blob: 9b3c52ae38f5d63debe7a67ee44c5ba4b9fb80c9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/public/interfaces/event_rewriter_controller.mojom.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/binding_set.h"
#include "ui/aura/env_observer.h"
namespace ui {
class EventRewriter;
class EventSource;
} // namespace ui
namespace ash {
class KeyboardDrivenEventRewriter;
class SpokenFeedbackEventRewriter;
// Owns ui::EventRewriters and ensures that they are added to each root window
// EventSource, current and future, in the order that they are added to this.
// TODO( Avoid Chrome's direct access in Classic Ash mode.
class ASH_EXPORT EventRewriterController
: public mojom::EventRewriterController,
public aura::EnvObserver {
~EventRewriterController() override;
// Takes ownership of |rewriter| and adds it to the current event sources.
void AddEventRewriter(std::unique_ptr<ui::EventRewriter> rewriter);
// Binds the mojom::EventRewriterController interface request to this object.
void BindRequest(mojom::EventRewriterControllerRequest request);
// mojom::EventRewriterController:
void SetKeyboardDrivenEventRewriterEnabled(bool enabled) override;
void SetArrowToTabRewritingEnabled(bool enabled) override;
void SetSpokenFeedbackEventRewriterDelegate(
mojom::SpokenFeedbackEventRewriterDelegatePtr delegate) override;
void OnUnhandledSpokenFeedbackEvent(
std::unique_ptr<ui::Event> event) override;
void CaptureAllKeysForSpokenFeedback(bool capture) override;
// aura::EnvObserver:
void OnWindowInitialized(aura::Window* window) override {}
void OnHostInitialized(aura::WindowTreeHost* host) override;
// The |EventRewriter|s managed by this controller.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ui::EventRewriter>> rewriters_;
// A weak pointer to the KeyboardDrivenEventRewriter owned in |rewriters_|.
KeyboardDrivenEventRewriter* keyboard_driven_event_rewriter_;
// A weak pointer to the SpokenFeedbackEventRewriter owned in |rewriters_|.
SpokenFeedbackEventRewriter* spoken_feedback_event_rewriter_;
// Bindings for the EventRewriterController mojo interface.
mojo::BindingSet<mojom::EventRewriterController> bindings_;
} // namespace ash