreferredLogicalWidth and
// maxPreferredLogicalWidth). However the storage for them is in LayoutBox
// (see m_minPreferredLogicalWidth and m_maxPreferredLogicalWidth). This is
// because only boxes implementing the full box model have a need for them.
// Because LayoutBlockFlow's intrinsic widths rely on the underlying text
// content, LayoutBlockFlow may call LayoutText::computePreferredLogicalWidths.
// The 2 widths are computed lazily during layout when the getters are called.
// The computation is done by calling computePreferredLogicalWidths() behind the
// scene. The boolean used to control the lazy recomputation is
// preferredLogicalWidthsDirty.
// See the individual getters below for more details about what each width is.
class CORE_EXPORT LayoutObject : public ImageResourceClient, public DisplayItemClient {
friend class LayoutObjectChildList;
// Anonymous objects should pass the document as their node, and they will then automatically be
// marked as anonymous in the constructor.
explicit LayoutObject(Node*);
~LayoutObject() override;
// Returns the name of the layout object.
virtual const char* name() const = 0;
// Returns the decorated name used by run-layout-tests. The name contains the name of the object
// along with extra information about the layout object state (e.g. positioning).
String decoratedName() const;
// DisplayItemClient methods.
LayoutRect visualRect() const override;
String debugName() const final;
LayoutObject* parent() const { return m_parent; }
bool isDescendantOf(const LayoutObject*) const;
LayoutObject* previousSibling() const { return m_previous; }
LayoutObject* nextSibling() const { return m_next; }
LayoutObject* slowFirstChild() const
if (const LayoutObjectChildList* children = virtualChildren())
return children->firstChild();
return nullptr;
LayoutObject* slowLastChild() const
if (const LayoutObjectChildList* children = virtualChildren())
return children->lastChild();
return nullptr;
// See comment in the class description as to why there is no child.
virtual LayoutObjectChildList* virtualChildren() { return nullptr; }
virtual const LayoutObjectChildList* virtualChildren() const { return nullptr; }
LayoutObject* nextInPreOrder() const;
LayoutObject* nextInPreOrder(const LayoutObject* stayWithin) const;
LayoutObject* nextInPreOrderAfterChildren() const;
LayoutObject* nextInPreOrderAfterChildren(const LayoutObject* stayWithin) const;
LayoutObject* previousInPreOrder() const;
LayoutObject* previousInPreOrder(const LayoutObject* stayWithin) const;
LayoutObject* childAt(unsigned) const;
LayoutObject* lastLeafChild() const;
// The following six functions are used when the layout tree hierarchy changes to make sure layers get
// properly added and removed. Since containership can be implemented by any subclass, and since a hierarchy
// can contain a mixture of boxes and other object types, these functions need to be in the base class.
PaintLayer* enclosingLayer() const;
void addLayers(PaintLayer* parentLayer);
void removeLayers(PaintLayer* parentLayer);
void moveLayers(PaintLayer* oldParent, PaintLayer* newParent);
PaintLayer* findNextLayer(PaintLayer* parentLayer, LayoutObject* startPoint, bool checkParent = true);
// Scrolling is a LayoutBox concept, however some code just cares about recursively scrolling our enclosing ScrollableArea(s).
bool scrollRectToVisible(
const LayoutRect&,
const ScrollAlignment& alignX = ScrollAlignment::alignCenterIfNeeded,
const ScrollAlignment& alignY = ScrollAlignment::alignCenterIfNeeded,
ScrollType = ProgrammaticScroll,
bool makeVisibleInVisualViewport = true);
// Convenience function for getting to the nearest enclosing box of a LayoutObject.
LayoutBox* enclosingBox() const;
LayoutBoxModelObject* enclosingBoxModelObject() const;
LayoutBox* enclosingScrollableBox() const;
// Function to return our enclosing flow thread if we are contained inside one. This
// function follows the containing block chain.
LayoutFlowThread* flowThreadContainingBlock() const
if (!isInsideFlowThread())
return nullptr;
return locateFlowThreadContainingBlock();
void setHasAXObject(bool flag) { m_hasAXObject = flag; }
bool hasAXObject() const { return m_hasAXObject; }
// Helper class forbidding calls to setNeedsLayout() during its lifetime.
class SetLayoutNeededForbiddenScope {
explicit SetLayoutNeededForbiddenScope(LayoutObject&);
LayoutObject& m_layoutObject;
bool m_preexistingForbidden;
void assertLaidOut() const
#ifndef NDEBUG
if (needsLayout())
void assertSubtreeIsLaidOut() const
for (const LayoutObject* layoutObject = this; layoutObject; layoutObject = layoutObject->nextInPreOrder())
void assertClearedPaintInvalidationState() const
#ifndef NDEBUG
if (paintInvalidationStateIsDirty()) {
void assertSubtreeClearedPaintInvalidationState() const
for (const LayoutObject* layoutObject = this; layoutObject; layoutObject = layoutObject->nextInPreOrder())
// Correct version of !layoutObjectHasNoBoxEffectObsolete().
bool hasBoxEffect() const
return hasBoxDecorationBackground() || style()->hasVisualOverflowingEffect();
// LayoutObject tree manipulation
virtual bool canHaveChildren() const { return virtualChildren(); }
virtual bool isChildAllowed(LayoutObject*, const ComputedStyle&) const { return true; }
// This function is called whenever a child is inserted under |this|.
// The main purpose of this function is to generate a consistent layout
// tree, which means generating the missing anonymous objects. Most of the
// time there'll be no anonymous objects to generate.
// The following invariants are true on the input:
// - |newChild->node()| is a child of |this->node()|, if |this| is not
// anonymous. If |this| is anonymous, the invariant holds with the
// enclosing non-anonymous LayoutObject.
// - |beforeChild->node()| (if |beforeChild| is provided and not anonymous)
// is a sibling of |newChild->node()| (if |newChild| is not anonymous).
// The reason for these invariants is that insertions are performed on the
// DOM tree. Because the layout tree may insert extra anonymous renderers,
// the previous invariants are only guaranteed for the DOM tree. In
// particular, |beforeChild| may not be a direct child when it's wrapped in
// anonymous wrappers.
// Classes inserting anonymous LayoutObjects in the tree are expected to
// check for the anonymous wrapper case with:
// beforeChild->parent() != this
// The usage of |child/parent/sibling| in this comment actually means
// |child/parent/sibling| in a flat tree because a layout tree is generated
// from a structure of a flat tree if Shadow DOM is used.
// See LayoutTreeBuilderTraversal and FlatTreeTraversal.
// See LayoutTable::addChild and LayoutBlock::addChild.
// TODO(jchaffraix): |newChild| cannot be nullptr and should be a reference.
virtual void addChild(LayoutObject* newChild, LayoutObject* beforeChild = nullptr);
virtual void addChildIgnoringContinuation(LayoutObject* newChild, LayoutObject* beforeChild = nullptr) { return addChild(newChild, beforeChild); }
virtual void removeChild(LayoutObject*);
virtual bool createsAnonymousWrapper() const { return false; }
// Sets the parent of this object but doesn't add it as a child of the parent.
void setDangerousOneWayParent(LayoutObject*);
// For SPv2 only. The ObjectPaintProperties structure holds references to the
// property tree nodes that are created by the layout object for painting.
// The property nodes are only updated during InUpdatePaintProperties phase
// of the document lifecycle and shall remain immutable during other phases.
ObjectPaintProperties* objectPaintProperties() const;
void setObjectPaintProperties(PassOwnPtr<ObjectPaintProperties>);
void clearObjectPaintProperties();
// Helper functions. Dangerous to use!
void setPreviousSibling(LayoutObject* previous) { m_previous = previous; }
void setNextSibling(LayoutObject* next) { m_next = next; }
void setParent(LayoutObject* parent)
m_parent = parent;
// Only update if our flow thread state is different from our new parent and if we're not a LayoutFlowThread.
// A LayoutFlowThread is always considered to be inside itself, so it never has to change its state
// in response to parent changes.
bool insideFlowThread = parent && parent->isInsideFlowThread();
if (insideFlowThread != isInsideFlowThread() && !isLayoutFlowThread())
bool isSetNeedsLayoutForbidden() const { return m_setNeedsLayoutForbidden; }
void setNeedsLayoutIsForbidden(bool flag) { m_setNeedsLayoutForbidden = flag; }
void addAbsoluteRectForLayer(IntRect& result);
bool requiresAnonymousTableWrappers(const LayoutObject*) const;
// Gets pseudoStyle from Shadow host(in case of input elements)
// or from Parent element.
PassRefPtr<ComputedStyle> getUncachedPseudoStyleFromParentOrShadowHost() const;
bool skipInvalidationWhenLaidOutChildren() const;
#ifndef NDEBUG
void showTreeForThis() const;
void showLayoutTreeForThis() const;
void showLineTreeForThis() const;
void showLayoutObject() const;
// We don't make printedCharacters an optional parameter so that
// showLayoutObject can be called from gdb easily.
void showLayoutObject(int printedCharacters) const;
void showLayoutTreeAndMark(const LayoutObject* markedObject1 = nullptr, const char* markedLabel1 = nullptr, const LayoutObject* markedObject2 = nullptr, const char* markedLabel2 = nullptr, int depth = 0) const;
// This function is used to create the appropriate LayoutObject based
// on the style, in particular 'display' and 'content'.
// "display: none" is the only time this function will return nullptr.
// For renderer creation, the inline-* values create the same renderer
// as the non-inline version. The difference is that inline-* sets
// m_isInline during initialization. This means that
// "display: inline-table" creates a LayoutTable, like "display: table".
// Ideally every Element::createLayoutObject would call this function to
// respond to 'display' but there are deep rooted assumptions about
// which LayoutObject is created on a fair number of Elements. This
// function also doesn't handle the default association between a tag
// and its renderer (e.g. <iframe> creates a LayoutIFrame even if the
// initial 'display' value is inline).
static LayoutObject* createObject(Element*, const ComputedStyle&);
// LayoutObjects are allocated out of the rendering partition.
void* operator new(size_t);
void operator delete(void*);
bool isPseudoElement() const { return node() && node()->isPseudoElement(); }
virtual bool isBoxModelObject() const { return false; }
bool isBR() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectBr); }
bool isCanvas() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectCanvas); }
bool isCounter() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectCounter); }
bool isDetailsMarker() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectDetailsMarker); }
bool isEmbeddedObject() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectEmbeddedObject); }
bool isFieldset() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectFieldset); }
bool isFileUploadControl() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectFileUploadControl); }
bool isFrame() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectFrame); }
bool isFrameSet() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectFrameSet); }
bool isLayoutTableCol() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectLayoutTableCol); }
bool isListBox() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectListBox); }
bool isListItem() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectListItem); }
bool isListMarker() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectListMarker); }
bool isMedia() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectMedia); }
bool isMenuList() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectMenuList); }
bool isMeter() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectMeter); }
bool isProgress() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectProgress); }
bool isQuote() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectQuote); }
bool isLayoutButton() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectLayoutButton); }
bool isLayoutFullScreen() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectLayoutFullScreen); }
bool isLayoutFullScreenPlaceholder() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectLayoutFullScreenPlaceholder); }
bool isLayoutGrid() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectLayoutGrid); }
bool isLayoutIFrame() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectLayoutIFrame); }
bool isLayoutImage() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectLayoutImage); }
bool isLayoutMultiColumnSet() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectLayoutMultiColumnSet); }
bool isLayoutMultiColumnSpannerPlaceholder() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectLayoutMultiColumnSpannerPlaceholder); }
bool isLayoutScrollbarPart() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectLayoutScrollbarPart); }
bool isLayoutView() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectLayoutView); }
bool isReplica() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectReplica); }
bool isRuby() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectRuby); }
bool isRubyBase() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectRubyBase); }
bool isRubyRun() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectRubyRun); }
bool isRubyText() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectRubyText); }
bool isSlider() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectSlider); }
bool isSliderThumb() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectSliderThumb); }
bool isTable() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectTable); }
bool isTableCaption() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectTableCaption); }
bool isTableCell() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectTableCell); }
bool isTableRow() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectTableRow); }
bool isTableSection() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectTableSection); }
bool isTextArea() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectTextArea); }
bool isTextControl() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectTextControl); }
bool isTextField() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectTextField); }
bool isVideo() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectVideo); }
bool isWidget() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectWidget); }
virtual bool isImage() const { return false; }
virtual bool isInlineBlockOrInlineTable() const { return false; }
virtual bool isLayoutBlock() const { return false; }
virtual bool isLayoutBlockFlow() const { return false; }
virtual bool isLayoutFlowThread() const { return false; }
virtual bool isLayoutInline() const { return false; }
virtual bool isLayoutPart() const { return false; }
bool isDocumentElement() const { return document().documentElement() == m_node; }
// isBody is called from LayoutBox::styleWillChange and is thus quite hot.
bool isBody() const { return node() && node()->hasTagName(HTMLNames::bodyTag); }
bool isHR() const;
bool isLegend() const;
bool isTablePart() const { return isTableCell() || isLayoutTableCol() || isTableCaption() || isTableRow() || isTableSection(); }
inline bool isBeforeContent() const;
inline bool isAfterContent() const;
inline bool isBeforeOrAfterContent() const;
static inline bool isAfterContent(const LayoutObject* obj) { return obj && obj->isAfterContent(); }
bool hasCounterNodeMap() const { return m_bitfields.hasCounterNodeMap(); }
void setHasCounterNodeMap(bool hasCounterNodeMap) { m_bitfields.setHasCounterNodeMap(hasCounterNodeMap); }
bool everHadLayout() const { return m_bitfields.everHadLayout(); }
bool childrenInline() const { return m_bitfields.childrenInline(); }
void setChildrenInline(bool b) { m_bitfields.setChildrenInline(b); }
bool alwaysCreateLineBoxesForLayoutInline() const
return m_bitfields.alwaysCreateLineBoxesForLayoutInline();
void setAlwaysCreateLineBoxesForLayoutInline(bool alwaysCreateLineBoxes)
bool ancestorLineBoxDirty() const { return m_bitfields.ancestorLineBoxDirty(); }
void setAncestorLineBoxDirty(bool value = true)
if (value)
void setIsInsideFlowThreadIncludingDescendants(bool);
bool isInsideFlowThread() const { return m_bitfields.isInsideFlowThread(); }
void setIsInsideFlowThread(bool insideFlowThread) { m_bitfields.setIsInsideFlowThread(insideFlowThread); }
// FIXME: Until all SVG layoutObjects can be subclasses of LayoutSVGModelObject we have
// to add SVG layoutObject methods to LayoutObject with an ASSERT_NOT_REACHED() default implementation.
bool isSVG() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectSVG); }
bool isSVGRoot() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectSVGRoot); }
bool isSVGContainer() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectSVGContainer); }
bool isSVGTransformableContainer() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectSVGTransformableContainer); }
bool isSVGViewportContainer() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectSVGViewportContainer); }
bool isSVGGradientStop() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectSVGGradientStop); }
bool isSVGHiddenContainer() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectSVGHiddenContainer); }
bool isSVGShape() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectSVGShape); }
bool isSVGText() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectSVGText); }
bool isSVGTextPath() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectSVGTextPath); }
bool isSVGInline() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectSVGInline); }
bool isSVGInlineText() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectSVGInlineText); }
bool isSVGImage() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectSVGImage); }
bool isSVGForeignObject() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectSVGForeignObject); }
bool isSVGResourceContainer() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectSVGResourceContainer); }
bool isSVGResourceFilter() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectSVGResourceFilter); }
bool isSVGResourceFilterPrimitive() const { return isOfType(LayoutObjectSVGResourceFilterPrimitive); }
// FIXME: Those belong into a SVG specific base-class for all layoutObjects (see above)
// Unfortunately we don't have such a class yet, because it's not possible for all layoutObjects
// to inherit from LayoutSVGObject -> LayoutObject (some need LayoutBlock inheritance for instance)
virtual void setNeedsTransformUpdate() { }
virtual void setNeedsBoundariesUpdate();
bool isBlendingAllowed() const { return !isSVG() || (isSVGContainer() && !isSVGHiddenContainer()) || isSVGShape() || isSVGImage() || isSVGText(); }
virtual bool hasNonIsolatedBlendingDescendants() const { return false; }
enum DescendantIsolationState {
virtual void descendantIsolationRequirementsChanged(DescendantIsolationState) { }
// Per SVG 1.1 objectBoundingBox ignores clipping, masking, filter effects, opacity and stroke-width.
// This is used for all computation of objectBoundingBox relative units and by SVGLocatable::getBBox().
// NOTE: Markers are not specifically ignored here by SVG 1.1 spec, but we ignore them
// since stroke-width is ignored (and marker size can depend on stroke-width).
// objectBoundingBox is returned local coordinates.
// The name objectBoundingBox is taken from the SVG 1.1 spec.
virtual FloatRect objectBoundingBox() const;
virtual FloatRect strokeBoundingBox() const;
// Returns the smallest rectangle enclosing all of the painted content
// respecting clipping, masking, filters, opacity, stroke-width and markers
virtual FloatRect paintInvalidationRectInLocalCoordinates() const;
// This only returns the transform="" value from the element
// most callsites want localToParentTransform() instead.
virtual AffineTransform localTransform() const;
// Returns the full transform mapping from local coordinates to local coords for the parent SVG layoutObject
// This includes any viewport transforms and x/y offsets as well as the transform="" value off the element.
virtual const AffineTransform& localToParentTransform() const;
// SVG uses FloatPoint precise hit testing, and passes the point in parent
// coordinates instead of in paint invalidaiton container coordinates. Eventually the
// rest of the layout tree will move to a similar model.
virtual bool nodeAtFloatPoint(HitTestResult&, const FloatPoint& pointInParent, HitTestAction);
bool isAnonymous() const { return m_bitfields.isAnonymous(); }
bool isAnonymousBlock() const
// This function is kept in sync with anonymous block creation conditions in
// LayoutBlock::createAnonymousBlock(). This includes creating an anonymous
// LayoutBlock having a BLOCK or BOX display. Other classes such as LayoutTextFragment
// are not LayoutBlocks and will return false. See
return isAnonymous() && (style()->display() == BLOCK || style()->display() == BOX) && style()->styleType() == NOPSEUDO && isLayoutBlock() && !isListMarker() && !isLayoutFlowThread() && !isLayoutMultiColumnSet()
&& !isLayoutFullScreen()
&& !isLayoutFullScreenPlaceholder();
bool isElementContinuation() const { return node() && node()->layoutObject() != this; }
bool isInlineElementContinuation() const { return isElementContinuation() && isInline(); }
virtual LayoutBoxModelObject* virtualContinuation() const { return nullptr; }
bool isFloating() const { return m_bitfields.floating(); }
bool isOutOfFlowPositioned() const { return m_bitfields.isOutOfFlowPositioned(); } // absolute or fixed positioning
bool isInFlowPositioned() const { return m_bitfields.isInFlowPositioned(); } // relative or sticky positioning
bool isRelPositioned() const { return m_bitfields.isRelPositioned(); } // relative positioning
bool isStickyPositioned() const { return m_bitfields.isStickyPositioned(); } // sticky positioning
bool isPositioned() const { return m_bitfields.isPositioned(); }
bool isText() const { return m_bitfields.isText(); }
bool isBox() const { return m_bitfields.isBox(); }
bool isInline() const { return m_bitfields.isInline(); } // inline object
bool isDragging() const { return m_bitfields.isDragging(); }
bool isAtomicInlineLevel() const { return m_bitfields.isAtomicInlineLevel(); }
bool isHorizontalWritingMode() const { return m_bitfields.horizontalWritingMode(); }
bool hasFlippedBlocksWritingMode() const
return style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode();
bool hasLayer() const { return m_bitfields.hasLayer(); }
// "Box decoration background" includes all box decorations and backgrounds
// that are painted as the background of the object. It includes borders,
// box-shadows, background-color and background-image, etc.
enum BoxDecorationBackgroundState {
bool hasBoxDecorationBackground() const { return m_bitfields.getBoxDecorationBackgroundState() != NoBoxDecorationBackground; }
bool boxDecorationBackgroundIsKnownToBeObscured() const;
bool mustInvalidateFillLayersPaintOnHeightChange(const FillLayer&) const;
bool hasBackground() const { return style()->hasBackground(); }
bool needsLayoutBecauseOfChildren() const { return needsLayout() && !selfNeedsLayout() && !needsPositionedMovementLayout() && !needsSimplifiedNormalFlowLayout(); }
bool needsLayout() const
return m_bitfields.selfNeedsLayout() || m_bitfields.normalChildNeedsLayout() || m_bitfields.posChildNeedsLayout()
|| m_bitfields.needsSimplifiedNormalFlowLayout() || m_bitfields.needsPositionedMovementLayout();
bool selfNeedsLayout() const { return m_bitfields.selfNeedsLayout(); }
bool needsPositionedMovementLayout() const { return m_bitfields.needsPositionedMovementLayout(); }
bool needsPositionedMovementLayoutOnly() const
return m_bitfields.needsPositionedMovementLayout() && !m_bitfields.selfNeedsLayout() && !m_bitfields.normalChildNeedsLayout()
&& !m_bitfields.posChildNeedsLayout() && !m_bitfields.needsSimplifiedNormalFlowLayout();
bool posChildNeedsLayout() const { return m_bitfields.posChildNeedsLayout(); }
bool needsSimplifiedNormalFlowLayout() const { return m_bitfields.needsSimplifiedNormalFlowLayout(); }
bool normalChildNeedsLayout() const { return m_bitfields.normalChildNeedsLayout(); }
bool preferredLogicalWidthsDirty() const { return m_bitfields.preferredLogicalWidthsDirty(); }
bool needsOverflowRecalcAfterStyleChange() const { return m_bitfields.selfNeedsOverflowRecalcAfterStyleChange() || m_bitfields.childNeedsOverflowRecalcAfterStyleChange(); }
bool selfNeedsOverflowRecalcAfterStyleChange() const { return m_bitfields.selfNeedsOverflowRecalcAfterStyleChange(); }
bool childNeedsOverflowRecalcAfterStyleChange() const { return m_bitfields.childNeedsOverflowRecalcAfterStyleChange(); }
bool isSelectionBorder() const;
bool hasClip() const { return isOutOfFlowPositioned() && !style()->hasAutoClip(); }
bool hasOverflowClip() const { return m_bitfields.hasOverflowClip(); }
bool hasClipRelatedProperty() const { return hasClip() || hasOverflowClip() || style()->containsPaint(); }
bool hasTransformRelatedProperty() const { return m_bitfields.hasTransformRelatedProperty(); }
bool hasMask() const { return style() && style()->hasMask(); }
bool hasClipPath() const { return style() && style()->clipPath(); }
bool hasHiddenBackface() const { return style() && style()->backfaceVisibility() == BackfaceVisibilityHidden; }
bool hasFilter() const { return style() && style()->hasFilter(); }
bool hasBackdropFilter() const { return style() && style()->hasBackdropFilter(); }
bool hasShapeOutside() const { return style() && style()->shapeOutside(); }
inline bool preservesNewline() const;
// The pseudo element style can be cached or uncached. Use the cached method if the pseudo element doesn't respect
// any pseudo classes (and therefore has no concept of changing state).
ComputedStyle* getCachedPseudoStyle(PseudoId, const ComputedStyle* parentStyle = nullptr) const;
PassRefPtr<ComputedStyle> getUncachedPseudoStyle(const PseudoStyleRequest&, const ComputedStyle* parentStyle = nullptr, const ComputedStyle* ownStyle = nullptr) const;
virtual void updateDragState(bool dragOn);
LayoutView* view() const { return document().layoutView(); }
FrameView* frameView() const { return document().view(); }
bool isRooted() const;
Node* node() const
return isAnonymous() ? nullptr : m_node;
Node* nonPseudoNode() const
return isPseudoElement() ? nullptr : node();
void clearNode() { m_node = nullptr; }
// Returns the styled node that caused the generation of this layoutObject.
// This is the same as node() except for layoutObjects of :before, :after and
// :first-letter pseudo elements for which their parent node is returned.
Node* generatingNode() const { return isPseudoElement() ? node()->parentOrShadowHostNode() : node(); }
Document& document() const
ASSERT(m_node || parent()); //
return m_node ? m_node->document() : parent()->document();
LocalFrame* frame() const { return document().frame(); }
virtual LayoutMultiColumnSpannerPlaceholder* spannerPlaceholder() const { return nullptr; }
bool isColumnSpanAll() const { return style()->columnSpan() == ColumnSpanAll && spannerPlaceholder(); }
// We include isLayoutButton in this check because buttons are implemented
// using flex box but should still support first-line|first-letter.
// The flex box and grid specs require that flex box and grid do not
// support first-line|first-letter, though.
// TODO(cbiesinger): Remove when buttons are implemented with align-items instead
// of flex box.
bool canHaveFirstLineOrFirstLetterStyle() const { return isLayoutBlockFlow() || isLayoutButton(); }
// This function returns the containing block of the object.
// Due to CSS being inconsistent, a containing block can be a relatively
// positioned inline, thus we can't return a LayoutBlock from this function.
// This method is extremely similar to containingBlock(), but with a few
// notable exceptions.
// (1) It can be used on orphaned subtrees, i.e., it can be called safely
// even when the object is not part of the primary document subtree yet.
// (2) For normal flow elements, it just returns the parent.
// (3) For absolute positioned elements, it will return a relative
// positioned inline. containingBlock() simply skips relpositioned inlines
// and lets an enclosing block handle the layout of the positioned object.
// This does mean that computePositionedLogicalWidth and
// computePositionedLogicalHeight have to use container().
// This function should be used for any invalidation as it would correctly
// walk the containing block chain. See e.g. markContainerChainForLayout.
// It is also used for correctly sizing absolutely positioned elements
// (point 3 above).
// If |ancestor| and |ancestorSkipped| are not null, on return *ancestorSkipped
// is true if the layoutObject returned is an ancestor of |ancestor|.
LayoutObject* container(const LayoutBoxModelObject* ancestor = nullptr, bool* ancestorSkipped = nullptr) const;
LayoutObject* containerCrossingFrameBoundaries() const;
// Finds the container as if this object is fixed-position.
LayoutBlock* containerForFixedPosition(const LayoutBoxModelObject* ancestor = nullptr, bool* ancestorSkipped = nullptr) const;
// Finds the containing block as if this object is absolute-position.
LayoutBlock* containingBlockForAbsolutePosition() const;
virtual LayoutObject* hoverAncestor() const { return parent(); }
Element* offsetParent() const;
void markContainerChainForLayout(bool scheduleRelayout = true, SubtreeLayoutScope* = nullptr);
void setNeedsLayout(LayoutInvalidationReasonForTracing, MarkingBehavior = MarkContainerChain, SubtreeLayoutScope* = nullptr);
void setNeedsLayoutAndFullPaintInvalidation(LayoutInvalidationReasonForTracing, MarkingBehavior = MarkContainerChain, SubtreeLayoutScope* = nullptr);
void clearNeedsLayout();
void setChildNeedsLayout(MarkingBehavior = MarkContainerChain, SubtreeLayoutScope* = nullptr);
void setNeedsPositionedMovementLayout();
void setPreferredLogicalWidthsDirty(MarkingBehavior = MarkContainerChain);
void clearPreferredLogicalWidthsDirty();
void setNeedsLayoutAndPrefWidthsRecalc(LayoutInvalidationReasonForTracing reason)
void setNeedsLayoutAndPrefWidthsRecalcAndFullPaintInvalidation(LayoutInvalidationReasonForTracing reason)
void setPositionState(EPosition position)
ASSERT((position != AbsolutePosition && position != FixedPosition) || isBox());
void clearPositionedState() { m_bitfields.clearPositionedState(); }
void setFloating(bool isFloating) { m_bitfields.setFloating(isFloating); }
void setInline(bool isInline) { m_bitfields.setIsInline(isInline); }
void setHasBoxDecorationBackground(bool);
void invalidateBackgroundObscurationStatus();
virtual bool computeBackgroundIsKnownToBeObscured() const { return false; }
void setIsText() { m_bitfields.setIsText(true); }
void setIsBox() { m_bitfields.setIsBox(true); }
void setIsAtomicInlineLevel(bool isAtomicInlineLevel) { m_bitfields.setIsAtomicInlineLevel(isAtomicInlineLevel); }
void setHorizontalWritingMode(bool hasHorizontalWritingMode) { m_bitfields.setHorizontalWritingMode(hasHorizontalWritingMode); }
void setHasOverflowClip(bool hasOverflowClip) { m_bitfields.setHasOverflowClip(hasOverflowClip); }
void setHasLayer(bool hasLayer) { m_bitfields.setHasLayer(hasLayer); }
void setHasTransformRelatedProperty(bool hasTransform) { m_bitfields.setHasTransformRelatedProperty(hasTransform); }
void setHasReflection(bool hasReflection) { m_bitfields.setHasReflection(hasReflection); }
// paintOffset is the offset from the origin of the GraphicsContext at which to paint the current object.
virtual void paint(const PaintInfo&, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset) const;
// Subclasses must reimplement this method to compute the size and position
// of this object and all its descendants.
// By default, layout only lays out the children that are marked for layout.
// In some cases, layout has to force laying out more children. An example is
// when the width of the LayoutObject changes as this impacts children with
// 'width' set to auto.
virtual void layout() = 0;
virtual bool updateImageLoadingPriorities() { return false; }
void setHasPendingResourceUpdate(bool hasPendingResourceUpdate) { m_bitfields.setHasPendingResourceUpdate(hasPendingResourceUpdate); }
bool hasPendingResourceUpdate() const { return m_bitfields.hasPendingResourceUpdate(); }
void handleSubtreeModifications();
virtual void subtreeDidChange() { }
// Flags used to mark if an object consumes subtree change notifications.
bool consumesSubtreeChangeNotification() const { return m_bitfields.consumesSubtreeChangeNotification(); }
void setConsumesSubtreeChangeNotification() { m_bitfields.setConsumesSubtreeChangeNotification(true); }
// Flags used to mark if a descendant subtree of this object has changed.
void notifyOfSubtreeChange();
void notifyAncestorsOfSubtreeChange();
bool wasNotifiedOfSubtreeChange() const { return m_bitfields.notifiedOfSubtreeChange(); }
// Flags used to signify that a layoutObject needs to be notified by its descendants that they have
// had their child subtree changed.
void registerSubtreeChangeListenerOnDescendants(bool);
bool hasSubtreeChangeListenerRegistered() const { return m_bitfields.subtreeChangeListenerRegistered(); }
/* This function performs a layout only if one is needed. */
void layoutIfNeeded()
if (needsLayout())
void forceLayout();
void forceChildLayout();
// Used for element state updates that cannot be fixed with a
// paint invalidation and do not need a relayout.
virtual void updateFromElement() { }
virtual void addAnnotatedRegions(Vector<AnnotatedRegionValue>&);
CompositingState compositingState() const;
virtual CompositingReasons additionalCompositingReasons() const;
bool hitTest(HitTestResult&, const HitTestLocation& locationInContainer, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset, HitTestFilter = HitTestAll);
virtual void updateHitTestResult(HitTestResult&, const LayoutPoint&);
virtual bool nodeAtPoint(HitTestResult&, const HitTestLocation& locationInContainer, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset, HitTestAction);
virtual PositionWithAffinity positionForPoint(const LayoutPoint&);
PositionWithAffinity createPositionWithAffinity(int offset, TextAffinity);
PositionWithAffinity createPositionWithAffinity(int offset);
PositionWithAffinity createPositionWithAffinity(const Position&);
virtual void dirtyLinesFromChangedChild(LayoutObject*);
// Set the style of the object and update the state of the object accordingly.
void setStyle(PassRefPtr<ComputedStyle>);
// Set the style of the object if it's generated content.
void setPseudoStyle(PassRefPtr<ComputedStyle>);
// Updates only the local style ptr of the object. Does not update the state of the object,
// and so only should be called when the style is known not to have changed (or from setStyle).
void setStyleInternal(PassRefPtr<ComputedStyle> style) { m_style = style; }
void setStyleWithWritingModeOfParent(PassRefPtr<ComputedStyle>);
void addChildWithWritingModeOfParent(LayoutObject* newChild, LayoutObject* beforeChild);
void firstLineStyleDidChange(const ComputedStyle& oldStyle, const ComputedStyle& newStyle);
// This function returns an enclosing non-anonymous LayoutBlock for this
// element.
// This function is not always returning the containing block as defined by
// CSS. In particular:
// - if the CSS containing block is a relatively positioned inline,
// the function returns the inline's enclosing non-anonymous LayoutBlock.
// This means that a LayoutInline would be skipped (expected as it's not a
// LayoutBlock) but so would be an inline LayoutTable or LayoutBlockFlow.
// TODO(jchaffraix): Is that REALLY what we want here?
// - if the CSS containing block is anonymous, we find its enclosing
// non-anonymous LayoutBlock.
// Note that in the previous examples, the returned LayoutBlock has no
// logical relationship to the original element.
// LayoutBlocks are the one that handle laying out positioned elements,
// thus this function is important during layout, to insert the positioned
// elements into the correct LayoutBlock.
// See container() for the function that returns the containing block.
// See LayoutBlock.h for some extra explanations on containing blocks.
LayoutBlock* containingBlock() const;
bool canContainFixedPositionObjects() const
return isLayoutView() || (hasTransformRelatedProperty() && isLayoutBlock()) || isSVGForeignObject() || style()->containsPaint();
// Convert the given local point to absolute coordinates
// FIXME: Temporary. If UseTransforms is true, take transforms into account. Eventually localToAbsolute() will always be transform-aware.
FloatPoint localToAbsolute(const FloatPoint& localPoint = FloatPoint(), MapCoordinatesFlags = 0) const;
// If the LayoutBoxModelObject ancestor is non-null, the input point is in the space of the ancestor.
// Otherwise:
// If TraverseDocumentBoundaries is specified, the input point is in the space of the local root frame.
// Otherwise, the input point is in the space of the containing frame.
FloatPoint ancestorToLocal(LayoutBoxModelObject*, const FloatPoint&, MapCoordinatesFlags = 0) const;
FloatPoint absoluteToLocal(const FloatPoint& point, MapCoordinatesFlags mode = 0) const
return ancestorToLocal(nullptr, point, mode);
// Convert a local quad to absolute coordinates, taking transforms into account.
FloatQuad localToAbsoluteQuad(const FloatQuad& quad, MapCoordinatesFlags mode = 0, bool* wasFixed = nullptr) const
return localToAncestorQuad(quad, nullptr, mode, wasFixed);
// Convert a quad in ancestor coordinates to local coordinates.
// If the LayoutBoxModelObject ancestor is non-null, the input quad is in the space of the ancestor.
// Otherwise:
// If TraverseDocumentBoundaries is specified, the input quad is in the space of the local root frame.
// Otherwise, the input quad is in the space of the containing frame.
FloatQuad ancestorToLocalQuad(LayoutBoxModelObject*, const FloatQuad&, MapCoordinatesFlags mode = 0) const;
FloatQuad absoluteToLocalQuad(const FloatQuad& quad, MapCoordinatesFlags mode = 0) const
return ancestorToLocalQuad(nullptr, quad, mode);
// Convert a local quad into the coordinate system of container, taking transforms into account.
FloatQuad localToAncestorQuad(const FloatQuad&, const LayoutBoxModelObject* ancestor, MapCoordinatesFlags = 0, bool* wasFixed = nullptr) const;
FloatPoint localToAncestorPoint(const FloatPoint&, const LayoutBoxModelObject* ancestor, MapCoordinatesFlags = 0, bool* wasFixed = nullptr, const PaintInvalidationState* = nullptr) const;
void localToAncestorRects(Vector<LayoutRect>&, const LayoutBoxModelObject* ancestor, const LayoutPoint& preOffset, const LayoutPoint& postOffset) const;
// Convert a local point into the coordinate system of backing coordinates. Also returns the backing layer if needed.
FloatPoint localToInvalidationBackingPoint(const LayoutPoint&, PaintLayer** backingLayer = nullptr);
// Return the offset from the container() layoutObject (excluding transforms). In multi-column layout,
// different offsets apply at different points, so return the offset that applies to the given point.
virtual LayoutSize offsetFromContainer(const LayoutObject*, const LayoutPoint&, bool* offsetDependsOnPoint = nullptr) const;
// Return the offset from an object up the container() chain. Asserts that none of the intermediate objects have transforms.
LayoutSize offsetFromAncestorContainer(const LayoutObject*) const;
virtual void absoluteRects(Vector<IntRect>&, const LayoutPoint&) const { }
FloatRect absoluteBoundingBoxFloatRect() const;
// This returns an IntRect enclosing this object. If this object has an
// integral size and the position has fractional values, the resultant
// IntRect can be larger than the integral size.
IntRect absoluteBoundingBoxRect() const;
// FIXME: This function should go away eventually
IntRect absoluteBoundingBoxRectIgnoringTransforms() const;
// Build an array of quads in absolute coords for line boxes
virtual void absoluteQuads(Vector<FloatQuad>&, bool* /* wasFixed */ = nullptr) const { }
static FloatRect absoluteBoundingBoxRectForRange(const Range*);
// The bounding box (see: absoluteBoundingBoxRect) including all descendant
// bounding boxes.
IntRect absoluteBoundingBoxRectIncludingDescendants() const;
// This function returns the minimal logical width this object can have
// without overflowing. This means that all the opportunities for wrapping
// have been taken.
// CSS 2.1 calls this width the "preferred minimum width" (thus this name)
// and "minimum content width" (for table).
// However CSS 3 calls it the "min-content inline size".
// TODO(jchaffraix): We will probably want to rename it to match CSS 3.
virtual LayoutUnit minPreferredLogicalWidth() const { return LayoutUnit(); }
// This function returns the maximum logical width this object can have.
// CSS 2.1 calls this width the "preferred width". However CSS 3 calls it
// the "max-content inline size".
// TODO(jchaffraix): We will probably want to rename it to match CSS 3.
virtual LayoutUnit maxPreferredLogicalWidth() const { return LayoutUnit(); }
const ComputedStyle* style() const { return m_style.get(); }
ComputedStyle* mutableStyle() const { return m_style.get(); }
// m_style can only be nullptr before the first style is set, thus most
// callers will never see a nullptr style and should use styleRef().
// FIXME: It would be better if style() returned a const reference.
const ComputedStyle& styleRef() const { return mutableStyleRef(); }
ComputedStyle& mutableStyleRef() const { ASSERT(m_style); return *m_style; }
/* The following methods are inlined in LayoutObjectInlines.h */
const ComputedStyle* firstLineStyle() const;
const ComputedStyle& firstLineStyleRef() const;
const ComputedStyle* style(bool firstLine) const;
const ComputedStyle& styleRef(bool firstLine) const;
static inline Color resolveColor(const ComputedStyle& styleToUse, int colorProperty)
return styleToUse.visitedDependentColor(colorProperty);
inline Color resolveColor(int colorProperty) const
return style()->visitedDependentColor(colorProperty);
// Used only by Element::pseudoStyleCacheIsInvalid to get a first line style based off of a
// given new style, without accessing the cache.
PassRefPtr<ComputedStyle> uncachedFirstLineStyle(ComputedStyle*) const;
virtual CursorDirective getCursor(const LayoutPoint&, Cursor&) const;
struct AppliedTextDecoration {
Color color;
TextDecorationStyle style;
AppliedTextDecoration() : color(Color::transparent), style(TextDecorationStyleSolid) { }
void getTextDecorations(unsigned decorations, AppliedTextDecoration& underline, AppliedTextDecoration& overline, AppliedTextDecoration& linethrough, bool quirksMode = false, bool firstlineStyle = false);
// Return the LayoutBoxModelObject in the container chain which
// is responsible for painting this object. The function crosses
// frames boundaries so the returned value can be in a
// different document.
// This is the container that should be passed to
// the '*forPaintInvalidation' methods.
const LayoutBoxModelObject& containerForPaintInvalidation() const;
bool isPaintInvalidationContainer() const;
LayoutRect computePaintInvalidationRect()
return computePaintInvalidationRect(containerForPaintInvalidation());
// Returns the paint invalidation rect for this LayoutObject in the coordinate space of the paint backing (typically a GraphicsLayer) for |paintInvalidationContainer|.
LayoutRect computePaintInvalidationRect(const LayoutBoxModelObject& paintInvalidationContainer, const PaintInvalidationState* = nullptr) const;
// Returns the rect bounds needed to invalidate the paint of this object, in the coordinate space of the layoutObject backing of |paintInvalidationContainer|
LayoutRect boundsRectForPaintInvalidation(const LayoutBoxModelObject& paintInvalidationContainer, const PaintInvalidationState* = nullptr) const;
// Actually do the paint invalidate of rect r for this object which has been computed in the coordinate space
// of the GraphicsLayer backing of |paintInvalidationContainer|. Note that this coordinaten space is not the same
// as the local coordinate space of |paintInvalidationContainer| in the presence of layer squashing.
void invalidatePaintUsingContainer(const LayoutBoxModelObject& paintInvalidationContainer, const LayoutRect&, PaintInvalidationReason) const;
// Invalidate the paint of a specific subrectangle within a given object. The rect is in the object's coordinate space.
void invalidatePaintRectangle(const LayoutRect&) const;
void invalidatePaintRectangleNotInvalidatingDisplayItemClients(const LayoutRect&) const;
// Walk the tree after layout issuing paint invalidations for layoutObjects that have changed or moved, updating bounds that have changed, and clearing paint invalidation state.
virtual void invalidateTreeIfNeeded(PaintInvalidationState&);
// This function only invalidates the visual overflow.
// Note that overflow is a box concept but this function
// is only supported for block-flow.
virtual void invalidatePaintForOverflow();
void invalidatePaintForOverflowIfNeeded();
void invalidatePaintIncludingNonCompositingDescendants();
void invalidatePaintIncludingNonSelfPaintingLayerDescendants(const LayoutBoxModelObject& paintInvalidationContainer);
void setShouldDoFullPaintInvalidationIncludingNonCompositingDescendants();
// Returns the rect that should have paint invalidated whenever this object changes. The rect is in the view's
// coordinate space. This method deals with outlines and overflow.
virtual LayoutRect absoluteClippedOverflowRect() const;
virtual LayoutRect clippedOverflowRectForPaintInvalidation(const LayoutBoxModelObject* paintInvalidationContainer, const PaintInvalidationState* = nullptr) const;
// Given a rect in the object's coordinate space, compute a rect in the coordinate space of |ancestor|. If
// intermediate containers have clipping or scrolling of any kind, it is applied; but overflow clipping is *not*
// applied for |ancestor| itself. The output rect is suitable for purposes such as paint invalidation.
virtual void mapToVisibleRectInAncestorSpace(const LayoutBoxModelObject* ancestor, LayoutRect&, const PaintInvalidationState*) const;
// Return the offset to the column in which the specified point (in flow-thread coordinates)
// lives. This is used to convert a flow-thread point to a visual point.
virtual LayoutSize columnOffset(const LayoutPoint&) const { return LayoutSize(); }
virtual unsigned length() const { return 1; }
bool isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned() const { return (isFloating() || isOutOfFlowPositioned()); }
bool isTransparent() const { return style()->hasOpacity(); }
float opacity() const { return style()->opacity(); }
bool hasReflection() const { return m_bitfields.hasReflection(); }
// The current selection state for an object. For blocks, the state refers to the state of the leaf
// descendants (as described above in the SelectionState enum declaration).
SelectionState getSelectionState() const { return m_bitfields.getSelectionState(); }
virtual void setSelectionState(SelectionState state) { m_bitfields.setSelectionState(state); }
inline void setSelectionStateIfNeeded(SelectionState);
bool canUpdateSelectionOnRootLineBoxes() const;
// A single rectangle that encompasses all of the selected objects within this object. Used to determine the tightest
// possible bounding box for the selection. The rect returned is in the coordinate space of the paint invalidation container's backing.
virtual LayoutRect selectionRectForPaintInvalidation(const LayoutBoxModelObject* /* paintInvalidationContainer */) const { return LayoutRect(); }
// View coordinates means the coordinate space of |view()|.
LayoutRect selectionRectInViewCoordinates() const;
virtual bool canBeSelectionLeaf() const { return false; }
bool hasSelectedChildren() const { return getSelectionState() != SelectionNone; }
bool isSelectable() const;
// Obtains the selection colors that should be used when painting a selection.
Color selectionBackgroundColor() const;
Color selectionForegroundColor(const GlobalPaintFlags) const;
Color selectionEmphasisMarkColor(const GlobalPaintFlags) const;
* Returns the local coordinates of the caret within this layout object.
* @param caretOffset zero-based offset determining position within the layout object.
* @param extraWidthToEndOfLine optional out arg to give extra width to end of line -
* useful for character range rect computations
virtual LayoutRect localCaretRect(InlineBox*, int caretOffset, LayoutUnit* extraWidthToEndOfLine = nullptr);
// When performing a global document tear-down, the layoutObject of the document is cleared. We use this
// as a hook to detect the case of document destruction and don't waste time doing unnecessary work.
bool documentBeingDestroyed() const;
void destroyAndCleanupAnonymousWrappers();
// While the destroy() method is virtual, this should only be overriden in very rare circumstances.
// You want to override willBeDestroyed() instead unless you explicitly need to stop this object
// from being destroyed (for example, LayoutPart overrides destroy() for this purpose).
virtual void destroy();
// Virtual function helpers for the deprecated Flexible Box Layout (display: -webkit-box).
virtual bool isDeprecatedFlexibleBox() const { return false; }
// Virtual function helper for the new FlexibleBox Layout (display: -webkit-flex).
virtual bool isFlexibleBox() const { return false; }
bool isFlexibleBoxIncludingDeprecated() const
return isFlexibleBox() || isDeprecatedFlexibleBox();
virtual bool isCombineText() const { return false; }
virtual int caretMinOffset() const;
virtual int caretMaxOffset() const;
virtual int previousOffset(int current) const;
virtual int previousOffsetForBackwardDeletion(int current) const;
virtual int nextOffset(int current) const;
// ImageResourceClient override.
void imageChanged(ImageResource*, const IntRect* = nullptr) final;
bool willRenderImage(ImageResource*) final;
bool getImageAnimationPolicy(ImageResource*, ImageAnimationPolicy&) final;
// Sub-classes that have an associated image need to override this function
// to get notified of any image change.
virtual void imageChanged(WrappedImagePtr, const IntRect* = nullptr) { }
void selectionStartEnd(int& spos, int& epos) const;
void remove()
if (parent())
bool visibleToHitTestRequest(const HitTestRequest& request) const { return style()->visibility() == VISIBLE && (request.ignorePointerEventsNone() || style()->pointerEvents() != PE_NONE) && !isInert(); }
bool visibleToHitTesting() const { return style()->visibility() == VISIBLE && style()->pointerEvents() != PE_NONE && !isInert(); }
// Map points and quads through elements, potentially via 3d transforms. You should never need to call these directly; use
// localToAbsolute/absoluteToLocal methods instead.
virtual void mapLocalToAncestor(const LayoutBoxModelObject* ancestor, TransformState&, MapCoordinatesFlags = ApplyContainerFlip, bool* wasFixed = nullptr, const PaintInvalidationState* = nullptr) const;
// If the LayoutBoxModelObject ancestor is non-null, the input quad is in the space of the ancestor.
// Otherwise:
// If TraverseDocumentBoundaries is specified, the input quad is in the space of the local root frame.
// Otherwise, the input quad is in the space of the containing frame.
virtual void mapAncestorToLocal(const LayoutBoxModelObject*, TransformState&, MapCoordinatesFlags = ApplyContainerFlip) const;
void mapAbsoluteToLocalPoint(MapCoordinatesFlags flags, TransformState& transformState) const
return mapAncestorToLocal(nullptr, transformState, flags);
// Pushes state onto LayoutGeometryMap about how to map coordinates from this layoutObject to its container, or ancestorToStopAt (whichever is encountered first).
// Returns the layoutObject which was mapped to (container or ancestorToStopAt).
virtual const LayoutObject* pushMappingToContainer(const LayoutBoxModelObject* ancestorToStopAt, LayoutGeometryMap&) const;
bool shouldUseTransformFromContainer(const LayoutObject* container) const;
void getTransformFromContainer(const LayoutObject* container, const LayoutSize& offsetInContainer, TransformationMatrix&) const;
bool createsGroup() const { return isTransparent() || hasMask() || hasFilter() || style()->hasBlendMode(); }
// Collects rectangles that the outline of this object would be drawing along the outside of,
// even if the object isn't styled with a outline for now. The rects also cover continuations.
enum IncludeBlockVisualOverflowOrNot {
virtual void addOutlineRects(Vector<LayoutRect>&, const LayoutPoint& additionalOffset, IncludeBlockVisualOverflowOrNot) const { }
// For history and compatibility reasons, we draw outline:auto (for focus rings) and normal style outline differently.
// Focus rings enclose block visual overflows (of line boxes and descendants), while normal outlines don't.
IncludeBlockVisualOverflowOrNot outlineRectsShouldIncludeBlockVisualOverflow() const
return styleRef().outlineStyleIsAuto() ? IncludeBlockVisualOverflow : DontIncludeBlockVisualOverflow;
// Collects rectangles enclosing visual overflows of the DOM subtree under this object.
// The rects also cover continuations which may be not in the layout subtree of this object.
void addElementVisualOverflowRects(Vector<LayoutRect>& rects, const LayoutPoint& additionalOffset) const
addOutlineRects(rects, additionalOffset, IncludeBlockVisualOverflow);
// Returns the rect enclosing united visual overflow of the DOM subtree under this object.
// It includes continuations which may be not in the layout subtree of this object.
virtual IntRect absoluteElementBoundingBoxRect() const;
// Compute a list of hit-test rectangles per layer rooted at this layoutObject.
virtual void computeLayerHitTestRects(LayerHitTestRects&) const;
static RespectImageOrientationEnum shouldRespectImageOrientation(const LayoutObject*);
bool isRelayoutBoundaryForInspector() const;
// The previous paint invalidation rect, in the the space of the paint invalidation container (*not* the graphics layer that paints
// this object).
LayoutRect previousPaintInvalidationRectIncludingCompositedScrolling(const LayoutBoxModelObject& paintInvalidationContainer) const;
LayoutSize previousPaintInvalidationRectSize() const { return previousPaintInvalidationRect().size(); }
// Called when the previous paint invalidation rect(s) is no longer valid.
virtual void clearPreviousPaintInvalidationRects();
// Only adjusts if the paint invalidation container is not a composited scroller.
void adjustPreviousPaintInvalidationForScrollIfNeeded(const DoubleSize& scrollDelta);
// The previous position of the top-left corner of the object in its previous paint backing.
const LayoutPoint& previousPositionFromPaintInvalidationBacking() const
return m_previousPositionFromPaintInvalidationBacking;
void setPreviousPositionFromPaintInvalidationBacking(const LayoutPoint& positionFromPaintInvalidationBacking)
m_previousPositionFromPaintInvalidationBacking = positionFromPaintInvalidationBacking;
bool paintOffsetChanged(const LayoutPoint& newPaintOffset) const
return m_previousPositionFromPaintInvalidationBacking != uninitializedPaintOffset() && m_previousPositionFromPaintInvalidationBacking != newPaintOffset;
void setPreviousPaintOffset(const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
m_previousPositionFromPaintInvalidationBacking = paintOffset;
PaintInvalidationReason fullPaintInvalidationReason() const { return m_bitfields.fullPaintInvalidationReason(); }
bool shouldDoFullPaintInvalidation() const { return m_bitfields.fullPaintInvalidationReason() != PaintInvalidationNone; }
void setShouldDoFullPaintInvalidation(PaintInvalidationReason = PaintInvalidationFull);
void clearShouldDoFullPaintInvalidation() { m_bitfields.setFullPaintInvalidationReason(PaintInvalidationNone); }
bool shouldInvalidateOverflowForPaint() const { return m_bitfields.shouldInvalidateOverflowForPaint(); }
virtual void clearPaintInvalidationState(const PaintInvalidationState&);
bool mayNeedPaintInvalidation() const { return m_bitfields.mayNeedPaintInvalidation(); }
void setMayNeedPaintInvalidation();
bool shouldInvalidateSelection() const { return m_bitfields.shouldInvalidateSelection(); }
void setShouldInvalidateSelection();
bool shouldCheckForPaintInvalidation(const PaintInvalidationState& paintInvalidationState) const
// Should check for paint invalidation if some ancestor changed location, because this object
// may also change paint offset or location in paint invalidation container, even if there is
// no paint invalidation flag set.
return paintInvalidationState.forcedSubtreeInvalidationWithinContainer()
|| paintInvalidationState.forcedSubtreeInvalidationRectUpdateWithinContainer()
|| shouldCheckForPaintInvalidationRegardlessOfPaintInvalidationState();
bool shouldCheckForPaintInvalidationRegardlessOfPaintInvalidationState() const
return mayNeedPaintInvalidation() || shouldDoFullPaintInvalidation() || shouldInvalidateSelection() || m_bitfields.childShouldCheckForPaintInvalidation();
virtual bool supportsPaintInvalidationStateCachedOffsets() const { return !hasTransformRelatedProperty() && !hasReflection() && !style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode(); }
virtual LayoutRect viewRect() const;
void invalidateDisplayItemClient(const DisplayItemClient&) const;
void invalidateDisplayItemClientsIncludingNonCompositingDescendants(const LayoutBoxModelObject* paintInvalidationContainer, PaintInvalidationReason) const;
// Called before anonymousChild.setStyle(). Override to set custom styles for the child.
virtual void updateAnonymousChildStyle(const LayoutObject& anonymousChild, ComputedStyle& style) const { }
// Painters can use const methods only, except for these explicitly declared methods.
class MutableForPainting {
void setPreviousPaintOffset(const LayoutPoint& paintOffset) { m_layoutObject.setPreviousPaintOffset(paintOffset); }
friend class LayoutObject;
MutableForPainting(const LayoutObject& layoutObject) : m_layoutObject(const_cast<LayoutObject&>(layoutObject)) { }
LayoutObject& m_layoutObject;
MutableForPainting getMutableForPainting() const { return MutableForPainting(*this); }
void setIsScrollAnchorObject() { m_bitfields.setIsScrollAnchorObject(true); }
// Clears the IsScrollAnchorObject bit, unless any ScrollAnchor still refers to us.
void maybeClearIsScrollAnchorObject();
enum LayoutObjectType {
LayoutObjectSVG, /* Keep by itself? */
virtual bool isOfType(LayoutObjectType type) const { return false; }
inline bool layerCreationAllowedForSubtree() const;
// Overrides should call the superclass at the end. m_style will be 0 the first time
// this function will be called.
virtual void styleWillChange(StyleDifference, const ComputedStyle& newStyle);
// Overrides should call the superclass at the start. |oldStyle| will be 0 the first
// time this function is called.
virtual void styleDidChange(StyleDifference, const ComputedStyle* oldStyle);
void propagateStyleToAnonymousChildren(bool blockChildrenOnly = false);
// This function is called before calling the destructor so that some clean-up
// can happen regardless of whether they call a virtual function or not. As a
// rule of thumb, this function should be preferred to the destructor. See
// destroy() that is the one calling willBeDestroyed().
// There are 2 types of destructions: regular destructions and tree tear-down.
// Regular destructions happen when the renderer is not needed anymore (e.g.
// 'display' changed or the DOM Node was removed).
// Tree tear-down is when the whole tree destroyed during navigation. It is
// handled in the code by checking if documentBeingDestroyed() returns 'true'.
// In this case, the code skips some unneeded expensive operations as we know
// the tree is not reused (e.g. avoid clearing the containing block's line box).
virtual void willBeDestroyed();
virtual void insertedIntoTree();
virtual void willBeRemovedFromTree();
void setDocumentForAnonymous(Document* document) { ASSERT(isAnonymous()); m_node = document; }
// Add hit-test rects for the layout tree rooted at this node to the provided collection on a
// per-Layer basis.
// currentLayer must be the enclosing layer, and layerOffset is the current offset within
// this layer. Subclass implementations will add any offset for this layoutObject within it's
// container, so callers should provide only the offset of the container within it's layer.
// containerRect is a rect that has already been added for the currentLayer which is likely to
// be a container for child elements. Any rect wholly contained by containerRect can be
// skipped.
virtual void addLayerHitTestRects(LayerHitTestRects&, const PaintLayer* currentLayer, const LayoutPoint& layerOffset, const LayoutRect& containerRect) const;
// Add hit-test rects for this layoutObject only to the provided list. layerOffset is the offset
// of this layoutObject within the current layer that should be used for each result.
virtual void computeSelfHitTestRects(Vector<LayoutRect>&, const LayoutPoint& layerOffset) const { }
void setPreviousPaintInvalidationRect(const LayoutRect& rect) { m_previousPaintInvalidationRect = rect; }
virtual PaintInvalidationReason paintInvalidationReason(const LayoutBoxModelObject& paintInvalidationContainer,
const LayoutRect& oldPaintInvalidationRect, const LayoutPoint& oldPositionFromPaintInvalidationBacking,
const LayoutRect& newPaintInvalidationRect, const LayoutPoint& newPositionFromPaintInvalidationBacking) const;
// This function tries to minimize the amount of invalidation
// generated by invalidating the "difference" between |oldBounds|
// and |newBounds|. This means invalidating the union of the
// previous rectangles but not their intersection.
// The use case is when an element only requires a paint
// invalidation (which means that its content didn't change)
// and its bounds changed but its location didn't.
// If we don't meet the criteria for an incremental paint, the
// alternative is a full paint invalidation.
virtual void incrementallyInvalidatePaint(const LayoutBoxModelObject& paintInvalidationContainer, const LayoutRect& oldBounds, const LayoutRect& newBounds, const LayoutPoint& positionFromPaintInvalidationBacking);
virtual bool hasNonCompositedScrollbars() const { return false; }
virtual bool paintInvalidationStateIsDirty() const
return m_bitfields.neededLayoutBecauseOfChildren() || shouldCheckForPaintInvalidationRegardlessOfPaintInvalidationState();
// This function walks the descendants of |this|, following a
// layout ordering.
// The ordering is important for PaintInvalidationState, as
// it requires to be called following a descendant/container
// relationship.
// The function is overridden to handle special children
// (e.g. percentage height descendants or reflections).
virtual void invalidatePaintOfSubtreesIfNeeded(PaintInvalidationState& childPaintInvalidationState);
// This function generates the invalidation for this object only.
// It doesn't recurse into other object, as this is handled
// by invalidatePaintOfSubtreesIfNeeded.
virtual PaintInvalidationReason invalidatePaintIfNeeded(PaintInvalidationState&, const LayoutBoxModelObject& paintInvalidationContainer);
// When this object is invalidated for paint, this method is called to invalidate any DisplayItemClients
// owned by this object, including the object itself, LayoutText/LayoutInline line boxes, etc.,
// not including children which will be invalidated normally during invalidateTreeIfNeeded() and
// parts which are invalidated separately (e.g. scrollbars).
// The caller should ensure the enclosing layer has been setNeedsRepaint before calling this function.
virtual void invalidateDisplayItemClients(const LayoutBoxModelObject& paintInvalidationContainer, PaintInvalidationReason) const;
// Sets enclosing layer needsRepaint, then calls invalidateDisplayItemClients().
// Should use this version when PaintInvalidationState is available.
void invalidateDisplayItemClientsWithPaintInvalidationState(const LayoutBoxModelObject& paintInvalidationContainer, const PaintInvalidationState&, PaintInvalidationReason) const;
void setIsBackgroundAttachmentFixedObject(bool);
void clearSelfNeedsOverflowRecalcAfterStyleChange() { m_bitfields.setSelfNeedsOverflowRecalcAfterStyleChange(false); }
void clearChildNeedsOverflowRecalcAfterStyleChange() { m_bitfields.setChildNeedsOverflowRecalcAfterStyleChange(false); }
void setShouldInvalidateOverflowForPaint() { m_bitfields.setShouldInvalidateOverflowForPaint(true); }
void setEverHadLayout() { m_bitfields.setEverHadLayout(true); }
// Remove this object and all descendants from the containing LayoutFlowThread.
void removeFromLayoutFlowThread();
bool containsInlineWithOutlineAndContinuation() const { return m_bitfields.containsInlineWithOutlineAndContinuation(); }
void setContainsInlineWithOutlineAndContinuation(bool b) { m_bitfields.setContainsInlineWithOutlineAndContinuation(b); }
const LayoutRect& previousPaintInvalidationRect() const { return m_previousPaintInvalidationRect; }
// This function generates a full invalidation, which
// means invalidating both |oldBounds| and |newBounds|.
// This is the default choice when generating an invalidation,
// as it is always correct, albeit it may force some extra painting.
void fullyInvalidatePaint(const LayoutBoxModelObject& paintInvalidationContainer, PaintInvalidationReason, const LayoutRect& oldBounds, const LayoutRect& newBounds);
// Adjusts a paint invalidation rect in the space of |m_previousPaintInvalidationRect| and |m_previousPositionFromPaintInvalidationBacking|
// to be in the space of the |paintInvalidationContainer|,
// if needed. They can be different only if |paintInvalidationContainer| is a composited scroller.
void adjustInvalidationRectForCompositedScrolling(LayoutRect&, const LayoutBoxModelObject& paintInvalidationContainer) const;
void clearLayoutRootIfNeeded() const;
bool isInert() const;
void updateImage(StyleImage*, StyleImage*);
void scheduleRelayout();
void updateShapeImage(const ShapeValue*, const ShapeValue*);
void updateFillImages(const FillLayer* oldLayers, const FillLayer& newLayers);
void setNeedsOverflowRecalcAfterStyleChange();
// FIXME: This should be 'markContaingBoxChainForOverflowRecalc when we make LayoutBox
// recomputeOverflow-capable. and
inline void markContainingBlocksForOverflowRecalc();
inline void markContainerChainForPaintInvalidation();
inline void invalidateSelectionIfNeeded(const LayoutBoxModelObject& paintInvalidationContainer, const PaintInvalidationState&, PaintInvalidationReason);
inline void invalidateContainerPreferredLogicalWidths();
void invalidatePaintIncludingNonSelfPaintingLayerDescendantsInternal(const LayoutBoxModelObject& paintInvalidationContainer);
// The caller should ensure the enclosing layer has been setNeedsRepaint before calling this function.
void invalidatePaintOfPreviousPaintInvalidationRect(const LayoutBoxModelObject& paintInvalidationContainer, PaintInvalidationReason);
LayoutRect previousSelectionRectForPaintInvalidation() const;
void setPreviousSelectionRectForPaintInvalidation(const LayoutRect&);
LayoutObject* containerForAbsolutePosition(const LayoutBoxModelObject* paintInvalidationContainer = nullptr, bool* paintInvalidationContainerSkipped = nullptr) const;
const LayoutBoxModelObject* enclosingCompositedContainer() const;
LayoutFlowThread* locateFlowThreadContainingBlock() const;
void removeFromLayoutFlowThreadRecursive(LayoutFlowThread*);
ComputedStyle* cachedFirstLineStyle() const;
StyleDifference adjustStyleDifference(StyleDifference) const;
Color selectionColor(int colorProperty, const GlobalPaintFlags) const;
void removeShapeImageClient(ShapeValue*);
void checkBlockPositionedObjectsNeedLayout();
bool isTextOrSVGChild() const { return isText() || (isSVG() && !isSVGRoot()); }
static bool isAllowedToModifyLayoutTreeStructure(Document&);
// The passed rect is mutated into the coordinate space of the paint invalidation container.
const LayoutBoxModelObject* invalidatePaintRectangleInternal(const LayoutRect&) const;
static LayoutPoint uninitializedPaintOffset() { return LayoutPoint(LayoutUnit::max(), LayoutUnit::max()); }
RefPtr<ComputedStyle> m_style;
// Oilpan: This untraced pointer to the owning Node is considered safe.
RawPtrWillBeUntracedMember<Node> m_node;
LayoutObject* m_parent;
LayoutObject* m_previous;
LayoutObject* m_next;
unsigned m_hasAXObject : 1;
unsigned m_setNeedsLayoutForbidden : 1;
#define ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(name, Name) \
unsigned m_##name : 1;\
bool name() const { return m_##name; }\
void set##Name(bool name) { m_##name = name; }\
class LayoutObjectBitfields {
enum PositionedState {
IsStaticallyPositioned = 0,
IsRelativelyPositioned = 1,
IsOutOfFlowPositioned = 2,
IsStickyPositioned = 3,
// LayoutObjectBitfields holds all the boolean values for LayoutObject.
// This is done to promote better packing on LayoutObject (at the
// expense of preventing bit field packing for the subclasses). Classes
// concerned about packing and memory use should hoist their boolean to
// this class. See below the field from sub-classes (e.g.
// childrenInline).
// Some of those booleans are caches of ComputedStyle values (e.g.
// positionState). This enables better memory locality and thus better
// performance.
// This class is an artifact of the WebKit era where LayoutObject wasn't
// allowed to grow and each sub-class was strictly monitored for memory
// increase. Our measurements indicate that the size of LayoutObject and
// subsequent classes do not impact memory or speed in a significant
// manner. This is based on growing LayoutObject in
// and subsequent relaxations
// of the memory constraints on layout objects.
LayoutObjectBitfields(Node* node)
: m_selfNeedsLayout(false)
, m_needsPositionedMovementLayout(false)
, m_normalChildNeedsLayout(false)
, m_posChildNeedsLayout(false)
, m_needsSimplifiedNormalFlowLayout(false)
, m_selfNeedsOverflowRecalcAfterStyleChange(false)
, m_childNeedsOverflowRecalcAfterStyleChange(false)
, m_preferredLogicalWidthsDirty(false)
, m_shouldInvalidateOverflowForPaint(false)
, m_childShouldCheckForPaintInvalidation(false)
, m_mayNeedPaintInvalidation(false)
, m_shouldInvalidateSelection(false)
, m_neededLayoutBecauseOfChildren(false)
, m_floating(false)
, m_isAnonymous(!node)
, m_isText(false)
, m_isBox(false)
, m_isInline(true)
, m_isAtomicInlineLevel(false)
, m_horizontalWritingMode(true)
, m_isDragging(false)
, m_hasLayer(false)
, m_hasOverflowClip(false)
, m_hasTransformRelatedProperty(false)
, m_hasReflection(false)
, m_hasCounterNodeMap(false)
, m_everHadLayout(false)
, m_ancestorLineBoxDirty(false)
, m_hasPendingResourceUpdate(false)
, m_isInsideFlowThread(false)
, m_subtreeChangeListenerRegistered(false)
, m_notifiedOfSubtreeChange(false)
, m_consumesSubtreeChangeNotification(false)
, m_childrenInline(false)
, m_containsInlineWithOutlineAndContinuation(false)
, m_alwaysCreateLineBoxesForLayoutInline(false)
, m_lastBoxDecorationBackgroundObscured(false)
, m_isBackgroundAttachmentFixedObject(false)
, m_isScrollAnchorObject(false)
, m_positionedState(IsStaticallyPositioned)
, m_selectionState(SelectionNone)
, m_boxDecorationBackgroundState(NoBoxDecorationBackground)
, m_fullPaintInvalidationReason(PaintInvalidationNone)
// 32 bits have been used in the first word, and 17 in the second.
// Self needs layout means that this layout object is marked for a full layout.
// This is the default layout but it is expensive as it recomputes everything.
// For CSS boxes, this includes the width (laying out the line boxes again), the margins
// (due to block collapsing margins), the positions, the height and the potential overflow.
ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(selfNeedsLayout, SelfNeedsLayout);
// A positioned movement layout is a specialized type of layout used on positioned objects
// that only visually moved. This layout is used when changing 'top'/'left' on a positioned
// element or margins on an out-of-flow one. Because the following operations don't impact
// the size of the object or sibling LayoutObjects, this layout is very lightweight.
// Positioned movement layout is implemented in LayoutBlock::simplifiedLayout.
ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(needsPositionedMovementLayout, NeedsPositionedMovementLayout);
// This boolean is set when a normal flow ('position' == static || relative) child requires
// layout (but this object doesn't). Due to the nature of CSS, laying out a child can cause
// the parent to resize (e.g., if 'height' is auto).
ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(normalChildNeedsLayout, NormalChildNeedsLayout);
// This boolean is set when an out-of-flow positioned ('position' == fixed || absolute) child
// requires layout (but this object doesn't).
ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(posChildNeedsLayout, PosChildNeedsLayout);
// Simplified normal flow layout only relayouts the normal flow children, ignoring the
// out-of-flow descendants.
// The implementation of this layout is in LayoutBlock::simplifiedNormalFlowLayout.
ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(needsSimplifiedNormalFlowLayout, NeedsSimplifiedNormalFlowLayout);
// Some properties only have a visual impact and don't impact the actual layout position and
// sizes of the object. An example of this is the 'transform' property, who doesn't modify the
// layout but gets applied at paint time.
// Setting this flag only recomputes the overflow information.
ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(selfNeedsOverflowRecalcAfterStyleChange, SelfNeedsOverflowRecalcAfterStyleChange);
// This flag is set on the ancestor of a LayoutObject needing
// selfNeedsOverflowRecalcAfterStyleChange. This is needed as a descendant overflow can
// bleed into its containing block's so we have to recompute it in some cases.
ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(childNeedsOverflowRecalcAfterStyleChange, ChildNeedsOverflowRecalcAfterStyleChange);
// This boolean marks preferred logical widths for lazy recomputation.
// widths.
ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(preferredLogicalWidthsDirty, PreferredLogicalWidthsDirty);
ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(shouldInvalidateOverflowForPaint, ShouldInvalidateOverflowForPaint); // TODO(wangxianzhu): Remove for slimming paint v2.
ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(childShouldCheckForPaintInvalidation, ChildShouldCheckForPaintInvalidation);
ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(mayNeedPaintInvalidation, MayNeedPaintInvalidation);
ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(shouldInvalidateSelection, ShouldInvalidateSelection); // TODO(wangxianzhu): Remove for slimming paint v2.
ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(neededLayoutBecauseOfChildren, NeededLayoutBecauseOfChildren); // TODO(wangxianzhu): Remove for slimming paint v2.
// This boolean is the cached value of 'float'
// (see ComputedStyle::isFloating).
ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(floating, Floating);
ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(isAnonymous, IsAnonymous);
// This boolean represents whether the LayoutObject is 'inline-level'
// (a CSS concept). Inline-level boxes are laid out inside a line. If
// unset, the box is 'block-level' and thus stack on top of its
// siblings (think of paragraphs).
// This boolean is set if the element is an atomic inline-level box.
// In CSS, atomic inline-level boxes are laid out on a line but they
// are opaque from the perspective of line layout. This means that they
// can't be split across lines like normal inline boxes (LayoutInline).
// Examples of atomic inline-level elements: inline tables, inline
// blocks and replaced inline elements.
// See
// Our code is confused about the use of this boolean and confuses it
// with being replaced (see LayoutReplaced about this).
// TODO(jchaffraix): We should inspect callers and clarify their use.
// TODO(jchaffraix): We set this boolean for replaced elements that are
// not inline but shouldn't ( This should be enforced.
ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(isAtomicInlineLevel, IsAtomicInlineLevel);
ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(horizontalWritingMode, HorizontalWritingMode);
ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(isDragging, IsDragging);
// This boolean is set if overflow != 'visible'.
// This means that this object may need an overflow clip to be applied
// at paint time to its visual overflow (see OverflowModel for more
// details).
// Only set for LayoutBoxes and descendants.
ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(hasOverflowClip, HasOverflowClip);
// This boolean is the cached value from
// ComputedStyle::hasTransformRelatedProperty.
ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(hasTransformRelatedProperty, HasTransformRelatedProperty);
ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(hasReflection, HasReflection);
// This boolean is used to know if this LayoutObject has one (or more)
// associated CounterNode(s).
// See class comment in LayoutCounter.h for more detail.
ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(hasCounterNodeMap, HasCounterNodeMap);
ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(everHadLayout, EverHadLayout);
ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(ancestorLineBoxDirty, AncestorLineBoxDirty);
ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(hasPendingResourceUpdate, HasPendingResourceUpdate);
ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(isInsideFlowThread, IsInsideFlowThread);
ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(subtreeChangeListenerRegistered, SubtreeChangeListenerRegistered);
ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(notifiedOfSubtreeChange, NotifiedOfSubtreeChange);
ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(consumesSubtreeChangeNotification, ConsumesSubtreeChangeNotification);
// from LayoutBlock
ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(childrenInline, ChildrenInline);
// from LayoutBlockFlow
ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(containsInlineWithOutlineAndContinuation, ContainsInlineWithOutlineAndContinuation);
// from LayoutInline
ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(alwaysCreateLineBoxesForLayoutInline, AlwaysCreateLineBoxesForLayoutInline);
// For slimming-paint.
ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(lastBoxDecorationBackgroundObscured, LastBoxDecorationBackgroundObscured);
ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(isBackgroundAttachmentFixedObject, IsBackgroundAttachmentFixedObject);
ADD_BOOLEAN_BITFIELD(isScrollAnchorObject, IsScrollAnchorObject);
// This is the cached 'position' value of this object
// (see ComputedStyle::position).
unsigned m_positionedState : 2; // PositionedState
unsigned m_selectionState : 3; // SelectionState
// Mutable for getter which lazily update this field.
mutable unsigned m_boxDecorationBackgroundState : 2; // BoxDecorationBackgroundState
unsigned m_fullPaintInvalidationReason : 5; // PaintInvalidationReason
bool isOutOfFlowPositioned() const { return m_positionedState == IsOutOfFlowPositioned; }
bool isRelPositioned() const { return m_positionedState == IsRelativelyPositioned; }
bool isStickyPositioned() const { return m_positionedState == IsStickyPositioned; }
bool isInFlowPositioned() const { return m_positionedState == IsRelativelyPositioned || m_positionedState == IsStickyPositioned; }
bool isPositioned() const { return m_positionedState != IsStaticallyPositioned; }
void setPositionedState(int positionState)
// This mask maps FixedPosition and AbsolutePosition to IsOutOfFlowPositioned, saving one bit.
m_positionedState = static_cast<PositionedState>(positionState & 0x3);
void clearPositionedState() { m_positionedState = StaticPosition; }
ALWAYS_INLINE SelectionState getSelectionState() const { return static_cast<SelectionState>(m_selectionState); }
ALWAYS_INLINE void setSelectionState(SelectionState selectionState) { m_selectionState = selectionState; }
ALWAYS_INLINE BoxDecorationBackgroundState getBoxDecorationBackgroundState() const { return static_cast<BoxDecorationBackgroundState>(m_boxDecorationBackgroundState); }
ALWAYS_INLINE void setBoxDecorationBackgroundState(BoxDecorationBackgroundState s) const { m_boxDecorationBackgroundState = s; }
PaintInvalidationReason fullPaintInvalidationReason() const { return static_cast<PaintInvalidationReason>(m_fullPaintInvalidationReason); }
void setFullPaintInvalidationReason(PaintInvalidationReason reason) { m_fullPaintInvalidationReason = reason; }
LayoutObjectBitfields m_bitfields;
void setSelfNeedsLayout(bool b) { m_bitfields.setSelfNeedsLayout(b); }
void setNeedsPositionedMovementLayout(bool b) { m_bitfields.setNeedsPositionedMovementLayout(b); }
void setNormalChildNeedsLayout(bool b) { m_bitfields.setNormalChildNeedsLayout(b); }
void setPosChildNeedsLayout(bool b) { m_bitfields.setPosChildNeedsLayout(b); }
void setNeedsSimplifiedNormalFlowLayout(bool b) { m_bitfields.setNeedsSimplifiedNormalFlowLayout(b); }
void setIsDragging(bool b) { m_bitfields.setIsDragging(b); }
void clearShouldInvalidateOverflowForPaint() { m_bitfields.setShouldInvalidateOverflowForPaint(false); }
void setSelfNeedsOverflowRecalcAfterStyleChange() { m_bitfields.setSelfNeedsOverflowRecalcAfterStyleChange(true); }
void setChildNeedsOverflowRecalcAfterStyleChange() { m_bitfields.setChildNeedsOverflowRecalcAfterStyleChange(true); }
// Store state between styleWillChange and styleDidChange
static bool s_affectsParentBlock;
// This stores the paint invalidation rect from the previous frame. This rect does *not* account for composited scrolling. See
// adjustInvalidationRectForCompositedScrolling().
LayoutRect m_previousPaintInvalidationRect;
// This stores the position in the paint invalidation backing's coordinate.
// It is used to detect layoutObject shifts that forces a full invalidation.
// This point does *not* account for composited scrolling. See adjustInvalidationRectForCompositedScrolling().
// For slimmingPaintOffsetCaching, this stores the previous paint offset.
// TODO(wangxianzhu): Rename this to m_previousPaintOffset when we enable slimmingPaintOffsetCaching.
LayoutPoint m_previousPositionFromPaintInvalidationBacking;
// FIXME: remove this once the layout object lifecycle ASSERTS are no longer hit.
class DeprecatedDisableModifyLayoutTreeStructureAsserts {
static bool canModifyLayoutTreeStateInAnyState();
TemporaryChange<bool> m_disabler;
// FIXME: We should not allow paint invalidation out of paint invalidation state.
// Remove this once we fix the bug.
class DisablePaintInvalidationStateAsserts {
TemporaryChange<bool> m_disabler;
// Allow equality comparisons of LayoutObjects by reference or pointer, interchangeably.
inline bool LayoutObject::documentBeingDestroyed() const
return document().lifecycle().state() >= DocumentLifecycle::Stopping;
inline bool LayoutObject::isBeforeContent() const
if (style()->styleType() != BEFORE)
return false;
// Text nodes don't have their own styles, so ignore the style on a text node.
if (isText() && !isBR())
return false;
return true;
inline bool LayoutObject::isAfterContent() const
if (style()->styleType() != AFTER)
return false;
// Text nodes don't have their own styles, so ignore the style on a text node.
if (isText() && !isBR())
return false;
return true;
inline bool LayoutObject::isBeforeOrAfterContent() const
return isBeforeContent() || isAfterContent();
// setNeedsLayout() won't cause full paint invalidations as
// setNeedsLayoutAndFullPaintInvalidation() does. Otherwise the two methods are identical.
inline void LayoutObject::setNeedsLayout(LayoutInvalidationReasonForTracing reason, MarkingBehavior markParents, SubtreeLayoutScope* layouter)
bool alreadyNeededLayout = m_bitfields.selfNeedsLayout();
if (!alreadyNeededLayout) {
InspectorLayoutInvalidationTrackingEvent::data(this, reason));
if (markParents == MarkContainerChain && (!layouter || layouter->root() != this))
markContainerChainForLayout(true, layouter);
inline void LayoutObject::setNeedsLayoutAndFullPaintInvalidation(LayoutInvalidationReasonForTracing reason, MarkingBehavior markParents, SubtreeLayoutScope* layouter)
setNeedsLayout(reason, markParents, layouter);
inline void LayoutObject::clearNeedsLayout()
// Set flags for later stages/cycles.
// Clear needsLayout flags.
inline void LayoutObject::setChildNeedsLayout(MarkingBehavior markParents, SubtreeLayoutScope* layouter)
bool alreadyNeededLayout = normalChildNeedsLayout();
// FIXME: Replace MarkOnlyThis with the SubtreeLayoutScope code path and remove the MarkingBehavior argument entirely.
if (!alreadyNeededLayout && markParents == MarkContainerChain && (!layouter || layouter->root() != this))
markContainerChainForLayout(true, layouter);
inline void LayoutObject::setNeedsPositionedMovementLayout()
bool alreadyNeededLayout = needsPositionedMovementLayout();
if (!alreadyNeededLayout)
inline bool LayoutObject::preservesNewline() const
if (isSVGInlineText())
return false;
return style()->preserveNewline();
inline bool LayoutObject::layerCreationAllowedForSubtree() const
LayoutObject* parentLayoutObject = parent();
while (parentLayoutObject) {
if (parentLayoutObject->isSVGHiddenContainer())
return false;
parentLayoutObject = parentLayoutObject->parent();
return true;
inline void LayoutObject::setSelectionStateIfNeeded(SelectionState state)
if (getSelectionState() == state)
inline void LayoutObject::setHasBoxDecorationBackground(bool b)
if (!b) {
if (hasBoxDecorationBackground())
inline void LayoutObject::invalidateBackgroundObscurationStatus()
if (!hasBoxDecorationBackground())
inline bool LayoutObject::boxDecorationBackgroundIsKnownToBeObscured() const
if (m_bitfields.getBoxDecorationBackgroundState() == HasBoxDecorationBackgroundObscurationStatusInvalid) {
BoxDecorationBackgroundState state = computeBackgroundIsKnownToBeObscured() ? HasBoxDecorationBackgroundKnownToBeObscured : HasBoxDecorationBackgroundMayBeVisible;
return m_bitfields.getBoxDecorationBackgroundState() == HasBoxDecorationBackgroundKnownToBeObscured;
inline void makeMatrixRenderable(TransformationMatrix& matrix, bool has3DRendering)
if (!has3DRendering)
inline int adjustForAbsoluteZoom(int value, LayoutObject* layoutObject)
return adjustForAbsoluteZoom(value, layoutObject->style());
inline double adjustDoubleForAbsoluteZoom(double value, LayoutObject& layoutObject)
return adjustDoubleForAbsoluteZoom(value, *;
inline LayoutUnit adjustLayoutUnitForAbsoluteZoom(LayoutUnit value, LayoutObject& layoutObject)
return adjustLayoutUnitForAbsoluteZoom(value, *;
inline void adjustFloatQuadForAbsoluteZoom(FloatQuad& quad, LayoutObject& layoutObject)
float zoom =>effectiveZoom();
if (zoom != 1)
quad.scale(1 / zoom, 1 / zoom);
inline void adjustFloatRectForAbsoluteZoom(FloatRect& rect, LayoutObject& layoutObject)
float zoom =>effectiveZoom();
if (zoom != 1)
rect.scale(1 / zoom, 1 / zoom);
inline double adjustScrollForAbsoluteZoom(double value, LayoutObject& layoutObject)
return adjustScrollForAbsoluteZoom(value, *;
#define DEFINE_LAYOUT_OBJECT_TYPE_CASTS(thisType, predicate) \
DEFINE_TYPE_CASTS(thisType, LayoutObject, object, object->predicate, object.predicate)
} // namespace blink
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Outside the WebCore namespace for ease of invocation from gdb.
void showTree(const blink::LayoutObject*);
void showLineTree(const blink::LayoutObject*);
void showLayoutTree(const blink::LayoutObject* object1);
// We don't make object2 an optional parameter so that showLayoutTree
// can be called from gdb easily.
void showLayoutTree(const blink::LayoutObject* object1, const blink::LayoutObject* object2);
#endif // LayoutObject_h