blob: 42ac828dcb349bd5559245f4968597163fddf307 [file] [log] [blame]
<!doctype html>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="/cookies/resources/testharness-helpers.js"></script>
// Set cookies on ORIGINAL_HOST, then move ourselves to TEST_ROOT so
// we can verify registrable domain and cross-origin behavior.
if (window.location.hostname == "") {
window.location.hostname = ORIGINAL_HOST;
} else if (window.location.hostname == ORIGINAL_HOST) {
document.cookie = STRICT_DOM + "=1; SameSite=Strict; Max-Age=100; path=/";
document.cookie = LAX_DOM + "=1; SameSite=Lax; Max-Age=100; path=/";
document.cookie = NORMAL_DOM + "=1; Max-Age=100; path=/";
window.location.hostname = TEST_HOST;
} else {
test(_ => {
assert_equals(document.cookie, "");
document.cookie = STRICT_DOM + "=2; SameSite=Strict; domain=" + TEST_HOST + "; path=/";
document.cookie = LAX_DOM + "=2; SameSite=Lax; domain=" + TEST_HOST + "; path=/";
document.cookie = NORMAL_DOM + "=2; domain=" + TEST_HOST + "; path=/";
assert_equals(document.cookie, STRICT_DOM + "=2; " + LAX_DOM + "=2; " + NORMAL_DOM + "=2");
}, "Cookies can be set from DOM.");
promise_test(_ => {
return fetch("/cookies/resources/echo-json.php", {"credentials": "include"})
.then(r => r.json())
.then(j => {
assert_equals(j[STRICT_DOM], "2", "strict");
assert_equals(j[LAX_DOM], "2", "lax");
assert_equals(j[NORMAL_DOM], "2", "normal");
}, "SameSite set from DOM are sent via HTTP.");
promise_test(_ => {
return fetch("https://" + TEST_HOST + ":8443/cookies/resources/echo-json.php", {"credentials": "include"})
.then(r => r.json())
.then(j => {
assert_equals(j[STRICT_DOM], "2", "strict");
assert_equals(j[LAX_DOM], "2", "lax");
assert_equals(j[NORMAL_DOM], "2", "normal");
}, "HTTPS is same-site with HTTP.");
promise_test(_ => {
return fetch("http://subdomain." + TEST_HOST + ":8000/cookies/resources/echo-json.php", {"credentials": "include"})
.then(r => r.json())
.then(j => {
assert_equals(j[STRICT_DOM], "2", "strict");
assert_equals(j[LAX_DOM], "2", "lax");
assert_equals(j[NORMAL_DOM], "2", "normal");
}, "Subdomains are same-site.");
promise_test(_ => {
return fetch("http://" + TEST_ROOT + ":8000/cookies/resources/echo-json.php", {"credentials": "include"})
.then(r => r.json())
.then(j => {
assert_equals(j[STRICT_DOM], undefined, "strict");
assert_equals(j[LAX_DOM], undefined, "lax");
assert_equals(j[NORMAL_DOM], undefined, "normal");
}, "`" + TEST_ROOT + "` is same-site but the cookies don't match it: 'samesite' doesn't override matching rules.");
promise_test(_ => {
return fetch("http://" + ORIGINAL_HOST + ":8000/cookies/resources/echo-json.php", {"credentials": "include"})
.then(r => r.json())
.then(j => {
assert_equals(j[STRICT_DOM], undefined, "strict");
assert_equals(j[LAX_DOM], undefined, "lax");
assert_equals(j[NORMAL_DOM], "1", "normal");
}, "'" + ORIGINAL_HOST + "' is not same-site with '" + TEST_HOST + "', so samesite cookies are not sent.");