blob: 79ac978f7a17ade9f6014bb54bb2b4202fd038de [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "net/base/ip_endpoint.h"
#include "net/base/net_errors.h"
#include "net/http/http_stream.h"
#include "net/ssl/ssl_info.h"
namespace net {
// Base class for SPDY and QUIC sessions.
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE MultiplexedSession {
virtual ~MultiplexedSession() {}
// Fills SSL info in |ssl_info| and returns true when SSL is in use.
virtual bool GetSSLInfo(SSLInfo* ssl_info) const = 0;
// Gets the remote endpoint of the socket that the HTTP stream is using, if
// any. Returns true and fills in |endpoint| if it is available; returns false
// and does not modify |endpoint| if it is unavailable.
virtual bool GetRemoteEndpoint(IPEndPoint* endpoint) = 0;
// A handle to a multiplexed session which will be valid even after the
// underlying session is deleted.
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE MultiplexedSessionHandle {
explicit MultiplexedSessionHandle(base::WeakPtr<MultiplexedSession> session);
virtual ~MultiplexedSessionHandle();
// Gets the remote endpoint of the socket that the HTTP stream is using, if
// any. Returns true and fills in |endpoint| if it is available; returns false
// and does not modify |endpoint| if it is unavailable.
bool GetRemoteEndpoint(IPEndPoint* endpoint);
// Fills SSL info in |ssl_info| and returns true when SSL is in use.
bool GetSSLInfo(SSLInfo* ssl_info) const;
// Caches SSL info from the underlying session.
void SaveSSLInfo();
base::WeakPtr<MultiplexedSession> session_;
SSLInfo ssl_info_;
bool has_ssl_info_;
} // namespace net