blob: e195120e90fcc1008955e2c58dbd3bd91fb386a6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef TableCellPainter_h
#define TableCellPainter_h
#include "core/style/CollapsedBorderValue.h"
#include "platform/graphics/paint/DisplayItem.h"
#include "wtf/Allocator.h"
namespace blink {
struct PaintInfo;
class CollapsedBorderValue;
class LayoutPoint;
class LayoutRect;
class LayoutTableCell;
class LayoutObject;
class ComputedStyle;
class TableCellPainter {
TableCellPainter(const LayoutTableCell& layoutTableCell) : m_layoutTableCell(layoutTableCell) { }
void paint(const PaintInfo&, const LayoutPoint&);
void paintCollapsedBorders(const PaintInfo&, const LayoutPoint&, const CollapsedBorderValue&);
void paintBackgroundsBehindCell(const PaintInfo&, const LayoutPoint&, const LayoutObject* backgroundObject, DisplayItem::Type);
void paintBoxDecorationBackground(const PaintInfo&, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset);
void paintMask(const PaintInfo&, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset);
enum PaintBoundOffsetBehavior { AddOffsetFromParent, DoNotAddOffsetFromParent };
// Returns the bonds of the table cell for painting, offset by paintOffset, and if desired, the offset from the cell
// to its parent.
LayoutRect paintBounds(const LayoutPoint& paintOffset, PaintBoundOffsetBehavior);
const CollapsedBorderValue* cachedCollapsedLeftBorder(const ComputedStyle&) const;
const CollapsedBorderValue* cachedCollapsedRightBorder(const ComputedStyle&) const;
const CollapsedBorderValue* cachedCollapsedTopBorder(const ComputedStyle&) const;
const CollapsedBorderValue* cachedCollapsedBottomBorder(const ComputedStyle&) const;
const LayoutTableCell& m_layoutTableCell;
} // namespace blink
#endif // TableCellPainter_h