blob: 5aab1e91ec6333c604fd2c34f929ab030b4c38d9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/observer_list_threadsafe.h"
#include "base/sequenced_task_runner.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "components/keyed_service/core/refcounted_keyed_service.h"
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/password_store_change.h"
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/password_store_sync.h"
#include "components/sync/model/syncable_service.h"
// TODO( Fix password reuse detection for Android.
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/hash_password_manager.h"
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/password_manager_metrics_util.h"
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/password_reuse_detector.h"
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/password_reuse_detector_consumer.h"
class PrefService;
namespace autofill {
struct FormData;
struct PasswordForm;
namespace syncer {
class ModelTypeControllerDelegate;
class ProxyModelTypeControllerDelegate;
class SyncableService;
namespace password_manager {
class AffiliatedMatchHelper;
class PasswordStoreConsumer;
class PasswordStoreSigninNotifier;
class PasswordSyncableService;
class PasswordSyncBridge;
struct InteractionsStats;
using PasswordHashDataList = base::Optional<std::vector<PasswordHashData>>;
// Interface for storing form passwords in a platform-specific secure way.
// The login request/manipulation API is not threadsafe and must be used
// from the UI thread.
// Implementations, however, should carry out most tasks asynchronously on a
// background sequence: the base class provides functionality to facilitate
// this. I/O heavy initialization should also be performed asynchronously in
// this manner. If this deferred initialization fails, all subsequent method
// calls should fail without side effects, return no data, and send no
// notifications. PasswordStoreSync is a hidden base class because only
// PasswordSyncableService needs to access these methods.
class PasswordStore : protected PasswordStoreSync,
public RefcountedKeyedService {
// An interface used to notify clients (observers) of this object that data in
// the password store has changed. Register the observer via
// PasswordStore::AddObserver.
class Observer {
// Notifies the observer that password data changed. Will be called from
// the UI thread.
virtual void OnLoginsChanged(const PasswordStoreChangeList& changes) = 0;
virtual ~Observer() {}
// Represents a subset of autofill::PasswordForm needed for credential
// retrievals.
struct FormDigest {
FormDigest(autofill::PasswordForm::Scheme scheme,
const std::string& signon_realm,
const GURL& origin);
explicit FormDigest(const autofill::PasswordForm& form);
explicit FormDigest(const autofill::FormData& form);
FormDigest(const FormDigest& other);
FormDigest(FormDigest&& other);
FormDigest& operator=(const FormDigest& other);
FormDigest& operator=(FormDigest&& other);
bool operator==(const FormDigest& other) const;
autofill::PasswordForm::Scheme scheme;
std::string signon_realm;
GURL origin;
// Reimplement this to add custom initialization. Always call this too on the
// UI thread.
virtual bool Init(const syncer::SyncableService::StartSyncFlare& flare,
PrefService* prefs);
// RefcountedKeyedService:
void ShutdownOnUIThread() override;
// Sets the affiliation-based match |helper| that will be used by subsequent
// GetLogins() calls to return credentials stored not only for the requested
// sign-on realm, but also for affiliated Android applications. If |helper| is
// null, clears the the currently set helper if any. Unless a helper is set,
// affiliation-based matching is disabled. The passed |helper| must already be
// initialized if it is non-null.
void SetAffiliatedMatchHelper(std::unique_ptr<AffiliatedMatchHelper> helper);
AffiliatedMatchHelper* affiliated_match_helper() const {
return affiliated_match_helper_.get();
// Toggles whether or not to propagate password changes in Android credentials
// to the affiliated Web credentials.
void enable_propagating_password_changes_to_web_credentials(bool enabled) {
is_propagating_password_changes_to_web_credentials_enabled_ = enabled;
// Adds the given PasswordForm to the secure password store asynchronously.
virtual void AddLogin(const autofill::PasswordForm& form);
// Updates the matching PasswordForm in the secure password store (async).
// If any of the primary key fields (signon_realm, origin, username_element,
// username_value, password_element) are updated, then the second version of
// the method must be used that takes |old_primary_key|, i.e., the old values
// for the primary key fields (the rest of the fields are ignored).
virtual void UpdateLogin(const autofill::PasswordForm& form);
virtual void UpdateLoginWithPrimaryKey(
const autofill::PasswordForm& new_form,
const autofill::PasswordForm& old_primary_key);
// Removes the matching PasswordForm from the secure password store (async).
virtual void RemoveLogin(const autofill::PasswordForm& form);
// Remove all logins whose origins match the given filter and that were
// created
// in the given date range. |completion| will be posted to the
// |main_task_runner_| after deletions have been completed and notification
// have been sent out.
void RemoveLoginsByURLAndTime(
const base::Callback<bool(const GURL&)>& url_filter,
base::Time delete_begin,
base::Time delete_end,
const base::Closure& completion);
// Removes all logins created in the given date range. If |completion| is not
// null, it will be posted to the |main_task_runner_| after deletions have
// been completed and notification have been sent out.
void RemoveLoginsCreatedBetween(base::Time delete_begin,
base::Time delete_end,
const base::Closure& completion);
// Removes all logins synced in the given date range.
void RemoveLoginsSyncedBetween(base::Time delete_begin,
base::Time delete_end);
// Removes all the stats created in the given date range.
// If |origin_filter| is not null, only statistics for matching origins are
// removed. If |completion| is not null, it will be posted to the
// |main_task_runner_| after deletions have been completed.
// Should be called on the UI thread.
void RemoveStatisticsByOriginAndTime(
const base::Callback<bool(const GURL&)>& origin_filter,
base::Time delete_begin,
base::Time delete_end,
const base::Closure& completion);
// Sets the 'skip_zero_click' flag for all logins in the database that match
// |origin_filter| to 'true'. |completion| will be posted to the
// |main_task_runner_| after these modifications are completed and
// notifications are sent out.
void DisableAutoSignInForOrigins(
const base::Callback<bool(const GURL&)>& origin_filter,
const base::Closure& completion);
// Searches for a matching PasswordForm, and notifies |consumer| on
// completion. The request will be cancelled if the consumer is destroyed.
virtual void GetLogins(const FormDigest& form,
PasswordStoreConsumer* consumer);
// Returns all stored credentials with SCHEME_HTTP that have a realm whose
// organization-identifying name -- that is, the first domain name label below
// the effective TLD -- matches that of |signon_realm|. Notifies |consumer| on
// completion. The request will be cancelled if the consumer is destroyed.
// WARNING: This is *NOT* PSL (Public Suffix List) matching. The logins
// returned by this method are not safe to be filled into the observed form.
// For example, the organization-identifying name of ""
// is `example`, and logins will be returned for "",
// but not for "" or "".
virtual void GetLoginsForSameOrganizationName(
const std::string& signon_realm,
PasswordStoreConsumer* consumer);
// Gets the complete list of PasswordForms that are not blacklist entries--and
// are thus auto-fillable. |consumer| will be notified on completion.
// The request will be cancelled if the consumer is destroyed.
virtual void GetAutofillableLogins(PasswordStoreConsumer* consumer);
// Same as above, but also fills in affiliation and branding information for
// Android credentials.
virtual void GetAutofillableLoginsWithAffiliationAndBrandingInformation(
PasswordStoreConsumer* consumer);
// Gets the complete list of PasswordForms that are blacklist entries,
// and notify |consumer| on completion. The request will be cancelled if the
// consumer is destroyed.
virtual void GetBlacklistLogins(PasswordStoreConsumer* consumer);
// Same as above, but also fills in affiliation and branding information for
// Android credentials.
virtual void GetBlacklistLoginsWithAffiliationAndBrandingInformation(
PasswordStoreConsumer* consumer);
// Gets the complete list of PasswordForms, regardless of their blacklist
// status. Also fills in affiliation and branding information for Android
// credentials.
virtual void GetAllLoginsWithAffiliationAndBrandingInformation(
PasswordStoreConsumer* consumer);
// Reports usage metrics for the database. |sync_username|, and
// |custom_passphrase_sync_enabled|, and |is_under_advanced_protection|
// determine some of the UMA stats that may be reported.
virtual void ReportMetrics(const std::string& sync_username,
bool custom_passphrase_sync_enabled,
bool is_under_advanced_protection);
// Adds or replaces the statistics for the domain |stats.origin_domain|.
void AddSiteStats(const InteractionsStats& stats);
// Removes the statistics for |origin_domain|.
void RemoveSiteStats(const GURL& origin_domain);
// Retrieves the statistics for all sites and notifies |consumer| on
// completion. The request will be cancelled if the consumer is destroyed.
void GetAllSiteStats(PasswordStoreConsumer* consumer);
// Retrieves the statistics for |origin_domain| and notifies |consumer| on
// completion. The request will be cancelled if the consumer is destroyed.
void GetSiteStats(const GURL& origin_domain, PasswordStoreConsumer* consumer);
// Adds an observer to be notified when the password store data changes.
void AddObserver(Observer* observer);
// Removes |observer| from the observer list.
void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer);
// Schedules the given |task| to be run on the PasswordStore's TaskRunner.
bool ScheduleTask(base::OnceClosure task);
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> GetBackgroundTaskRunner();
// Returns true iff initialization was successful.
virtual bool IsAbleToSavePasswords() const;
base::WeakPtr<syncer::SyncableService> GetPasswordSyncableService();
// For sync codebase only: instantiates a proxy controller delegate to
// interact with PasswordSyncBridge. Must be called from the UI thread.
// TODO( Fix password reuse detection for Android.
// Immediately called after |Init()| to retrieve password hash data for
// reuse detection.
void PreparePasswordHashData(const std::string& sync_username);
// Checks that some suffix of |input| equals to a password saved on another
// registry controlled domain than |domain|.
// If such suffix is found, |consumer|->OnReuseFound() is called on the same
// sequence on which this method is called.
// |consumer| must not be null.
virtual void CheckReuse(const base::string16& input,
const std::string& domain,
PasswordReuseDetectorConsumer* consumer);
// Saves |username| and a hash of |password| for Gaia password reuse checking.
// |event| is used for metric logging and for distinguishing sync password
// hash change event and other non-sync Gaia password change event.
virtual void SaveGaiaPasswordHash(const std::string& username,
const base::string16& password,
metrics_util::SyncPasswordHashChange event);
// Saves |username| and a hash of |password| for enterprise password reuse
// checking.
virtual void SaveEnterprisePasswordHash(const std::string& username,
const base::string16& password);
// Saves |sync_password_data| for sync password reuse checking.
// |event| is used for metric logging.
virtual void SaveSyncPasswordHash(const PasswordHashData& sync_password_data,
metrics_util::SyncPasswordHashChange event);
// Clears the saved Gaia password hash for |username|.
virtual void ClearGaiaPasswordHash(const std::string& username);
// Clears all the Gaia password hash.
virtual void ClearAllGaiaPasswordHash();
// Clears all (non-Gaia) enterprise password hash.
virtual void ClearAllEnterprisePasswordHash();
// Shouldn't be called more than once, |notifier| must be not nullptr.
void SetPasswordStoreSigninNotifier(
std::unique_ptr<PasswordStoreSigninNotifier> notifier);
// Schedules the update of password hashes used by reuse detector.
void SchedulePasswordHashUpdate(bool should_log_metrics);
// Schedules the update of enterprise login and change password URLs.
// These URLs are used in enterprise password reuse detection.
void ScheduleEnterprisePasswordURLUpdate();
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<PasswordStore>;
typedef base::Callback<PasswordStoreChangeList(void)> ModificationTask;
// Represents a single GetLogins() request. Implements functionality to filter
// results and send them to the consumer on the consumer's message loop.
class GetLoginsRequest {
explicit GetLoginsRequest(PasswordStoreConsumer* consumer);
// Removes any credentials in |results| that were saved before the cutoff,
// then notifies the consumer with the remaining results.
// Note that if this method is not called before destruction, the consumer
// will not be notified.
void NotifyConsumerWithResults(
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<autofill::PasswordForm>> results);
void NotifyWithSiteStatistics(std::vector<InteractionsStats> stats);
void set_ignore_logins_cutoff(base::Time cutoff) {
ignore_logins_cutoff_ = cutoff;
// See GetLogins(). Logins older than this will be removed from the reply.
base::Time ignore_logins_cutoff_;
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> origin_task_runner_;
base::WeakPtr<PasswordStoreConsumer> consumer_weak_;
// TODO( Fix password reuse detection for Android.
// Represents a single CheckReuse() request. Implements functionality to
// listen to reuse events and propagate them to |consumer| on the sequence on
// which CheckReuseRequest is created.
class CheckReuseRequest : public PasswordReuseDetectorConsumer {
// |consumer| must not be null.
explicit CheckReuseRequest(PasswordReuseDetectorConsumer* consumer);
~CheckReuseRequest() override;
// PasswordReuseDetectorConsumer
void OnReuseFound(
size_t password_length,
base::Optional<PasswordHashData> reused_protected_password_hash,
const std::vector<std::string>& matching_domains,
int saved_passwords) override;
const scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> origin_task_runner_;
const base::WeakPtr<PasswordReuseDetectorConsumer> consumer_weak_;
// Status of PasswordStore::Init().
enum class InitStatus {
// Initialization status is still not determined (init hasn't started or
// finished yet).
// Initialization is successfully finished.
// There was an error during initialization and PasswordStore is not ready
// to save or get passwords.
// Removing passwords may still work.
~PasswordStore() override;
// Create a TaskRunner to be saved in |background_task_runner_|.
virtual scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> CreateBackgroundTaskRunner()
// Creates PasswordSyncableService and PasswordReuseDetector instances on the
// background sequence. Subclasses can add more logic. Returns true on
// success.
virtual bool InitOnBackgroundSequence(
const syncer::SyncableService::StartSyncFlare& flare);
// Methods below will be run in PasswordStore's own sequence.
// Synchronous implementation that reports usage metrics.
virtual void ReportMetricsImpl(const std::string& sync_username,
bool custom_passphrase_sync_enabled) = 0;
// Synchronous implementation to remove the given logins.
virtual PasswordStoreChangeList RemoveLoginsByURLAndTimeImpl(
const base::Callback<bool(const GURL&)>& url_filter,
base::Time delete_begin,
base::Time delete_end) = 0;
// Synchronous implementation to remove the given logins.
virtual PasswordStoreChangeList RemoveLoginsCreatedBetweenImpl(
base::Time delete_begin,
base::Time delete_end) = 0;
// Synchronous implementation to remove the given logins.
virtual PasswordStoreChangeList RemoveLoginsSyncedBetweenImpl(
base::Time delete_begin,
base::Time delete_end) = 0;
// Synchronous implementation to remove the statistics.
virtual bool RemoveStatisticsByOriginAndTimeImpl(
const base::Callback<bool(const GURL&)>& origin_filter,
base::Time delete_begin,
base::Time delete_end) = 0;
// Synchronous implementation to disable auto sign-in.
virtual PasswordStoreChangeList DisableAutoSignInForOriginsImpl(
const base::Callback<bool(const GURL&)>& origin_filter) = 0;
// Finds all PasswordForms with a signon_realm that is equal to, or is a
// PSL-match to that of |form|, and takes care of notifying the consumer with
// the results when done.
// Note: subclasses should implement FillMatchingLogins() instead. This needs
// to be virtual only because asynchronous behavior in PasswordStoreWin.
// TODO(engedy): Make this non-virtual once is fixed.
virtual void GetLoginsImpl(const FormDigest& form,
std::unique_ptr<GetLoginsRequest> request);
// Synchronous implementation provided by subclasses to add the given login.
virtual PasswordStoreChangeList AddLoginImpl(
const autofill::PasswordForm& form) = 0;
// Synchronous implementation provided by subclasses to update the given
// login.
virtual PasswordStoreChangeList UpdateLoginImpl(
const autofill::PasswordForm& form) = 0;
// Synchronous implementation provided by subclasses to remove the given
// login.
virtual PasswordStoreChangeList RemoveLoginImpl(
const autofill::PasswordForm& form) = 0;
// Finds and returns all PasswordForms with the same signon_realm as |form|,
// or with a signon_realm that is a PSL-match to that of |form|.
virtual std::vector<std::unique_ptr<autofill::PasswordForm>>
FillMatchingLogins(const FormDigest& form) = 0;
// Finds and returns all organization-name-matching logins, or returns an
// empty list on error.
virtual std::vector<std::unique_ptr<autofill::PasswordForm>>
FillLoginsForSameOrganizationName(const std::string& signon_realm) = 0;
// Synchronous implementation for manipulating with statistics.
virtual void AddSiteStatsImpl(const InteractionsStats& stats) = 0;
virtual void RemoveSiteStatsImpl(const GURL& origin_domain) = 0;
virtual std::vector<InteractionsStats> GetAllSiteStatsImpl() = 0;
virtual std::vector<InteractionsStats> GetSiteStatsImpl(
const GURL& origin_domain) = 0;
// Log UMA stats for number of bulk deletions.
void LogStatsForBulkDeletion(int num_deletions);
// Log UMA stats for password deletions happening on clear browsing data
// since first sync during rollback.
void LogStatsForBulkDeletionDuringRollback(int num_deletions);
// PasswordStoreSync:
PasswordStoreChangeList AddLoginSync(
const autofill::PasswordForm& form) override;
PasswordStoreChangeList UpdateLoginSync(
const autofill::PasswordForm& form) override;
PasswordStoreChangeList RemoveLoginSync(
const autofill::PasswordForm& form) override;
// Called by *Internal() methods once the underlying data-modifying operation
// has been performed. Notifies observers that password store data may have
// been changed.
void NotifyLoginsChanged(const PasswordStoreChangeList& changes) override;
// TODO( Fix password reuse detection for Android.
// Saves |username| and a hash of |password| for password reuse checking.
// |is_gaia_password| indicates if it is a Gaia account. |event| is used for
// metric logging.
void SaveProtectedPasswordHash(const std::string& username,
const base::string16& password,
bool is_gaia_password,
metrics_util::SyncPasswordHashChange event);
// Synchronous implementation of CheckReuse().
void CheckReuseImpl(std::unique_ptr<CheckReuseRequest> request,
const base::string16& input,
const std::string& domain);
// Synchronous implementation of SaveProtectedPasswordHash().
// |should_log_metrics| indicates whether to log the counts of captured
// password hashes.
void SaveProtectedPasswordHashImpl(
PasswordHashDataList protected_password_data_list,
bool should_log_metrics);
// Propagates enterprise login urls and change password url to
// |reuse_detector_|.
void SaveEnterprisePasswordURLs(
const std::vector<GURL>& enterprise_login_urls,
const GURL& enterprise_change_password_url);
// Synchronous implementation of ClearGaiaPasswordHash(...).
void ClearGaiaPasswordHashImpl(const std::string& username);
// Synchronous implementation of ClearAllGaiaPasswordHashImpl().
void ClearAllGaiaPasswordHashImpl();
// Synchronous implementation of ClearAllEnterprisePasswordHashImpl().
void ClearAllEnterprisePasswordHashImpl();
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> main_task_runner() const {
return main_task_runner_;
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> background_task_runner() const {
return background_task_runner_;
// Called on the main thread after initialization is completed.
// |success| is true if initialization was successful. Sets the
// |init_status_|.
void OnInitCompleted(bool success);
// Schedule the given |func| to be run in the PasswordStore's own sequence
// with responses delivered to |consumer| on the current sequence.
void Schedule(void (PasswordStore::*func)(std::unique_ptr<GetLoginsRequest>),
PasswordStoreConsumer* consumer);
// The following methods notify observers that the password store may have
// been modified via NotifyLoginsChanged(). Note that there is no guarantee
// that the called method will actually modify the password store data.
void AddLoginInternal(const autofill::PasswordForm& form);
void UpdateLoginInternal(const autofill::PasswordForm& form);
void RemoveLoginInternal(const autofill::PasswordForm& form);
void UpdateLoginWithPrimaryKeyInternal(
const autofill::PasswordForm& new_form,
const autofill::PasswordForm& old_primary_key);
void RemoveLoginsByURLAndTimeInternal(
const base::Callback<bool(const GURL&)>& url_filter,
base::Time delete_begin,
base::Time delete_end,
const base::Closure& completion);
void RemoveLoginsCreatedBetweenInternal(base::Time delete_begin,
base::Time delete_end,
const base::Closure& completion);
void RemoveLoginsSyncedBetweenInternal(base::Time delete_begin,
base::Time delete_end);
void RemoveStatisticsByOriginAndTimeInternal(
const base::Callback<bool(const GURL&)>& origin_filter,
base::Time delete_begin,
base::Time delete_end,
const base::Closure& completion);
void DisableAutoSignInForOriginsInternal(
const base::Callback<bool(const GURL&)>& origin_filter,
const base::Closure& completion);
// Finds all logins organization-name-matching |signon_realm| and notifies the
// consumer.
void GetLoginsForSameOrganizationNameImpl(
const std::string& signon_realm,
std::unique_ptr<GetLoginsRequest> request);
// Finds all non-blacklist PasswordForms, and notifies the consumer.
void GetAutofillableLoginsImpl(std::unique_ptr<GetLoginsRequest> request);
// Same as above, but also fills in affiliation and branding information for
// Android credentials.
void GetAutofillableLoginsWithAffiliationAndBrandingInformationImpl(
std::unique_ptr<GetLoginsRequest> request);
// Finds all blacklist PasswordForms, and notifies the consumer.
void GetBlacklistLoginsImpl(std::unique_ptr<GetLoginsRequest> request);
// Same as above, but also fills in affiliation and branding information for
// Android credentials.
void GetBlacklistLoginsWithAffiliationAndBrandingInformationImpl(
std::unique_ptr<GetLoginsRequest> request);
// Find all PasswordForms, fills in affiliation and branding information for
// Android credentials, and notifies the consumer.
void GetAllLoginsWithAffiliationAndBrandingInformationImpl(
std::unique_ptr<GetLoginsRequest> request);
// Notifies |request| about the stats for all sites.
void NotifyAllSiteStats(std::unique_ptr<GetLoginsRequest> request);
// Notifies |request| about the stats for |origin_domain|.
void NotifySiteStats(const GURL& origin_domain,
std::unique_ptr<GetLoginsRequest> request);
// Extended version of GetLoginsImpl that also returns credentials stored for
// the specified affiliated Android applications. That is, it finds all
// PasswordForms with a signon_realm that is either:
// * equal to that of |form|,
// * is a PSL-match to the realm of |form|,
// * is one of those in |additional_android_realms|,
// and takes care of notifying the consumer with the results when done.
void GetLoginsWithAffiliationsImpl(
const FormDigest& form,
std::unique_ptr<GetLoginsRequest> request,
const std::vector<std::string>& additional_android_realms);
// Retrieves and fills in affiliation and branding information for Android
// credentials in |forms|. Called on the main sequence.
void InjectAffiliationAndBrandingInformation(
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<autofill::PasswordForm>> forms,
std::unique_ptr<GetLoginsRequest> request);
// Schedules GetLoginsWithAffiliationsImpl() to be run on the background
// sequence.
void ScheduleGetLoginsWithAffiliations(
const FormDigest& form,
std::unique_ptr<GetLoginsRequest> request,
const std::vector<std::string>& additional_android_realms);
// Retrieves the currently stored form, if any, with the same primary key as
// |form|, that is, with the same signon_realm, origin, username_element,
// username_value and password_element attributes. To be called on the
// background sequence.
std::unique_ptr<autofill::PasswordForm> GetLoginImpl(
const autofill::PasswordForm& primary_key);
// Called when a password is added or updated for an Android application, and
// triggers finding web sites affiliated with the Android application and
// propagating the new password to credentials for those web sites, if any.
// Called on the main sequence.
void FindAndUpdateAffiliatedWebLogins(
const autofill::PasswordForm& added_or_updated_android_form);
// Posts FindAndUpdateAffiliatedWebLogins() to the main sequence. Should be
// called from the background sequence.
void ScheduleFindAndUpdateAffiliatedWebLogins(
const autofill::PasswordForm& added_or_updated_android_form);
// Called when a password is added or updated for an Android application, and
// propagates these changes to credentials stored for |affiliated_web_realms|
// under the same username, if there are any. Called on the background
// sequence.
void UpdateAffiliatedWebLoginsImpl(
const autofill::PasswordForm& updated_android_form,
const std::vector<std::string>& affiliated_web_realms);
// Returns the sync controller delegate for syncing passwords. It must be
// called on the background sequence.
// Schedules UpdateAffiliatedWebLoginsImpl() to run on the background
// sequence. Should be called from the main sequence.
void ScheduleUpdateAffiliatedWebLoginsImpl(
const autofill::PasswordForm& updated_android_form,
const std::vector<std::string>& affiliated_web_realms);
// Deletes object that should be destroyed on the background sequence.
// WARNING: this method can be skipped on shutdown.
void DestroyOnBackgroundSequence();
// TaskRunner for tasks that run on the main sequence (usually the UI thread).
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> main_task_runner_;
// TaskRunner for all the background operations.
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> background_task_runner_;
// The observers.
scoped_refptr<base::ObserverListThreadSafe<Observer>> observers_;
// Either of two below would actually be set based on a feature flag.
std::unique_ptr<PasswordSyncableService> syncable_service_;
std::unique_ptr<PasswordSyncBridge> sync_bridge_;
std::unique_ptr<AffiliatedMatchHelper> affiliated_match_helper_;
// TODO( Fix password reuse detection for Android.
PrefService* prefs_ = nullptr;
// PasswordReuseDetector can be only destroyed on the background sequence. It
// can't be owned by PasswordStore because PasswordStore can be destroyed on
// the UI thread and DestroyOnBackgroundThread isn't guaranteed to be called.
PasswordReuseDetector* reuse_detector_ = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<PasswordStoreSigninNotifier> notifier_;
HashPasswordManager hash_password_manager_;
bool is_propagating_password_changes_to_web_credentials_enabled_;
bool shutdown_called_;
InitStatus init_status_;
// For logging only.
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
const PasswordStore::FormDigest& digest);
} // namespace password_manager