blob: d361d6b96f0c58cf7f417c03b162f93cabdac54f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chromeos/printing/printer_translator.h"
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/values.h"
#include "chromeos/printing/printer_configuration.h"
using base::DictionaryValue;
namespace chromeos {
namespace {
// For historical reasons, the effective_make_and_model field is just
// effective_model for policy printers.
const char kEffectiveModel[] = "effective_model";
// printer fields
const char kDisplayName[] = "display_name";
const char kDescription[] = "description";
const char kManufacturer[] = "manufacturer";
const char kModel[] = "model";
const char kUri[] = "uri";
const char kUUID[] = "uuid";
const char kPpdResource[] = "ppd_resource";
// Populates the |printer| object with corresponding fields from |value|.
// Returns false if |value| is missing a required field.
bool DictionaryToPrinter(const DictionaryValue& value, Printer* printer) {
// Mandatory fields
std::string display_name;
if (value.GetString(kDisplayName, &display_name)) {
} else {
LOG(WARNING) << "Display name required";
return false;
std::string uri;
if (value.GetString(kUri, &uri)) {
} else {
LOG(WARNING) << "Uri required";
return false;
// Optional fields
std::string description;
if (value.GetString(kDescription, &description))
std::string manufacturer;
if (value.GetString(kManufacturer, &manufacturer))
std::string model;
if (value.GetString(kModel, &model))
std::string make_and_model = manufacturer;
if (!manufacturer.empty() && !model.empty())
make_and_model.append(" ");
std::string uuid;
if (value.GetString(kUUID, &uuid))
return true;
} // namespace
const char kPrinterId[] = "id";
std::unique_ptr<Printer> RecommendedPrinterToPrinter(
const base::DictionaryValue& pref) {
std::string id;
if (!pref.GetString(kPrinterId, &id)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Record id required";
return nullptr;
auto printer = std::make_unique<Printer>(id);
if (!DictionaryToPrinter(pref, printer.get())) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to parse policy printer.";
return nullptr;
const DictionaryValue* ppd;
std::string make_and_model;
if (pref.GetDictionary(kPpdResource, &ppd) &&
ppd->GetString(kEffectiveModel, &make_and_model)) {
printer->mutable_ppd_reference()->effective_make_and_model = make_and_model;
} else {
// Make and model is mandatory
LOG(WARNING) << "Missing model information for policy printer.";
return nullptr;
return printer;
} // namespace chromeos