Code coverage in Chromium

Table of contents:

Chromium uses Clang source-based code coverage, this documentation explains how to use Clang’s source-based coverage features in general.

In this doc, we first introduce a code coverage script that can be used to generate code coverage reports for Chromium code in one command, and then dive into details to describe the code coverage reports generation workflow.

Coverage Script

The coverage script automates the process described below and provides a one-stop service to generate code coverage reports in just one command.

This script is currently supported on Linux, Mac, iOS and ChromeOS platforms.

Here is an example usage:

$ gn gen out/coverage \
    --args='use_clang_coverage=true is_component_build=false'
$ python tools/code_coverage/ \
    crypto_unittests url_unittests \
    -b out/coverage -o out/report \
    -c 'out/coverage/crypto_unittests' \
    -c 'out/coverage/url_unittests --gtest_filter=URLParser.PathURL' \
    -f url/ -f crypto/

The command above builds crypto_unittests and url_unittests targets and then runs each with the command and arguments specified by the -c flag. For url_unittests, it only runs the test URLParser.PathURL. The coverage report is filtered to include only files and sub-directories under url/ and crypto/ directories.

Aside from automating the process, this script provides additional features to view code coverage breakdown by directories and by components, for example:

Directory View:

code coverage report directory view

Component View:

code coverage report component view


This section presents the workflow of generating code coverage reports using two unit test targets in Chromium repo as an example: crypto_unittests and url_unittests, and the following diagram shows a step-by-step overview of the process.

code coverage generation workflow

Step 0 Download Tooling

Generating code coverage reports requires llvm-profdata and llvm-cov tools. Currently, these two tools are not part of Chromium’s Clang bundle, coverage script downloads and updates them automatically, you can also download the tools manually (link).

Step 1 Build

In Chromium, to compile code with coverage enabled, one needs to add use_clang_coverage=true and is_component_build=false GN flags to the file in the build output directory. Under the hood, they ensure -fprofile-instr-generate and -fcoverage-mapping flags are passed to the compiler.

$ gn gen out/coverage \
    --args='use_clang_coverage=true is_component_build=false'
$ gclient runhooks
$ ninja -C out/coverage crypto_unittests url_unittests

Step 2 Create Raw Profiles

The next step is to run the instrumented binaries, and when the program exits it will write a raw profile for each process. Because Chromium runs tests in multiple processes, and the number of processes spawned can be as many as a few hundred, which results in the generation of a few hundred gigabytes’ raw profiles, to limit the number of raw profiles, %Nm pattern in LLVM_PROFILE_FILE environment variable is used to run tests in multi-process mode, where N is the number of raw profiles. With N = 4, the total size of the raw profiles are limited to a few gigabytes.

$ export LLVM_PROFILE_FILE=”out/report/crypto_unittests.%4m.profraw”
$ ./out/coverage/crypto_unittests
$ ls out/report/

Step 3 Create Indexed Profile

Raw profiles must be indexed before generating code coverage reports, and this is done using the merge command of llvm-profdata tool, which merges multiple raw profiles (.profraw) and index them to create a single profile (.profdata).

At this point, all the raw profiles can be thrown away because their information are already contained in the indexed profile.

$ llvm-profdata merge -o out/report/coverage.profdata \
$ ls out/report/coverage.profdata

Step 4 Create Coverage Reports

Finally, llvm-cov is used to render code coverage reports. There are different report generation modes, and all of them require the indexed profile, all the built binaries and all the exercised source files to be available.

For example, following command can be used to generate per-file line-by-line code coverage report:

$ llvm-cov show -output-dir=out/report -format=html \
    -instr-profile=out/report/coverage.profdata \
    -object=out/coverage/url_unittests \

For more information on how to use llvm-cov, please refer to the guide.


Reporting problems

For any breakage report and feature requests, please file a bug.

Mailing list

For questions and general discussions, please join chrome-code-coverage group.


Can I use is_component_build=true for code coverage build?

Yes, code coverage instrumentation works with both component and non-component builds. Component build is usually faster to compile, but can be up to several times slower to run with code coverage instrumentation. For more information, see